City of Henderson Ward 3 Town Hall Meeting 4-27-23
A flier has been distributed for the 6 p.m. meeting April 27 at Shiloh Baptist Church.
Council Member Garry Daeke told WIZS News on April 20 that the Henderson City Council is looking to do a town hall meeting in each ward. He said it’s so “people will come out and just bring, you know, things forward that maybe they want us to know that they don’t always bring to the council, feel comfortable, you know, coming in front of the council. We thought we’d go out to them.”
Daeke said there was a plan also to present some information about housing. He said one of the urban redevelopment areas (URA) is in Flint Hill. “Probably going to bring some design stuff for that, show them some ideas we have or at least where we are in the process,” he said.
Community development and code enforcement information may be presented as well because the City is looking at beefing up that department. “We’re probably going to see more inspections of houses and stuff…,” he said.
The floor will be opened up for residents to talk about what’s important to them, according to Daeke.
The City of Henderson provided notice Monday that a possible quorum of the Henderson City Council Members may be present the Ward 3 Town Hall Meeting Thursday. The notice stated, “This is not a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council, no official business will be conducted, nor will any official action be taken and no meeting minutes will be produced for this notice.”