The Local Skinny! Archives
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Vance County Commissioners Approve $57M Budget, 10-Cent Tax Increase
Vance County commissioners approved a 10-cent tax increase and a $57 million budget Monday, June 24 at 4 p.m. The special called meeting lasted about 15 minutes, and adoption of the budget was the first order of business. The budget was approved 4-2, with Board Chair Dan Brummitt and Tommy Hester casting no votes. Commissioner...
Home and Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Wayne Rowland of the Vance Co. Extension Service provides tips for gardeners. Click Play! WIZS Radio · Home And Garden Show 06-19-24 ...
The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Library
Perry Memorial Library’s Youth Services Director Melody Peters took a few minutes Tuesday from tending to last-minute summer reading program details to talk about upcoming events that will be taking place soon at the library. There’s a lot going on at the library, but Peters said she’s especially excited about the summer reading program kickoff...
Fire Departments Could See Additional Funding
The county’s volunteer fire departments stand to gain an additional $30,000 annually as commissioners and County Manager C. Renee Perry hammer out details of the FY 2024-25 budget. Commissioners held a budget work session last week, with sights set on June 24 as a possible date to adopt the $57 million budget. Each department, as...
North Carolina Teacher Retention – NCAE
Teacher pay and a moratorium on private school vouchers are two of the tangible issues that the president of the North Carolina Association of Educators has on her radar. But Tamika Walker-Kelly also is calling on legislators to join her as she and other public school advocates seek to restore a culture of respect for...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Wayne Rowland of the Vance Co. Extension Service provides gardening tips. Click Play! WIZS Radio · Home And Garden Show 06-12-24 ...
The Local Skinny! Elder Abuse Awareness Event Is Friday
Join the Kerr Tar Region K Elder Abuse Conference and Walk on Friday, June 14 in Oxford to learn more about how to help senior adults, get them connected to services and protect them from unscrupulous scammers. Kim Hawkins, regional ombudsman for KTCOG, said the event will be Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m...
City Council Votes To Hike Property Tax Rate To 65 Cents Per $100 Valuation
It was not a unanimous decision, but the Henderson City Council voted to increase the property tax rate per $100 valuation to 65 cents at its Monday meeting, just before adopting the FY 2024-25 budget totaling more than $47 million. In the budget recommended by City Manager Terrell Blackmon on May 13, the tax rate...
The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Understanding Oil Viscosity
For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS. There are many brands of motor oil to choose from, but no matter which brand you choose, there’s one thing they all have in common: a combination of numbers and a letter that describes how thick the oil is –...
Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext. Farmer’s Market now open on Wednesday Keep garden journal updated Harvest vegetables daily Succession planting Squash bugs Check tomatoes for leaf disease Click Play! WIZS Radio · Home And Garden Show 06-05-24 ...