The Local Skinny! Lock Your Car

Lock your car. Push the button. Use the lever. Click the remote. Whatever it takes, remember to lock your car.

Whether it should be called a rash is up for interpretation, but at least one prowler and thief continues to strike in Vance County at night. And this thief and any existing similar thieves are taking things from unlocked cars.

Local law enforcement is well aware, but you need to report any property crimes that you encounter as soon as possible. It is another chance to gather evidence, show a pattern and find the suspect or suspects.

Without being privileged to many details, some enforcement action has already taken place here locally.

The suspect or suspects continue to be brazen however, pulling up in a vehicle, getting out, and stealing from unlocked cars. Video surveillance is available now more than ever as homeowners and property owners have cameras around, recording and uploading the video and audio to cloud storage 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Lock your car. Secure your belongings. What’s being taken so far is what’s easily accessible and is found in an unlocked car. It’s a pain easily avoided if your car is locked.

In one Vance County location several years ago, a thief took change and loose items from unlocked vehicles, leaving behind cell phones, purses and electronics.

In another instance, a thief broke out a small rear window to gain entry to a front seat storage of loose change. The thief re-locked the vehicle after exiting, leaving behind several more valuable items.

There have been times when it was kids and teenagers committing the crimes, and the process was a game of sorts, or even just straight up theft of money to then go make less than straight up purchases. Drugs. Or even just drinks and gasoline from the store.

But the recent spree, which spans several Northern Vance County areas among others, involves obvious adults arriving and departing the crime scenes in a vehicle. And who truly knows exactly what was taken other than the victims?

Trespassing and other larger dangers and consequences could arise as well. It’s not safe.

Fortunately so far in this latest outbreak of thefts, that click or push of the lock mechanism on your continues to be a great deterrent.

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