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Kerr Tar Workforce and NCWorks

TownTalk: Workforce Wednesdays To Connect Employers With Prospective Employees

Whether you’re looking for a career change or that first job after high school or college, the local NCWorks Career Center may have just what you need to set off on the path of employment.

The latest program offering, Workforce Wednesdays, is a time when people in search of a job can come in for help with developing or updating resumes and actually talk to an employer who’s looking to fill positions.

“It’s booming right now,” said Sherita Ohno, business services representative with NCWorks Career Center, located at 826 S. Garnett St.

This week’s Workforce Wednesday guest employer is Pallet One from Granville County, Ohno told WIZS co-host Bill Harris on Monday’s TownTalk.

“We want to be involved,” Ohno said, “and give employers (that) onsite advantage…and pick up some of that traffic that’s coming into the Career Center.”

Desiree Brooks, business services manager of the KTCOG Workforce Development board, said there are plenty of people who are actively looking for work, and the NCWorks Career Center serves as a hub to connect job seekers with employers.

They are working closely with young people – especially students – “to educate them early and promote career awareness so they know what’s available” in terms of jobs and careers.

One way they do that is with technology – specifically virtual reality.

Through the use of VR equipment, individuals can experience what it’s like to work at particular jobs.

Using VR goggles and a handheld joystick, participants can enter a simulated workplace to get the feel of what different careers or jobs may look, sound and feel like.

“Young people love technology, Brooks said. “We’re meeting them where they are…you are on that worksite – it is so real.”

Ohno and Brooks have tried out the VR experience. “I thought I had left and gone somewhere,” Ohno said.

One recent event that featured a single employer brought out about 80 people who were interested in jobs.

“People are out there and they DO want to work,” Brooks said. “And we want to help them.”

Employers are struggling to get workers and to retain employees, and Brooks said that either workers or businesses that use the services of the NCWorks Career Center get support and resources that improve retention rates.

Career advisors can guide job seekers through the process of creating a resume that reflects their skillsets and help match those skillsets with jobs in the area. Training opportunities are available as well.

Call 252.598.5200 to make an appointment or just drop by the center to learn more about services and programs.

The NCWorks Career Center in Henderson serves the KTCOG five-county region that includes Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin and Person counties. KTCOG offers programs and services in all five counties. Visit https://www.ncworks.gov/vosnet/Default.aspx to learn more.



The Local Skinny! NCDHHS Prepares For Medicaid Expansion

-information courtesy of the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has announced Oct. 1 is the anticipated start date for Medicaid expansion, which could make more than 600,000 state residents eligible to participate in the insurance program.

Medicaid expansion in North Carolina would increase the eligible population to adults aged 19-64 who have incomes up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level on Oct. 1. The General Assembly still must act by Sept. 1 to set the wheels in motion.

The expansion would give health care coverage to single individuals making under about $20,000 a year. Likewise, a family of three earning under about $34,000 combined will now be eligible. Beneficiaries will get care the same way as existing Medicaid beneficiaries and be eligible for the same comprehensive benefits and copays as other non-disabled adults in Medicaid, according to information from DHHS.

“We are thankful for leadership and partnership in passing Medicaid Expansion which will save lives, increase access to care and bring billions of dollars to North Carolina,” said NCDHHS Secretary Kody H. Kinsley. “Moving forward now sets the department on a path to be able to get health care coverage to thousands of people as soon as possible.”

NCDHHS has opened for public comment the State Plan Amendment for Medicaid Expansion’s Alternative Benefit Plan, a legal document required to be submitted to the federal government.

Interested individuals may submit public comment at medicaid.ncdhhs.gov/medex-state-plan-amendment-new-medicaid-expansion-20230726/download?attachment.

DHHS officials have stated that Medicaid expansion “will be transformative for access to health care in rural areas, for better mental health and for veterans, working adults and their families while bringing billions in federal dollars to the state.”



Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Pesticides

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Vance County Logo

County Steps Closer To Conducting Fire Services Study

As part of the ongoing discussion of the structure of the county fire departments, the Public Safety Committee met Wednesday afternoon to continue the process of selecting a firm to complete a fire services study.

Acting County Manager Scott Elliott told WIZS News that the committee agreed to staff recommendations to choose the consulting firm AP Triton to conduct the fire study.

“However, there was also a desire for this committee as well as the three-person Fire Commission to oversee the study,” Elliott stated.

This decision, he added, would be up to the full board, which next meets on Aug. 7.

The selection of a consultant was delayed as a result of action at the July 10 board meeting, during which the board narrowly approved that the Public Safety Committee review all six proposals received instead of accepting staff recommendations.

2023 Ruin Creek Cruise In Rolls Into Town Sept. 9

Come join the fun and enjoy all the sights, sounds, and tastes at the 2023 Ruin Creek Cruise In of Henderson on Saturday, Sept. 9.

The event runs from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Admission is free and there will be vendors, live music and more, so make plans to attend! All proceeds benefit the Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society. There will be music to enjoy, local vendors on site and classic and collector cars from all around Henderson and surrounding areas for people to enjoy.

“The 2023 Ruin Creek Cruise-In is not just about raising money to help the animals here in our hometown of Henderson but it’s also about being able to host an event to bring Henderson together for a night out of safe family fun,” said Brandon Boyd, RCAPS founder and president.

Vehicle registration begins at 1 p.m. The event takes place at 284 US 158 bypass, familiarly known as the former Boyd dealership, located across from the present Boyd location.

Classic Car enthusiast and stock-car racing TV broadcaster Mike Joy will be on hand to add to the festivities.

 WIZS Radio is the presenting sponsor for the Cruise In. “WIZS has been a faithful and loyal supporter of Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson for many years and to have WIZS as a sponsor is a perfect fit to make this evening in Henderson exactly what we want it to be,” Boyd said.
Check the Ruin Creek Cruise-In of Henderson Facebook page for updates or to request to be a vendor for the event.

SportsTalk: Stallings Prepares Vance Charter For Fall Sports

After taking off the month of June to unwind and enjoy a bit of family time, Vance Charter Athletic Director Lance Stallings is back at work getting the Knights’ athletic programs ready for fall activities.  Stallings was a guest on Thursday’s SportsTalk with Bill Harris and George Hoyle.

Stallings says that tryouts for volleyball and men’s soccer will get underway on Monday.  “We have about 20 to 22 kids expected for soccer and enough girls for volleyball that we will have a JV program,” Stallings said.  Volleyball and soccer are just the beginning for Stallings and the Knights.  Vance Charter’s cross country program starts on August 2nd, women’s golf and tennis gets going on August 9th and middle school tryouts will be August 14th.  This will be the first year Vance Charter will field boy’s and girl’s tennis at the middle school level.

It won’t be long before the first games are here with volleyball opening the season on August 15th, and men’s soccer will start the day before with a game against Falls Lake.

The secret for Stallings when juggling this busy time of year? “Get ahead in July and stay there,” Stallings said.



TownTalk: Around Old Granville: More On The Hawkins Family


If the Hawkins family genealogy were a road map, there would be featured destinations at almost every turn. The descendants of Philemon Hawkins played key roles across the state from governors to railroads, not to mention a couple of Texas cattle barons and the wife of none other than Nat King Cole.

The patriarch arrived in Virginia with his wife from their native England in the early 1700’s and he died there in 1725. One of his sons, also named Philemon, had a son – Philemon III.

This Hawkins had three sons who married daughters from a prominent family in Boydton, VA, explained local historian Mark Pace on Thursday’s Around Old Granville segment of TownTalk.

John Davis Hawkins established what would become the Raleigh to Gaston Railroad. Older brother William was elected governor of North Carolina in 1810 and their brother Joseph established the first medical school in the state – right out of his home in Middleburg, Pace said.

“The Hawkins family is wealthy and talented,” Pace said. “Each generation, no matter what they do, they’re successful.”

In 1836, John Davis Hawkins figured $750,000 would be enough to construct the Raleigh to Gaston rail that would ultimately tie in to the main line to Richmond and beyond; he underestimated by half, and the state of North Carolina came to the rescue.

“They ran out of money…they went bankrupt,” Pace recounted. “The only entity that had the money was the state of North Carolina.”

Eventually, the Hawkins family purchased the railroad back from the state and the rest is history.

The railroad “changed the world here,” Pace said. “It brought the outside world here to this part of North Carolina.” The rail allowed local tobacco farmers to send their leaf to the larger markets in Virginia.

Truly, towns popped all along the rails, including Henderson, Norlina and Kittrell.

But John Davis Hawkins also fathered children of enslaved women. One daughter, Rebecca, was raised by her spinster aunt – Hawkins’s sister – who made sure she received a good education and was well equipped in the arena of polite society.

One of Rebecca’s granddaughters, Charlotte, established the Palmer Memorial Institute, a boarding school for Black children near Greensboro in the early 1900s. Charlotte Hawkins Brown had a niece named Maria, Pace said.

And this is where the famous Nat King Cole intersects with the Hawkins family. Maria, grew up to be a jazz singer and caught the ear – and eye – of the famous crooner.

“Maria had a successful musical career,” Pace said. And Maria became Cole’s second wife in what was widely considered “the social event of the year in Harlem” on Easter Sunday in 1948.

John Davis Hawkins also had two sons who moved to Texas and went into the sugar cane business on a little piece of land – 52,000 acres – south of Corpus Christi.

When the Civil War ended and enslaved people were emancipated, the two brothers cut a deal with the state of Texas to basically have a prison farm. Prisoners would get room and board in exchange for their labor.

When the sugar cane business tanked, the brothers switched to cattle, operating the second largest ranch in Texas.

And then, luck struck again in 1901. That’s right, the brothers struck oil. The old Hawkins house still stands there in Hawkinsville, TX, looking for the world that it was plucked right out of Old Granville County and plopped onto a little tract of land in south Texas.