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Excellence in Financial Reporting to City of Henderson, NC

The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada has awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Henderson, NC.

Congratulations to Finance Director Joey Fuqua and the City staff including City Manager Terrell Blackmon.

The City’s annual comprehensive financial report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021 was judged by an impartial panel and found to meet the high standards of the program.

The recognition comes primarily because the financial report demonstrated “a constructive spirit of full disclosure to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential users and user groups to read the report,” according to a press release from the GFOA.

This represents the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting.

STEM Early High School Teacher Attends NASA Conference in Houston

For the first time in the history of the state of North Carolina, students at STEM Early High picked, researched, designed, and on May 11th, will be testing scientific experiments in zero-g, lunar, and martial gravity environments.

— Vance County Schools Press Release —

STEM Early High School teacher Milton Lima represented Vance County Schools at the 29th Annual Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC) at Space Center Houston in Houston, Texas. SEEC is one of the nation’s leading science educational opportunities for K-12th grade educators to access the latest teaching tools that can fuel their students’ passion for STEM, explore topics in aerospace and network with space industry leaders and NASA experts!

The theme of the 29th SEEC was “Inspiration Shapes Our Future”. Lima shared that scientists, engineers and exceptional educators conducted sessions which offered hands-on, easy to implement science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics lessons, geared towards engaging students at all grade levels.

During the conference, Lima had the opportunity to present the different programs that Vance County Schools’ students have developed at STEM Early High School, such as the:

➔ Microgravity Program: For the first time in the history of the state of North Carolina, students at STEM Early High picked, researched, designed, and on May 11th, will be testing scientific experiments in zero-g, lunar, and martial gravity environments. This program is a collaboration with the Wisconsin and North Carolina Space Grant Consortium, and also Winston-Salem State University, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

➔ NASA Sparx: This is an international collaboration of teachers mentoring students on solving NASA Challenges. Students at STEM Early High worked on building lunar habitats with paper and 3-D models. They have also been working on using metaverse technology. Students at STEM were able to meet weekly with other students across the globe during NASA Sparx.

➔ Space Farmers: STEM Early High students were involved in some of the projects by NASA, which included understanding how to plant in space within harsh and inappropriate conditions. This program is part of an international collaboration of educators.

Lima was also asked to participate in the recognizing of the Limitless Space Institute (LSI) participants. Lima was 1 of 20 educators selected worldwide that are learning beyond solar system science and creating STEAM K-12 lesson plans to bring into the classroom.

“The Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC) is a place for hands-on activities combined with engaging speakers that inject enthusiasm to go back into the classroom and help students reach the stars,” says Lima. “It is my goal to continue inspiring our children to be successful in our state, nationwide and across the globe.”

The conference was also an opportunity for scientists, engineers and educators to network with each other and learn what’s happening in STEM in schools across the world. Milton Lima shared that he is meeting with the Director of Education at NASA Space Center Houston and Vice-Chair of Manned Space Flight Education Foundation Board of Director, Iván Rodriguez, to discuss collaborations for NASA Programs in North Carolina and Brazil.

TownTalk: Rural Water Apprenticeships Are Available

How many times a day do you use water?

Morning showers, preparing a pot of coffee or washing dishes after a meal are just a few of the many ways we use water throughout the day. We turn on the spigot and expect clean, safe water to come flowing out.

But it takes a lot of work to ensure our water is potable and safe to use, and Carolyn Bynum of the N.C. Rural Water Association has a startling statistic for all of us: Over the next five years, water systems will lose more than half of their current employees, mostly through retirement.

And so just who is stepping up to fill those jobs?

NCRWA’s apprenticeship program works year-round to identify prospective employees and place them in paid positions, creating a win-win situation for people who want to work in the field and for those water systems who need employees.

People who work in water system plants and wastewater plants are very essential front-line workers, she noted. “If we don’t have clean water, everything dies,” Bynum said. “It sounds drastic, but in reality, it’s true,” she added.

Bynum is the NCRWA’s workforce development coordinator and she explained the apprenticeship program to John C. Rose on Monday’s TownTalk.

The program functions much like traditional apprenticeships, with one big exception – the NCRWA apprentices are paid while they complete the extensive classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

Her agency has placed 20 apprentices in the three years or so since the apprenticeship program  was registered with N.C. Department of Labor. Three more apprentices just completed the two-year process and they’ll be placed soon, too.

And although apprentices will be learning the intricacies of the water industry, Bynum said NCRWA strives to provide participants with occupational training that can be applied across workplaces, not just the water industry.

“We want them to have a broad view of the industry,” she said. There’s a huge growth potential in the industry that often goes unnoticed by those entering the work force.

Applications can be submitted at any time; Bynum said the industry is always looking for qualified workers to make sure customers have clean water.

She said she gets calls all the time from water systems asking for help finding employees.

The apprenticeship program allows new employees to gain experience as they learn from seasoned workers. “You don’t want to wait until they retire,” she said.

After an application is submitted, the process continues sort of like a job interview. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or its equivalent.

Apprentices complete 288 hours of classroom instruction and 4,000 hours of on-the-job training during the two-year program.

At the end of each 1,000-hour period, apprentices are required to meet milestones to show progress. This successful completion every six months or so results in a wage increase.

It’s a plus if a candidate has good math skills, but Bynum said her agency provides supplemental services to shore up basic math skills when needed. “Math is such a huge part of the industry,” she said. There are always charts to read, measurements to take and gauges to monitor to ensure systems are functioning properly.

Water systems and water treatment systems operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, Bynum said.

“It’s recession proof.”

Visit www.ncrwa.org to learn more or contact Bynum at 743.202.0971 or apprenticeship@ncrwa.org.





Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Thinning Pines

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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SportsTalk: Vance Charter Girls Advance To Second Round

“My job is to ruin the fun,” according to Brian Howard, Head Coach of the girl’s basketball team at Vance Charter School.  His was referring to his team becoming over confident after advancing to the second round of the state playoffs. “Our confidence level is always high. Every year we expect to make the playoffs,” Howard added.  This year is no different.  After defeating North Edgecombe 58-27 in the first round Vance Charter will now face a very competitive Clover Garden school tonight at 6pm. This is a home game for Vance Charter.

Howard says their team is built on defense but would like to see his girls play a little harder in the first half.  “We are a strong second half team,” Howard said. In his fifth year as coach Howard feels like the program has come together.  “Everybody’s playing for each other and everybody’s playing together,” said Howard.  Once again, their game against Clover Garden is at 6pm tonight (Thursday) at Vance Charter.


Crossroads Christian School

SportsTalk: Crossroads Christian Girls Play For State Championship Saturday

It may be a few days early to cue up Queen’s “We Are the Champions” but, Crossroads Christian Athletic Director Scottie Richardson hopes the girl’s basketball team comes home Saturday as champions.  It will be the first time the girl’s team has played in a championship game.  The game against Northside Christian Academy will take place at a neutral site, Calvary Day School in Winston-Salem.  “We knew we had all the pieces,” Richardson said on Thursday’s SportsTalk.

With only two seniors and one junior, the team was young but those younger players have played great and are lead by Izzy Thorpe.  After blowing out #1 seed Pungo 67-28 in the final four Crossroads has now made it farther than any girl’s basketball team in school history.  Richardson says the entire school is excited for the team.  Once again, that game is Saturday in Winston-Salem at Calvary Day School.  Game time is 6pm.



The Local Skinny! Fire Department Awards Ceremony

The Henderson Fire Department recognized several of its own during a recent awards and commendation ceremony at Clearview Church.

Interim Fire Chief Curtis Tyndall said Justin Crowder, an engineer with the fire department received the firefighter of the year award and fellow engineer Justin Simmons received the Chief’s award.

Tyndall spoke with John C. Rose Wednesday, and his interview aired on Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

The banquet was held on Feb. 16, and Tyndall said all the award or commendation recipients are the direct result of the leadership of this department under Chief Steve Cordell. Cordell died last month after a battle with cancer.

“He made sure that everybody trained regularly,” Tyndall said of Cordell’s leadership style. “Safety was always at the top of his mind.”

Both Crowder and Simmons have accepted leadership roles within the department; Crowder fills in for the company officer as needed and Simmons participates in the department’s honor guard.

“He goes quietly about his business doing the job,” Tyndall said of Simmons.

Firefighters are constantly training and practicing the techniques that their job requires, and whether they’re getting time behind the wheel of a ladder truck or pulling hose to practice pumping operations, Tyndall said the firefighters are up to the task.

They must know their roles well in advance of arriving on the scene of an accident, fire or other emergency.

“Chain of command in the fire service is extremely important,” Tyndall noted. The battalion chief functions as the incident commander on a scene, and he’s got three company officers that report to him – two engines and a ladder truck. Each person must know his or her role to effectively work the scene.

Fire trucks are dispatched to emergencies that don’t always involve a fire, but firefighters often find themselves as first responders. Several newer firefighters were recognized for being good first responders and EMT personnel: Grayson Talbot, Jack Wilkinson and William Breedlove.

Tyndall said numerous lifesaving awards were given out as well to firefighters who provided a serious intervention to a victim to preserve life and health.