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Home And Garden Show 03-09-22

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Repot houseplants, dust them with soft moist cloth
  • When growing seeds indoors check the media before watering. If the media has moisture check the next day before watering.
  • Finish up your pruning chores, fruit trees, grape vines, broadleaf evergreens.
  • Bring indoors any plants that you placed outdoors ex houseplants Saturday projected low 21F
  • Write out a monthly plan in your garden notebook and keep your journal up to date
  • We have excellent gardening publications at Cooperative Extension
  • Get your lawn care equipment ready now.
  • Always check moisture level of garden soil before tilling that soil
  • Plant berries, or maybe next year.

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H-V Industrial Park Gets $761,040 Grant From U.S. Dept. Of Commerce For Infrastructure Improvements

Vance County has been awarded more than $760,000 from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration to support business growth in the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park.

The announcement was made today (Tuesday, Mar. 8) by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The EDA grant totals $761,040 and will promote job creation through roadway and sewer upgrades necessary for business expansion, according to a press statement. The grant will be matched with $190,260 in state investment and is expected to create 50 jobs and generate $3.2 million in private investment.

“This infrastructure grant is a big win for Vance County and the continued growth of the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park,” said U.S. Sen Thom Tillis. “I was proud to advocate for this award on their behalf, and I want to thank Vance County Commissioner Tommy Hester and Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments Executive Director Diane Cox for their partnership as we worked together to create more jobs in rural North Carolina.”

Congressman G.K. Butterfield, who represents Vance County, said the money will benefit the five counties the Kerr-Tar COG represents. “I am very pleased with the Economic Development Administration’s decision to invest in Vance County,” he said. “This grant award is well deserved and will provide needed funding for infrastructure improvements that will support business and job growth at the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park,” he added.

Included in the press statement were remarks by N.C. Gov. Roy Cooper. “We can build a stronger future for all by making smart investments in roads, water systems and other infrastructure,” Cooper said.  “Vance County is a great place to live, work and raise a family, and this grant will help make necessary improvements and create more jobs.”

Pearson Honored For His Vision, Enthusiasm For Downtown Revitalization

Dr. Stephen F. Pearson loved the city of Henderson and worked tirelessly to help with revitalization efforts. Patrons of Sadie’s Coffee Corner and visitors who travel Garnett Street in cars or on foot will now see a tribute to Pearson’s enthusiasm and dedication for downtown development.

A group of local officials and community leaders gathered Tuesday morning as Pearson’s widow, Amanda, and his son Corey cut the ribbon to officially name the parking area and adjoining greenscape in memory of Pearson, who died from cancer in March 2021.

In remarks to the group during the ceremony, son Corey said it was hard to believe that just a few years ago, he and his dad were riding around the area in an RV when they passed “an unlikely gun shop.”

“That’s the spot,” Corey said, recalling his father’s comments. “We’re going to turn that into something.”

And that’s how Sadie’s Coffee Corner came to be in the building at 324 S. Garnett St. that once housed Gupton’s Sporting Goods, Inc.

“I wish I could have his vision,” Corey said. “He loved everyone here and he loved this town,” adding that he wants to keep his dream alive and keep his vision going.

“He saw the possibilities and potential of our downtown and had a vision of how to bring them to fruition,” said Downtown Development Commission Director Tracy Madigan. “His low-key enthusiasm and drive were infectious,” she told those gathered for the occasion. “(He) created the momentum and excitement that we’re feeling today,” Madigan said.

Where others saw empty storefronts, Pearson saw potential. He wanted to make sure not only that Sadie’s was successful, but that the downtown area become successful. Pearson jumped in with both feet, joined the DDC board and soon became chairman.

“He inspired others to get involved,” she noted. “We have a great little oasis right here in the middle of town,” Madigan said, all inspired by Pearson and his vision for revitalization.

City Manager Terrell Blackmon said Pearson was a person committed to service – serving others and serving the community. But he was a self-proclaimed “disrupter,” someone who didn’t want things to be done the way they’ve always been done.

The “parklet” installed by a local volunteer gardeners’ group, now enhances a corner of the lot that adjoins Sadie’s at the corner of Garnett and Orange streets.

Amanda Pearson said her husband was the public speaker, not her. “I know that he would love this,” she said of the recognition bestowed on her late husband. “He loved this town so much.”

City of Oxford

Oxford Makes Mask Mandate Optional For Employees, Visitors – With Exceptions

Oxford City Manager M. Alan Thornton said Tuesday that, effective immediately, the city is changing its mask requirement policy.

“Face coverings will become optional in all city-owned  facilities, vehicles and  operations for employees and visitors,” Thornton said in a press statement. Department directors, however, may continue to require face coverings in certain settings determined to be high-risk transmission for COVID-19. Examples include responding to medical calls or transporting suspects in patrol cars, the statement continued.

“Employees may continue to wear face coverings, even when not required,” the statement continued. All unvaccinated employees are “strongly encouraged to wear face coverings, even in situations where not required.”

City Hall will re-open to visitors and the public, and visitors are encouraged to continue to wear face coverings. All routine utility payments will continue to be accepted at the kiosk locate at the front entrance. Residents who need to establish new utility accounts or handle other account management issues will be served in the city’s finance department.

Prepare Now For Possibility of Springtime Severe Weather

-Information courtesy of the N.C. Emergency Management

Governor Roy Cooper has proclaimed March 6-12 as Severe Weather Preparedness Week and is urging North Carolinians to prepare for severe weather that’s common during spring months.

“North Carolina is no stranger to severe weather, and while spring is typically the most active season for thunderstorms and tornadoes, they can happen any time,” Cooper said. “Help protect your family by being prepared for severe weather. Make sure you have an up-to-date emergency kit, a way to receive alerts about dangerous weather and a preparedness plan to review with everyone your household.”

Cooper also encourages North Carolinians to participate in this year’s statewide tornado drill on Wednesday, Mar. 9 at 9:30 a.m. At home or at work, that means seeking shelter on the lowest floor of your home or building, in an interior room away from doors or windows.

Tornadoes form during severe thunderstorms when winds change direction and increase in speed. These storms can produce large hail and damaging winds that can reach 300 miles per hour. A tornado can develop rapidly with little warning, so having a plan in place will allow you to respond quickly.

“I encourage everyone to participate in this year’s statewide tornado drill, at home, at work or at school. Having a plan and knowing your designated safe places will go a long way to helping you survive an actual tornado,” said Emergency Management Director Will Ray.

Test messages will be broadcast via the Emergency Alert System on radio and TV and on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather radios at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 9, signaling the start of the tornado drill.

Across the state in 2021, North Carolina recorded 21 tornado touchdowns, 101 large hailstorms, 344 damaging thunderstorm wind events, 109 flood or flash flood events, which includes the remnants from Tropical Storm Fred that caused deadly flooding in Western North Carolina.

Emergency Management officials recommend the following safety tips:

  • Develop a family emergency plan so each member knows what to do, where to go and who to call during an emergency.
  • If thunder roars, go indoors! Lightning is close enough to strike you.
  • Know where the nearest safe room is, such as a basement or interior room away from windows.
  • Know the terms: WATCH means severe weather is possible. WARNING means severe weather is occurring; take shelter immediately.
  • Assemble an emergency supply kit for use at home or in your vehicle. Make sure to include a 3-day supply of non-perishable food and bottled water.
  • If driving, leave your vehicle immediately to seek shelter in a safe structure. Do not try to outrun a tornado in your vehicle and do not stop under an overpass or bridge.
  • If there is no shelter available, take cover in a low-lying flat area.

Find more information on tornadoes and overall emergency preparedness online at ReadyNC.gov.

TownTalk: Christopher St. John Counsels Military Vets

Psychotherapist Chris St. John has the professional experience and educational credentials to provide his clients with valuable feedback as they receive therapy, but he can relate to those veterans and first responders on a different, more personal level: He is a veteran and he has been a first responder, both of which form a special, unspoken connection with patients who have a similar background.

St. John works in Denver, Colorado and he spoke by phone to John C. Rose and guest co-host Phyllis Maynard on Tuesday’s Town Talk about his practice and his special interest in the work of Carl Jung.

“Talk therapy isn’t for everybody,” St. John acknowledged. There are many different ways to get counseling, and talk therapy is just one of the ways that a therapist can offer help.

St. John is a Navy veteran who also has experience as a first responder, so he fits right in to the

Former Active Duty: Still Boots on the Ground category of the recurring Town Talk series.Ju

St. John discovered Jung’s work during his college years and subsequently became certified in Jungian theory. Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology in the early part of the 20th century.

“I take pieces from others all the time,” he said. “I reference others and apply it into my work.”

He takes pride in tailoring his therapy to the individual, and stresses to patients the idea that they are not alone as they seek therapy.

“There is some form of therapeutic intervention for everybody,” he said. His experiences help offer to patients a unique perspective that can help them adapt and cope, he said. And it’s those experiences in the military that provide an extra connection for his military veteran clients.

“Words don’t have to be spoken (in) how you connect to another veteran,” St. John said. “I can speak the lingo and have the general understanding…(they) connect with me almost immediately.”

The two-way trust can be established quickly, he noted. “We’ve earned our stripes and we’re connected,” he said.

St. John said he knows first-hand about what he called “compassion fatigue.” First responders can experience compassion fatigue as they continue to focus on the health and well-being of others and have little energy to take care of their own needs.

“Self-care is not selfish,” he said. If you don’t take care of yourself, there’s no way you can continue to help others.

When do you know it’s time to seek professional help?

“It’s important that you don’t wait,” St. John said. “The best time to see therapy is when you don’t need it.”

Learn more at http://www.christopherstjohntherapist.com/


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The Local Skinny! Business Spotlight: Wedding Bells And More At Hudson Manor

Spring is in the air and many plan weddings this time of year. However, according to Melissa Cogliati, owner and operator of Hudson Manor in the Moulton Community in Franklin County, anytime of the year seems to be good for the sound of wedding bells.

Hudson Manor is a rather imposing house built around 1911 by Charlie Thomas Hudson, but by 2004 it had begun showing signs of decline. Cogliati and her husband were looking to get out of Raleigh for something more rural where he could concentrate on catering and cooking and she could start a wedding venue when they found the home. The house needed some work. A rear section that was added in the 1970’s was removed and the front porch was rebuilt to the original specifications. The Cogliati’s later added to the rear portion of the house so they could live there. Along with them came children and parents. “It’s a family compound,” Cogliati said on the Business Spotlight segment of The Local Skinny!

Improvements have continued with the addition of a wedding chapel which allows Hudson Manor to host weddings no matter what the weather. “We had a wedding in the snow,” Cogliati said. This would have been a few weeks back on one of those wintery weekends. She described that wedding as particularly beautiful. She has had couples from Vance, Warren, Granville, Franklin and other surrounding counties to book the venue for weddings, but Hudson Manor does more than just get people hitched. Last year Hudson Manor hosted a bluegrass festival, and they are available for fundraising events. Hudson Manor is open all year round.

If you have a wedding or fundraising event you can find out more information at www.thehudsonmanor.com.

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Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for March 8, 2022). The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email christa@hendersonvance.org to be included.

Name of the Company: First Citizens Bank

Jobs Available: Bank Senior Sales and Service Representative, Bank Operations Services Supervisor

Method of Contact: For more information to ncworks.gov or contact your local NC Works Career Center


Name of the Company:  Ameristaff

Jobs Available: Extended Care Services Coordinator, Forklift Operator

Method of Contact: For more information to ncworks.gov or contact your local NC Works Career Center


Name of the Company:  Vance County

Jobs Available: Full time Custodian, Permits Technician and Human Resources Aide (Senior Center)

Method of Contact: For more information to ncworks.gov or contact your local NC Works Career Center



Name of the Company:  Kerr-Vance Academy

Jobs Available: Looking for the next Head of School to start between now and July 2022

Method of Contact:  If interested please call 252-492-0018



Name of the Company: Benchmark Community Bank

Jobs Available: Relationship Teller – Henderson Branch

Method of Contact: For job description and how to apply go to https://bcbonline.applicantpro.com/jobs/



Name of the Company:  Vance County

Jobs Available: Vance County has multiple openings for The Sheriff’s Office Detention Center, Department of Social Services, The Senior Center and more

Method of Contact:  Visit the county website at http://www.vancecounty.org


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS. Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast. This is not a paid ad.
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