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The Local Skinny! Christmas Pop Up Shop To Support Domestic Violence Victims
A local nonprofit organization that assists victims of domestic violence and sexual assault is sponsoring a Christmas Bazaar on Sunday, Dec. 10 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Kearah’s Place, located at 946 W. Andrews Ave., Suite O, is hosting the pop-up fundraiser which includes pictures with Santa, a silent auction and a number of...
The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Vehicle Winterization
THE FOLLOWING IS PART OF A PAID AD AND SPONSORSHIP ON WIZS RADIO It took a little while, but it finally seems like winter weather is upon us. As nighttime temperatures dip below freezing and daytime highs hovering in the 40s and 50s, it may seem an unlikely time to wash your vehicle...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Compost your leaves this year! DO NOT BURN LEAVES Inspect shade trees now that leaves have fallen. Select NC Christmas Trees! Monitor soil moisture on any fall planted trees/shrubs Use greenery from your landscape when decorating this year. Include NC products in your holiday...
The Local Skinny! Maria Parham Health Receives Medicaid Expansion Funds
Maria Parham Health joins more than 100 hospitals in the state’s 70 rural counties to share close to $2.6 billion federal funds that will be used to provide support as the state rolls out Medicaid expansion. Friday, Dec. 1 marks the start date for NC DHHS to launch the Medicaid expansion across North Carolina, meaning...
Vance County Manager Thanks Staff Leadership Team
The new county manager for Vance County, Renee Perry, started November 1, 2023, and on November 20 as a Board of Commissioners work session wrapped up, she gave thanks to county staff and named her leadership team. “I’m coming up on week three, and I just wanted to sing high praises to staff. They’ve been...
The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library
The Perry Memorial Library has a flurry of events planned between Thanksgiving and Christmas, providing lots of interactive activities for the whole family. Youth Services Director Melody Peters invites patrons to take the long way in to the library and enjoy reading a story along the sidewalk outside and lingering among the lovely Festival of...
The Local Skinny! Franklin County Releases Historic Architecture Book
The much-awaited Franklin County architectural history book has been published and is ready for purchase, just in time for Christmas. The books are $60 and feature more than 400 photos and list 800 properties of interest throughout the county. There will be a special book release party at the Louisburg Senior Center, 279 S. Bickett...
The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Warming Your Engine
For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS. The information contained in this post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS. Safety First! Always seek proper help. This is presented for its informational value on and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship. Click Play! WIZS...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Compost your leaves this year! DO NOT BURN LEAVES Do a final cleanup of raised vegetable beds. Remove crops and weeds and apply compost. Cleanup around your fruit trees. Avoid the temptation to purchase fruit trees on impulse. Consider constructing a small greenhouse or...
The Local Skinny! Commissioners Approve Tax Revaluation Schedule
When Vance County residents get those much-anticipated tax bills early next year, just remember one thing: It’s been eight years since the last revaluation, so any increase – and most certainly there will be an increase – has occurred over eight years, not just one. That reminder came from Ryan Vincent of Vincent Valuations, the...