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The Local Skinny! Elliott Credits Community Support And Consistency To Vipers’ Success
The Vance County High School football team marched through the 2023-24 season, tackling opponents one after the other and coming out with wins each time. The Vipers hope to build on that 10-0 record later this week in the opening round of the state playoffs. Head Coach Aaron Elliott said he and his staff...
The Local Skinny! Maria Parham, Health Dept. Team Up For $5M In State Funding
The atrium of Maria Parham Health was filled with dozens of county leaders, hospital staff and members from the community Wednesday afternoon to witness a big check presentation by N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon. The oversized check was appropriate, too, because it needed to accommodate a lot of zeroes – the check was written out for...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Keep Leaves off of recently planted grass Continue planting pansies. Clean up your garden. Take up and clean any equipment you won’t use till next spring Make sure sprayers are empty. Compost your leaves this year. They are too valuable to BURN! Clean up...
The Local Skinny! Youth Events At Perry Memorial Library
It was noisy in the library the other day when the youth gathered to learn about electricity – just like Melody Peters had hoped for. Peters, youth services director for Perry Memorial Library, said the electricity workshop was a big hit – in fact, it’s going to pick back up in January and run monthly...
The Local Skinny! Sossamon Details Upcoming Transportation Meeting
Vance County residents are invited to a forum this Thursday evening, Oct. 26, to learn more about local transportation projects – those currently underway and others planned for the future. Always wondered just how the state DOT decides where and how a road gets built or just how to define right of way? Find out...
The Local Skinny! Vance Co. Sheriff’s Office Presents Domestic Violence Awareness Event
The fifth annual “Think Community” event is set for Saturday, Oct. 28 in observance of October as Domestic violence Awareness month. The program will begin at 3 p.m. at Clearview Church, 3485 U.S. Hwy 158 in Henderson. Debbie Scott, domestic violence educator with the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, has planned an afternoon full of inspiration...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Click Play! WIZS Radio · The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show 10-18-23 ...
The Local Skinny! Oakwood Cemetery To Host ‘Sip And Stroll With Souls’
The second annual “Sip and Stroll With Souls” in Louisburg’s historic Oakwood Cemetery promises to shed some light on some of the dearly departed who find their eternal rest there. Dorothy Cooper is one of the event organizers, and she told WIZS’s Bill Harris on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! that the Oct. 29...
The Local Skinny! Duke Remote Area Medical Clinic Update
The Remote Area Medical pop-up clinic that set up shop back in May provided $186,000 in free medical, dental and vision care to people who attended the weekend event. Saajan Patel and Anvi Charvu, both upperclassmen at Duke University, helped to organize the two-day clinic and provided a follow-up report on Thursday’s The Local Skinny!...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Start preparing for season extension. Have your frost protection plan ready! Should you apply lime to your lawn? Clean up your garden. Take up and clean and store your vegetable trellis if vegetables are finished producing on the trellis What should you do about...