The Local Skinny! Infinite Possibilities

In observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Infinite Possibilities is hosting a candlelight vigil Thursday in Warrenton to remember victims and survivors.

The statistics are sobering: in the United States, a person suffers domestic violence every 73 seconds and 1 in 6 women has been sexually assaulted or has been the victim of an attempted sexual assault.

Vanessa Henderson serves as an advocate at Infinite Possibilities, which serves Vance and Warren counties.

Henderson and others provide people with a safe place to discuss their situations and what they need to do to get out of danger.

The candlelight vigil will begin Thursday, Oct. 3 at 5:30 p.m. at the Warren County Courthouse square, Henderson said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

“Every year we remember and honor the victims and survivors of domestic violence,” she said. Following remarks from community leaders including the mayor and sheriff, Henderson said participants will light candles and observe a moment of silence for those who have died at the hands of domestic violence or are survivors.

This year, Henderson estimates that her office in Warrenton and the Vance County location has helped close to 300 clients – that’s almost one person a day. And she hears from others in the community about how grateful they are for the services – and hope – that Infinite Possibiities provides.

The services are free and confidential and include everything from helping clients understand the court process to obtain protective orders and “no contact” orders to developing a safety plan to safely leave a violent situation.

“The most dangerous time for someone in a domestic violence situation is the time when they’re leaving,” Henderson said. “We do safety planning to help them leave safely.”

In addition to helping clients arrange getting to a safe place or shelter, Infinite Possibilities also offers assessments and counseling when clients are ready to leave an abusive situation.

“We are here to help them, in a safe environment,” she said.

Call the Henderson office at 252.431.1926 or the Warrenton office at 252.257.1044.

Call the crisis hotline 24/7 at 252-425-2492.




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