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The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for July 13th, 2021. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email christa@hendersonvance.org to be included.


Medical Careers Readiness of North Carolina

Jobs Available: Pharmacy Technician Instructors – Associate’s Degree and some experience is required

Contact Person: NaOnnie Lee

Method of Contact: for inquires call 252-598-2020


Henderson YMCA

Jobs Available:  Nursery Staff and Bus Drivers – Benefits include free YMCA membership

Method of Contact:   Apply online at www.hendersonymca.org


Pizza Inn of Henderson

Contact Person: Manager Randy Poythress

Method of Contact:  Stop by 1250 Coble Blvd. to apply


Bojangles is hiring for both locations in Henderson

Jobs Available: Management Trainees and crew members. Must be 18 years or older to apply

Method of Contact:  apply online at bojanglesrdu.com or stop by locations on Dabney Drive and East Andrews Ave.


State Employees Credit Union

Jobs Available:  Financial Services Representatives

Method of Contact: Apply online at henderson@ncsecu.org or stop by their location at 1795 Graham Ave. in Henderson


Vance County Public Schools

Jobs Available: Licensure Specialist, Electrician and Human Resources Generalist

Method of Contact: You can apply at Administrative Office on 1724 Graham Ave. in Henderson or go to www.vcs.k12.nc.us to apply online


Hollander Sleep Products

Jobs Available: Logistics Coordinator

Method of Contact: You can apply through NC Works at 857 S. Beckford Drive in Henderson


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.

Hot Sauce Festival Seeking Volunteers

Are you ready for the heat? Volunteers are needed for the 15th Annual Hot Sauce Contest and Festival that will take place in downtown Oxford Saturday, September 11th from 11am until 5pm. If you are interested in volunteering for the Hot Sauce Contest and Festival or for other city or Department of Economic Development Commission events contact Alyssa Blair at 919-603-1102 or Rebekah Guiterrez-Olivares at 919-603-1101. Free T-shirts will be given to volunteers.  The festival features barbecue & hot sauces and locally crafted products along with food trucks, selected crafted brews, unique sounds from local bands, a pepper eating contest, classic car show, and attendees can cheer for their favorite sauce to win a 2021 medal naming best sauces.

The festival attracts thousands of visitors each year, this is sure to be one Smokin’ Hot event.

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Catalytic Converter Theft on the Rise in Vance County

According to information posted on the Vance County Sheriff Office Facebook page, catalytic converter thefts are on the rise in the county. The sherriff’s office is currently working on this issue and have made some arrests. The sheriff’s office advises citizens to be aware of their property and their neighbor’s property especially at night. The office also advises that barking dogs could be an indicator that something isn’t right or that something is happening.  Catalytic converter theft isn’t just a Vance County problem as this has been happening across the United States. Catalytic converters contain precious metals like platinum, rhodium, and palladium which can be resold to scrap yards. Trucks and SUV’s are suseptible to the theft of catalytic converters because they normally don’t set low to the ground. If you suspect that your vehicle has been targeted contact the Vance County Sheriff’s Office or Henderson Police Department.

Local News Audio

Children’s Community Day Planned for July 24th

The Vance County Cooperative Extension Service is hosting a free community children’s day on Saturday, July 24th from 10am until 1pm at 305 Young St. in Henderson. The event will include fun interactive activities for children and informational vendors from community agencies such as Franklin-Granville-Vance Smart Start Inc., Vance County 4-H Club, Gang Free, Inc., Circle of Parents, The Henderson-Vance Parks and Recreation Dept., YMCA and the Vance Co. School System. A mobile until will be on site for Covid 19 vaccinations and food trucks will be available. Community members interested in being a vendor or donor should call (252)-438-8188 for more information.

Franklin County Horse Farm Tour Celebrates 25th Year

The 25th annual Franklin County Horse Farm Tour is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 6, 2021. This event has something for everyone interested in the local horse industry, whether you are looking for ideas to construct your own facility or you want to see what other types of equine operations are in the area.

The tour is from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and includes stops at three barns in the area as well as a catered lunch, according to information from organizer Martha Mobley, Franklin County agriculture extension agent. Mobley and the local horse advisory committee work hard each year to showcase all types of horse facilities, from large show barns to backyard horseowners.

This year’s stops include Hidden Pond Farm in Youngsville, Two Grey Farm in Franklinton and LT Stables near Zebulon.

In addition to touring the facilities, each stop will have a featured speaker who will discuss topics ranging from hoof care to county zoning, pasture maintenance to fire ant control.

The tour will begin with check-in at the Franklin County Cooperative Extension Center, 103 S. Bickett Blvd. in Louisburg and will end with lunch at Old Mule Hay & Feed Facility in Zebulon. The tour is free, but registration is required.

To register online, visit https://franklin.ces.ncsu.edu/ or phone the extension office at 919.496.3344.

For complete details and audio click play.


Town Talk: Carolina Weight Loss Centers Support Clients As They Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Lose Pounds

There is no secret to weight loss – it’s a simple matter of consuming fewer calories than your body burns. But if the answer is as simple as that, why is it so darned difficult to do?

Diane Varnadore, a nurse practitioner and director of Carolina Weight Loss in Henderson, said her medically assisted weight loss program takes a holistic approach that can help clients achieve their goals, with some added benefits, to boot.

“Most people cannot lose weight unless they have someone to help and guide them,” Varnadore said, adding that her center offers clients access to professionals who are passionate and dedicated to that mission makes a big difference.

Carolina Weight Loss centers offer ways to make lifestyle changes – “this is not a crash diet – it’s not a fad diet,” she said.

There are now 10 Carolina Weight Loss offices – the closest ones are here in Henderson, with centers in Oxford and Warrenton, too, Varnadore told John C. Rose on Monday’s Town Talk program.

The initial consultation fee is $100, and medical professionals create a meal and activity plan based on information about family history, medications and lifestyle. The low-fat, low-calorie meal plan has added benefits of lowering cholesterol, and can also help lower blood pressure and blood sugar, Varnadore said. Clients who join for  $100 a month come in weekly for check-ins and other services that the center provides.

“The biggest thing is to get the patient on board with the diet and then we see them weekly,” she said. “Ideally, everyone wants to see their weight go down,” but increased exercise builds muscle, which weighs more than fat. Carolina Weight Loss uses a method not always used in weight-loss offices that provides feedback to the client about their progress. The feedback helps keep clients motivated. “Also, just seeing a medical professional weekly to encourage them to follow up…is very effective,” she said.

Obesity is a medical diagnosis, and Varnadore reminds that weighing too much can put people at higher risk for other serious illnesses including some types of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Losing weight is “something you have to do for yourself,” she said. “It’s a medical necessity to reduce your co-morbidity with these other diagnoses.”

Carolina Weight Loss offers shots of B-12 and other all-natural products used to suppress appetite and decrease the fat content in the body. Some of those weight-loss medications can also lower blood sugar, she added.

“It’s really been exciting,” Varnadore said of the success of the business and opening additional locations, as far away as Rocky Mount and Goldsboro. “Most of our patients are referred by another patient,” she said. “They already know someone who’s had excellent results – they’ve heard about, they’ve seen it first-hand.”

Other services the centers offer include types of body sculpting procedures – one is called Ultra Shape, which uses ultrasonic wave to permanently destroy fat cells. A second is called Bella Shape, which is a body contouring process. It costs about $500 for three sessions. Both are non-invasive procedures; Varnadore said these are for people who have already lost weight but may want a little help to address particular areas where stubborn fat remains.

The Henderson office is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. Thursday visits are by appointment only – that is usually the day for new patient consults, which can take up to an hour to complete. The centers take physican referrals, but do not file insurance. Varnadore said clients can pay with a health savings account card.

To learn more, call 252.430.4375.

(This is not a paid ad. This is not medical advice.)

For complete details and audio click play.


Stephen Horton of Oxford to serve as commissioner of NC State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision

Gov. Roy Cooper appointed Stephen Horton of Oxford to serve as the commissioner of the North Carolina State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision. The Appointment became effective June 17.

Horton is the deputy compact administrator for the Interstate Compact for Juveniles at the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice.

Horton and other state and territory commissioners serve on The Interstate Commission for Juveniles, the governing body of the Interstate Compact for Juveniles. Commission members include representatives from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the US Virgin Islands, who work together to preserve child welfare and promote public safety.

The Interstate Compact for Juveniles (ICJ) is the law that regulates the interstate movement of juveniles who are under court supervision or have run away to another state. The ICJ is a contract that has been adopted as law throughout the United States. The Commission is responsible for promoting and enforcing rules to implement the ICJ.

Horton also serves on the ICJ Rules Committee, which provides oversight and guidance regarding proposed rule amendments throughout the ICJ rule-making process.

Horton began working in Court Services District 24, which includes Avery, Madison, Mitchell, Watauga and Yancey counties, in April 1999. He’s worked in various positions during his 22 years with Juvenile Justice, including court counselor, court counselor supervisor, and staff development specialist. In May 2014, he began serving as the deputy compact administrator for Interstate Compact for North Carolina.

Horton graduated from Appalachian State University in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.

City of Henderson Logo

Henderson City Council to Meet Monday

The Henderson City Council will hold its regular meeting Monday night at 6pm. Items on the agenda include: Amending city code, Chapter 26 Zoning ordinance/subdivision ordinance to comply with North Carolina general Statutes; Authorizing demolition and removal of structures at 832 Champion St., 1022 Maple St. and 553 Spring St., for failure to comply with minimum housing code; Ratifying the submission of a grant application to the bureau of justice assistance for a body-worn camera system; Submission of an application to the U.S. Dept. of Justice, Justice assistance bureau 2020 Justice Assistance Grant to fund Three Watch Guard In Car Video Camera Systems. The City Council meets at the Municipal Building in the Council Chambers, 134 Rose Ave.