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Police Chief Barrow Likes How LPR Technology Can Aid Law Enforcement

Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow sounded pretty impressed with Flock Safety’s device that reads license plates and said he hopes Henderson joins the growing ranks of cities in the area that are using technology to help combat crime.

The LPR – license plate reader – is a device that does exactly what its name implies – it reads the license plates of vehicles that pass by it.

Barrow told WIZS News Wednesday that an LPR provides real-time data to law enforcement agencies. “If we put an alert on a certain tag,” Barrow said, “it’ll send us (information) that tells us that vehicle has passed by.”

If an LPR detects that a vehicle has passed by the same LPR for, say 30 days, it’s a safe bet that the person driving that vehicle lives in that general area. That’s when police officers can zero in on that area and search for the car and then locate the person they’re interested in talking with.

Barrow said Wake Forest, Louisburg, Durham and other places in the area are testing the waters as LPRs gain popularity. And Raleigh is “inundated” with them, he said.

He plans to bring the request before the City Council at their next meeting.

LPRs are “vital,” to law enforcement, he added.

“If I can pull it off, it’ll help us out tremendously,” Barrow said.

NC State Board of Elections

Vance County Elections Officials Work To Keep Voter Lists Accurate

If you get a card in the mail from the Vance County Board of Elections asking you to confirm some information, it’s part of ongoing maintenance to keep the most updated voter rolls as possible. Vance County joins other county boards of elections across the state to conduct required processes designed to keep the state’s voter rolls accurate.

Elections Director Melody Vaughan told WIZS News this week that the office has sent out 177 cards requesting updated information from residents on the voter rolls. Vaughan said she anticipates another round of cards to go out in July.

These routine processes are required by state and federal laws, according to information from the N.C. State Board of Elections. Accurate voter rolls are maintained by removing voters who have moved or died or are otherwise ineligible to vote in that jurisdiction. Voter roll list maintenance is important because it ensures ineligible voters are not included on poll books during elections.

As a result of these processes, the number of North Carolina voter registrations will decrease in the first half of 2023. As of Feb. 25, about 7.2 million voters were registered in the state, down from more than 7.4 million on January 1.

A Biennial List Maintenance occurs early in odd-numbered years, so the cards that were sent from Vance County are part of the process to voters that have not voted in the previous two statewide elections and the county board of elections has had no contact with that person. In Vance County, the cards were sent to those with whom there has been no contact since Oct. 9, 2020.

If the voter doesn’t return the card within 30 days – and the elections office doesn’t get it back as undeliverable, the voter’s record will be marked “inactive” in the state’s voter registration database. Inactive voters are still registered voters, however; if an inactive voter shows up to vote, the person will be asked to verify their address and update it, if necessary.

The registrations of these voters will be canceled if they do not vote or otherwise confirm their registration by January 2027.

County boards of elections also have begun to remove certain “inactive” voters from the rolls. Voters will be removed from registration lists this year after being sent a no-contact mailing in 2019. Any voter removed in this way would not have had any contact with their county board of elections for four consecutive federal election cycles, not voted in any election during that time and not responded to a confirmation mailing.

Statewide, more than 264,000 inactive voters have been removed in 2023. Any removed registrant must be reinstated if the voter appears to vote and gives oral or written affirmation that the voter has not moved out of the county and has maintained residence continuously within the county. These voters’ votes will be counted absent evidence that they moved out of the county.

Voters may check their registration status at any time using the State Board’s Voter Search tool.

To learn more about registering to vote in North Carolina, visit: Registering.





Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Check seedlings daily…
  • Scout lawns for cool season weeds and treat ASAP. Apply fertilizer by mid-March.
  • Check irrigation equipment
  • Prune your shrubbery if it needs pruning. Don’t do heavy pruning on plants that have already formed flower buds. If shrubs need severe annual pruning, consider replacing them.
  • Honey bees are swarming now if you see a swarm contact Cooperative Extension
  • Resist the urge to plant warm season plants, even if you see them for sale early.
  • Keep grow lights adjusted on your growing plants
  • If you plan to start seed indoors, most crops will do well if they are planted 4 weeks before the outdoor planting time. So for example, tomatoes, peppers, squash, etc. can be started late March or early April.



TownTalk: Economic Summit To Be Held In Littleton

The Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments and the Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board are teaming up to host a regional economic development summit later this month with the theme “Innovate 2023: Question. Design. Thrive.”

The half-day event will take place in Littleton at the Lakeland Cultural Arts Center on Thursday, Mar. 23 and will be packed with workshops, panel discussions, guest speakers and more, according to information from the KTCOG.

Participants from Region K, which includes the four-county area that WIZS serves will “explore the power of innovation, and its ability to ignite change within,” said Kenia Gomez-Jimenez, KTCOG’s communications & administrative coordinator.

Registration is required by Mar. 21. To register, visit https://www.kerrtarcog.org/innovate-2023/

The workshop will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. During that time, speakers will cover a range of issues including how failure and resilience can lead to innovation, challenging bias and creating room for innovation in hiring practices and workplace culture, self-determination, innovative education for a more purpose-driven workforce and more. Participants will hear from a variety of speakers on relevant issues and be challenged to think about solutions to problems in new and innovative ways.

The workshop kicks off with an activity called “Unlocking Your Innovative Spirit,” courtesy of Innovate Carolina. Author and entrepreneur Inez Ribustello will share her thoughts on becoming resilient through experiencing personal tragedy, and a panel discussion on innovative human resource practices and innovative approaches in education.

This event is for anyone who has a stake in the economic future of the workforce, and specifically human resources, hiring managers, educators, government  employees, small business owners, executive directors and CEOs.

Collaborative partners include: Franklin County Economic Development Commission, Granville County Economic Development Commission, Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce, Person County Economic  Development Commission, Piedmont Community College, Vance-Granville  Community College, Granville County Chamber of Commerce, Roxboro Area Chamber of Commerce, Person County Tourism Development Authority,  Henderson-Vance County Economic Development Commission, Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce, and Warren County Economic Development Commission.


The Local Skinny! Wedding Expo Coming To Granville County

The Granville County Convention and Expo Center will become a festive hub for all things celebratory this weekend when the venue reps and vendors gather to take part in a one-stop shopping experience.

The Wedding and Event Expo will take place Saturday, Mar. 4 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is $10. Once inside, brides-to-be and anyone planning a special event can talk with representatives from a variety of companies, from wedding venues to cake bakers and photographers.

Gena Stephens plans to be at the Saturday event to share information about Carlee Farms, a wedding venue that she and husband John established in 2016.

“Weddings are our biggest things that we focus on,” Stephens told Bill Harris during Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! But folks also book their facility, located in Stem, for family reunions, quinceañeros, birthday parties and more.

Carlee Farms was one of three wedding venues back in 2016, but now there are more than a dozen in Granville County alone.

And last year, Stephens said she booked nine weddings for couples who were from out of state.

“I don’t know if people have noticed, but Granville County is up and coming on so many different levels,” Stephens said.

Among the services that Carlee Farms offers bridal couples is coordination with vendors before the Big Day, to take a bit of pressure off the family and to make sure things run smoothly. “We are here to help you along the way,” she said. Stephens herself is the “day-of” coordinator, making herself the point person instead of the bride or groom.

She said she offers a list of recommended vendors to work with, but she is flexible. “I have a great recommendation list,” she said.

When she meets with couples to discuss wedding planning, she has three words of wisdom – or warning: “budget, budget and budget again.”

Say a couple has budgeted $10,000 for a wedding, Stephens said. “That doesn’t mean you spend all of it on your wedding dress.” Food and flowers can be big-ticket items, and Stephens said she tries to work with couples as they consider their options.

Stop by and chat with Stephens at the Expo on Saturday, visit www.carleefarm.com or email





Downtown Henderson

TownTalk: Shamrocks Coming To Downtown Henderson

Make plans to visit downtown Henderson on St. Patrick’s Day for Shamrocks on Breckenridge. You may not find a pot of gold, but there will be plenty of other items to enjoy, from food trucks to live music.

Amanda Walker Ellis, vice chair of the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission board invites the community to join in the fun on Friday, Mar. 17 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Ellis spoke with John C. Rose on Tuesday’s TownTalk about this event and other activities on the horizon.

There’s still time to be listed as a sponsor; there are several levels to choose from: Leprechaun for $250, Shamrock for $500 and Pot O’ Gold for $1,000.

Ellis said last year’s event got some good feedback, and plans are shaping up for another fun time this year.

People enjoyed being outside and downtown, she noted. In addition to the food trucks, music and dancing, a variety of community organizations will be on hand to share information about services and resources.

Events like Shamrocks on Breckenridge do more than just provide entertainment, Ellis said. They also serve to shine a positive light on the community.

The negative stuff always gets broadcast, she said, but positive news like Shamrocks helps residents feel “proud of where you are – trying to make it a better place all around,” Ellis said.

Other events being planned include a downtown Juneteenth celebration and the annual gala that has become known as Downtown Live on Young, which features live music and outdoor dining.

“We’ve got stuff coming up,” Ellis said. “It’s steadily coming in and we’re working on it.

Right now, Shamrocks on Breckenridge is the main focus,” she noted, adding that future events will fall into place.

The planning for all these events comes amid a renewed effort to collaborate with other local groups, including the local tourism authority. The DDC also has recently decided on a new logo and is currently undergoing a website makeover.

“We’re all trying to work together rather than independently,” Ellis said. It shouldn’t be long before the new website is up and running, and the address is the same: www.hendersonncdowntown.org.

To learn more, contact Ellis at

amanda@rogersandrogerslawyers.com or amandaleigh486@hotmail.com or call Dr. Alice Sallins at 252-767-4579.




Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

Click Play!


The Local Skinny! Protecting Your Dog From Heartworms

Nobody likes mosquitoes. Their bites can hurt and they can swell and itch. When mosquitoes bite our pets, however, they can cause more serious problems. We’re talking heartworms.

Aleksandar Besermenji, a veterinarian at Franklinton Animal Hospital talked with Bill Harris about the importance of keeping our dogs and cats – and ferrets – on a heartworm regimen. “The whole point is to check them every year with the test,” Besermenji said. “If you catch it in time, you can do more to fix it.”

Mosquitoes are the vector – or the way – that dogs, cats and ferrets – can be exposed to the disease. All it takes is one mosquito to bite an animal with the disease to infect other animals that are not on heartworm preventive medication.

The best way to keep our pets testing negative for the disease is to give them the medication all year long, he said. It’s true that mosquitoes aren’t around in the winter, but Besermenji said owners shouldn’t take a break from giving the medication.

“Takes a certain period of time for the heartworms to develop” in the animal, he said, adding that it could take several weeks to several months. A mosquito bite from the fall could result in a heartworm positive test in the winter if the animal isn’t protected with the preventive.

“There’s a long list that goes with the heartworm problems,” he said. If left untreated, animals can develop inflammation as the parasitic worms grow in the arteries of the lungs and heart.

While there are treatment options for a dog that tests positive for heartworms, the simplest way to ensure animals stay healthy is to keep them on the preventive medicine.

And while it’s true that cats don’t get it that often, he said, they can. And so can ferrets. Cats don’t tolerate the injections as well as dogs, so their treatment is a little more specialized.

Your veterinarian should perform an annual test to make sure your pet is free of heartworms. Some symptoms of heartworm include coughing in the morning, shortness of breath and general poor performance, especially in working animals like hunting dogs.

In the most severe stages of the disease, animals suffer from distended bellies and accumulated abdominal fluid. After a prolonged period without treatment, the heart simply is too weak to respond effectively to treatment.

The Franklinton Animal Hospital, now is in its third week of operation, is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m. to 12 noon.