The Local Skinny! Community Listening Event Analysis from Jayden Watkins

Among the more than 175 folks who came to Monday’s “Breaking the Cycle” community listening session sponsored by the Pathways to Peace Coalition for Vance County was Jayden Watkins.

Watkins wears a lot of hats – he’s an author, a pastor, an entrepreneur, a leader of the Empowered youth group, among other things.

His comments during that listening session, however, came from his unique perspective as a teenager. Watkins, 16, said it’s important that teenagers’ voices be heard in discussions like this one, where the talk centered around how to combat growing violence in the community.

Another hat Watkins wears – mostly when he’s on a break from school – is that of part-time employee at WIZS Radio. And he spoke Thursday about the listening session held earlier in the week and possible outcomes that could result from so many people coming out to talk and listen to one another.

“It was important to me that my perspective as a teenager was heard,” Watkins said on Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny! Despite the fact that some teens are indeed involved in the senseless violence present in Vance County and elsewhere, Watkins said it’s not all teens. “Not all teenagers are lost or headed down a negative path—many are looking for ways to grow, lead, and contribute positively to society,” he said.

His youth mentorship organization, Empowered, has quickly grown from about 40 to more than 120 active members. They have “meet-ups” and talk about real stuff, Watkins said – mental health, trauma brought on by violence and more.

These teens are not “out on the street causing nonsense,” Watkins said. They’re in a safe space inspiring each other to grow stronger – empowering each other to make a difference.

Call Watkins at 252.425.0354 to sign up for Empowered or to make a donation to the nonprofit organization.

And while he sees the value in talking about the challenges this community faces, talking and listening alone aren’t going to solve the problems. “It’s equally important that we take action to bring those changes to life,” Watkins said. Change begins with action, he said.

Part of the change can come by making this a normal conversation, not just a group of people coming together for a couple of hours on one day and then having the community talk about it for a week before enthusiasm wanes.

Watkins called for adults – especially those in leadership roles who can implement policies and create roadmaps for change – to be consistent advocates.

“One person can start a movement,” he said, “but for a movement to grow, there has to be collective unity.”

And sometimes, just sometimes, it’s teenagers themselves who can come up with solutions. Watkins said, however, that “we aren’t recognized or our cry is not being heard” when grownups are talking about how to fix problems or address challenges that affect young people.

Involving youth in the discussions and decision-making can create possible solutions that may just work.

“I pray that those who attended the session don’t just walk away from the conversation with complaints or ideas of what needs to change,” Watkins wrote in remarks he prepared in advance of the radio program. He shared those remarks and we include some of them here:

“I hope we, as a city, will unite and take real action to spark…change. Progress will only happen if we work together to break down the limiting beliefs that hold us back. It all starts with changing our mindset.”

He said he encourages teens to stay in Henderson and be one of the changemakers the city needs. “We have the power to make a difference, but it starts with us—and with you,” he wrote.

“I encourage the adults in our community not to dismiss the dreams and visions of youth like me. Instead, do everything in your power to uplift and support us. If you hold a position of leadership, seek out a young person to mentor. Teach them not only how to lead, but how to lead better than you. If we don’t invest in us, Henderson will remain stagnant.”


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