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TownTalk: County Commissioners Reorganize After Alston Resignation

Vance County Board of Commissioners Chair Sean A. Alston, Sr. is resigning to become a magistrate in Warren County.

County Manager C. Renee Perry said last week that Alston had called for a special called meeting for 10 a.m. today with the purpose stated as reorganization. No details were given when the meeting was announced.

Alston said he will step away from the commission tomorrow and will be sworn in as a magistrate on Wednesday, Jan. 1.

“It was a pleasure to be on this board for two years – I don’t want to go,” he said during the meeting. In an interview after the meeting, Alston told WIZS News that he had applied for a job as a magistrate before he became a county commissioner; as someone who has been self-employed, he said the opportunity to have state benefits and retirement was an opportunity he couldn’t turn down.

Sean Alston while doing an interview at WIZS in 2020.

He said he had “to disconnect” himself from politics before taking the magistrate position.

The board nominated Commissioner Carolyn Faines to be the new board chair, and in her first act as chair she asked to table the election of a vice chair until the regular board meeting on Jan. 6.

Commissioner Tommy Hester, however, asked to make a nomination during the special called meeting. Hester nominated Leo Kelly to be vice-chair. Although properly moved and seconded, the full board couldn’t agree when to elect the vice chair. That’s when county attorney Jonathan Care said the two motions on the floor needed to be acted upon. Although not unanimous, the board voted to table the election of the vice chair until its Jan. 6 meeting by approving the second motion on the table.

The next step is to appoint a qualified individual to assume Alston’s seat on the commission. The new commissioner should be from the same political and the same district as Alston.


Cooperative Extension With Wayne Rowland: Small Greenhouse

Cooperative Extension

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Vance Taxpayers Have Until Jan. 6 To Pay Tax Before Penalty Period Begins

Vance County residents and taxpayers have until Jan. 6, 2025 to pay their property tax bills before getting hit with a 2 percent interest penalty. That may add insult to injury this year, when many taxpayers are facing higher bills as a result of the recent revaluation.

Vance County is among a handful of counties across the state that waits eight years – the state’s mandatory maximum interval to conduct revaluation – and some county leaders have said it needs to be done more often to reduce the sting and surprise of pricey tax bills.

Neither Vance County nor Henderson stayed with a revenue neutral rate, meaning an increase in value and an increase in the rate charged by each entity went up, combining in a way that nearly all parcel owners have had to pay more.

One issue that county officials said they will explore is splitting the tax bill to show the breakdown between city tax and county tax for those city residents who must pay both. This hasn’t been done in more than a decade, and a change could come as soon as the 2025 tax bill.

County commissioners adopted the 2024-25 budget on June 24, which included a 10-cent tax increase per $100 valuation. The basic breakdown of that 10-cent increase is $.01 for salary increases to help attract and retain county employees and $.09 for future capital projects.

As the county faces more opportunities for growth, be they commercial, industrial or residential, there also is a demand for adequate infrastructure to support that growth.

The question that municipalities and counties face is how to balance that growth – providing more services for residents, creating a better and bigger tax base that ultimately may reduce an undue burden on homeowners.

The Vance County budget was approved 4-2, with then-Board Chair Dan Brummitt and Tommy Hester casting votes of no. Commissioner Yolanda Feimster was not present. The motion was made by Commissioner Sean Alston and seconded by Commissioner Leo Kelly and rounding out the affirmative votes were Commissioner Carolyn Faines and then-Commissioner Archie Taylor.

It was not a unanimous decision, but the Henderson City Council voted to increase the property tax rate per $100 valuation to 65 cents, just before adopting the FY 2024-25 budget totaling more than $47 million.

In the budget recommended by City Manager Terrell Blackmon, the tax rate was 55 cents per $100 valuation, which was 10 cents above the revenue-neutral rate. The new property tax rate adopted, though, is 20 cents above the revenue-neutral rate.

Council Member Tami Walker made the motion to increase the tax, which she said would bring in more than $2.5 million in additional tax revenue. Council Member Ola Thorpe-Cooper seconded the motion. Council members Sam Seifert and Garry Daeke cast votes of no, and Council members Lamont Noel, Michael Venable, Geraldine Champion, Sara Coffey voted yes with Walker and Thorpe-Cooper.

Project-Based Learning Charter School Starting In Vance County; Sledge Institute

Sledge Institute is a new charter school opening in Vance County in August 2025, with a focus on project-based learning that links students with the community to put into action what they’re learning in the classroom.

Chandra Sledge Mathias, Ed.D, founder and chief executive officer, said the enrollment period is open now through Feb. 28, 2025 for students who will be in kindergarten, first, second and sixth grades.

The school will have 125 students in the first year, but once all 13 grades are in place, the school could have a maximum enrollment of 800, Sledge Mathias said on Monday’s TownTalk.

Construction is underway now to get the former Dabney Elementary School ready for its new occupants, and school leaders are scheduling info sessions across the area to help parents decide whether Sledge Institute is a good fit for them and their children.

Sledge Mathias said the school is for students who live in the Kerr-Tar region, which includes the counties in the WIZS listening area.

“Our model is allowing students to use what they’re learning in schools, project-based, hands on activities,” Sledge Mathias said, “and work alongside professionals in the community.” The plan is to offer mentorships to students and involve the community in the school.

“We want communities to feel like they can be a part of the school and engage with the school,” she said. Each project will have a community partner associated with it.

As students are learning concepts, however, they’re also going to be learning so-called “soft skills” that future employers are looking for in employees.

“We also want them to learn habits so that they’re living their lives well,” she added. “We’re integrating both the academics and the social emotional learning” into school programming.

There are several successful charter schools in the area, Sledge Mathias said, but Sledge Institute will offer something a little bit different.

“We want to make sure that all students have an option that serves them well, Sledge Mathias said. “We’re bringing an option that currently doesn’t exist in the region.”

Board President Dr. Wykia Macon said the school’s core values – ECHO – are excellence, community, heart and opportunity. The board’s role is to ensure the school remains consistent to its mission as it moves closer to its 2025 opening.

In addition to supporting students learn who they are and where their passion and talent lies, Sledge Mathias said the school will emphasize the students as global citizens and members of the global community.

“We want them to know what’s happening in the world,” she said, and how to thrive in the global environment. The school is establishing partnerships with other education leaders in Scotland, Ghana, Japan and Chile to create a network to extend its network across continents.

“They’re ready to visit us, they’re opening their doors to our students to travel and visit them,” Sledge Mathias said.

“These opportunities are really exciting because it allows our student to not only work through project-based learning in their own communities but collaborate with their peers across oceans…and problem solve together.”

As its president, Macon said the board’s role is to make sure everyone has what they need – and right now, that focus is on enrollment and recruitment. Parents interested in learning more can come to an info session at Warren Memorial Library on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 5:30 p.m. Additional sessions are being planned in Granville County.

Visit sledgeinstitute.org/ to learn more, email info@sledgeinstitute.org or find the school on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

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S-Line Rail Corridor

The Local Skinny! City Council To Hear Train Station Recommendations

The city’s Land Planning Committee is set to recommend to the full City Council that the former First National Bank building on Garnett Street be used as the S-Line train station.

Council Member Garry Daeke is a member of the land planning committee, and he attended a meeting of the committee held Thursday, Dec. 19. Daeke told WIZS that a couple of options were discussed, and ultimately, the committee decided to get behind the former bank building over the Garnett Street Station.

But that decision comes with a hefty price tag – Daeke said development of the bank building location and mobility hub concept would cost five to seven times the cost of the Garnett Street Station option. The price is between $15 million and $25 million for developing the bank building idea and $3 million to $4 million for the Garnett Street Station option.

“The bank building is such a central part of downtown,” Daeke said. “We’d like to put it to good use.”

Estimated costs of getting the bank building itself ready for its new use are about $10 million, Daeke said, compared with $7.2 million for the Garnett Street Station. The city owns the bank building, but not the Garnett Street Station, so there would be extra costs involved to purchase that property.

Daeke said N.C. Dept. of Transportation officials would like to have the city’s answer by January so plans can continue for the S-Line development. There’s still a lot of legwork to do to secure various federal grants and other funding options, he said, but NCDOT officials have said that if all goes well, the project could take between five and eight years to complete. “If funding takes a while, it could be 10 to 15 years,” Daeke said.

“I’m really looking forward to this occurring,” he said, adding that figuring out the grants and other financing is a necessary part of the process to create a mobility hub for the whole community to use and enjoy.

The bank building has lain vacant for a number of years, but it hasn’t been a bank for decades.

“There’s just so much structural work to do,” he said, including the possibility of creating a second-floor walkway from the William Street side of the building.

According to Daeke, assistant city manager Paylor Spruill has noted that the building is “overbuilt” to support the weight involved, but there remain questions about upgrades to the substructure.

Then there’s the question of the access road located between the rear of the buildings parallel to William Street, which is presently used by existing businesses for loading and unloading.

There would still be a need to have some type of access road back there, he said.


Cooperative Extension With Wayne Rowland: Meat Goat Breeds

Cooperative Extension

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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