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The Local Skinny March 29; Tracy Madigan New HVDDC Dir

Tracy Madigan, presently the manager of the Vance County Regional Farmers Market, has accepted a new position effective April 1. She will be the new director of the Henderson-Vance County Downtown Development Commission (DDC). Madigan confirmed the move in a text late last week saying, “I accepted the position as DDD. I have agreed to continue running the market through May — it’s only open on Saturdays — or until they hire a replacement, whichever comes first. Very hard decision; I love our farmers market!”

City Manager Terrell Blackmon confirmed the hire last week while discussing the passing of Dr. Stephen Pearson, who died Thursday at the age of 57. Pearson was at the time of his death the chairman of the DDC board of directors. Blackmon said, “She will be a City employee beginning April 1, 2021. She will be the City’s Downtown Development Director. … She will manage the City’s Main Street Program. She is replacing our previous Director Kathy Walters.”

Blackmon said one of Pearson’s “last acts as DDC Chair in recent weeks was serving on the interview panel for the hiring of the City’s new Downtown Director Tracy Madigan. His passion for Downtown Henderson was unmatched and he will truly be missed by the Henderson community.”

Paul McKenzie, agricultural area agent with Vance County Cooperative extension and immediate supervisor to Madigan, said, “We are incredibly grateful for everything Tracy has done for the market. She is a big part of the reason that the market is as successful as it’s been. Her dedication, her disposition, her demeanor, her professionalism, her creativity, I mean the list goes on and on and on. I mean, she’s the face of the market. We’re very very thrilled that she’s got this new position that she’s clearly very excited about and where she’ll be able to continue making a great contribution that uses her talents to the community.”

According to what Blackmon said, it’s the private industry experience, managing the farmers market and knowledge of the Henderson community that make Madigan a great fit for downtown. He said those are big pluses. “Farmers are also entrepreneurs/small business owners, therefore Tracy already has considerable knowledge in the marketing, retention and expansion of small businesses,” Blackmon said.

McKenzie said, “In a way, we haven’t even lost her because she’s still going to be a champion of the community and a champion of the farmers market.”

He said he was confident of finding a new manager to build on the past and present successes of the market. McKenzie felt like a smooth transition would be forthcoming.

Others are ready to help with a smooth transition for Madigan as well. “The NC Main Street program staff are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to assist with any additional training and technical assistance that Tracy will need to perform her job to the best of her ability,” Blackmon said.

He said, “When recruiting for the position, I certainly leaned on the Chamber Commerce along with other groups and individuals in the community to assist the City with identifying viable candidates to fill the position. There was some interest outside of Henderson, but most of our candidates were local, as well as, our finalists.”

The Local Skinny March 25; Jamie Elliott, Grace Ministries – Easter Eggs and BBQ!

Grace Ministries invites the community to an Easter egg hunt and a free barbecue lunch on Saturday, April 3.

Jamie Elliott said he expects to serve up 500 pounds of barbecue during this free event, which will be from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Elliott spoke with John C. Rose on The Local Skinny Thursday to discuss the event, as well as other services that Grace Ministries offers.

Elliott said the egg hunt will follow the lunch, and there will be other games and activities for children. Anyone interested in donating either colorful, plastic eggs or candies to put in them are encouraged to do so. He needs the eggs and candy by April 1; desserts are also needed for the lunch, he said. These items can be dropped off at Grace Ministries, located at 961 Burr St., Henderson.

Grace Ministries is offering an after-school program for students, he said. Grace Kids operates on Mondays from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. he said. Students from 6-18 years are welcome. In addition to homework help, the program provides participants with meals, Bible Study, crafts and outdoor activities.

Elliott said a Tuesday evening program for adults facing addiction problems is another service Grace Ministries provides to the community. The program is from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The vision of Grace Ministries, according to the website, is “to have a positive impact on lives in Vance, Franklin, Granville and Warren counties, with the gospel of Jesus Christ…to reach as many who are willing to change their lives and turn away from addictions of any kind and the destructive lifestyles that come from addictions.”

Contact Elliott at 252.204.3617 for more information. Visit graceofhenderson.org to learn more.

The Local Skinny! Broadcast 3-25-21 with Jamie Elliott


TownTalk 03-29-21; Pastor Frank Sossamon Retiring from SHPHC

The Rev. Frank Sossamon knows precisely where he was on the last Sunday of June, 1985. He was preaching his first sermon as pastor of South Henderson Pentecostal Holiness Church. This Sunday – Easter Sunday – he will preach his final sermon as senior pastor to a congregation he has served for almost 36 years.

He may be retiring from the pulpit, but Sossamon is not planning on slowing down any time soon. He reflected on his tenure at South Henderson on Town Talk Monday, and talked with John C. Rose about his plans for the future.

His son John F. Sossamon II runs Sossamon Funeral Home in Henderson and Sossamon said he looked forward to working more with the funeral home, providing services to help families grieving the loss of a loved one, “not just at the time, but throughout the duration of their difficulty,” he said.

Being able to work with his son will be very rewarding, Sossamon said. He said he would be available to offer grief counseling through the funeral home services. “We’re not just in the business of burying the dead,” he said, adding that he wants families to know that they will be supported before, during and after a loved one has died.  “We want to help you through your time of grief and sorrow…help you through a hard and tough situation.”

He and his wife, Vickie, also plan to do some traveling and it was important to him to be able to retire in good health to be able to travel. He’ll be 67 in October, which he admits is “not old, but it’s still retirement age.” He said he’s seen others keep pushing back retirement dates over and over and then not be healthy enough to enjoy their time once they are retired.

Sossamon said it’s also healthy for the church to have new leadership. “It’s a good time…to have a change of leadership after almost 36 years,” he said, “someone else to create vision and direction and move the church to even a higher level of ministry and productivity in the community.”

A new pastor certainly will have big shoes to fill. Sossamon said there already is a pastoral search committee in place to work with the church conference to receive and review resumes of prospective pastors. This committee will interview candidates, then select one to preach a trial sermon, after which the candidate will be introduced to the congregation.

Then comes a vote to determine whether to call the candidate as the new pastor.

Sossamon spent eight years as a pastor in Marion, NC before he came to Henderson. Since his arrival, he has been involved in local activities and the church has presented musical programs which proved to be very popular in the larger community. He said he would be happy to keep a relationship with the church and its new pastor to be engaged and involved however he’s asked.

He said he may always be seen first as a pastor, and that’s ok. “I want to be Frank Sossamon all the time,” he said. He may encounter someone in the grocery store who needs to discuss an issue with him, he said. “I really cannot fully get away from being a pastor and I don’t mind talking to individuals during those times.”

One very rewarding aspect of being a pastor at one church for so long is seeing youngsters grow and develop in their faith and ultimately assume leadership roles in the church, Sossamon said.

The congregation celebrated Sossamon on Sunday during the morning service and again in the evening in a show of appreciation. He said he was glad to be the preacher at Sunday’s service. Easter Sunday “is such a monumental Sunday at the church – at all Christian churches,” Sossaman explained. This year, however, the first Sunday in April will be remembered not only as Easter Sunday, but also the day Sossamon delivered his “farewell” sermon.

TownTalk with Frank Sossamon Broadcast Audio


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SportsTalk 03-26-21 Joe Sharrow, Vance Co. High School

It’s Friday in the middle of football season so most schools will be taking the field this evening but not Vance County. The Viper’s scheduled game against the Northern Durham Knights was cancelled at the beginning of the week due to Covid 19 protocols meaning the Vipers won’t return to the field until April 5th when they will finally get to tangle with Northern Durham.  According to Vance County High School athletic director Joe Sharrow juggling the schedule was the only way to get the Northern Durham game back.  “We really didn’t want to lose the game with Northern Durham,” Sharrow said.  Even though Northern Durham and Vance County will be in different conferences next year, the Knights will be part of the Viper’s schedule for the next two years.

The Knights will remain under quarantine until April 1st when they resume practice and will play the Vipers on Monday, April 5th, 6:30pm at Vance Co. High School.  In order to accomodate the Northern Durham game the Vipers would originally have had to play three games in eight days as Northwood would have taken on the Vipers on April 2nd but “three games in eight days was too much,” according to Sharrow. “We’re pretty beat up right now,” Sharrow added. Sharrow said that one of the games on the schedule would have to go if they wanted to play Northern Durham.  Sharrow and Coach Hunter Jenks were not in favor of cancelling the Cedar Ridge game scheduled for April 9th. Cedar Ridge is coached by former Northern Vance coach Corey Lee and Vance County has a good relationship with the school so that meant the Northwood game would have to go.  However, Sharrow helped Northwood find another school to play, Panther Creek High School in Cary. Even though Vance County gets to keep the game with Northern Durham it does mean that the team will play one less game than intended.

At 0-3 with two games left on the schedule, Sharrow said that getting into the state playoff would require some help and that it is a long shot. The school would have to receive an at-large bid and that means the improving Vipers would certainly have to win out the rest of the season and then get the help Sharrow discussed. Sharrow says, “The primary focus is finishing up with Northern Durham and Cedar Ridge, to stay healthy and let our seniors play out the year.”

As far as athletics in general at Vance County High School, “I am ecstatic about the Vance County High School Athletics programs,” Sharrow said.  Sharrow pointed to the really good numbers with the girl’s softball team and recent wins with that program along with strong numbers for the girl’s soccer team. Where many teams have had trouble finding players to field teams it hasn’t been much of an issue for Vance County. This is likely due to the fact that Vance County High School is the only school in the state conducting Covid 19 tests every week.

Once again, Vance County High School’s next game will be on Monday, April 5th against the Northern Durham Knights, 6:30pm, at Vance County High School.  Tune into WIZS for full play by play coverage of that contest.

For complete details and audio click play.


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TownTalk 03-25-21 Covid Vaccinations For First Responders

Thank you for listening to WIZS Radio, Your Community Voice!

Continued discussion about covid vaccine availability to first responders such as EMS, Fire, Police, Deputies and Highway Patrol.

TownTalk Broadcast for 3-25-21.