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Home and Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Vance County Regional Farmers Market
  • Regional Small Farms Bootcamp Workshop
  • Protection from Fire Ants
  • Protection from Crows
  • Lawnmower Safety

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TownTalk: The Salvation Army’s Maj. Beth Mallard

The Henderson Salvation Army’s new leader, Maj. Beth Mallard, is taking stock of the current programs offered to local residents and to those who live in all five of the counties served by the Ross Mill Road facility.

Mallard likes what she sees, and yet she sees more in her vision. It’s all about stewardship – taking care of what’s already here and putting plans in place to make the best use of available facilities.

Mallard comes to Henderson from Winston-Salem, and she said both locations have similarities that have proven helpful to her: Winston’s Salvation Army also serves five counties, so operating within a large geographical footprint is not a daunting task; it also has a large food distribution program. Mallard said the Henderson Salvation Army has already tripled its food volume since last year. There also was a vibrant senior adult program, which she also sees in the local Ageless Wonders program on Tuesdays for senior adults as well as for mentally challenged individuals.

Things are growing at the Salvation Army, she said, so she’s taken a bit of time to see what’s needed and planning for ways to adapt to the needs of the community.

When the Ross Mill Road facility was being designed, there was a vision to use the property for recreation, and Mallard said those plans are taking shape.

“One of the visions was to have these beautiful fields (become) soccer fields in the back of the building,” she said on Tuesday’s segment of TownTalk.

The money’s not there yet, but until it is, the fields have been mowed and some goals have been moved in, so the hope is that the Boys & Girls Club members can use them this fall.

Proper construction and field preparation can come later, but in the meantime, the field can be used.


A Biblical definition of stewardship involves managing all resources that God provides for the betterment of His creation. Food is one of those resources, and Mallard said the food distribution program is one way to help those in the community provide for themselves and for their families.

“There’s been an uptick in people needing food,” Mallard said. So the Salvation Army stepped up its food distribution program, but it’s something to continue to work on and improve in the coming years.

Right now, Social Services Director Gina Eaves is the sole box packer, and Mallard said she’d welcome additional volunteers to come help fill boxes with canned foods, shelf-stable items and frozen meats.

If you need food, please stop by the Salvation Army location on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you have ID, that’s fine, but if you don’t, you won’t be turned away.


Mallard and her team also are managing the Salvation Army’s resources in what is sure to have a win-win outcome. This Saturday, Aug. 17, there will be a big sale at the site of the former family store located at 222 W. Montgomery St. “There’s a lot of good pieces down there,” she said.

From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., they’ll be making cash and carry deals to empty the former store of amazing finds, old and new.

“No offer will be refused to help clear the building out,” Mallard said. “I have plans.” Not only will it be used for warehouse space, but she wants to use it as a distribution site at Christmas.

Visit https://southernusa.salvationarmy.org/henderson-nc/ to learn more about the programs and services of Henderson’s Salvation Army, located at 2292 Ross Mill Rd.




The Local Skinny! H-V Chamber Challenge Golf Tournament Oct. 8

The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce golf tournament is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 8, promising an afternoon of fun and fellowship as teams make their way through the links at Henderson Country Club.

Chamber President Sandra Wilkerson said she’s looking for at least 24 four-member teams to take part, so business and industry leaders, that’s your cue to get those teams formed and registered!

And the Chamber is accepting sponsorships, too – there are many different levels to choose from and lots of opportunities to have your business name and logo displayed throughout the event.

“It’s a great way to market your business – it’s a great marketing tool,” Wilkerson said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny!

Margier White and State Farm are this year’s presenting sponsor, and Wilkerson invites others to join White by becoming a sponsor at a variety of other levels.

This marks the 26th golf tournament sponsored by the Chamber, which Wilkerson said alternates between HCC and Kerr Lake Country Club.

“It’s a fun day,” she said. Teams tee off in the afternoon, so there’s plenty of time to get in some work in the morning before reassembling the team on the golf course – all for a good cause.

The Chamber enjoys a membership of more than 300 members, and Wilkerson said she feels fortunate that new members come on board all year long. She and fellow Chamber staff offer a variety of classes and other types of engagement sessions to accommodate all members.

Call the Chamber at 252.438.8414 or email Wilkerson at sandra@hendersonvance.org to learn more about becoming a golf tournament sponsor or to register a team.




Cooperative Extension With Michael Ellington: Farmers Market Week

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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The Local Skinny! Geranium Lane Bridge Wash Out

When it rains, it pours. And in the case of last week’s local soaking thanks to Tropical Storm Debby, sometimes part of your road washes away.

That’s just what happened on Geranium Lane in Kittrell, but quick thinking and some creative problem-solving helped the eight or 10 households regain access to their road, which is the only way in or out of their neighborhood.

Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame told WIZS that the families would have been stranded, had it not been for first responders that included members of the Kittrell Volunteer Fire Department and Chief David Woodlief.

They, along with Fogg’s Towing and J & J Logging, helped place a temporary bridge over the portion of the road that was washed away Thursday as Tropical Storm Debby made her way north across the state, spawning tornadoes in nearby Franklin County and keeping many Vance County residents concerned as the rain continued to soak the area all day.

Logging companies place temporary bridges to help their heavy equipment on and off property that is being logged. Now one of those structures is in place to allow families along Geranium Lane to get to and from their homes.


The Local Skinny! Airs on WIZS Mon-Thurs at 11:30 a.m.

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TownTalk: Phil Lakernick On Ballet Arts

Ballet Arts has provided dance classes in Henderson for more than three decades, but don’t let the name fool you – students have a wide assortment of dance genres to choose from, from classics like ballet and tap to hiphop and even acrobatics.

“Ballet is the foundation of all dancing,” said Phil Lakernick, whose daughter Alecia had the vision for a dance studio way back in 1991.

Dance in general, and ballet in particular, helps students learn discipline as they learn the finer points of the art. For many students, dance is a pastime, a way to stay active and have fun. But that self-discipline? That’s a valuable asset that serves young dancers long after they’ve left the studios at Ballet Arts.

Lakernick said more than 7,000 students have come to learn about and practice various forms of dance in the studio’s downtown Henderson location.

There are four studios located in the historic three-story building, which probably sees 1,000 or so students over the course of a week. Ballet Arts offers more than 100 classes each week, so parents and their children have choices that best accommodate their schedules.

Most classes meet once a week, which is manageable for busy families who face logistical challenges with work, sports, school and more.

The kids who come in for weekly classes are considered “recreational” students, he explained. The students who make “company” are the ones that may have more rehearsals during the week.

Last year’s company won a spot at an international dance competition in New York City, where they placed seventh in the category of production performances. Seventh. In the world.

After performing a production number at a Durham competition earlier in 2023, the dance group earned a “golden ticket” from among close to 300 acts to gain admission to the international competition in July 2023.

The dance groups also compete at several of the events hosted at McGregor Hall throughout the year, Lakernick said. Having such top-notch venue so close by is a huge plus, he added.

“McGregor Hall is fantastic,” he said, adding that he was on the original design committee when the performing arts venue was just an idea on paper.

“Having McGregor Hall here is phenomenal,” he continued, because it gives young people a wonderful opportunity to perform in environs that professionals enjoy.

These days, Lakernick is the studio’s general manager, which includes everything from promoter to janitor and security guard.

But one of his favorite tasks has to be walking down the hallway lined with pictures of former students over the years. There’s not room for 7,000, but every now and then, LaKernick has occasion to recall some of those young people.

Ten or 15 years ago, he said, one student had said it was her goal to become a doctor. She was a hard worker in dance class, he recalled, and a few years ago, she came back to Ballet Arts to say thank you.

She’s an OB-GYN now, he said. But his daughter Alecia was puzzled about the reason for the thank you, so many years later.

“I want to give you some credit,” Lakernick said she told his daughter. It was the discipline she had learned through dance that kept her in the library instead of going out with friends, and the hours spent practicing her art that helped her achieve her goal.

Register for fall classes at Ballet Arts by visiting https://www.balletartsnc.com/ or phone 252.432.9308.


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Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Wildlife Habitat

Cooperative Extension

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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