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Home And Garden Show 12-22-21

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Review your garden journal,what went well, and not well, most important what did you learn?
  • What if you missed fescue fertilization in late November?
  • Check holiday plants for moisture.
  • What if you haven’t planted your pansies?
  • Inventory your seed before ordering more seed.
  • Prepare, clean and organize seed starting supplies
  • Build a small greenhouse or cold frame to raise your own transplants for 2022
  • Research fruit cultivars before planting.
  • Check water under your christmas tree each day


TownTalk: Henderson Fire Dept. Puts The Boot In For Maria Parham’s Angel Fund

It is generally not recommended for pedestrians to walk out in the middle of traffic for any reason – especially Dabney Drive. But when firefighters do it, with their boots in their hands instead of on their feet, rest assured it’s for a good cause.

And on Tuesday, Henderson Fire Chief Steve Cordell presented the result of the 2021 fundraiser to the staff at Maria Parham Health’s Cancer Center – a check for $25,000. WIZS’s Trey Snide was on hand Tuesday for the check presentation and John C. Rose shared highlights on Wednesday’s Town Talk.

“It’s a great honor for us to be here with you today to present you with another donation from the wonderful residents of the city of Henderson and Vance County and the visitors that come down Dabney Drive,” Cordell said during the presentation ceremony.

He recounted that the first fundraiser to support the cancer center’s “angel fund” was back in 2014. Through t-shirt sales to fight breast cancer, the fire department was able to raise about $3,400 for the oncology department.

Since then, the annual fundraiser – except for last year when it was cancelled because of the pandemic – has netted more than $77,000.

This year’s total of $25,000 almost doubles the combined efforts of previous fundraisers, and Cordell credits the generosity of the community and the willingness of all three shifts of firefighters with this year’s success.

“This year’s total – I was blown away,” he told the group assembled at the hospital for the presentation. The original goal for Day 1 of the project was $4,700, but they’d gotten that by lunchtime, Cordell recalled. By the end of Day 1, folks had put $11,000 in those boots.

Cordell said he remembered thinking, “Man, that’s good. The rest of the days will be pretty slow, but the people just kept on giving.”

“If it wasn’t for these men and women that go out there, very unselfishly, and stand out there in the middle of Dabney Drive and hold a boot,” Cordell said, the donation to the cancer center simply wouldn’t have been possible.

Kimberly Smith is director of the hospital’s cancer center and she said the angel fund helps cancer patients with basic needs, from transportation to medicines to help with their treatment.

“We thank you very much,” Smith said.  “We appreciate you…this money will go to great use for our patients and our community here.”

She likened the work of firefighters to the work that the staff at the cancer center, saying that every day, each group of workers does an amazing job and, every day, they find ways to help people in the communities they serve.

Hope Breedlove is a social worker at the cancer center and offered her thanks as well.

“I’m so thankful.  I’m so proud right now of you, of the community.” Through the angel fund, patients can receive funds that remove barriers, Breedlove noted, and if it weren’t for the angel fund, “we couldn’t do some of the things that we’re able to do” for the patients.

“This angel fund is truly a godsend,” Breedlove said. “From the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of our hearts, and from the bottom of our patients’ hearts, we just thank you so much.”

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TownTalk: Shop With A Cop Makes Christmas Brighter For Kids In Vance County

(Shop with a Cop 2021 photos by HPD)

The 2021 Shop with a Cop project proved to be another huge success, and local law enforcement officials said it was good fun for a good cause. Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow said that 58 young people took part in Tuesday’s activities, thanks in large part to the generosity of local businesses and individuals who participated in the fundraising arm of the project sponsored by the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce.

Chief Barrow reportedly had a run-in with the Grinch, but not even the Grinch could dampen the holiday mood at the Henderson Walmart as the children and law enforcement officers had some quality time together as they shopped the aisles.

“It was a tremendous event,” Barrow said. “We had an absolute blast shopping with the kids. It’s a great but humbling feeling to be able to shop with these kids.”

Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame echoed the police chief’s sentiments.

“It’s an awesome program,” Brame told John C. Rose Wednesday by phone. “I look forward to doing it every year.” With the help of Michele Burgess and Sandra Wilkerson at the Chamber, Brame said he and others in law enforcement get the chance to interact in a positive way with  young people in the community .

The police department, sheriff’s office, Chamber, as well as the N.C. Highway Patrol and Maria Parham Health all are united together for a great cause, Brame added.

The community donated $12,000 through the chamber’s fundraising event – and through other donations – to provide the money for the Shop with a Cop project, according to Barrow.

He added that the families are grateful for the event. “It takes a burden off them during economically challenging times,” he said.

For the children, it’s just fun.

“It’s a positive thing to take them out to Walmart and shop with them,” Brame said. “That’s the part we love – it’s a win-win situation.”

(More photos below)



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NCTeach Supports Aspiring Teachers Get Prepared For Classrooms

Just two years after its launch, the teacher recruitment initiative called TeachNC reported that it has “significantly exceeded” its second-year goals, with more than 1,400 aspiring teachers applying to an educator preparation program in 2021. That number more than doubles the number of applicants who signed up in the first year.

From September 2020 through August 2021, the TeachNC.org website was accessed in excess of 159,000 times and has attracted over 11,000 prospective educators who are being supported in their quest to become teachers, according to a press statement from the organization, which partners with several state and national agencies to get more educators into classrooms.

More than 1,400 of those applied for an educator preparation program in North Carolina during the initiative’s second year, with many of them also entering the classroom through the state’s residency licensure pathway, allowing them to work as teachers while completing course work necessary for certification. The year-two teacher recruits represents more than a 130% increase over the number of applicants supported in TeachNC’s first year. Of the applicants, 50 percent identified as candidates of color and nearly a quarter of those reporting a focus area say they want to teach a STEM-related subject such as math or science or in special education.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Catherine Truitt commended the TeachNC initiative for its success in helping to attract more people to the teaching profession and serving as a key resource of information about teaching careers in the state.

“TeachNC fills a critical need in North Carolina to make it easy for would-be teachers to learn more about the profession and to support them as they begin their journey to the classroom,” Truitt said. “My own North Star is that every student deserves a highly qualified, excellent teacher in every classroom, and the work of TeachNC is helping the state reach that all-important goal.”

TeachNC, which works in partnership with the N.C. Department of Public Instruction, delivers research-based tools and supports for prospective teachers, helping reduce the barriers to applying to and enrolling in an educator preparation program. In a survey by the initiative, 60 percent of TeachNC subscriber-respondents reported an increased interest in teaching and 59 percent of TeachNC’s applicants reported that without the support of TeachNC tools, they may not have applied to a North Carolina educator prep program.

The following resources are freely available to anyone in North Carolina who may be considering entering the teaching profession:

  • 1-on-1 coaching from current North Carolina educators (900+ calls in year two)
  • Interactive education preparation program search tool and application tools
  • Application fee reimbursements
  • Scholarships and financial aid search tool
  • North Carolina’s first statewide teacher job board
  • Live chat function to answer questions 24 hours/day
  • Guides on testing, finances, resumes, cover letters, application essays, licensure, and more

Brenda Berg, President & CEO of BEST NC, the nonprofit, nonpartisan group of business leaders that launched and helped fund the TeachNC pilot, said she is pleased with these results.

“When we launched TeachNC in 2019, we knew our state had an urgent need for teachers. With the challenges our schools have faced through the pandemic, this need is greater than ever, making it even more exciting to see that these results have exceeded our expectations,” Berg said.

“It’s not that people don’t want to become teachers. More than 10,000 people have expressed interest in becoming teachers by subscribing to TeachNC; they just need additional information and support to get there,” she said. “We are also happy to see the state take this over as an on-going effort, because we know that an investment in teacher talent is a direct investment in North Carolina students.”

The recently passed state budget includes funding to DPI to adopt the TeachNC initiative and provides a dedicated position within the agency to administer the program.

TeachNC is a partnership of BEST NC, NCDPI, and TEACH.org. TeachNC includes a full suite of strategic recruitment activities including a robust communications campaign, a comprehensive website encompassing all existing resources in the state, and 1-on-1 personalized supports for teacher candidates. These resources create a trusted, safe, and user-friendly support system for anyone considering a teaching career in North Carolina. Visit TeachNC to learn more.

TownTalk: Sossamon Discusses Candidacy For NC House 32

The Rev. Frank Sossamon said his more than three decades as a local pastor will serve him well if he’s elected to serve a different kind of flock – the residents of N.C. House District 32.

Sossamon has filed as a candidate for the House seat and will face incumbent Terry Garrison in next year’s election.

He and Garrison both put their hats into the ring before filings were suspended, pending a court ruling on whether the redrawn district maps would be upheld or would need to be changed again. Critics have charged that the new maps are gerrymandered and are partial to the Republican majority in the N.C. General Assembly.

The redrawn maps have District 32 covering all of Vance County and all but two southernmost precincts in Granville County. Sossamon told John C. Rose on Tuesday’s Town Talk that if he were elected, he would serve all the people in his district.

“I’m going to represent the people,” Sossamon said. “I am a Republican, and I am a conservative Republican, but in order to get things done…we’ve got to work for the greater good for the people we represent.”

He said he won’t be the type of politician that sits behind a desk. “I’ll be out meeting the public,” he said working to find ways to help solve problems and helping the community.

“I will be a very active, a very busy representative – that’s been my nature for 36 years in Vance County,” he said.

As a pastor in Vance County for all those years, he has vast experience in being a problem-solver. That, he said, along with his ability to listen, really listen, to people, will transfer into his role as representative if he is elected.

He said he wants to challenge, to encourage and motivate people in the community to make things better. “We can’t wait on Washington, or Raleigh…we can pull ourselves together and accomplish a lot of things” he said, adding that this effort could really become a model for others to emulate.

As for key issues facing the district, Sossamon ticked off economic development, infrastructure, improving the workforce, education and clean drinking water. And crime.

Infrastructure is a “major problem” in Vance, he said. “We need a lot of help.”

“I just feel like there are some things we can do to make our communities safer and to feel better about where we live,” Sossamon said.

There are many ways to work together across county lines to have mutual benefit, he said, adding that although Vance and Granville often compete for new business and industry, there are various ways that both counties can work together “to do some joint things regarding economic development. There are things we can do better together,” Sossamon said. He said he would like to sit down with leaders from across the district, identify strengths and weaknesses and then concentrate on the strengths to recruit business and industry.

Working together rather than becoming territorial doesn’t have to dampen the competitive spirit between counties, but Sossamon said he hopes “we can lay those things aside and have a conversation that can lead us to joint ventures.”

Improving the workforce, for example, is something that would make the area more attractive to business and industry. “We’ve got the community college to help us,” he said.

Improving the quality of the workforce not only will make the district more attractive, but it also could lower crime in the area as well, for example.

Sossamon said he hopes to bring “a fresh look, a new look…a new vision for the area.”

He doesn’t subscribe to the idea that ministers should steer clear of politics. On the contrary, he said, Christians across the nation are realizing the need to be involved in the greater community, whether in politics or in other capacities.

He decided to run for office after prayer and contemplation about just what he has to offer to help the district.

“There ought to be people lining up to serve” their communities, he said, challenging others to consider running for local office as well, “to bring fresh ideas that will help improve our community.”

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VGCC Dr. Levy Brown

VGCC’s Dr. Levy Brown Hired For State-Level Post

Dr. Levy Brown, a vice president of Vance-Granville Community College, has accepted a position as senior vice president/chief academic officer for the North Carolina Community College System in Raleigh. He will begin his new job in January 2022.

In a written statement, Brown said he appreciates his time at VGCC and is excited about the opportunity to pursue new professional endeavors. “VGCC has a number of brilliant students, faculty, staff and community members. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to lead and serve alongside these individuals during my time at the college,” Brown stated. “Looking ahead, I am humbled by the opportunity to partner with my colleagues to make a difference at the system level. We have myriad opportunities to make a tremendous impact on students, faculty, and staff across the Great 58,” he said, in reference to the 58 community colleges that comprise the state system.

VGCC President Dr. Rachel Desmarais thanked Brown for his leadership during his time at VGCC. “Dr. Brown’s focus on building student supports and investing in faculty development has put our college on a transformational path for student success,” she stated.
“I look forward to working with Dr. Brown in a new capacity as he leads academics for North Carolina community colleges.”

Cecilia Wheeler will be acting vice president of learning, student engagement and success while VGCC conducts a nationwide search beginning in the fall of 2022. Wheeler, a 32-year VGCC employee, is Dean of Arts and Sciences. She has delayed her retirement plans to serve in the capacity of vice president until a candidate is in place, hopefully by January 2023.

In his new role, Brown will oversee a variety of areas, including systemwide academic educational delivery activities such as adult basic skills, curriculum programs, student support services and workforce continuing education. He also will be responsible for leading and coordinating instruction and student learning supports among other critical areas that impact the student experience.

He fills the position vacated by Dr. Kimberly Gold, who was promoted at the state board’s November meeting to the position of chief of staff with NCCCS.

Brown’s prior work includes several leadership roles with Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC), including Vice President of Learning, Student Engagement and Success; vice president of Academic Affairs, and Vice President of Student Services. In his current role, he serves as the college’s Chief Academic and Student Affairs Officer. He is responsible for leading and working collaboratively with credit faculty and staffers in the areas of academic programs, student success, equity and inclusion, enrollment management, K-12 partnerships and other areas. Brown is serving as the college’s primary lead for their work with Achieving the Dream. He continues to work alongside a cadre of faculty and staff to improve student outcomes. Further, he is one of the leaders at VGCC tapped to focus on the adult learner experience through NC ReConnect.

Prior to joining VGCC, Brown served as Dean of Arts & Sciences at Lenoir Community College. Also, he has served in various leadership roles and has taught at other higher education institutions in North Carolina. Brown has been actively engaged in service at the local, state, and national level. On the national level, Dr. Brown serves on the Commission on Student Success for the American Association of Community Colleges and he was recently named a 2021-22 Aspen Rising Presidents Fellow. Together, the 2021-22 fellows are leaders at colleges that collectively serve more than 400,000 students. As well, 67 Rising Presidents Fellowship alumni have become presidents of community colleges that collectively serve an additional 953,000 students nationwide. Locally and regionally, Brown has served on various boards and committees including, but not limited to, the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce (current chairperson), Teach for America-Eastern North Carolina, North Central North Carolina Boys and Girls Club, and the Transfer Advisory Committee (TAC).

Brown holds a bachelor’s degree from East Carolina University, a master’s degree in library science from North Carolina Central University, and a doctorate in educational leadership with a focus on higher education from East Carolina University.

The Local Skinny! Gear & Beer Brings Something Different To Downtown Henderson

Curious about why there’s a kayak hanging out on Garnett Street? Stop in to Gear & Beer, a new business in downtown Henderson.

The “beer” part of the name requires no explanation, but just what kind of gear are we talking about?

Carol Terwilliger spoke with WIZS’s Trey Snide on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny! to tell folks what to expect when they stop in to her store, located at 234 S. Garnett St. Her establishment is featured in the recurring “business spotlight” segment.

The gear on the shelves includes anything campers or other lake visitors may need, from toothpaste to kayaks.

With Kerr Lake a short trip away from the downtown area, Terwilliger wanted to provide a store that has all those lake essentials, as well as a few extras.

As for why she chose downtown to locate her retail space, she said, “I could really see the potential” of downtown Henderson and she said she wanted to do her part and to be a part of the revitalization effort.

It’s an easy drive for campers to come pick up gear and it’s also a fun place to come enjoy some down time after work.

She’s just finished a lounge area in the back, where patrons can sip a craft beer and play Giant Jenga, Connect Four and corn hole.

Speaking of craft beer, Terwilliger said that the store will feature a different North Carolina brewery each quarter. This quarter, it’s Gizmo Brew Works from Umstead Industrial Park near Research Triangle Park

There are 10 different varieties available for purchase.

The store is open Tuesday-Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Visit www.gearandbeernc.com to learn more.

Crossroads Christian School

SportsTalk: Holiday Tournament Looms For Crossroads Christian

We are all expecting gifts this time of year, but Scottie Richardson is looking for a Christmas tournament championship under the tree for Crossroads Christian this week. Richardson, the Athletic Director and Head Men’s Basketball Coach, has the Colts on a roll as they head into the Greenfield Christmas Basketball Tournament in Wilson. After a slow start Crossroads has won five in a row and stand at 7-3 on the season as tournament play begins tonight against Richmond Christian at 6pm.

The tournament, which Crossroads has played in since 2012, features some strong competition including Grace Christian, Wayne Country Day and Greenfield which is ranked #1 in the state and in the top 20 nationally. Before Richardson and the Colts can think about those teams they must take care of business tonight against Richmond.  “They have a 6’11” center who is a real shot blocker and they are athletic,” said Richardson of Richmond. “But they are not deep,” he continued. That may be where Crossroads has a decided advantage. Richardson explained that Crossroads has four seniors that come off the bench and are as deep as they have been in a long time and now that Crossroads is healthy the team is rolling.  They won two games in a tournament last weekend and are hoping for three wins at Greenfield over the next three days.

Once Crossroads finishes with the tournament the work doesn’t let up as conference play begins after the holidays.