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TownTalk: Optimist Club Respect For Law Events

Optimist Club members Britt Sams and Tommy Farmer have criss-crossed the county over the past couple of weeks to present awards to members of local law enforcement agencies for outstanding service in 2021.

Sams, who chairs the Respect for Law committee and club President Farmer were keen to pick back up on the awards presentations – they didn’t want to have to skip two years in a row. So instead of the usual banquet with families and commanding officers on hand to witness the presentations, the two Optimist Club representatives took the show on the road.

“It’s something the Optimist Club has been doing a long time,” Sams told WIZS News.

They delivered the last two awards today (Monday), Sams said, to the Henderson Police Department and the Henderson Fire Department. Police officer William Douglas and Fire Capt. William Boyd received awards for 2021.

Other award winners were:

  • Elizabeth Wooten, Kerr Lake Ranger of the Year
  • Trooper J.P.Taylor, N.C. Highway Patrol
  • Janie B. Martin, administrative assistant, Sheriff’s Office Officer of the Year
  • John O’Neal, Vance County Firefighter of the Year
  • Chris Vick, Vance County Animal Services Officer of the Year



Henderson Optimist Club member Britt Sams chairs the Respect for Law Enforcement committee.  Please enjoy the following Facebook posts and images embedded courtesy of Britt Sams:

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The Local Skinny! Gang Free Inc. Has Masks; COVID-19 Update

Need some N95 masks? Look no further than Gang Free Inc. Founder Melissa Elliott said she’s got plenty, with more ordered and on the way.

Elliott told WIZS News Monday that anyone in the community who would like masks can simply head out to the Gang Free, Inc. location at 940 County Home Road any weekday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Elliott said the masks come from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services and are free. She also has COVID-19 at-home rapid tests available.

She estimates that her organization has distributed more than 6,000 masks and 2,000 test kits in the past couple of weeks. Recipients include area police departments and other agencies.

“If people need them, they can come and get them,” Elliott said.

Each box contains 20 N95 masks, and she gives larger groups like churches a whole case – 240 masks in all – if they need them. The test kits come two to a box, with 90 boxes in a case.

She said she didn’t want anyone in the community to have to pay for taking a COVID-19 test when her organization has them available free for the asking.

According to the most recent COVID-19 update from Granville Vance Public Health, both counties continue to be in the high community transmission rate. Vance County reported 358 new cases for 28.7 percent and Granville County reported 439 new cases for 22.5 percent positivity rate.

There have been 13,461 cases of COVID-19 in Granville County and 11,380 cases of COVID-19 in Vance County for a total of 24,841 across the health district.

In the Bureau of Federal Prisons in Butner, there were 44 Granville County inmates whose positive test results were reported to the local health department in the last week. In addition, there are currently 20 staff of the federal prison with COVID-19 (including 17 Granville County residents and 3 Vance County residents).

Granville County has documented 110 deaths as a result of COVID-19 and Vance County has a total of 111 deaths for a total of 221 deaths across the health district.


Vick Receives 2021 Optimist Award For Outstanding Service For Work At Vance Animal Services

Chris Vick of Vance County Animal Services has received the 2021 award for outstanding service from the Henderson Optimist Club.

Optimist Club President Tommy Farmer presented the award to Vick on Wednesday at the Animal Services Building on Brodie Road.

Farmer told WIZS News that the COVID-19 pandemic, created the need for the club’s annual  Respect for Law campaign to be conducted differently this year.

The club usually hosts the winners and their families at an awards dinner, but this year, club members are presenting the awards individually.

The various enforcement departments across the county submit nominations for the award, Farmer said. Animal Services Chief Frankie Nobles said he nominated Vick for being “hard-working, dependable (and) dedicated,” and for being “an overall good employee for Vance County.”

Accompanying Farmer for the presentation was Britt Sams, who chairs the Respect for Law committee.

Jones and Taylor are WIZS Players of the Week

For two years Christian Jones has been the go to guy off the bench for the Vance County Vipers men’s basketball team.  The 6’4″ Jones has been so good off the bench that he has now worked his way into the starting lineup. The Vipers have won three of the last four games and Jones is a big reason why. This week the Vipers beat Granville Central and Jones contributed 10 points and 8 rebounds. In a second win this week against Southern Durham, Jones pumped in 18 points and had another 8 rebounds.

Vance County Athletic Director Joe Sharrow says Jones is a game changer and added that with Jones’ contributions and getting their best player back into the lineup, the Vipers are starting to put things together and will be a force to be reckoned with.

Meanwhile, over at Crossroads Christian, it’s Abby Taylor who is making a significant contribution to the women’s team. Taylor, a freshman, is only averaging 5 points per game but she is the team’s leader and a captain on the Colts’ team. She is the player that communicates with everyone to keep them all on the same page during games.  She helps on both ends of the court and while her contributions may not show up on the stat sheet, she is likely the most important player on the team.

Congratulations to Vance County’s Christian Jones and Crossroads’ Abby Taylor, WIZS Players of the Week.  Players of the Week are named every Friday on the Coach’s Corner segment of Sports Talk. Sports Talk airs at 1pm Monday through Friday on WIZS 1450am, 100.1 fm and online at wizs.com.


Petco Coming To Henderson

Petco, a nationally known pet supply retailer, is building a new store in Henderson.

Land was purchased on US 158 beside Superior Chrysler from Ruin Creek Properites, and the Henderson Board of Adjustment approved a special-use permit request at its meeting Tuesday, Feb. 1.

No word on when construction will be completed, but Ruxton Bobbitt, acting chair of the board of adjustment, told WIZS News today (Friday) that the store would employ up to 10 people when it opens.

Brandon Boyd, representing Ruin Creek Properties, told WIZS News that he and his family sold the property for the new business. “Petco has purchased a portion of the former Rose Oil property,” he said. “We are happy to have them in Henderson, we’re happy for the location they chose and the employment opportunities.”

Boyd said a company representing Petco reached out to the Boyd family and Ruin Creek Properties to ask if they would be interested in selling. The parcel that was sold is located beside the Superior Chrysler dealership.

Bobbitt said the board approved construction of a 15,000-quare foot building. A private road will be put in between US 158 and Dabney Road, he said.

The new store will be located across US 158 from the Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society building, which Brandon Boyd and his family established 10 years ago.

Boyd said the family really had no idea which big box retailer was interested in the property until the request for a zoning hearing was filed.

“It made it a really nice fit,” he said.

Petco has about 1,500 stores nationwide and offers pet essentials from food to grooming services.

HVDDC: Shop Downtown Henderson and Win Free Stuff

Shoppers who visit retailers in downtown Henderson have a chance to get a little something extra, just for shopping local, thanks to a campaign sponsored by the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Committee’s promotions committee.

Amanda Ellis, chair of the downtown development board, said the idea is to increase foot traffic in the downtown area – “get people in the doors and stores,” she told WIZS News Tuesday.

Shoppers attach their receipt for $25 or more from participating businesses for a chance to win a gift basket valued at more than $250. Shoppers can submit up to five receipts, Ellis said.

“We’re hoping this is going to jumpstart” retail activity, she said. “The idea is to get people downtown in the stores,” Ellis said. The campaign continues until March 1. The drawing will be held on March 1 at the DDC office, Ellis said.

Another wrinkle includes coordinating with the upcoming dance studios and competitions scheduled for McGregor Hall. Ellis said the plan is to get some food trucks to drive in some evenings and on weekends when the dancers and their families are in town, and encouraging them to eat local, too, instead of getting in their cars and driving somewhere else.


Friday, Feb. 4 Is Wear Red Day To Promote Awareness Of Heart Disease In Women

Tomorrow – Friday, Feb. 4 – is National Wear Red Day to promote awareness of heart health. Join the employees at Maria Parham Health by wearing red to support awareness of women and heart disease. Donna Young, MPH marketing and communication coordinator said local businesses that participate have a chance to win a free quarter-page ad in The Henderson Dispatch. See the Maria Parham Health Facebook page for details about how your business can enter.

Wear Red Day is just one way the staff at MPH are showing their support of February’s American Heart Month.

The American Heart Association created National Wear Red Day in 2004 with a mission to dismiss myths and raise awareness of heart disease and stroke as the number one killer of women. To support heart health in women locally, Maria Parham employees are encouraged to wear red. Photos of employees will be shared on the hospital Facebook page throughout the day. Community members are also welcomed to wear red and share their photos on social media using the hashtag #MPHWearsRed.

Maria Parham Health has kicked off “28 Days of Heart” as a way to provide a wealth of heart health information each day during February. Visit MariaParham.com each day to learn tips about how to keep your heart healthy, from recipes to fitness.

Maria Parham’s Facebook will have heart-healthy recipes, fitness tips, and medical information geared at keeping your ticker ticking as it should.

Cooperative Extension with Jamon Glover: Supervision And Safety, Pt. 1

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.