The Local Skinny! Junior Firefighter Program

Area fire departments and the Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department are teaming up to host a free Junior Firefighter Program for young people while they’re out of school for spring break.

Vance County Fire Chief and Fire Marshal Chris Wright said the three-day program will be a way to help educate youngsters between the ages of 11-15 about fire safety. But they’ll also get the chance to check out those shiny red fire engines and all the equipment and tools that firefighters use.

Wright spoke Thursday with John C. Rose on The Local Skinny! to discuss the program, which was first held in 2019. COVID-19 forced cancellation in 2020 and 2021, but “we’re kicking it back off this year,” Wright said.

Parents must register their child at Aycock Recreation Center by March 27. The program is open to the first 15 participants. The program will take place April 18-20, 2022.

The participants will tour the city and county fire departments, EMS and Rescue Squad. The Henderson Fire Department will provide their smoke trailer and the young people can experience simulated smoke conditions.

They’ll learn the importance of knowing two ways out of their house in case of a fire, as well as having a designated meeting place that all family members know about in case they get separated in a fire emergency.

In addition to safe home evacuations, the participants will learn safety basics of water rescue and removing victims from vehicles in an emergency.

“They’ll have projects to work on through the program,” Wright said, and then they will get the chance to present those projects to city and county officials at a culminating activity at the end of the three-day event.

“The guys here at the fire department love it,” Wright said of their participation in the junior firefighter program.

“It’s a good program that Kendrick (Vann) brought to our attention a few years ago,” Wright said, referring to the HVPRD director.

The junior firefighter program is a way to help draw interest from the younger crowd, which could result in a young person wanting to become a volunteer firefighter or even make it a career.

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