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TownTalk: The Help Center Helps Those In Need

Since Twanna Jones founded The Help Center in 2017, she has found that there are many opportunities to provide something to someone. But what she said her organization strives to do is to provide hope as well as help.

“It’s beautiful and sustainable when you give them both,” Jones said on TownTalk Tuesday.

Jones, the Help Center staff and its volunteers need only look across the street if they need reminding about the hope part: Rebuilding Hope is located just across Raleigh Road from the Help Center building.

Whether it’s the quarterly baby shower designed to provide single moms- and dads-to-be with some of the basics that they’ll need when a newborn is added to the household to the gleaning program that puts young people in farmers’ fields to help with the harvest, The Help Center North Carolina finds a place where help is needed and then goes about the task of filling that need.

Jones and her team serve Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin and Wake counties, and they offer different programs and services in each spot.

In Vance County, the emphasis is on food insecurity and keeping a diaper bank stocked.

There’s a home delivery program that just got started – a partnership with Door Dash. It’s designed for people with chronic health issues to have weekly food deliveries since they may not be able to get out to get groceries.

All of these programs require volunteers, and Jones said she’s always in the market to have more volunteers to come and help out.

The monthly food distribution is a big one in Vance County. More than 200 families are signed up to pick up food on the 4th Monday of each month.

Then, twice a month, the Help Center opens its doors for clients to choose their own foods instead of getting the pre-made bags. Volunteers are needed for this program, too.

Food distribution Wednesday.

“It takes all of us to work together,” Jones said, giving a nod to the existing agencies in the area that also provide support to the community. “Joining together…makes our community stronger, better and healthier.”

One gap the Help Center is working to fill is getting out into the rural community. The “mobile pantry” program brings food to folks who need it, but that food delivery is just part of the contact. Volunteers deliver food, but that is coupled with making safety checks on older adults, she said. “We wanted to get out into the community and connect with people.” To do that, “you start with food.”

Visit the website at http://www.thehelpcenternc.com to learn about all the volunteer opportunities and how to make donations, or phone 919.391.7300. The office is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Some of the immediate needs, in addition to volunteers, include donations of:

  • Bottled water
  • Gatorade
  • Baby diapers
  • Adult diapers
  • Pop-lid canned items
  • Peanut butter
  • Juice packs
  • Oodles of noodles
  • Breakfast bars



Arts In Bloom Gala Features Granville Students’ Artwork

More than 150 original pieces of art created by students from schools throughout Granville County will on display at the Granville Museum – and on the auction block – for the second Arts in Bloom Gala April 25 and April 27.

Granville Ed Foundation Director Jennifer Carpenter said bids will be accepted on the opening day of the event, Tuesday, April 25, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m, and she invites folks to come out and view the artwork and place bids. Bidding reopens at 1o a.m. on April 27 and closes at 8 p.m. when the winners will be notified.

Carpenter and Granville Chamber of Commerce Director Lauren Roberson were on The Local Skinny! to share details about the event, and how the two local organizations collaborated to showcase the art gala, the proceeds of which come back to schools in the county in the form of grants.

Last year’s auction netted more than $5,600, Carpenter said, and this year’s is expected to top that. A reception will be held from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on April 25. The museum is located at 1 Museum Lane, Oxford.

In planning the gala, the women said they intentionally coordinated the art gala on the same day as the kickoff of Alive After Five in downtown Oxford.

Roberson is on the GEF board and she invites the community to take a few minutes to walk through the museum on their way to, or from, the concert downtown on April 27.

The Konnection Band will perform from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., officially opening the 20th anniversary of the popular seasonal outdoor concert series. There will be food trucks, face painting for the kids, as well as offerings from Tobacco Wood Brewing Co. and The Hub on Main.

“We want to get as many people into downtown as possible,” Roberson said, to enjoy the concert and to enjoy the artwork from talented local youth.

Visit https://granvilleedfoundation.org/ or find GEF on Facebook for a sneak peek at some of the art pieces that will be included in the silent auction.




Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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VCS Mentoring Program Pairs Teens and Tweens To Make Positive Connections

-information courtesy of VCS Communication Coordinator Brielle Barrow

Thanks to a unique mentoring program in Vance County Schools, a group of high school students and their elementary-age pals gathered on Saturday mornings to enjoy activities and establish positive connections.

The Just U & Me Mentoring Program recently concluded, according to VCS Communication Coordinator Brielle Barrow.

The program provides 4th and 5th graders with additional support to help them do their very best at school, according to information on the VCS website.

Mentoring is one of a dozen or so effective strategies recommended by the National Dropout Prevention Center to help students stay on track, avoid negative behaviors and make positive choices.

The youngsters gathered over the course of several Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon to have the chance to work and play together, as well as to establish friendships.

A culminating activity included a visit to the Henderson Institute Historical Museum. Mentors and their young partners also spoke with recent VCS high school graduates and received their certificates of participation.

This year’s mentors are upperclassmen from Vance County High School, Vance County Early College and AdVance Academy, as well as VCS graduates.

The Local Skinny! Granville Gardeners Expo This Weekend

Plant lovers have a heck of an opportunity to find a range of herbs, flowers, vegetable slips and more at the Granville Gardeners Expo on Saturday, April 22.

Christy Henthorn was a guest on The local Skinny! and provided details for what is sure to be a fun-filled event at the Granville County Convention and Expo Center.

And there’s still time to place online orders, Henthorn noted. Visit www.thegranvillegardeners.org and click on the Expo link to get started.

The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will include gardening demonstrations and workshops, as well as more than 80 vendors – mostly from right in Granville County – who have craft items, home décor and more for purchase.

The expo is free to attend, Henthorn said, thanks to the generosity of sponsors.

Want to learn more about attracting birds and butterflies to your garden? There’s a workshop for that. Interested in learning the medicinal qualities of herbs? Yep, there’s a workshop for that, too.

“I’m really excited for this weekend,” she said. It’s a great way to shop local and spend local, she added. The herbs come from a local wholesaler, and for the second year, there is a variety of plants for sale that club members have grown.

The Granville Gardeners welcomes new members. The club meets on the fourth Monday of each month and is known for having gardening experts present on a variety of topics.


TownTalk: Carolina United For Change Plans Scholarship Event



Carolina United for Change will host a scholarship event on May 20 at the Gateway CDC to highlight its scholarship opportunities at Vance-Granville Community College.

The organization isn’t even a year old yet, but co-founder Joseph Brodie and others have focused on its mission of supporting the poor and needy and protecting the rights of all people.

Brodie was on TownTalk Monday to talk about the two scholarships that have been established at VGCC.

Two $500 scholarships will be awarded, Brodie said. Applicants will be asked to submit a personal essay on the topic of gun violence. Carolina United for Change board members will review the essays and will select the winners. The scholarships were established in honor of Brodie’s son, who was shot and killed in 2017.

Brodie said VGCC Foundation Director Tanya Weary has been instrumental in helping get the scholarship going. She and other VGCC reps will be on hand at the May 20 event to share details about applying for the scholarship and for registering to become a VGCC student.

There also will be guest speakers, drawing for gifts and musical performances during the program, which is from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Gateway CDC is located at 314 S. Garnett St., Henderson.

Brodie said he appreciates the collaboration with Gateway CDC, which is providing space to hold the event as well as technical assistance to the nascent organization as it continues to gain traction in the community.

He said he hopes to be able to have a centrally located space for members of the community to come to ask questions and seek assistance.




Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Ant Baiting

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Maria Parham Cancer Center Welcomes New Nurse Practitioner

-information courtesy of Donna Young, Maria Parham Health Marketing & Communication Coordinator

Maria Parham Health has added a nurse practitioner to provide services at its Cancer Center.

Crystal Kaplan, MSN, RN, AGACNP has joined its staff as an adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner with 15 years of hospital and acute care experience, including three years as a hematology oncology nurse practitioner and hospitalist for Florida Cancer Specialists.

Maria Parham Health CEO Bert Beard welcomed Kaplan, saying her experience will be a valuable asset to add to the quality of care that patients receive.

“Maria Parham Cancer Center’s collaborative care approach, in our longstanding partnership with the Duke Cancer Network and Duke Cancer Institute, brings together the expertise and perspectives of providers from a variety of specialties and disciplines, and Kaplan’s extensive experience has given her a great breadth of experience in a wide range of procedures that people in our region need. This expertise will be important as Maria Parham Health works to make our community healthier.”

Kaplan is a cum laude graduate of Auburn University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She also holds a Master of Science in Nursing from Virginia Commonwealth University.