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The Local Skinny! Bullock’s Engraving: Going Strong Since 1973

Michael Lassiter has been working at Bullock’s Engraving for 34 years.  That’s a long time and it’s even more impressive when one considers that Lassister is only 42 years old.  That means he started with the business when he was 8 years old.

Ron and Grace Bullock started the business in 1973 and were located for many years in the Henderson Mall. Lassiter’s dad worked for the mall and that meant the younger Lassiter spent a lot of time there. Additionally, the Bullocks were Michael’s God Parents.  “I was always in the store anyway,” Lassiter said on Monday’s Local Skinny! program. He apprenticed under Ron Bullock for many years learning all he could about engraving and the business.

He now owns the business but Grace Bullock can still frequently be found at the business lending a hand as needed. Lassiter says that all engraving is done on site and includes engravable gifts, awards and more.  If it can be engraved, Lassiter says they can do it.

While there may be other businesses that do engraving work in the area, Lassiter says none have been around as long as Bullock’s. The business has had three locations over its 49 years: The Henderson Mall, Corbitt Hills, which is where B B & T is now located and Corbitt Depot at 1630 Parham Street.

Lassiter says the moves have been the toughest part of his 34 years.  “Most people think you’ve gone out of business,” Lassister said when the store has moved.  They’ve now been at the Corbitt Depot for about 17 years and he plans on keeping the store in its current location for as long as possible.  “Henderson has potential,” Lassiter said.

Bullock’s Engraving has a showroom that is open Tuesday through Friday from 10am to 4:30pm and at other times by appointment. The phone number is 252-492-7011, and they are on Facebook at facebook.com/BullocksEngraving and the web at www.bullocksengraving.com.

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Court, School, Government and More Affected by Weather



  • The Vance County Clerk of Superior Court, Henry Gupton, says “the courthouse and clerk’s office will open Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock.  Magistrate court will start at 10:30 a.m. and superior court will resume at 11 a.m.”


  • Vance County Schools – asynchronous remote learning day January 4 for all students and school-based instructional staff. All other staff will operate with an optional workday with buildings opening at 10 a.m.
  • Crossroads Christian School – 2 hour delay January 4


  • Vance County Board of Commissioners’ meeting – rescheduled for Monday, January 10th at 6:00 p.m.


  • Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks basketball practices scheduled for Monday, January 3rd – cancelled

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Beekeeping

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.


January 4 An Asynchronous Remote Learning Day for Vance County Schools

The Vance County public school system has announced an asynchronous remote learning day for January 4.

Aarika Sandlin, director of communication and marketing, said in an information release the asynchronous remote learning day will be “for all students and school-based instructional staff. All other staff will operate with an optional workday with buildings opening at 10 a.m.”

Otherwise, all Vance County Schools closed early, January 3 “due to inclement weather and safety as the temperature is falling rapidly,” Sandlin said.

Elementary schools dismissed at 1 p.m. and all other schools let out at 1:15 p.m.

COVID-19 Cases Continue To Rise In Vance, Granville

The Granville-Vance Health District reported Wednesday almost 400 new cases of COVID-19 in the past seven days across the two counties.

There have been 194 new cases in Vance County, and 202 new cases in Granville County, according to the report. Those numbers represent a 15.4 percent positivity rate in Vance and a 7.1 percent positivity rate in Granville.

GVPH Director Lisa Harrison noted, however, that those numbers likely will rise. “Lots of tests and lab entries are being made and transferred this week and we know these numbers will go up a significant amount in short order,” the report stated.

“The numbers reported today (Wednesday) from the state system above do not yet reflect the cases our team entered today which exceed another 200 cases reported to us,” Harrison said in a footnote included in the report.

All data, as well as outbreaks and clusters, are reported through the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System and are available for review on the state’s data dashboard here: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/.

According to the CDC COVID Data Tracker, the numbers reported by the state mean that both counties are considered in the “high community transmission” category.

To date, there have been 7,665 cases of COVID-19 in Vance and 8,901 cases in Granville County for a total of 16,566 across the health district.

Deaths as a result of COVID-19 are 104 in Vance and 107 in Granville, for a total of 211 deaths across the health district.

For those who may want to calculate percentages, the total population of Vance County is 44,535 and 60,443 for Granville County.

Visit CDC Data Tracker by County and the NCDHHS COVID-19 Dashboard find the most recent information about COVID-19. Relevant graphs from these dashboards are available on our website at https://gvph.org/covid-19_dashboard/

In Vance County:

  • 63 percent of those over the age of 5 have received at least one dose of their COVID-19 vaccine – 58 percent are fully vaccinated
  • 14 percent of those ages 5-11 have received at least one dose and 8 percent are fully vaccinated
  • 46 percent of those ages 12-17 have received at least one dose and 40 percent are fully vaccinated

In Granville County:

  • 67 percent over the age of 5 have received at least one dose of their COVID-19 vaccine and 63 percent are fully vaccinated
  • 16 percent of those ages 5-11 years have received at least one dose and 10 percent are fully vaccinated
  • 44 percent of those ages 12-17 have received at least one dose and 40 percent are fully vaccinated

GVPH has administered 35,338 vaccines – 18,248 first doses and 17,090 second doses, an increase of 52 from last week’s numbers of 35,286 total vaccines, including 18,219 first doses and 17,067 second doses.

The Local Skinny! Public Hearing Jan. 3 To Begin County Budget Discussions

Updated 01-04-22 at 12:30 p.m. —

Kelly H. Grissom – Executive Assistant/Clerk to Board of the Vance County Board of Commissioners – informs WIZS, “A 10-day notice is required for public hearings.”

She said, therefore, that a new notice would be prepared on the pre-budget public hearing and that the public hearing would be postponed until the February meeting.


Update 01-03-22 at 1:30 p.m. —

The Vance County Board of Commissioners’ meeting was rescheduled for Monday, January 10th at 6:00 p.m. due to inclement weather.


The Vance County board of commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, Jan. 3, 2022 to hear from residents about the 2022-23 budget.

This “pre-budget” public hearing will be held in the commissioners’ meeting room at 122 Young St. and is scheduled to begin shortly after 6 p.m., according to information from County Manager Jordan McMillen.

This is the first of two public hearings to hear from residents about suggestions and priorities for the upcoming budget.

The county manager is scheduled to submit a recommended budget in May. The second public hearing is planned for June 6, 2022 and then the board must adopt a final budget no later than July 1, when the new fiscal year begins.

Britton Brings Passion For Sports To Job At HVRPD

The Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department has a new program specialist, according to information from assistant director Tara Goolsby.

Kevin Britton, a Durham native, joins the department and brings a love of all sports and enthusiasm for improving the community, according to a press release.

Britton said he he’s had a passion for sports and recreation since he was 8 years old through his local Boys & Girls club. He graduated from Durham High School and attended N.C. Central University on a basketball scholarship. He was a member of the 1989 Eagles national championship team.

After college, he worked for the Durham Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club, was an assistant basketball coach at the Durham School of the Arts and coached a nationally ranked Division I AAU basketball team.

In his spare time, Britton enjoys fishing and spending time with his new grandson.

HVRPD welcomes Britton to the community.

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TownTalk: How Winnie The Pooh Reflects PTSD


There are countless books and scholarly articles that psychologists and mental health experts have at their disposal as they counsel and advise their clients. But Marilyn Debora has a favorite author that she refers to often in her role as a management consultant and resilience coach. His name is A.A. Milne.

Debora said the man who wrote the beloved Winnie-the-Pooh stories for his real-life son, Christopher Robin, can teach adults how to be in community with others while dealing in a healthy way with effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.

On Wednesday’s Town Talk segment, John C. Rose and co-host Phyllis Maynard spoke by phone with Debora from her home in Toronto about her work with the Warriors for Life support group, of which Maynard is a member.

Debora said she has long been interested and involved in the veteran community, first in her native Canada and now with the U.S.-based Warriors for Life.

“Throughout my youth, our family would go to the veteran hospital and serve the Christmas meals as well as singing the carols and bringing the cheer,” Debora said. “The veteran community was always very important to my family. They believed strongly in the service they provided and we should be honoring them.”

Although she pursued a career in business rather than the military, she has found a way to stay involved with veterans through her support group work.

It was during a Warriors for Life session that she first shared an excerpt from one of Milne’s stories with the group. It struck a chord with the members and prompted Debora to do a little more research about Milne, himself a military veteran. Debora and her sister were still grieving the recent death of their mother, and her sister passed along the excerpt that she had gotten from a friend.

“It resonated with me and I shared it with the group that night,” she recalled. “And that’s when the conversation about Winnie-the-Pooh came up.”

What she found goes far beyond a collection of stories for children, and she said she finds herself referencing Winnie-the-Pooh at least 60 percent of the time in her work with clients. Milne had been a political satirist for a popular publication before the war, Debora said. Her research found that many papers had been written by experts which support the idea that Milne’s characters may each represent a psychological disorder.

“He was trying to explain his post-traumatic stress to his 6-year-old kid…in a child-friendly way,” Debora explained.

Each character represents a different type of trauma, but each one has a smile on his face, she said. Back in Milne’s day, it was called “shell shock.” Today’s terminology is PTSD, but no matter the label, those who suffer from it have a hard time coping.

Milne was “trying to help him understand what was happening to him, so that his son wouldn’t be afraid of him,” Debora said.

When she brings up the stories of lovable Pooh and his friend in the Hundred Acre Wood, Debora said it evokes happy childhood memories from her clients. But when she examines the gloominess of Eeyore the donkey and the Tigger’s boundless energy, she can delve deeper into ways to name depression and impulsivity that helps clients find positive and constructive ways to manage it in their own lives.

Although PTSD sufferers may feel depressed like Eeyore or paranoid like Piglet sometimes, it doesn’t mean that they feel all the different emotions all the time, she said. And those characteristics don’t define us or make us unable to be liked or loved by those around us.

By exploring the natures of the different characters, Debora can help clients identify their particular problem areas and then find ways to begin to move forward. “They are a creative and collaborative bunch,” Debora said of Pooh’s friends. Milne’s characters are a reminder that when things do get tough, they are stronger together. “Nobody gets left behind in a Pooh cartoon,” she said.

And that is a big take-away for her and the groups she works with.

“Resilience is the ability to pick yourself up and move forward in spite of adversity,” Debora said. She helps people know that the biggest challenge is knowing where to start. And when it comes to resiliency, you don’t have to start at the beginning.

It is a misconception that people don’t like change, she asserts.
“People don’t resist change. They resist the way the change is presented and the perceived impact it will have on them,” she said. And once you know what the perceived impact will be, you have your starting point to move forward.

“I help people realize what it is that’s holding them back and then having them come up with an idea of what that first step is. Once you’re moving, you’re moving,” she said.

“As long as I’m moving in a forward direction, I’m moving forward.”

Listen to the entire interview at wizs.com.



Home And Garden Show

What an odd weather forecast for the end of December and the start of January.  Temperatures have been well above normal with 70 plus degree highs this week and mid 70’s projected into the weekend before reality returns the first of the week with high temperatures on Monday staying in the 40’s but what can this unseasonable warm spell do to plants that have been dormant for winter?  Wayne Rowland with the Vance Co. Extension Service discussed that on the Home and Garden Show today (Wednesday) as part of the Local Skinny!  Rowland said that the warmth can effect many plants causing them to break dormancy. However, since we are still quite early in the winter season and the projected return of more normal temperatures next week damage to plants is not a major concern even if dormancy is broken.

“It’s a very unusual warm period,” Rowland said. “If it were to last two weeks it could be detrimental to plants,” Rowland continued. Rowland explained that any plant that has broken dormancy would return to that state once colder weather resumes.

One plant that may suffer are azaleas. Some people have reported that their azaleas are starting to bloom. Rowland says that since azaleas only have one set of blooms that these plants would have less blooms in the spring.

Wayne Rowland can be heard on Home and Garden Show along with Paul McKenzie every Wednesday at 11:30am as part of the Local Skinny! and the Vance Co. Cooperative Extension Report can be heard at 11:50am on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday on WIZS.

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Get ready to start your 2022 garden journal
  • Cooperative extension has Carolina Lawns publication that will give you information A to Z in lawn care
  • Start planning your 2022 garden on paper now have a garden plan.
  • Check Your trees health,with the leaves off the trees you can see any damage
  • How current warm temperatures can affect your plants
  • Inventory your seed before ordering more seed.
  • Start preparing your seeding equipment for growing transplants
  • Build a small greenhouse or cold frame to raise your own transplants for 2022