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The Local Skinny! Register For HVRPD Winter Cheerleading, Basketball Camp
The Henderson Vance Recreation and Parks Department has a couple of registrations underway for youth interested in cheerleading and basketball and Director Kendrick Vann said those programs, along with many others, go a long way to encourage young people as they grow, hone their abilities and make new friends. Vann said parents can register online...
The Local Skinny! Showtime At McGregor
Auditions for the upcoming “Showtime at McGregor Hall” will be held this Saturday, Nov. 9 – it’s time to show up and show off those talents and let them shine! Connie Ragland Productions and the nonprofit “Reclaiming Our Youth” are teaming up to sponsor the showcase, a program which Connie Ragland described as similar to...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Vance County Regional Farmers Market is open on Saturdays 8am-1pm. The Vance and Warren County Beekeepers Association will meet November 11, at 7pm at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market. The Handcrafted Holiday Market is coming up at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market...
The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library For November
It’s DiNo-vember at Perry Memorial Library and Youth Services Director Melody Peters said this month’s activities will embrace all things dinosaurs. “We’ve got some great activities,” Peters said – who doesn’t love a good dinosaur? From the ferocious T-Rex and raptors with razor-sharp teeth to the mild-mannered stegosaurus, dinosaurs fuel children’s imaginations. Peters said it’s...
The Local Skinny! Baskerville Community Info Series
The second Tuesday of the month community information series meeting is coming up at Baskerville Funeral Home. Charlie Baskerville, Jr. told WIZS the upcoming presentation titled “Wills and Powers of Attorney” will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the chapel of Baskerville Funeral Home, 104 S. Chestnut St...
Chamber’s “State Of Transportation” Luncheon Program Details Dabney Drive, S-Line Projects
The Dabney Drive facelift from Coble Boulevard to Garnett Street is on the state’s to-do list, with right-of-way acquisitions set to begin in about a year and contracts to be let for bid by summer 2027. It’s among several projects on the 2024-2033 NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Project – STIP – as Division 5 Engineer...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Vance County Regional Farmers Market is open on Saturdays 8am-1pm. Vermiculture and Vermicomposting with Earthworms Workshop taking place on Monday, November 4th, starting at 6:30pm, led by Wayne Rowland. It will be at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market. The Vance and Warren County...
The Local Skinny! Morse Clinic Ribbon Cutting
Vance Recovery’s new 7,000 square-foot facility on West Andrews Avenue was officially welcomed Monday afternoon with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by local business leaders and county and municipal officials. But for now, the clinic will continue to provide services at its 510 Dabney Drive location. Clinic owner Dr. Eric Morse and Program Director John Mattocks...
The Local Skinny! Friday Night Live – “November Noel Edition” Nov. 1
Usher in November with a trip to downtown Henderson Friday evening to join in the fun of Friday Night Live’s “November Noel Edition.” Things get underway Nov. 1 at 6 p.m. and Tracy Mosley, executive director of Helping All People Excel, said the evening will conclude at 9 p.m. But in those three hours, folks...
The Local Skinny! Positive Parenting Program
Parents everywhere can probably remember a time or two when their children created a stressful situation – maybe it was a tantrum on the toy aisle or the nightly shriek of “NO!” at the mention of bedtime or bathtime. What’s a parent to do? Kimiko Williams is the coordinator of Postive Parenting Program –...