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Funds Available To Help Landowners Improve Waterways, Reduce Flood Hazards

The Granville County Soil and Water Conservation Office is looking for eligible properties to participate in a new program to fund preventative improvements to local waterways and reduce flooding hazards.

The Streamflow Rehabilitation Assistance Program (StRAP), administered by the N.C. Soil and Water Conservation Commission, has $38 million to be used to reduce flooding across the state’s waterways. The N.C. General Assembly approved the money to create the StRAP, which will allocate money for projects that protect and restore the integrity of drainage infrastructure.

Projects could include:

  • Clearing debris or sediment that has blocked streams and drainage ways
  • Stabilizing and restoring streams and streambanks
  • Rehabilitating or improving certain small watershed structural projects that were previously constructed

“This is a monumental step to help us prevent future flooding,” said N.C. Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “While we have previously secured federal and state money to clear debris from waterways after flooding events such as hurricanes, those efforts were reactive approaches that were part of disaster recovery funds. StRAP now allows us to be proactive in clearing waterways so we can hopefully reduce flooding and protect people’s property before the next big flood event happens. I’m grateful that the General Assembly understood the need for this program.”


Interested property owners are encouraged to contact Granville County Natural Resource Conservationist Byron Currin at 919.693.4603 or byron.currin@granvillecounty.org to explore the feasibility for StRAP funded projects.

TownTalk: Red Cross Makes A Difference In The Life Of Mike Peoples



It was March 2002 and Navy veteran Mike Peoples was getting a tour of an American Red Cross facility, mainly just so he could get a couple of persistent staffers off his back. Little did he realize that it would be that day – March 22, 2002 – that he says the Red Cross saved his life.

“I was broken,” he said, reflecting on those days a couple of decades ago. But since then, his full-time volunteer work has helped to make him whole again. He works with veterans and Red Cross staffers to create meaningful, healthy programs that can help others feel whole again, too.

Being part of an organization, he says, can help get you out of your funk.

He knows that first-hand. Peoples spoke on Tuesday’s Town Talk with John C. Rose and guest co-host Phyllis Maynard to share his experiences as a veteran and as a Red Cross volunteer.

Peoples said he missed out on an overseas station assignment because of some physical problems that ultimately resulted in him having several back and knee surgeries. He was in a body cast for two and a half years, he said.

He was discharged from the Navy, and had to live with his parents because he physically couldn’t manage by himself.

“I was in a pretty dark place,” he recalled.

In an effort to help her son, Peoples said his mother “schemed up this idea with a local board she was on.” It was at these board meetings of a housing improvement program that he met a couple of folks from the Red Cross.

Topics like building resiliency and preparedness in the community were right up his alley, Peoples said, and it didn’t take long for him to raise his hand to contribute to the conversation. “I felt sorta, kinda, close to my old self,” he said. One of the Red Cross reps approached him after a meeting and said, “you know, the Red Cross really likes military folks. Come be our disaster chairman and our disaster action team coordinator.”

He protested, saying that his daily doctor visits and physical therapy six days a week would interfere with his ability to do a job. “They were persistent,” Peoples said. He was floored when, during the tour, one of the staffers pulled a key ring full of keys out of her desk and gave them to Peoples. “We made you a set of keys because we know that you’ll have to come and go” on your own schedule,” he said.

He is the Central Atlantic Division’s hospital recovery veterans and caregiver services lead, and supports Red Cross personnel primarily in hospitals. There are volunteers and programs in VA hospitals, medical facilities and Department of Defense medical facilities. “I support the folks on the ground, building capacity, programming, and executing those program and making sure they’re executing healthy programs for the military-connected communities.”

He also serves on the disaster cycle services side of things, reconnecting people who have been separated by disaster.

Another program he helped roll out, designated by the VA as a signature program for the Red Cross, pairs volunteers with veteran patients. A check-in by phone to make sure the person on the other end is doing ok can be a lifesaver. Literally.

“I’ve made a phone call and I’ve taken a phone call,” Peoples said.

He knows what it feels like to be broken and in a dark place. And he also knows that those feelings can be temporary.

Watch the Youtube video featuring Peoples here: https://youtu.be/QkWj6SCfYhM



Franklin County Logo

Franklin County Seeks Input regarding EMS

Franklin County is seeking community input in regard to Emergency Medical Services
(EMS) within Franklin County via a brief survey. The survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CGCZR2W or on the County’s EMS website at https://www.franklincountync.us/services/emergency-services. If you are interested in sharing your
input, this brief survey will be available until Wednesday, February 2, 2022.

The survey is part of a comprehensive EMS Study funded in the FY22 Budget by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners. The study seeks to assess the current EMS service and develop recommendations for the future. The study is being conducted by the Center for Public Safety Management (CPSM), a public safety consulting firm with both former practitioners and current EMS
leaders with first-hand knowledge and expertise in the emergency medical services field. All survey responses will be delivered directly to CPSM.

For additional information, please contact William Doerfer, Assistant County Manager, at (919) 496-5994.

The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance 1-25-22

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for January 25th, 2022. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email christa@hendersonvance.org to be included.

JOB OPENINGS IN VANCE COUNTY – Week of January 25, 2022


Name of the Company:  Fred’s Towing and Transport

Jobs Available:  Hiring for multiple positions! Service Tech, Shop Mechanic, Rollback Driver and Class A and B Drivers

Method of Contact:  Please apply in person at 400 Industry Drive or call 252-430-0082


Name of the Company:  KARTS

Jobs Available: Scheduler/ Dispatcher

Method of Contact: Interested applicants can apply online at ncworks.gov or go to any area NC Works office


Name of the Company:  Vance County Sheriff Department

Jobs Available: Is currently hiring for Detention Officers and Sherriff’s Deputies

Method of Contact: Interested applicants can apply online at ncworks.gov or go to any area NC Works office


Name of the Company: Hollander Sleep Products  

Jobs Available: Is looking for a Controller

Method of Contact:  Interested applicants can apply online at ncworks.gov or go to any area NC Works office


Name of the Company: Benchmark Community Bank

Jobs Available: Business Banking Assistant, Wake Forest, NC – will serve as an assistant to the Business Bankers and will provide support to the Construction Loan Program

Method of Contact: For full job description or to apply go online to https://bcbonline.applicantpro.com/jobs/2177461.html


 Name of the Company:  Benchmark Community Bank

Jobs Available:  Customer Service Representative I, Youngsville – will be the first point of contact for customers, process routine transactions, recommend financial products and services, maintain a cash drawer and assist customers on the phone or online with basic financial transactions

Method of Contact: For Full job description or to apply go online to https://bcbonline.applicantpro.com/jobs/2175110.html


Name of the Company:  Vance County Government

Jobs Available: Positions are now available with Department of Social Services, Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department, Planning and Development, Emergency Operations, Register of Deeds and more

Method of Contact: For a list of all listings with job descriptions and qualifications go to Vance County website and look under job postings


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS. Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast. This is not a paid ad.


TownTalk: Book Will Highlight Franklin Co. Historic Architecture


The book chronicling historic architectural properties in Franklin County has taken a few years to come to fruition, but a few years is a drop in the bucket when you consider that Franklin County’s roots go back to well before the Revolutionary War.

But those on the Franklin County Historical Preservation Commission are anxious for the book to be published, and its chairman, Bill Harris, said Monday that he hopes the book will be ready in time for Christmas 2022.

The biggest part of the work was completed by 2018 or so, Harris told WIZS’s Trey Snide on Monday’s Town Talk. Jeroen van den Hurk and Megan Funk of the Commonwealth Heritage Group walked and drove the county, took countless photos and spoke with many people to identify previously documented historic properties and to find new structures that hadn’t previously been included in the survey completed in 1975.

That survey resulted in the small but well regarded Early Architecture of Franklin County by T.H. Pearce, Harris noted, but this new book is going to knock it out of the proverbial park.

He said the book, which is in final edits, will probably weigh in between 400 and 500 pages. A classic “coffee table” style book, it will have 800 photos – including a collection of color photos of places of particular historical significance – and the information will be organized by township, he said.

The COVID-19 pandemic is partly responsible for the delay in publication and release of the book, Harris said. And the historic preservation commission is seeking donations from individuals to help defray costs.

For a minimum donation of $100, sponsors will receive a complimentary copy of the book, along with recognition among a list of sponsors included in the publication. There are different levels of giving – platinum level is a gift of $1,000, gold is $500 and bronze is $250.

There are brochures at libraries in Oxford and Louisburg that give details of the process. Harris said he hoped to have copies at the Perry Memorial Library soon to share with anyone interested in learning more. A PDF of the brochure can be found on Facebook at Frankin, Granville, Vance, Warren Genealogy. The PDF can be downloaded.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/fgvwgeneaology.

The soon-to-be published book is a comprehensive architectural history of the county, Harris said. But it was important to the members of the commission that the book not be a dry book about architecture. There’s going to be a glossary of architectural terms and a section that Harris is calling “lost properties,” which will include photographs of “so many great houses that have been lost to time.”

There are existing photographs of structures that no longer exist, and often don’t appear in books like the one the commission is creating.

“It’s not just the architecture – it’s the stories behind the houses” and the families that lived in those homes, he said, that he hopes the book will capture.

“Anyone who has roots in Franklin County will find it interesting,” he said.

The book will be dedicated to a former Franklin County resident – Maury York – who Harris said was instrumental in the formation of the historic preservation commission. “He did so much groundwork,” he said of York, adding that he continues to offer advice and provide information to the commission. York also helped create the Tar River Center for History and Culture located on the campus of Louisburg College.

The focus of the project is not about making money – but not to lose money, either, Harris said. Rather, it’s to help promote historic tourism in the area, as well as to capture and preserve some of the qualities that make Franklin County unique.

“There’s an interest here,” Harris said, to promote tourism. And that helps to boost the local economy.

Send donations to Franklin County Historic Preservation Commission, 215 E. Nash St., Louisburg, NC 27549.






Power Lifting Fund Raiser to Benefit Veterans

A fundraiser to benefit veterans is planned for April 9th. The Brick Power Team will sponsor a bench press competition at the Henderson Family YMCA on Ruin Creek Rd. All proceeds will go to the American Legion of Henderson. Entry fee for adults is $40; Teens, $30; Non-lifters, $5. Those who are 12 & under enter free. For more information about the event, contact Harry Orr at 252-432-4196. Please leave a message if there is no answer.  You may also email horr2553@yahoo.com.

The Local Skinny! Lickskillet Dog Grooming Keeps Your Pets Looking Great

Doreen Hood works hard at making sure her canine clients don’t feel like they’re at the dreaded veterinarian’s office. Her Lickskillet Dog Grooming is an inviting spot where dogs come for baths and grooming. It’s like sending your pooch to a doggie day spa.

Hood said she learned all about dog grooming in New York City from a major groomer in the field. Even when she worked as a police officer, she continued to keep her dog grooming skills sharp. Taking up dog grooming as a career was “the best decision I ever made,” she told WIZS’s Trey Snide during the Business Spotlight segment of The Local Skinny! on Monday.

“Each dog is totally different,” Hood said, and she takes those different personalities into account when she works with different clients. “I get to know each dog’s personality,” she said, “what stresses them out and what doesn’t stress them out.” Music is one of the major tools she uses when grooming the dogs, and it’s not unheard of for her to sing to the dogs as she’s working.

She works by appointment only and also offers obedience training.

Hood said she stays pretty busy, and the best way to reach her is by phone at 252.213.3670.

Lickskillet Dog Grooming is located at 132 Fry Pan Lane, in the southern part of Warren County.

Dog, Cat Food Giveaway Saturday At Vance Animal Shelter

Area residents who need dog food or cat food for their household pets can stop by the Vance County Animal Services building on Saturday during a pet food distribution event.

Animal Services Director Frankie Nobles said there are 24 pallets of pet food available for distribution during the drive-thru pet pantry, which will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 29.

This is a free event and open to the public.

The Animal Services building is located at 1243 Brodie Rd.