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The Local Skinny! Watkins Fire Dept. Fires Up The Grill

Watkins Volunteer Fire Department is having is fall barbecued chicken and pork barbecue fundraiser on Friday, Oct. 6. Assistant Fire Chief Brandon Link said he and his fellow Watkins firefighters are preparing now to have plates ready beginning about 11 a.m.

Link said their May plate sales went so well that they upped the number of chicken halves to just over 900. Add the 250 pounds of chopped barbecue and you’ve got the makings for a delicious meal.

Chicken plates are $12, chicken/pork barbecue combo plates are $15 and 1-pound containers of pork barbecue are $10.

Prepping for a fundraiser of this type gets volunteers together, all working for a common goal. That fits right in with the philosophy that firefighters are part of a close-knit group.

“We preach brotherhood at the fire department, the fire service in general,” Link said. Whether it’s fire safety training or chopping barbecue and cutting cabbage for cole slaw, Link said firefighters work together like family to produce results.

“Everybody has a job,” Link said. Not everyone has the same skill sets to perform all jobs, but everybody can do something to contribute, he said. There’s an art to putting together a fundraiser like this one, he said. “It was passed on to me and now we are passing on” that knowledge to those young volunteers who may be new to the “craft of the barbecued chicken fundraiser.”

Call the fire department at 252.492.0600 or Link at 252.432.5219 (call or text) to place an order or arrange delivery.



Cooperative Extension With Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Woody Ornamentals

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Vance County High School

SportsTalk: Elliott Prepares For Granville Central Friday Night

Homecoming for the Vance County Vipers proved to be another successful outing, even if a bit on the wet side, as they faced off against Louisburg.  The result was an impressive 36-3 win.  Head coach Aaron Elliott said one of the keys to the victory was shutting down the Louisburg offense which dominated the second quarter of the game.  “We did a good job at half time.  We were prepared for the wishbone offense but not for the unbalanced line they used,” Elliott said of the game.  In the second half the Vipers turned former Louisburg player Shamir Sheppard loose on offense and defense and the rout was on.

Granville Central is this week’s opponent and Elliott knows that despite a 1-4 record the Vipers have to be ready. “Granville Central is disciplined and they don’t make mistakes,” Elliot said.  “We are confident and if we stay disciplined and stay humble we should be OK,” Elliott continued.

Elliott, who was a guest on Thursday’s SportsTalk, knew the Vipers would be good.  “Back in the spring I told everyone we could be 10-0 this season,”  Elliott stated.  With only four games left in the regular season that prediction may come to pass but three of the last four games are on the road with three games against Granville County rivals.



Terry Garrison

TownTalk: Black Leadership Caucus Endorses Candidates For Oct. 10 Municipal Election

The following is part of continuing coverage on the upcoming Oct. 10 nonpartisan municipal elections in the City of Henderson:


The Henderson-Vance Black Leadership Caucus held a candidate forum recently and has announced their endorsements for the upcoming municipal elections, now just a couple of weeks away.

Terry Garrison is president of the caucus and he spoke with WIZS News about the Sept. 7 candidates’ forum; his interview was aired on Thursday’s Towntalk.

The caucus voted to endorse the following candidates:

  • Mayor: Melissa Elliott
  • Ward 1: Geraldine Champion
  • Ward 2: Janice Ward
  • Ward 3 at-large: Michael Venable
  • Ward 4 at-large Tami Walker


“We certainly are appreciative to each one of the candidates,” Garrison said, “and their willingness to serve.”

The endorsement process was not easy, he said. “The forum, without a doubt, was a big part of that process, but also the members’ familiarity with candidates was also a factor.”

Ultimately, Garrison said it came down to which candidate the caucus members felt best represented their interests and the interests of the city of Henderson.

“Race…was not a driving force with endorsements made by the caucus,” he said; rather, “the way the candidates responded…they were the kind of responses they wanted to hear,” Garrison noted.

“All of the candidates gave a good response, and it was not an easy decision (or) an easy choice,” he said.

According to Garrison, more than 90 percent of the candidates that the caucus has endorsed in past elections have won their contests – at least in Vance County. They may not have won the overall state or national election, but they’ve carried Vance County.

“But we have also endorsed candidates who have lost – it’s not a slam dunk,” he said.

He encouraged all the candidate to continue to “campaign hard and the best candidate will win.”

He also encouraged everyone to come to the polls and cast their ballots.

“If people don’t vote, they don’t have a voice,” he said, “because they didn’t participate in the process.”

Garrison said he is optimistic that whoever gets elected will have the best interests of the community at heart. “I have hope for America and this state,” he said. “Despite our differences, we share one thing in common – we are all human beings. Underneath the skin, the blood is the same.”




The Local Skinny! Jones Shines A Light On Autism This Saturday

The president of a local nonprofit invites the community to come to an event on Saturday, Sept. 30 that she said will “shine a light on autism.” Tiffany Jones is president of Community Uplift Project and she said the upcoming event is part training, part workshop to help people understand the very complex nature of autism.

“Shine A Light On Autism” begins at 11 a.m. at the nonprofit’s location, 105 S. Garnett St.

“The reason for this event and workshop is to allow people to know what autism is,” Jones explained on Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Whether you’re a teacher, a parent or grandparent of a child on the autism disorder spectrum, this program is sure to provide insight to help you better understand autism. The National Autism Association will be on hand for a presentation as part of the event.

Jones said her passion to share about autism is a result of her working with a child in a daycare setting a few years ago.

“After learning how to be there for her, it fueled my passion for how to be there for others,” she said. “I want to make sure that (people) understand how to interact” with individuals who have autism.

Understanding that autism manifests in different ways is important. What may seem like misbehavior to the untrained eye is a person with autism who may not know how to handle their emotions, she said. “Some are not verbal, so we have to learn how to talk to them, how to handle them when they have outbursts,” she continued.

But her nonprofit encompasses other needs as well, she said. “We do community feedings, a community clothing closet…and a drop-in day care coming up soon,” she said. Community Uplift Project feeds people “spiritually and naturally,” she said. “And we make sure they know who God is. We uplift you in so many different ways,” she said and try to provide for the needs of the community.

“We make sure they know there is hope, that somebody cares and that God is with them.”

Community Uplift Project’s current fundraiser has a goal of 100 people making a donation of $33 to support the mission.

The space can hold about 300 people, and Jones said she is expecting more than 100, if not more. “I can’t wait to see the families, parents and teachers,” Jones said.

To learn more, email communityupliftproject2020@yahoo.com or call 252.425.6056.



Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover: My Parenting Journey

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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VCS Gets Visit – And School Supplies – From Dept. Of Administration Secretary Cashwell

Information from VCS Chief Officer of Communication & Innovative Support Aarika Sandlin

Vance County Schools welcomed N.C. Department of Administration Secretary Pamela Cashwell Wednesday, who paid a visit to the school district and brought with her some useful supplies for students.

Cashwell and a team traveling with her were on a special mission as part of the Governor’s School Supply Drive, according to a statement from Aarika Sandlin, VCS chief officer of Communication & Innovative Support.
There were books, backpacks and more in the boxes of supplies that were delivered, all of which can be used to have an immediate impact on the learning experiences of VCS students, Sandlin stated.

During her visit, Cashwell toured the Administrative Services Center and spoke with VCS Superintendent Dr. Cindy Bennett and other staff members.

The group visited Carver Elementary, and Principal Regina Miles and Student Ambassadors offered a warm welcome, even rolling out a real red carpet in honor of the visit.

Cashwell made the most of her visit by stepping into classrooms and engaging with students and educators.

“Vance County Schools extends its utmost gratitude to Secretary Pamela Cashwell and the N.C. Department of Administration for their visit, unwavering support, and dedication to the future of our students.,” Sandlin stated. “Together, we continue to have a positive and lasting impact on the educational journey of our community’s children. “

For more information about Vance County Schools, visit https://www.vcs.k12.nc.us/