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The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library
Perry Memorial Library patrons can check out books, sure, but the library offers a wide range of programs and services, not all of which directly involve reading. Youth Services Director Melody Peters said, for example, that young people can come on each month on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. to learn how to crochet. Yep. Once...
The Local Skinny! Pink With A Passion Fish Fry Fundraiser Is This Saturday
Join Pink With A Passion founder Amena Wilson Saturday, Oct. 14 at a fish plate fundraiser and festival at Warren County Middle School. They’ll be serving plates from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. – eat in or take out – Wilson said. But fish isn’t the only item on the day’s menu, she said. Numerous...
The Local Skinny! VGCC Craft Show Fundraiser Is This Saturday
Information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel The Vance-Granville Community College Foundation is sponsoring a fall craft show fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 14 to help fill the shelves of the school’s food pantry. The community is invited to come out from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The admission “price” per person is...
The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Winterize Your Vehicle
For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS. When the weather cools off, we think about taking steps to winterize our homes and our wardrobes, but what about our vehicles? There are a few key steps car and truck owners can take now to keep those vehicles in...
The Local Skinny! Vance And Granville Benefit From State Budget Appropriations
State employees, current and retired, who live in District 32 join others across the state who will see bumps in salaries and retirement checks, thanks to provisions in the budget most recently approved in Raleigh. In his first months in the N.C. House representing District 32, Frank Sossamon helped secure those provisions, but that’s...
The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show 10-04-23
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Start preparing for leaf collection. Plan to compost your leaves Do Not Burn Them!!!!!! Save seed from coneflower, sunflower, marigold, rudbeckia, cosmos and others. Check cole crops for insects. Ex Loopers, cabbage worms, Harlequin bugs. Store leftover and collected seed in a cool, dry...
The Local Skinny! Watkins Fire Dept. Fires Up The Grill
Watkins Volunteer Fire Department is having is fall barbecued chicken and pork barbecue fundraiser on Friday, Oct. 6. Assistant Fire Chief Brandon Link said he and his fellow Watkins firefighters are preparing now to have plates ready beginning about 11 a.m. Link said their May plate sales went so well that they upped the number...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Cole crops may need top dressing with nitrogen. Start controlling fire ants. Check cole crops for insects. Ex Loopers, cabbage worms, Harlequin bugs. Planting trees and shrubs? Planting depth is everything! Control weeds in the garden. One weed left to seed out can produce...
The Local Skinny! Upcoming Events At Perry Memorial Library
By all accounts, October is going to be busy at Perry Memorial Library. Youth Services Director Melody Peters has outlined several programs designed for tweens and teens that could “spark” an interest – pun intended. Peters said a dozen young people are already registered for the Tuesday, Oct. 10 Electricity program. The hour-long program begins...
TownTalk: Public Safety Expo This Saturday
There will be a lot of action on the lot of the former Boyd auto dealership on U.S. 158 bypass in Henderson as law enforcement agencies from across Henderson and Vance County converge to take part in a Public Safety Expo this coming Saturday, Sept. 30. Vance County Fire Chief Chris Wright said the expo...