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TownTalk: Purr Partners Prepares For Kitten Season

Having a pet can be a wonderful experience – who doesn’t love the idea of a cute little furr ball greeting you when you come home after a hard day’s work?

But with pet ownership comes responsibilities, in addition to general care and trips to the vet, and Lawanna Johnson sees the consequences first-hand when pet owners don’t live up to their end of the bargain.

Johnson is president and founder of Purr Partners, a feline rescue dedicated to saving cats and kittens and finding them forever homes.

The nonprofit was established in 2009 on a shoestring budget and today thrives as a leading rescue, foster and adoption facility for cats and kittens. Johnson spoke with WIZS’s Bill Harris Thursday on a recurring segment of TownTalk called Pets and People.

“There is really an epidemic right now going on of cats being dumped everywhere,” she said. Five years ago, Johnson and others in the rescue world could identify a “kitten season,” usually in the spring, with little or no kittens in February or March. But now, “kitten season is really becoming year-round here in North Carolina,” she said.

Whether it’s because of the economy or because of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting the spay/neuter clinics, there are a lot of cats and kittens making their way into shelters and rescue organizations like Purr Partners.

And they’re not in great health. “It’s heartbreaking,” Johnson said. “They’re not thriving, they’re not surviving.” It costs thousands of dollars to get them healthy, she added. Dollars that come from the generosity of regular donors and from fundraisers, like the Purr Partners “Black Cat Bash” held in October each year.

Purr Partners relies on donations and fundraisers to continue their work, which includes taking adoptable cats to three Petsmart locations in the Wake Forest/Raleigh area.

Volunteers are on hand from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. each weekend at the PetSmarts in Wake Forest, and the stores at Capital Blvd. and Millbrook Road and Six Forks and Strickland.

Adoptions begin with an application, which provides Purr Partners staff with information to help find the perfect match.

“You’re making hopefully a lifetime commitment,” Johnson said. “You want it to be happy and you want to be happy with it,” she said of the cat or kitten that you choose.

But realistically speaking, thing don’t always work out. And that’s ok. Purr Partners has a two-week trial period, so it it doesn’t work out, you can bring the cat back and either try again or get your adoption fee refunded.

Visit https://www.purrpartners.org/ to see the cats available for adoption or to sign up to volunteer.



Granville Wedding And Event Expo Gathers Vendors Under One Roof

The Granville County Convention and Expo Center will transform into a one-stop shopping venue for the upcoming Wedding and Events Expo on Saturday, Mar. 4 .

Angela Allen, Granville County Tourism Development Authority director, said the event will be a perfect opportunity for anyone looking for ideas as they plan special events, from birthday celebrations to weddings.

A variety of vendors will be on hand from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to talk with prospective clients who may be looking for a venue, photographer, florists and much more. Tickets are $10 per person; pre-registration is recommended. To purchase tickets or learn more, visit https://visitgranvillenc.com/whats-happening/weddings-events/ .

Allen said vendors will be on hand representing event venues, caterers, event rental companies, invitation designers, balloon artists, photographers, makeup professionals, hair stylists, accommodation options, dessert makers, event planners and florists.

Volunteers are needed to help set up and clean up, parking, registration and other tasks that go along with such a big project, Allen said. High school students 16 years or older who need to earn community hours may sign up to volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0a4aaeac23aafc1-volunteers#/

The Granville TDA is looking for a few more sponsors who would like to be featured during the daylong expo. To claim one of the final sponsorships, or for more information about volunteering, contact Allen at angela.allen@granvillecounty.org or 919-693-6125.

The following businesses are currently sponsors:

  • A&A Photography
  • Printing and More
  • Makeup artist Beth McDowell
  • Carlee Farm
  • Carolina Noir Boudoir photography
  • Cedar Grove Acres
  • DJ Harvey Wall
  • Heiden Travelverse
  • The Grand at Oxford (Days Inn)
  • KG Photography and Videography
  • Lydia Crouse Photography
  • Shear Desire Hair Salon
  • Tranquility Estate
  • DJ Trey Snide
  • the Willow Oak Room at the Creedmoor Community Center
  • Wilkinson Creative Co.

The Granville County Convention and Expo Center is located at 4185 US Highway 15 South in Oxford.

Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover: Relaxing Techniques, Pt. 3

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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TownTalk: Osteopathic Medicine Helps with Those Aches And Pains

There are lots of reasons why people develop arthritis – either we’re genetically predisposed to achy joints, we’ve suffered an injury that later brings on pain or it could be just simple wear-and-tear on our bodies that produces the aches and pains we associate with getting older.

But Mark Messmer, a doctor of osteopathic medicine, says treatment of arthritis is not a one-size-fits-all approach. And people who suffer with some forms of arthritis may have more options today than they would have had, say, 20 or more years ago.

Messmer has been practicing osteopathic medicine at Maria Parham Health since he left the Navy back in the summer of 2022. He spoke with John C. Rose Wednesday on TownTalk about his experiences in the Navy and how the journey that led him to Henderson.

During his service with the Navy, he said he got to treat military personnel coming back from war. “That really pushed me into orthopedics,” he said, adding that is the area where he felt he could make the biggest contribution.

He said it is gratifying to be able to offer someone a potentially life-changing surgery.

When he left military service, he said he was looking to work in a small community with a community hospital. He and his wife both are from Michigan, and after experiencing one relatively mild North Carolina winter while Messmer was at Camp Lejeune, they both decided it was way better than freezing in Michigan.

With close to 10 years of practice now under his belt, Messmer said he’s seen advances in the way the medical community can help arthritis sufferers.

And he offers some practical advice for anyone who is dealing with what he calls “little nagging injuries:” Don’t ignore them.

“It’s always good to get it checked out,” Messmer said, instead of brushing it off or ignoring it. Often, those conditions simply progress, which cause bigger problems sooner rather than later, he said. And once that happens, he said treatment options narrow.

If you think of the cartilage in your joints like the treads on a tire, you can understand that the cartilage, like the treads, wear over time. And although tires can be replaced, it’s not quite that simple with cartilage.

In some cases, the whole joint can be replaced – think knees and hips.

But there are things that can slow the progression of cartilage loss – from exercises that decrease stress on joints to reducing inflammation that causes the cartilage to break down in the first place.

Surgery isn’t always the first – or best – treatment option, Messmer said.

There are many options to consider before surgery, including the use of braces and injections.

In the months that he’s been working in Henderson, he said he’s seen patients with arthritis in their hips, knees and shoulders, as well as rotator cuff problems and lower back pain.

In some cases, less invasive treatments can do the trick, and Messmer said lots of patients find relief from braces, or steroid injections, or regular visits to the chiropractor.

“The last thing people want to hear about is surgery,” Messmer said. “If you’re seeing a chiropractor and you’re getting results, by all means keep doing it.” As long as symptoms aren’t worsening, he said, keep using the less invasive options.

Joint replacements are lasting longer now, and Messmer said it’s possible that we’ll see  robotics-style devices being used in the future. “It’s not for every patient,” Messmer said, “but certain patients with complex joints could benefit” from robotics devices.

There were fewer options for patients with arthritis 30 years ago, but fast-forward to today and there are all different types of treatment, including using different lubrications in joints that mimic cartilage.

Providing pain relief for mild to moderate arthritis, in some cases, keeps surgery at bay for years, he added.

Make an appointment with Messmer or his colleagues at Maria Parham Health’s orthopedics office to learn what options may be best suited for you. Call 252.436.1314 or visit https://www.mariaparham.com to schedule a visit.



Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Check all gardening equipment and do maintenance if needed. Ex wheelbarrow tires
  • Fertilize tall fescue, slow release, low P. Getting late for crabgrass preventer.
  • Read information on seed packs.
  • Get ready to prune fruit trees – 2/25, 10 am, Timberlake
  • If you need honeybees for pollination order asap.
  • Begin pruning evergreen shrubs.
  • Make sure when growing plants in doors that plants are getting enough light. Provide grow lights if needed.
  • Don’t be fooled by the warm weather, we are still at risk of frost or freezing. Hold off on planting warm season vegetables and flowers.
  • Cooperative Extension has excellent vegetable publications.

Click Play!


Kerr Tar Workforce and NCWorks

TownTalk: CyberHIRE 2023 Makes It Easy To Find A New Job

Job seekers and employers will get a unique opportunity to “meet” later this week during a Cyber Hire event sponsored by the Kerr-Tar COG.

Employers from across the five-county region – Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin and Person – will make presentations that will be livestreamed to a site in each of the counties, where prospective employees will be gathered, explained Desiree Brooks, business services manager of KTCOG’s workforce development board.

This hybrid hiring event is just another way that KTCOG connects employers who are looking for workers and individuals who are looking for employment, Brooks told John C. Rose on Tuesday’s TownTalk.

She and co-worker Adam Perkins said the CyberHire 2023 event creates a convenient way for employers to participate without having to leave their offices. Participants will be checked in and all settled in their spots beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 24. The presentations will begin promptly at 10 a.m. and will conclude about 12 noon.

Each county has its own site where the CyberHire 2023 can be viewed:

  • Vance County – NC Works Career Center, 826 S. Garnett St., Henderson
  • Granville County – VGCC South Campus in Creedmoor
  • Warren County – Warren Memorial Library
  • Franklin County – VGCC Franklin Campus, Louisburg on Hwy. 56
  • Person County – Business Development Entrepreneurship Center, 105 N. Main St., uptown Roxboro

Brooks said they wanted to bring back the in-person events after things got shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic. The KTCOG has held outdoor events in the area, and she said the hybrid event will be convenient for everyone involved and has been strategically planned for effectiveness.

“They all need employees,” she said of the companies and manufacturers that will be represented Friday. “This is an opportunity for these employers to be in the comfort of their offices” while making a pitch to prospective workers.

The presentations will be viewed live, but in “listen-only” mode. Brooks said she expects follow-up interviews to be scheduled quickly so hires can be made.

Among the employers taking part in Friday’s session are: Versatrim, Maria Parham Health, International Paper, CertainTeed, Altec and Warren Correctional Institute. The positions range from machine operators and manufacturers to administrative positions, Perkins said.

“We have an array of employers from all of our counties,” he added.

Brooks agreed, adding that “every single employer will be promoting positions that pay a minimum of $16 an hour. They’re going to be learning about some great opportunities,” she said.

To learn more about this and other KTCOG programs, call 252.598.5200 or visit





Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

Click Play!


TownTalk: American Legion Post 60 Celebrates 100 Years


Henderson’s American Legion Post 60 is celebrating 100 years of service to the area with a special program Saturday evening to mark the occasion.

Post 60 Commander Ted Grissom reminds members of the program that is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 25, beginning at 6 p.m.

Post 60 Vice-Commander Hartwell Wright spoke with John C. Rose on Tuesday’s TownTalk and he said the local post provides support to military veterans in the area.

One goal on the horizon for Post 60 is establishing a veterans memorial in downtown Henderson. Although the idea is in the early stages, Wright said he hopes to have details soon about a tangible way to honor the military veterans of Vance County.

Wright recalled the early days of the American Legion in the U.S., when Congress decided that the newly established group would be the voice for veterans. The American Legion was instrumental in the formation of the Veterans Administration, he noted.

One of the group’s goals, Wright said, is “to keep the membership strong so we can be relevant in the future.” One way the local post supports veterans is with financial help. “When there is a significant need brought to our attention, we do our best to help that veteran,” Wright explained.

Membership is strong at this time, he said, adding that more veterans from the Vietnam and Iraq conflicts are choosing to participate in legion activities.

“It’s imperative on us to continue to recruit…so the future will be bright for the American Legion and the veterans we serve,” Wright said.

Among the activities planned for the program Saturday is a presentation of the post’s history by Ret. Col. Ed Blue.

“It will be the highlight of the event,” Wright said.

The event will be held at the Post 60 building, located at the corner of Garnett and Spring streets and will include a covered dish supper.

In addition to local post leaders, American Legion division commanders, vice-commanders and other district, state and local dignitaries are expected to be present. And although this particular event is by invitation only, American Legion leaders want to make sure that all local veterans know about ongoing activities that Post 60 participates and to raise awareness about services and membership in the organization.