The Local Skinny! John Mattocks – Vance Recovery

John Mattocks, program director at Vance Recovery, told county commissioners the opioid treatment center’s marketing campaign can be a little tough: individuals who are in recovery and beating the addiction odds aren’t usually the ones giving testimonials.

“Our successes are invisible,” Mattocks told commissioners at the Aug. 5 meeting. “All of my failures come with red and blue lights,” he said, referring to involvement with law enforcement and medical personnel.

“We are the gold standard for treatment,” Mattocks said, adding that the 50 percent success rate is “crazy good.”

But Mattocks and his staff at Vance Recovery want to better educate the public about the facility and the programs it offers. Currently operating at its location on Dabney Drive, plans are well underway to move to a state-of-the-art facility at 932 W. Andrews Ave.

“We’re hoping to move by Oct. 1,” Mattocks told WIZS Monday. They’re waiting for one last checkoff from the DEA to make sure the new location is safe and secure for clients and for the community.

As soon as that last inspection is completed, Mattocks said, “we’ll be moving with gangbusters.”

The clinic is moving because it needs more space to provide treatment to clients, he said, adding that Vance Recovery is the only opioid treatment program in the area. They work with other agencies, like Rural Health Group, and Vision Behavioral Health to help connect services to the people who need them.

Vance Recovery is a for-profit business, and just one of numerous clinics owned by Dr. Eric Morse, a nationally acclaimed leader in the field of opioid treatment and recovery programs.

“Every day we are fighting the twin epidemics of opioid use and opioid overdose and death,” he said.

One of the goals is to avoid emergency room visits and legal interventions for people who are in crisis, he said.

He said that without the diversion services that RHA provides, he knows there would be individuals who would have had to be sent to an emergency room for help.

“Right now, it’s a real blessing to our community” to have RHA, he said.

Visit https://www.morseclinics.com/locations/vance-recovery to learn more.

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