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The Local Skinny! Restaurant Week Comes To Oxford

Local foodies, take note!

Next week, innovative dining experiences are a short drive away as Oxford kicks off “Restaurant Week.”

The event kicks off this Sunday, Sept. 25, with a Sunday Supper at Oxford Oaks Farm, located in Oxford Park, 3679 Oaklawn Dr., and Granville Tourism Director Angela Allen told Bill Harris on The Local Skinny! Monday that the apps and drinks will be served at 5:30 p.m., followed by a three-course meal at 6 that will be topped off with dessert and coffee.

This is a ticketed event and Allen said seating is limited. Visit https://strongarm.menu for details and to purchase tickets.

Q, the general manager for Tobacco Wood Brewing Co., said the idea for Restaurant Week grew out of the Quittin’ Time events that have been held in downtown Oxford for the past couple of years.

Quittin’ Time features small plates, or tapas, and patrons walk among the participating restaurants to sample food and beverages. But during Restaurant Week, each restaurant takes a turn at providing a specialty meal.

“Every restaurant in this town has superstars…who come up with some of the most creative dishes than I’ve seen in a long time – it’s gonna blow people’s minds,” Q said.

Up first is Harvest, with a prix fixe dinner on Tuesday, Sept. 27. There is a 5:30 p.m. seating and a 7:30 p.m. seating. Call Harvest this week between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. at 919.603.1460 to reserve a spot.

On Wednesday, the spotlight shines on Main St. Oasis, where reservations will be accepted, but are not necessary. A Mediterranean fish dinner is the featured dish.

Uptown and Strong Arm team up for Thursday evening’s culinary delights. Uptown and Tobacco Wood will be featured again on Saturday evening.

Tobacco Wood is pairing the music of a jazz trio with some kitchen vibes straight out of the Delta: “we’re going to do a little Cajun Creole night,” Q said, with some specialty dishes available – think jambalaya and shrimp and grits. Guests also can choose to spice up the wings or other regular menu items with a little Cajun dry rub or Cajun sauce, Q added.

The beauty of Restaurant Week, Q said, is that patrons “have a full night to understand what each restaurant has to offer…plus more. The plus more is what you’re going to see” next week, he added.

Check out the full listing of Oxford’s Restaurant Week at Visit Granville County NC’s Facebook page.



TownTalk: Infinite Possibilities Brings Awareness To Domestic Violence

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and two upcoming events in the community are being organized as a way to boost visibility about the prevalence – and the local services that are available for those who may need help to get out of an abusive situation.

Bratanya Simmons and Vanessa Henderson work with Infinite Possibilities, Inc. and they spoke with Bill Harris on Monday’s Town Talk about a walk that will take place at Aycock Rec Center on Saturday, Oct. 1 and a candlelight vigil planned in Warrenton on Tuesday, Oct. 4.

Simmons and Henderson invite walkers to take place in the second annual awareness walk, which will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the track at the recreational complex, 307 Carey Chapel Rd., Henderson.

“Bring your walking shoes and take laps,” Simmons said. “There will be a t-shirt this year for all participants for coming out and supporting and honoring domestic violence victims.”

The candlelight vigil will take place at the Warren County courthouse square from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Speakers for the event will include representatives from the Warrenton Police Department and the department of social services. “We’re asking everyone to come out…and light a candle for those who have lost their lives to domestic violence,” Simmons said.

Henderson added that domestic violence cuts across all socio-economic categories, and both men and women can be perpetrators as well as victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

As with so many other aspects of our lives, the COVID-19 pandemic created additional challenges for victims, as well as for those agencies like Infinite Possibilities which try to find helpful resources.

Simmons said she has seen an uptick in the number of people who contact Infinite Possibilities for help. “Victims were home 24/7 with their abusers and perpetrators” during the COVID lockdown. But the pandemic also created additional hurdles as far as finding resources for victims, too, Henderson said.

“Not only was the pandemic bad on the victims but on the support systems for those victims were eliminated due to the lockdowns and not being able to access family and friends,” she said. The COVID lockdown affected the mental health of domestic violence survivors as well, she added.

It was also difficult to find shelters to accept victims who lived outside the county where the shelter was located.

Neither Vance County nor Warren County has an emergency shelter, and although the women have heard rumblings about the need for a shelter in the area, they said they were unaware of further plans.

Currently, they use shelters in Franklin, Durham and Wake counties.

“A shelter is needed in the area for domestic violence victims,” Simmons said.

Some basic needs are met through different organizations and referral services, but Henderson said there is a need for more.

So often, victims of domestic violence reach out to organizations like Infinite Possibilities without having a clear idea of what it is they want or need, so Simmons said it’s important to ask them specifically what they would like to have happen: is it going to an emergency shelter or is it having a restraining order in place?

They may not know how to ask for a protection order, or what kind of order they need. It takes, on average, “ seven times for victims to decide they are ready to move on and go through the court process,” Simmons explained. Organizations like Infinite Possibilities walk victims through the process.

But, Henderson added, they adhere to a strict confidentiality policy to provide safety for the victims, “ so their information is not released to anyone who could possibly put them in danger.”

The crisis line is available 24 hours a day and accepts calls and text messages. That number is 252.425.2492. The phone number for the office, located at Gateway Center, is 252.431.1926.

The number for Simmons is 252.257.1044.

Learn more at https://infinitepossibilitiesinc.net/



Vance County High School

Vance County Defeated Jordan Friday Night By One Point

Vance County defeated Jordan Friday night 28 to 27.  The Vipers trailed 20-nothing but fought back and took their first lead inside a minute to go.  Vance County High School thwarted Jordan’s final drive with excellent defense to secure the win.  The Vipers move the 3-2 on the year and start conference play this week.  Tune in Monday at 12:30 p.m. on SportsTalk for a full recap.

SportsTalk: Elliott And Allred Preview Vipers Vs. Jordan

After losing the last two games to powerful Durham schools, 2-2 Vance County makes another trip down I-85 to battle 1-3 Jordan High School in the final non-conference game of the season. While no coach likes to lose, Vance Co. Head Coach Aaron Elliott felt much better about his team after last week’s 28 – 20 loss to Northern Durham. “We went toe to toe with a good Durham football team,” Elliot said on Thursday’s SportsTalk. “We were able to establish a run game,” Elliott continued. The Vipers had been a heavily pass oriented team, but with the loss of quarterback Nazir Garrett, the Vipers had to find a running game. Last week they did. Elliott feels there is a good chance that Garrett may be back for the game tomorrow night and, if so, the Vipers will have a better balanced offense that won’t have to rely exclusively on Garrett to throw the ball.

Jordan Coach Justin Allred, who was also on SportsTalk Thursday, alluded to the Viper’s double threat. “It’s like watching two different teams,” Allred said. Jordan is coming off a 34-14 loss to Southeast Guilford, but he feels the tough non-conference schedule has helped. “It’s a chance to test our squad,” said Allred. Jordan is also a very balanced team capable of both running and throwing the ball, but he says his biggest concern about the Vipers is team speed which he described as incredible. Jordan does have one thing in its favor other teams haven’t and that is Athletic Director Joe Sharrow.  Until this year, Sharrow had been athletic director at Vance County High School, and Coach Allred has been able to use Sharrow’s knowledge to help him prepare for Friday night’s matchup.

Airtime is 6:50  p.m. with kickoff at 7 p.m. for Vance County Friday Night Football here on WIZS.

Listen Local on 1450 AM / 100.1 FM or click on Listen Live at wizs.com (https://player.listenlive.co/53101).


Sheriff Brame: Illegal Phone Scam Circulating

Vance Sheriff Curtis Brame has reported that the main phone number for the sheriff’s office has been cloned and is being used in an illegal scheme after hearing from numerous citizens that they have been called and told they will be arrested if they don’t comply with instructions.

According to Brame, citizens are getting calls that because they failed to appear in court to serve as jurors, they must pay a certain amount of money or face arrest.

“They are being advised to take cash and deposit same into a kiosk machine at a local convenience store to avoid being arrested,” Brame said in communication to WIZS News Friday.

“At no time will my office or the clerk’s office direct a citizen to take funds to a third-party location,” Brame said.

Anyone who receives a call like this is asked to obtain as much information as possible from the caller and contact local law enforcement agencies.


Free Prostate Cancer Screening At MPH Sept. 29

-information courtesy of Donna Young, MPH marketing & communication coordinator

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and the doctors and staff of Maria Parham Health are once again providing free prostate screenings for men in the community.

The screening event will take place on Thursday, Sept. 29 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. No appointments are needed; just show up at the hospital.

According to a press release from Donna Young, marketing & communication coordinator, all men are at risk for prostate cancer. Although about 13 out of every 100 American men will get prostate cancer during their lifetime, and of that figure several will die from it.

The most common risk factor is age. The older a man is, the greater the chance of getting prostate cancer, but some men are at an increased risk. African American men are more likely to get prostate cancer than other men, and more than twice as likely to die from it. African American men tend to get diagnosed at an earlier age, have more advanced disease when it is found, and tend to have a more severe type of prostate cancer than other men. Men who have a close blood relative (father, son or brother) who had prostate cancer are also at an increased risk.  The American Cancer Society recommends screenings for men 50 or older and those at a higher risk beginning at 45.

For more information, call the Maria Parham Cancer Center at 252.436.1656.


Military History Show Coming To Local Airport Oct. 29

The 7th annual Military History Show will take place Saturday, Oct. 29 at the Henderson-Oxford Airport in Oxford.

The free event is open to the public and will be held 10a.m. to 4 p.m., complete with a display of military equipment, uniforms and other historical articles. Participants can bid on items during a Silent Auction and Total Flight Solutions will be on hand for helicopter rides.

All proceeds will benefit the Veterans Affairs Committee of Granville County.

Contact Harry Coombs to secure a vendor space, make a donation or to become a sponsor. At 919.691.7697 or Harry4th@centurylink.net.

The airport is located at 6514 Airport Rd., Oxford, NC 27565

Epsom Community Classic

3rd Annual Epsom Community Classic Race Set For Oct. 1

The third annual Epsom Community Classic 2022 will take place Saturday, Oct. 1 at 9 a.m.

New Bethel Baptist Church is sponsoring the event to raise money for missionaries in the U.S. and overseas.

The race is run on a 3.5-mile loop with the start and finish line at the Epsom Fire Department, located at 8120 NC Highway South in Henderson.

The entry fees are $20 through Sept. 18, $25 between Sept. 19 and Sept. 30, and $30 on race day. The fee does not include a t-shirt, but they can be ordered for $10 if participants are registered before Sept. 18.

Awards will be presented to the first three male finishers overall, to the first three female finishers overall and to the top three finishers in each of the following age groups: 11-under, 12-19, 20-29, 30-39,40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70-over.

LFNC Fellow Begins 1-Year Fellowship With Granville County

As one of 23 host sites across the state, Granville County has its first participant in a leadership program that is part of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Government.

The program, Lead for North Carolina (LFNC), places recent college graduates in a one-year fellowship in various municipal and county governments. Keegan Rapp, a graduate of Queens University in Charlotte, began his fellowship in August.

The Belmont, NC native said he is excited to be in Granville County.
“I became a Fellow to learn more about how local government assists people in North Carolina,” Rapp said. “I will work to boost the capacity of Granville County while elevating the county and learning its story.”

LFNC serves as a bridge between North Carolina communities and smart, passionate and committed young leaders. With the launch of its fourth cohort this year, the program has placed 74 fellows in positions with municipal governments, county governments and regional councils across the state. By recruiting, training and placing these fellows, LFNC seeks to strengthen public institutions, support local communities as it cultivates a new generation of public service leaders.

“We are excited to host Keegan Rapp as our Lead for NC Fellow,” said Assistant County Manager Korena Weichel. “Keegan will assist and learn from all county departments during his time with us. Granville County government is committed to cultivating the next generation of local government leaders as prioritized by our board of commissioners in the 2021-2025 strategic plan. Hosting a Lead for NC Fellow is a great way to gain valuable assistance for county management while also providing Keegan with an in-depth training ground to begin his  public service career.”

Of the 23 fellowship placements, 10 Fellows will serve in municipalities, eight in  county offices, and six in regional councils of government. In total, fellows’ assignments will cover thirty-seven individual North Carolina counties. Fellows will work in areas including budgeting, management, opioid response, planning, housing and economic development.

Lead for North Carolina is made possible through funding from an array of partners, including the State Employees’ Credit Union Foundation, AmeriCorps, The Anonymous Trust, Golden LEAF Foundation, The Jessie Ball duPont  Fund, the North Carolina League of Municipalities, State Farm, Wells Fargo and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.

Lead for North Carolina is joined by the following founding partners: the North Carolina League of Municipalities, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, the North Carolina City/County Management Association and Lead for America.