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Local Businesses Asked To Help Fill Welcome Bags For New Teachers

More than 100 new teachers are expected to be in classrooms all across Vance County when August arrives, and the Education Committee of the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce wants to welcome them with promotional items donated by local businesses.

In fact, 130 new teachers will receive Welcome Bags, which Chamber officials hope will be FILLED with items like pens and pencils, notepads, hand sanitizer, keychains, highlighters, discount coupons and more, courtesy of businesses in the county.

The deadline to bring items – in quantities of 130, if at all possible – to the Chamber office is Friday, July 8. Please contact the Chamber at 252. 438.8414 if items need to be picked up.

The Chamber is located at 411 S. Garnett St.

Filing Period Ends July 1 For Vance Soil & Water Conservation District Seat

The filing period for Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor began on Monday, June 13 at 12 noon and will end at 12 noon on Friday, July 1, according to local elections officials.

Vance County Elections Director Melody Vaughan said prospective candidates must be 21 years old by Election Day in November – Nov. 8, 2022.

The filing fee is $5.

The Vance County Board of Elections office is located in the Henry A. Dennis Building, 300 S. Garnett St.

The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Candidates can file their notarized notice of candidacy and filing fee in person at the Board of Elections office or the documents may be mailed in.

Contact the Vance County Board of Elections office at 252.492.3730.

July 1 Deadline To File For Granville Soil & Water Conservation District Seats

The filing period for Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor began on Monday, June 13 at 12 noon and will end at 12 noon on Friday, July 1. The Granville County Board of Elections office will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please note that the Board of Elections office has moved to 208 Wall St., Oxford, NC.

There are two Soil and Water Conservation district supervisor seats up for reelection, according to Elections Board Director Tonya Burnette. The filing fee is $5 and must be paid with a personal check, campaign check or money order. Business or corporate checks cannot be accepted.

Candidates can file their notarized notice of candidacy and filing fee in person at the Board of Elections office or the documents may be mailed in. For more information or to ask a question, contact the Granville County Board of Elections office at 919.693.2515.




Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Ticks

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Vaccines for Children Ages 6 Months to Under 5 Years Will Be Available June 20

— NCDHHS Press Release —

Children ages 6 months and older can now receive a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends all children who are eligible receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is available in North Carolina following the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) emergency use authorization and the CDC’s recommendation.

“Many parents and families have been eagerly awaiting a vaccine to protect our youngest North Carolinians,” said NCDHHS Secretary Kody H. Kinsley. “These vaccines are the best way to protect children from COVID-19 — they are safe, effective and free.”

Children ages 6 months to younger than 5 get a smaller vaccine dose than any other age group. This vaccine dose differs from the vaccine that was previously authorized for children ages 5 to 11. Booster shots are currently not authorized for children in this age group.

As with all routine vaccinations for children, these vaccines were tested and reviewed by the FDA and the CDC and their independent scientific committees to ensure they are safe for children. Results from ongoing clinical trials that began in March 2021 showed the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines were safe and effective to protect children ages 6 months to under 5 years from COVID-19. The Pfizer vaccine is currently authorized for three doses, while the Moderna will initially begin as two. Moderna is currently testing their third dose, with data expected this summer.

There were no safety concerns or serious side effects noted in the clinical trials for either vaccine.

The first wave of shipments is expected to arrive in North Carolina on June 20. NCDHHS recommends that parents and guardians contact their child’s pediatrician, medical provider, or local health department for more details on when the vaccine may become available. Call ahead to confirm the vaccine will be available before visiting a health care provider.

Children between the ages of 3 and 5 have the option of getting vaccinated at a pharmacy or grocery store in addition to a doctor’s office or local health center. Children under 3 years are not able to be vaccinated by a pharmacist. Parents and guardians of children who do not have an established medical provider can visit MySpot.nc.gov to search for a nearby vaccine provider.

Children may be able to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and other routine shots they are due for at the same visit. This is also a good time for them to get a routine checkup.

Children may experience temporary and minimal side effects. These side effects are similar to adults – a sore arm, headache and being tired or achy for a day or two.

According to the CDC, children under 5 had the highest rate of hospitalizations compared to other pediatric groups. COVID-19 cases in children can result in hospitalization, death, MIS-C (inflammation in different parts of the body) and long-term problems with symptoms that last for months. Vaccines will help reduce infections and transmission, bringing all North Carolinians closer to fewer family disruptions ahead of the summer months and school year.

Everyone ages 6 months and older can receive a free COVID-19 vaccine, even if they don’t have health insurance and regardless of their immigration status.  Parents and guardians with questions about COVID-19 vaccines should talk with their child’s physician.

North Carolina’s actions are based on recommendations from the CDC. Read the CDC’s full statement here.

For more information about how vaccines for children work and where you can find a vaccination appointment nearby, visit MySpot.nc.gov. The North Carolina COVID-19 Vaccine Help Center can also help you make an appointment by calling 888-675-4567. The help center is open 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on weekends.

Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 para los niños de 6 meses hasta 5 años de edad estarán disponibles el 20 de junio

Los niños de 6 meses en adelante ahora pueden recibir una vacuna segura y efectiva contra el COVID-19. Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomiendan que todos los niños que sean elegibles reciban una vacuna contra el COVID-19. La vacuna está disponible en Carolina del Norte siguiendo la autorización de uso de emergencia de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) y la recomendación de los CDC. 

“Muchas familias han estado esperando ansiosamente una vacuna para proteger a nuestros habitantes más pequeños de Carolina del Norte”, dijo el secretario del NCDHHS, Kody H. Kinsley. “Estas vacunas son la mejor manera de proteger a los niños contra el COVID-19: son seguras, efectivas y gratuitas”.

Los niños de 6 meses hasta 5 años de edad reciben una dosis de la vacuna más baja que cualquier otro grupo de edad. Esta dosis de vacuna es diferente a la vacuna que se autorizó anteriormente para niños de 5 a 11 años. Actualmente, las dosis de refuerzo no están autorizadas para niños en este grupo de edad.

Al igual que con todas las vacunas de rutina para niños, estas vacunas fueron probadas y revisadas por la FDA, los CDC, y sus comités científicos independientes para garantizar que sean seguras para los niños. Los resultados de los ensayos clínicos en curso que comenzaron en marzo de 2021 mostraron que las vacunas contra el COVID-19 de Moderna y de Pfizer eran seguras y efectivas para proteger a los niños de 6 meses hasta 5 años de edad contra el COVID-19. La vacuna de Pfizer está actualmente autorizada para tres dosis, mientras que la vacuna de Moderna se administrará inicialmente con dos dosis. Actualmente, Moderna está probando su tercera dosis, y se esperan resultados de esos estudios para este verano.

No se observaron problemas de seguridad ni efectos secundarios graves en los ensayos clínicos para ninguna de las vacunas.

Se espera que la primera orden de vacunas llegue a Carolina del Norte el 20 de junio. NCDHHS recomienda que las familias se comuniquen con el pediatra o proveedor médico de sus niños, o con el departamento de salud local para obtener más detalles sobre cuándo estará disponible la vacuna. Se motiva que llamen con anticipación para confirmar que la vacuna estará disponible antes de visitar a un proveedor de atención médica.

Los niños entre las edades de 3 y 5 años tienen la opción de vacunarse en una farmacia o un supermercado, además del consultorio de un médico o centro de salud local. Los niños menores de 3 años no pueden ser vacunados por un farmacéutico. Las familias de niños que no tienen un proveedor médico establecido pueden visitar Vacunate.nc.gov para buscar un centro de vacunación cercano.

Es posible que los niños puedan vacunarse contra el COVID-19 y otras vacunas de rutina que deben recibir al mismo tiempo. Este también es un buen momento para que se hagan un chequeo de rutina.

Los niños pueden experimentar efectos secundarios temporales y mínimos. Estos efectos secundarios son similares a los de los adultos: dolor en el brazo, dolor de cabeza y cansancio o dolor durante uno o dos días.

Según los CDC, los niños menores de 5 años tenían la tasa más alta de hospitalizaciones en comparación con otros grupos pediátricos. Los casos de COVID-19 en niños pueden resultar en hospitalización, muerte, MIS-C (que es una condición que causa inflamación en diferentes partes del cuerpo) y problemas a largo plazo con síntomas que duran meses. Las vacunas ayudarán a reducir las infecciones y la transmisión, acercando a todos los habitantes de Carolina del Norte a menos interrupciones familiares antes de los meses de verano y el comienzo del año escolar.

Todas las personas de 6 meses en adelante pueden recibir una vacuna contra el COVID-19 gratuitamente, incluso si no tienen seguro médico e independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Las familias que tengan preguntas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19 deben hablar con el médico de sus niños.

Las acciones de Carolina del Norte se basan en recomendaciones de los CDC. Lea la declaración completa de los CDC aquí (en inglés).

Para más información sobre cómo funcionan las vacunas para niños y dónde puede encontrar una cita de vacunación cercana, visite Vacunate.nc.gov. El Centro de Ayuda para la Vacunación contra el COVID-19 de Carolina del Norte también puede ayudarles a programar una cita llamando al 888-675-4567. El Centro de Ayuda está abierto de 7 a. m. a 7 p. m. de lunes a viernes y de 8 a. m. a 4 p. m. en los fines de semana.



SportsTalk: Murray Plans For Championships At Henderson Collegiate

“The energy is great and I’m ready to get going,” says Paul Murray. Murray is the new men’s basketball coach at Henderson Collegiate and he is preparing for his first season after spending three years as an assistant at The Burlington School which has a reputation for being “a basketball powerhouse,” as Murray put it on Thursday’s SportsTalk with George Hoyle and John Charles Rose.

When asked about his goals as the head man at Henderson Collegiate, Murray stated his plans were “to take it to the next level.”  From Murray’s point of view, the next level is a state championship. “A State championship or nothing,” said Murray. He also feels that winning a state title is more do-able than most people seem to think.

Murray says he expects Henderson Collegiate to be a fast paced team. “Up-tempo, up-tempo, up-tempo,” Murray stressed. “We want to be the fastest paced team in the country,” he added.  He’s only had one practice so far and that was for an hour this past Saturday but the team did play three games this week winning two by 2o points and losing one in a hard fought game with Franklinton. These off season games will give Murray an idea of what he has to work with throughout next season. It’s a new staff and a new system but one that will hopefully be successful for Murray. Murray got used to success at The Burlington School where, in his three years there, the school sent 13 players to play college ball.  He hopes to repeat that with Henderson Collegiate.

Murray said he always wanted to be a head coach and Henderson Collegiate seemed like the right choice for him. “It was time to do something I wasn’t comfortable with,” Murray said. He felt a little too comfortable and feels like this new position will keep him challenged. In the end, Murray says that the team has one goal at Henderson Collegiate: “Have a lot of fun and win a lot of games.”



240 VCS Seniors Turn Tassels During Recent Graduation Exercises

Vance County Schools has been in graduation mode for the last couple of weeks and announced Thursday that 240 seniors in four schools have received their high school diplomas.

Graduation exercises began on the morning of May 25, with Vance County High School; Vance County Early College High School graduated later that evening at the Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center.

Vance Virtual Village (V3) Academy and AdVance Academy graduated on June 10 in the Wayne Adcock Auditorium of the district’s Center for Innovation. Students, staff and guests gathered to celebrate their accomplishments.

At the graduation ceremonies, representatives from the Class of 2022 shared words of encouragement with their fellow classmates:

To the Class of 2022, Karla Cruz Ochoa offered encouragement for the new graduates “to triumph against all the odds and to relentlessly chase your dreams.  Let us never forget that we are the product of Vance County High School. The home of the Vipers!”

Aniya Palmer of Vance County Early College High School shared a similar sentiment with her classmates. “As we go into the next major part of our lives,” Palmer said, “I hope that everyone keeps the same perseverance and dedication to accomplish whatever they desire in life. And one day may we all become Big Chiefs and be an influential person to someone around us.”

And from Vance Virtual Village Academy’s Naadirah Moore: “Face [future] challenges with your head high and heart wide open. You must excel in everything you do, and strive for excellence in every task. It is your job to make the best of everything you have, at every moment you experience.”

Following is a breakdown of some of the accomplishments of the 240 newly minted graduated of Vance County Schools:

  • 18 cum laude Scholars (weighted grade point average of 3.25-3.5),
  • 18 magna cum laude Scholars (weighted grade point average of 3.6-3.9)
  • 16 summa cum laude Scholars (weighted grade point average of 4.0+).
  • 4 North Carolina Scholars, 71 college endorsements and 68 college/UNC endorsements.
  • 31 students with the President’s Award for Educational Excellence
  • 17 students with the President’s Award for Achievement
  • 19 graduates earned North Carolina Career endorsements
  • 22 were early graduates
  • 23 students were recognized in the top 10 percent of the Vance County Schools Class of 2022.
  • 15 students who graduated associate’s degrees in Arts
  • 11 students graduated with associate’s degrees in Science.
  • 3 graduates are members of  Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
  • 4 National Honor Society Scholars
  • 37 Beta Club Scholars

Oxford Designated As Affiliate Main Street America Program

-information courtesy of the City of Oxford

The City of Oxford and the Downtown Oxford Economic Development Commission have been designated as an Affiliate Main Street America™ program for meeting rigorous performance standards.

Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of Affiliate programs to recognize their commitment to creating meaningful improvements to their downtowns using preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.

The City of Oxford and DOEDC’s performance is annually evaluated by North Carolina Main Street which works in partnership with Main Street America to identify the local programs that are committed to comprehensive, place-based revitalization efforts and achieving meaningful community outcomes.

We are thrilled to acknowledge this year’s 383 Affiliate Main Street America programs and their commitment to advance economic vitality and quality of life in their downtowns and commercial districts,” Main Street America President and CEO Patrice Frey. “During another incredibly challenging year, these programs demonstrated the power of the Main Street movement to respond to the needs of their communities, driving essential local recovery efforts, supporting small businesses, and nurturing vibrant neighborhoods.”

In 2021, Main Street America programs generated $5.76 billion in local reinvestment, helped open 6,601 net new businesses, generated 30,402 net new jobs, catalyzed the rehabilitation of 10,595 historic buildings, and leveraged 1,427,729 volunteer hours. On average, for every dollar that a Main Street program spent to support its operations, it generated $19.34 of new investment back into Main Street communities.

Main Street America leads a movement committed to strengthening communities through preservation based economic development in older and historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. For more than 40 years, Main Street America has provided a practical, adaptable, and impactful framework for community-driven, comprehensive revitalization through the Main Street Approach™. Our network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. Since 1980, communities participating in the program have leveraged more than $95.33 billion in new public and private investment

generating 161,036 net new businesses and 717,723 net new jobs and rehabilitated more than 314,431 buildings. Main Street America is a nonprofit subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. For more information, visit mainstreet.org.