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$57M Dabney Drive Upgrade Chugging Along
Anyone who dropped in during Tuesday’s NCDOT meeting at E.M. Rollins School got a chance to view project maps and speak with transportation officials about just what the $57 million Dabney Drive upgrade is going to look like. From initial conceptual drawings, what it’s going to look like is very different. The proposed upgrades...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. If you have plants in a greenhouse or cold frame, always check the projected high temperature for the day 70F or higher. You will need to ventilate your greenhouse or cold frame. Also have a good thermometer in these structures. Do not over water...
The Local Skinny! Vance County Schools Receive Blue Ribbon Awards
For the fourth year in a row, Vance County Schools has been recognized by a statewide organization for excellence in communications. The district took four Blue Ribbon awards at a recent ceremony of the North Carolina School Public Relations Association, according to information from VCS Chief Communication Officer Aarika Sandlin. Of the 344 awards given...
The Local Skinny! RAM Clinic In Henderson This Weekend
Organizers and participants of this weekend’s Duke RAM pop-up clinic in Henderson are planning to provide medical wellness checkups, as well as dental and vision services – all free of charge. Duke University senior Saajan Patel has invested a good chunk of his time over the past three years to get the Remote Area Medical...
The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Batteries
For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS. If the memories from that elementary school science lesson about how batteries work are a little fuzzy, here’s a recap: batteries store chemical energy that is changed to electric current that is used to do work. When you’re talking flashlights...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. If you have plants in a greenhouse or cold frame, always check the projected high temperature for the day 70F or higher. You will need to ventilate your greenhouse or cold frame. Also have a good thermometer in these structures. Ok to begin pruning...
The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library
Perry Memorial Library is offering up some special treats during February, from classic movies in the history room to chocolate fondue and meeting Henderson’s mayor, Melissa Elliott. During Black History Month, patrons can enjoy watching a curated movie list, said Melody Peters, youth services director. As part of African American and the Arts programs, the...
The Local Skinny! Waters Announces Life Sentence For Oakes
– information courtesy of Vance County District Attorney Mike Waters A Vance County man will spend the rest of his life in prison after a jury found him guilty last week of first-degree murder, according to a press release from the office of District Attorney Mike Waters. On Thursday, Feb. 1, in Vance County Criminal...
The Local Skinny! City Council’s Special Called Meeting
In a special called meeting on Jan. 22, the Henderson City Council heard a couple of rezoning requests and gave the green light to a $6.1 million project to address “major infiltration and inflow issues” at the Sandy Creek Basin. H.G. Reynolds Co., Inc. was the sole bidder for the Sandy Creek Basin project, coming...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Get your equipment ready to start seeds indoors, Grow lights, media, starting trays Ok to begin pruning ornamental trees, but only if they need it (mention CM). Clean and sharpen your pruning equipment Plant blueberries. Consult NCSU recommendations. Check your house plants for disease...