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Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Scout your garden at least twice a week for insects and disease Be cautious with weed killers that provide several months of control. They can damage trees and shrubs through root uptake. Check the instructions and stay the recommended distance away. Keep up with...
The Local Skinny! Reading And Tennis Come Together At Perry Memorial Library
Perry Memorial Library is bringing tennis back to the gallery for a fun-filled event that gets kids learning about the sport through reading and exercise. Melody Peters, the library’s youth services director, said a crew from Edmonds Tennis and Education Foundation is taking a second swing at a workshop designed for young people ages 5-18...
The Local Skinny! Keeping Pets Fit And Trim
When it comes to caring for our pets, local veterinarian Dr. Aleksandar Besermenji says the simplest solution is often the best solution when it comes to reducing obesity – portion control and exercise are key components in maintaining dog and cat health. “We do see a lot of animals with issues of extra weight,” Besermenji...
The Local Skinny! Maria Parham Health Remembers Lives Lost In Service To Country
-Information courtesy of Donna Young, MPH Marketing & Communication Coordinator Maria Parham Health invites the public to its third annual Memorial Day Service on Thursday, May 25, 2023. This year’s theme is “Reflection and Celebration.” The service will begin at 10 a.m. by the flagpoles in front of the hospital, where attendees will remember and honor...
Pop The Hood: Maintaining Your Car’s Cooling System
— For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS. Nobody wants to get stuck on the side of the road with an overheated engine. With just a little maintenance – and an abundance of caution – vehicle owners can make sure all is well under the hood. Michael...
TownTalk: Duke RAM Clinic Is This Weekend
The upcoming weekend pop-up medical clinic is as unconventional as its name implies – prospective patients will gather in a school parking lot, get a ticket to assure their place in line to receive free dental, medical and vision care. None of that sounds like the way we traditionally go about getting medical care. And...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Scout your garden at least twice a week for insects and disease When it comes to irrigation, don’t follow a schedule. Timing should be based on soil moisture, temperature, plant performance, etc. Keep up with your weeding. Small weeds are much easier to control...
The Local Skinny! Local Author Katherine Burnette Publishes Poems And Short Story
Local author and N.C. Superior Court Judge the Hon. Katherine Burnette is busy working on her second book, which she estimates is about two-thirds completed. The process of writing an entire work of fiction can be a slow one, Burnette acknowledged. So when she needs a break from writing books, she writes poetry and short...
The Local Skinny! Vance Co. Budget Details
Vance County Commissioners have held a couple of work sessions to discuss the proposed 2023-24 budget and the community will have a chance to chime in during an upcoming June 5 public hearing before commissioners decide whether to adopt it. The details of the roughly $57.5 million budget are contained in a 131-page document presented...
Front Porch Bluegrass Show With Tasker Fleming
Tune in to Tasker Fleming’s Front Porch Bluegrass Show on Sunday evenings on WIZS and you’ll surely find yourself tapping your toes to some familiar songs, featuring fiddles, mandolins and more. But tune in to the program on Sunday, May 21 at 6 p.m. and you may hear some familiar – and local – artists...