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Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

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TownTalk: American Legion Post 60 Celebrates 100 Years


Henderson’s American Legion Post 60 is celebrating 100 years of service to the area with a special program Saturday evening to mark the occasion.

Post 60 Commander Ted Grissom reminds members of the program that is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 25, beginning at 6 p.m.

Post 60 Vice-Commander Hartwell Wright spoke with John C. Rose on Tuesday’s TownTalk and he said the local post provides support to military veterans in the area.

One goal on the horizon for Post 60 is establishing a veterans memorial in downtown Henderson. Although the idea is in the early stages, Wright said he hopes to have details soon about a tangible way to honor the military veterans of Vance County.

Wright recalled the early days of the American Legion in the U.S., when Congress decided that the newly established group would be the voice for veterans. The American Legion was instrumental in the formation of the Veterans Administration, he noted.

One of the group’s goals, Wright said, is “to keep the membership strong so we can be relevant in the future.” One way the local post supports veterans is with financial help. “When there is a significant need brought to our attention, we do our best to help that veteran,” Wright explained.

Membership is strong at this time, he said, adding that more veterans from the Vietnam and Iraq conflicts are choosing to participate in legion activities.

“It’s imperative on us to continue to recruit…so the future will be bright for the American Legion and the veterans we serve,” Wright said.

Among the activities planned for the program Saturday is a presentation of the post’s history by Ret. Col. Ed Blue.

“It will be the highlight of the event,” Wright said.

The event will be held at the Post 60 building, located at the corner of Garnett and Spring streets and will include a covered dish supper.

In addition to local post leaders, American Legion division commanders, vice-commanders and other district, state and local dignitaries are expected to be present. And although this particular event is by invitation only, American Legion leaders want to make sure that all local veterans know about ongoing activities that Post 60 participates and to raise awareness about services and membership in the organization.



Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Perry Library Youth Services Upcoming Programs

Students in middle or high school are invited to take part in a “survival skills” workshop at the Perry Memorial Library, but the skills learned bear no resemblance to those of reality TV shows where you have to eat weird stuff or navigate deserted islands.

No, this month’s survival skills workshop involves sewing machines, said Melody Peters, the library’s youth services director.

Last month, participants learned how to sew on a button – if you stop by the library this afternoon, you’ll see the group sewing mittens, Peters told WIZS’s Bill Harris on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Originally designed for youth in grades 6-8, Peters said the class is going to be opened up for high school students, too.

Next month’s project is making a shirt and then they’ll move on to making stuffed toys.

These basic skills used to be taught in home economics classes, if they weren’t taught by parents or grandparents, but Peters said offering the workshop at the library is just one way to interact with young people and help them feel successful.

“Education is your ticket,” Peters said, “but it can look differently for everybody.” Sometimes, kids just need a little help to learn those skills – like basic sewing – as they become more independent and self-reliant.


Next Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 4:30 p.m.,  the library programming shifts gears as it welcomes Mama Azia as part of African American History Month. This interactive event features music and storytelling, Peters said. “I’m so excited to see her engage our youth – it’s going to be amazing!”


Then, on Tuesday, Mar 7 at 4:30 p.m., the library will have another in a series of workshops called  “life hacks.” The March workshop will help young people begin the process of creating a resume.

“I want kids to be ahead of the game,” Peters said, to be prepared with a resume and choosing references when they go out in search of a summer job, for example.

Participants will get individualized attention from adults knowledgeable about building a resume and what it should include to be as effective as possible.

Peters said young people can have a document in their Google Drive, ready to send at a moment’s notice.

“You can do all of this mobile,” she said. So when kids are out and about and hear about a possible job opportunity, they can retrieve a resume virtually and can send it along to a prospective employer right away. The workshop will give young people a chance to practice interview skills.

Visit https://www.perrylibrary.org/ for details on all upcoming events and programs.



The Local Skinny! JPAC Brings A Variety Of Entertainment To The Area

Whether it’s the glam style of Cher or the allure of rescue dogs doing comical tricks, chances are the Jones Performing Arts Center at Louisburg College has something of interest.

Robert Poole, director of the JPAC, spoke with WIZS’s Bill Harris Monday on The Local Skinny! and listed all the upcoming performances scheduled at the venue.

After almost a year and a half of interruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, Poole said “now we’re kind of back up and running.”

Next up is a show by Lisa McClowry, who “looks more like Cher than Cher does,” Poole said. McClowry is a professional singer who tours across the country as Cher, including the obligatory multiple costume changes during the evening’s concert.

The doors open at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets range from $40 for adults to $10 for children.

The “Rhythm of the Dance” is sure to delight, when the National Dance Company of Ireland takes the stage on Mar. 25 at 7:30 p.m.

Think Riverdance, Poole said. “It’s going to be a lot of fun,” he added.

The Royal National Dance Company from Tiblisi, Georgia, will perform a free concert titled “Fire of Georgia” on Mar. 30 at 7:30 p.m. The performance will combine folk music from the Repubic of Georgia with classical dance elements. The doors open at 6:30 and the show begins at 7 p.m.

And you won’t want to miss Perondi’s Stunt Dogs on Sunday afternoon, April 16, Poole said.

This group of rescue dogs has been trained to do all sorts of tricks, from jumping through rings to dancing and long jumps. Tickets are on sale now for this show, which is being presented at a family-friendly time of 3 p.m. so parents can bring the kids for a fun-filled afternoon.

Visit https://www.jpacarts.com/ for a complete list of events, as well as ticket pricing and purchase options or call the box office Monday through Friday between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. at 866.733.6354.



Feb. 22 Workshop To Discuss Leadership Development For Firefighters

Vance County firefighters and others involved in fire service are invited to attend a class next week on leadership development.

Vance County Fire Chief Chris Wright said the class, titled “It’s Not About You: Forging Sovereign Leadership” will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 22 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Wright told WIZS News that Erick Mohn, who works with the Wake Forest Fire Department, will lead the session, which will take place at the Vance County Rescue Squad, 1735 Maynard St.

Although mainly geared to fire personnel, Wright said the workshop teaches how to be a humble leader.

“Being a leader, (it’s) not just about yourself, but being a leader for others and for the community,” he said.

Wright said he’s known Mohn for a long time, and when the opportunity presented itself to do the training, Wright was all for it.

Firefighters are used to lots of training – but this strays a bit from the typical training they must complete.

“We can pull hose and throw ladders” all day long, Wright said, but the training is designed to “get down to the heart of why we do what we do and who we do it for.”

Teen Charged With Possession Of Stolen Gun

A Guilford County teenager was arrested during a traffic stop earlier this month in Vance County and ultimately charged with possession of a stolen firearm.

Sekius Rainey, 18, was charged in connection with the Feb. 10 traffic stop, which occurred on Newton Dairy Road, according to a press statement from Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame.

The firearm had been reported stolen from Granville County.

Officers turned Rainey over to Granville County officers for questioning and processing. He was given a $20,000 secured bond by a magistrate.



Lillian Brooks, Oxford Prep Senior, Chosen For UNC-CH Morehead-Cain Scholarship

Lillian Brooks, a senior at Oxford Preparatory School, has been selected for the Morehead-Cain Scholarship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the daughter of Angela and Chris Brooks of Oxford.

Brooks, set to graduate summa cum laude, also serves as senior class president and participates in numerous groups at Oxford Prep, including the school’s chapter of the Student Government Association, which she helped establish, according to information from OPS Executive Director Andrew Swanner.

She is a student board member of the school’s board of directors, and a member of the Beta Club and the Tri-M honor society.

Brooks has played soccer and volleyball, and she enjoys her involvement in various musical groups, including the school’s concert choir, jazz band and concert band.

She plays piano and enjoys singing in the Oxford Baptist Church’s youth choir.

And if all that is not enough, she works as a lifeguard at Forest Hills Pool in Oxford, as well as in the Oxford Prep Griffins Nest after-school program.

The Morehead-Cain scholarship provides a four-year, fully funded educational experience for incoming students at UNC-CH, selecting recipients on qualities including leadership, character, scholarship and physical vigor.




Henderson Man Jailed On Drug, Federal Detention Order

A Henderson man is in jail on a couple of charges, one of which is possession of cocaine, according to Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame.

Members of the sheriff’s office narcotics unit assisted U.S. marshals locate Terrance Hargrove on Friday, Feb. 17, Brame stated in a press release Monday.

Hargrove, 45, was found in the area of North Henderson and placed into custody on a federal detention order.

He also was charged with possession of 8.6 grams of cocaine, for which he received a $60,000 secure bond.

Hargrove is being held without privilege of bond on the federal detention, awaiting a court date of Mar. 17, 2023.