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City of Oxford

TownTalk: Arts And Wine Festival Coming To Downtown Oxford

The organizers of the upcoming Main Street Arts and Wine Festival hope it will give downtown Oxford some additional “street cred” for those interested in finding family-friendly activities to enjoy.

Pierre Gagne and Charlie Vaughan are part of the group putting together the event, which will take place on Saturday, Apr. 23 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The event is free; tickets to participate in the wine-tasting are available for purchase now for $30. Gagne, owner of The Hub on Main, told John C. Rose on Thursday’s Town Talk that organizers came up with the idea a couple of years ago, and now that COVID-19 restrictions have eased, they felt the time was right to put the plan into action.

“We’d been playing around with concepts,” Gagne said. “Just folks gathering together, things that people like to do.” Combining art and wine tasting, he said, “will get families to come and spend time together.”

Gagne also is president of the Downtown Oxford Economic Development Commission, said it takes teamwork. The group represents all the downtown businesses, who choose to participate in a variety of ways. The annual Hot Sauce Contest envelops most of the downtown area, but this afternoon festival will have a smaller footprint just around Main Street.

“Isolating small sections of town on a more consistent basis” is a way to invite  participants in to enjoy what Oxford has to offer. “They see a significant increase in foot traffic,” Gagne said, referring to the business, restaurant and shop owners during events that are held in the downtown area.

Vaughan is the director of the Oxford Arts Council and she is organizing the art portion of the festival. She said folks will get a chance to see the artists at work. “They see everything that goes into it before they purchase a piece of art – and realize it’s not something that’s done in five minutes,” she said.

Artists will showcase handmade bags, paintings, drawings, jewelry and more, Vaughan said. There also will be children’s art activities throughout the afternoon.

There will be live music throughout the afternoon, as well as food trucks offering “gourmet” hotdogs, barbecue and ice slushies. The majority of wines to be shared by the vendors during the festival will be available by the bottle at The Hub on Main. Tobacco Wood Brewing Co. also will be on site with some beer tastings as well, Gagne said.

“(Oxford’s) been hanging out under the radar for the last couple of years,” Gagne said. “We like to say we’re one of the best kept secrets of the Triangle – maybe that secret’s starting to get out.”  First-time visitors may come for a particular event, but “once they come and see the charm of downtown Oxford, we usually see them come back,” Gagne said.

Find out more on The Hub on Main’s Facebook page, Oxford Arts Center Facebook page or email oxfordartscenter@gmail.com.




$118M Expansion Planned For Oxford CertainTeed Plant

CertainTeed will add 37 new jobs as part of an expansion project at its Oxford plant that makes roofing shingles.

The expansion represents a $118.8 million investment in the Granville County facility, according to an announcement made Wednesday by Gov. Roy Cooper.

A performance-based grant of $125,000 from the One North Carolina Fund will help with CertainTeed’s expansion in North Carolina. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and to create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require matching participation from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.

CertainTeed produces a portfolio of exterior and interior building products that includes roofing materials, siding, fence, decking, railings, trim, insulation, gypsum wallboard, and ceilings. The 122-year-old company will add 225,000 square feet of manufacturing space to their existing shingle manufacturing plant, enhancing their ability to serve customers in a time of unprecedented demand.

CertainTeed is the North American building products subsidiary of Saint-Gobain, one of the largest manufacturing companies in the world.

“This historic investment, made possible with support from the state of North Carolina, will create new jobs and allow our company to support our customers with more of the industry-leading roofing materials that our team has been making in Granville County since 1978,” said Mark Rayfield, President and CEO of Saint-Gobain North America and CertainTeed. “We thank the community for their continued support, and we look forward to many more years of state-of-the-art manufacturing in Oxford.”

Although wages will vary for each position, the average annual salary for the new positions is $66,930, exceeding Granville County’s overall average annual wage of $45,096. The new jobs have the potential to create an annual payroll impact of more than $2.4 million, according to the press statement from the Governor’s office.

“Global brands can operate anywhere in the world, but they continue to choose North Carolina for its workforce,” said North Carolina Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. “CertainTeed’s commitment to our state highlights the importance of a well-prepared workforce to meet industry demands. As the manufacturing industry advances, we are committed to advancing our workforce training systems to prepare North Carolinians to help companies meet those demands.”

“This announcement is outstanding for our community,” said N.C. Sen. Mike Woodard. “CertainTeed has been a great corporate partner for our community, and we are grateful for the company’s continued investment here in Oxford.”

“We are excited to bring these great paying jobs to Granville County,” said N.C. Rep. Larry Yarborough. “These new jobs will have a positive impact on our capable workforce that stand ready to fill roles.”

In addition to the N.C. Department of Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina, other key partners in the project include the North Carolina General Assembly, North Carolina Community College System, Vance-Granville Community College, Kerr-Tar Council of Governments, Granville County, Granville County Economic Development, Granville County Chamber, Granville County Public Schools, the City of Oxford, the NCWorks Career Center Oxford, Dominion Energy and Duke Energy.

The Local Skinny! Around Old Granville: Louise Sneed Hill

Louise Sneed Hill was the daughter of a very prominent family that came to the Townsville/Williamsboro area in the late 1700’s. She was educated at an elite boarding school in New York City. She was accustomed to the finer things in life, and she spent her adult married life establishing that culture and high society in her new home of Denver, Colorado.

For all her accolades and accomplishments, there’s something else that Hill did: She snubbed the “unsinkable” Molly Brown, of Titanic fame. Mark Pace recounted the story on Thursday’s Around Old Granville segment during The Local Skinny!, and he and Bill Harris discussed her family’s importance in the area.

Louise’s mother died just 11 days after Louise was born, Pace said, apparently of complications from the birth. Louise was baptized on the same day that her mother’s funeral was held; both ceremonies took place at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Williamsboro.

Although Sneed’s Mansion still stands today beside the church in Williamsboro, it is in a general state of disrepair, Pace said. Louise Sneed is a good example of someone from a locally prominent family who moved away from North Carolina and made a big difference somewhere else.

For Louise, that “somewhere else” was Denver, in a state that had just joined the United States a few decades earlier.

“She kind of set the standard for high society in Colorado at the time,” Pace said. “She brought a lot of culture to Denver,” Pace said. Hill created the first published record of members of society and provided instructions on how to get one’s name on the list – chief among them were having lots of money, knowing how to entertain properly and knowing when to pay a visit to someone.

As for her limited interaction with Margaret “Molly” Brown, the story goes like this: Molly and her husband had struck gold – literally – and were fabulously wealthy, but Molly was not accepted into Hill’s circle of society. Only when she became famous for her role in helping fellow Titanic passengers to safety did Hill change her mind about Molly.

Historical documents, including court records,  chronicle the goings-on around Sneed’s Mansion, Pace said, which include entertaining and lavish parties to horse racing and general carousing.

“When the court adjourned to Sneed’s Mansion,” Pace said, it meant that partygoers would arrive at 6 p.m., have supper at 10, then dance from 1 a.m. to dawn. Then, if anyone remained standing in the morning, they’d have brunch and head home sometime around noon.

Hill never returned to North Carolina and she spent her last years occupying an entire floor of a nursing home that serves as a hotel today.

And sometimes, Pace said, come reports that the phone from Room 904 mysteriously rings, although no one has inhabited that space since Hill’s death in 1955.



TownTalk: Chamber Banquet A Success; Hopper Named Citizen Of The Year

It’s always a good day to hear good news, and the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce added to the good-news cycle Tuesday evening when it announced Mark Hopper as the 2021 Citizen of the Year.

Hopper is the director and board chair of McGregor Hall, and he has guided the cultural arts center from its opening in 2016 through the pandemic shutdown and back into operation. His unwavering support for bringing back shows, productions, competitions and other events is a critical component for the continued success of McGregor Hall.

Chamber President Michele Burgess and Events Director Sandra Wilkerson said the annual dinner and banquet was a big hit, from the food provided by Chamber member Cook Shack to the highlight of the evening, which was the citizen of the year announcement.

“We did have a really nice event,” Burgess said, adding that it was nice to be back at an in-person gathering to celebrate Chamber accomplishments in the community.

Board President Ronald Bennett’s theme for the year shines the spotlight on community, and the Chamber members will focus on carrying that message far and wide to grow pride for the area and to play up the assets that Henderson and Vance County have to offer.

“Together, we work better,” Wilkerson said. By bringing together nonprofits, churches, as well as businesses large and small, she said the message will get out.

Past board chairman Dr. Levy Brown shared remarks during the evening’s proceedings. “(He) came back and made remarks as our past chairman,” Burgess said. “He still has a place in his heart for Henderson.

The committee selected Hopper from a strong list of worthy nominations, Burgess said. “We all realized how important McGregor Hall is to the community,” both in its cultural value and its economic value.

“He led the force in keeping it open,” Burgess said, and sought grants to bolster the shoestring budget, she added.

Archie Taylor, Vance County commissioner and previous Citizen of the Year recipient, announced the winner. In remarks, Taylor talked about Hopper’s influence on the success of McGregor Hall. “Soon after his election to chair of the board of McGregor Hall, he began to educate himself in the day-to-day management of a large performing-arts and learning center, including taxes, payroll, building upkeep, fund raising, and the direction of a large volunteer base – all with minimal paid employees – while continuing his artistic leadership of programing and theatrical productions. The most significant aspect of these achievements is that he has accomplished all of this entirely as an unpaid volunteer.

He said Hopper has invested himself to promote and grow his community through selfless dedication and leadership-by-example. “We can think of no one who has more humbly, sacrificially, generously and successfully contributed to the betterment of Henderson and Vance County than the man we are honoring this evening.”


TownTalk: Timberlake Organizes JF Webb Class Of 1970 Reunion

The students who graduated from J.F. Webb High School in 1970 are the last students to be known as Webb Wildcats. Beginning the next year, the Oxford high school mascot became the Warrior.

Frank Timberlake is a member of the Class of 1970 and he is putting the word out to fellow Wildcats about the 50th reunion celebration that is scheduled to take place – after a 2-year delay – in early June.

Timberlake still lives locally and he said he has the “wonderful – or dubious – job” of trying to reach out to classmates to spread the word about the reunion, which is set for June 4, 2022.

“This year, the Class of “70 is turning 70,” Timberlake told John C. Rose on Town Talk Wednesday. He said many classmates have remained in touch over the years, but he wants to try to reach those folks who may have moved away from the immediate area to let them know about the reunion.

He also would like to know about classmates who have passed away, because there will be a special tribute during the reunion to remember them.

For the group that does convene for the reunion, Timberlake said, it will be just a low-key time. There will be cornhole boards and barbecue, he said, but mostly, the attendees “just want to spend quality time visiting.”

Contact Timberlake at frankt@rftimberlake.com or give him a call at 919.805.0055 to learn more about reunion details.


BOOKS to Develop a Love of Reading and Learning

— Story courtesy of Aarika Sandlin, Vance County Schools

Students at Dabney Elementary School have hundreds of new books on their library shelves, thanks to the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries.

Dabney Elementary was one of 205 schools from 43 states across the country to receive a $5,000 grant in Spring 2021. “There are many students who don’t have books at home, so having access to a library at school is essential,” the former First Lady said in a press statement. “With the grants, school libraries across the nation can restock and update their collections providing opportunities for students for years to come.”

“The timing for the funding for our library was perfect”, said Joy Suther, assistant principal at Dabney Elementary. “Through the grant, our school added books that match the students’ interests, further engaging them in a love for reading.”

Dabney’s principal, Dr. Michael Putney, agreed. “I am so in awe of finally seeing the faces of happy readers again as they come from the media center with a book in their hands. Students have gotten accustomed to using laptops and other devices to read, so it is nice to see them with the new books. They are so quick to share the name of the book they have selected. I am appreciative of the effort that our reading intervention teacher, Sherry Frazier, put forth in securing this grant for our students.”

Frazier continues to work with students on improving their comprehension and reading skills. Improving literacy is the key to ensuring students continue to grow and learn in all subject areas. “The library additions have been instrumental in increasing engagement”, shared Frazier. “The books are a mix of fiction, biographies and other nonfiction, which supports content area knowledge. Reading is one of the fastest ways to build vocabulary, which supports comprehension.”

The Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries supports school libraries with the greatest needs with the goal of encouraging all students to develop a love of reading and learning. Since its inception in 2002, it has awarded more than $16 million to more than 2,800 schools across the country.

Home And Garden Show 04-13-22

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Row covers can be used to protect sweetcorn from birds
  • Consider warm season turf.
  • Easter Lillies like to be in 65F during the day and 60F at night keepout of direct sunlight to prevent wilting.
  • No frost or freeze in 10-day forecast, but 37 in a few days
  • Never refuel a hot lawnmower. Take a break let the mower cool down,then refuel the mower.
  • If planting trees and shrubs, correct installation is crucial. Look it up, don’t assume.
  • We can identify problem weeds or insects and advise how to control them. Bring us a sample.
  • For deck and patio plantings, clean and sanitize containers, and be cautious about reusing container mix.
  • Check moisture of soil media before watering plants
  • Limited space for a vegetable garden? Try growing in containers.

Click Play!


Tree Dedication Ceremony Apr. 29 At GAP In Memory Of Commissioners

The Granville County Board of Commissioners and county staff will gather at the Granville Athletic Park on Friday, April 29 to make a special dedication to remember three former commissioners in conjunction with National Arbor Day.

A grove of four maple trees will be dedicated in memory of former commissioners Dave Currin, Owen Roberts and Edward Smoak, according to a press statement from Terry Hobgood, Granville County public information officer.

The ceremony will begin at 3 p.m. “All members of the community are invited to attend and are especially encouraged to submit names of those they would like to see honored at this event. Granville County intends to make this a recurring recognition to honor the service and memory of former commissioners while also adding to our beautiful tree canopy at the GAP in conjunction with National  Arbor Day,” the press statement read.

The commissioners approved the idea at their February 2022 meeting and the plan is to install a plaque to dedicate this area of the GAP as a special place dedicated to deceased commissioners honored for their service to the county.

To submit a name of a former official to be considered for recognition at the April 29 event, contact Hobgood at 919.693.5240 or terry.hobgood@granvillecounty.org. The memorial grove and dedication ceremony will be located near the main entrance of the GAP (4615 Belltown Road, Oxford) near the walking path and butterfly garden at the large soccer fields adjacent to the main parking lot.