Tag Archive for: #warrencountynews

NC Coop Extension

‘Know It, Control It’ to Help Warren Residents Manage Blood Pressure

-Information courtesy the NC Cooperative Extension – Warren County Center

NC Cooperative Extension-Warren County is offering a new high blood pressure management program for adults created by the Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health Branch of the North Carolina Division of Public Health. “Know It, Control It” is a community-based blood pressure management program designed to help participants self-monitor their blood pressure and make healthy lifestyle changes to control high blood pressure. Trained blood pressure coaches teach this program using evidence-based strategies to manage cardiovascular disease.

“High blood pressure is the leading cause of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease in the United States,” said the American Heart Association (AHA). “Knowing your blood pressure numbers can help you take action NOW to prevent or delay the development of more serious complications.”

Almost one out of every three adults in the United States – 29% or about 75 million people – has been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Among adults 65 years and older, two out of three have high blood pressure and half of them do not have it under control. “All adults should consult with a health care provider, learn their blood pressure numbers, learn to self-monitor their blood pressure and take steps to get healthy,” spoken on behalf of the AHA.

“Know It, Control It” classes are open to people who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. During each class, blood pressure coaches will lead a discussion on a healthy habit that will help participants control their blood pressure. On class days, the blood pressure coach will also assist each participant with measuring and logging his/her blood pressure with the goal of having them become proficient at tracking and measuring their blood pressure on their own.

For available class dates and registration information, please click here or call 252-257-3640.

Mark Your Calendar: Free OTC Medicine Giveaway at Warrenton Armory

-Information courtesy the Norlina Police Department’s Facebook Page

A free over the counter medicine giveaway will be held Thursday, February 21, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Warrenton Armory located at 501 US 158 Business East in Warrenton.

Items include cold, cough and flu medicine, pain and allergy relief, vitamins and children’s medicine. Items will be given away for free while supplies last.

No ID is required, but you must be 18 or older to participate.

This program is made possible by NC Med Assist, Triangle North Healthcare Foundation and the Warren County Health Department. For more information, visit www.medassist.org.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Terry Garrison

Terry Garrison, NC House Rep. & Local Business Owner, Talks MLK Legacy

District 32 NC House representative and local businessman Terry Garrison was on Monday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program to discuss the day’s remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Observed the third Monday of January each year since 1986, the federal holiday honors King near his actual birthday of January 15. Many churches and community organizations in the local area held celebrations and events in remembrance both today and over the weekend.

Garrison, who attended both the Granville County Human Relations Annual Fellowship at Oxford Baptist Church and an MLK remembrance celebration at Spring St. Missionary Baptist Church in Henderson early Monday morning said the messages were very similar – keeping the dream alive.

“The message focused on the efforts we need to put forward to help fulfill the dream,” said Garrison.

Garrison said he personally became aware of King around 1955 during the events of the Montgomery Bus Boycott in Alabama. “King was an icon, a prophet, a Moses of the 20th century,” explained Garrison. “He is, what I consider, to be the father of the civil rights movement.”

In addition to being perhaps the most famous figure in the movement, Garrison reminded listeners that King was also a minister who preached a message of “justice, equality, peace and love.”

“King was a minister of the gospel and preached about loving God and loving your fellow man. There’s only one supreme being. There’s no man who is a supreme being, only God. Mankind was made from one clay; we all have the same blood. Once we embrace and begin to love and respect each other, we can get a lot of things done and put favoritism aside,” stated Garrison.

To do his part to help fulfill King’s dream, Garrison said he serves in leadership roles with several organizations that assist the African-American community, including the Henderson-Vance Black Leadership Caucus, where he serves as president.

“The Black Leadership Caucus focuses on helping blacks and persons of color get elected to office who are focused on helping improve the quality of life for all citizens, particularly the African-American community,” said Garrison “I take a lot of pride in working with that organization.”

Garrison also works with the NAACP and other community organizations to “to help people register to vote, feed the hungry and help those with housing issues.”

For more information on these organizations, Garrison invites you to contact him by phone at (252) 432-3577 or (252) 438-6363.

To hear the interview with Terry Garrison in its entirety, please click here. Garrison’s portion of the Town Talk segment begins at the 11:05 mark.

Warren County High School Students Visit DOT Project Site

-Press Release, NCDOT

A group of seniors in Warren County High School’s Engineering and Construction Technology Academy visited an N.C. Department of Transportation bridge replacement project today to get a closer look at the work underway.

As part of NCDOT’s Engineering Technician I Trainee Program for private engineering firms, the students are receiving instruction and support from several Summit Design and Engineering Services engineers. The program is designed to quickly prepare individuals for entry-level engineering technician positions through in-class instruction, field trips to job sites, job shadowing and on-the-job training.

The students had the chance this afternoon to observe work done by crews replacing the Lickskillet Road bridge extending over Shocco Creek in Warren County.

When not out on field experiences or training, students also get classroom instruction and support from a dedicated Warren County High School construction technology teacher Monday thru Thursday, and weekly visits from Summit engineers and designers who travel to the high school every Friday during the semester.

“The program is a true partnership between the school district and industry,” said Ernie Conner, Warren County High School’s Director of Technology/Career and Technical Education, “Our students respond well when we can link what they are learning in school to real-world applications and job opportunities. Summit Engineering has been instrumental in helping us provide a clear career pathway from school to work.”

The students can participate in this program because they are enrolled in the advanced studies course offered by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Career and Technical Education Program. They receive instruction, complete research, design a project, and deliver a presentation as part of the course.

To learn more about Warren County High School’s Engineering and Construction Technology Academy and other career and technical education programs, visit the school’s academies website.

NC Dept of Agriculture

Applications Now Being Accepted for 2019 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

-Press Release, NC Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services

The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services is accepting grant applications for the 2019 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. Applicants have until 5 p.m. on March 1, 2019, to apply.

“Specialty crops make up a significant portion of the state’s $87 billion agriculture industry and we would like to see this area of production grow,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Grant requests of up to $200,000 can be made through this program.”

The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The program aims to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in the marketplace. Specialty crops are defined as fruits, vegetables, dried fruit, tree nuts, horticulture and nursery crops including floriculture.

Grants are not available for projects that directly benefit or provide a profit to a single organization, institution or individual. Applications must include biographical sketches on each person responsible for developing and implementing the project. In addition, applications must include at least one letter of support for the proposed project.

Applications are open to state and local governments, academic institutions, nonprofit associations, producer associations, community-based organizations and other specialty crop stakeholders. Interested parties can apply as single entities or in combined efforts.

For grant guidelines and an application, go to www.ncagr.gov/markets/scgrant. For questions, contact Sarah Pearce at 919-707-3158 or by email at sarah.pearce@ncagr.gov.

Registration Underway for 9th Annual Warrenton Junior Firefighter Competition

-Information courtesy John W. Franks, Chief Advisor, Warren County Fire Explorers

The Warren County Fire Explorers are now accepting registrations for event sponsors and vendors for its 9th annual Warrenton County Junior Firefighter Competition to be held Saturday, April 27, 2019, at the Warren County Recreation Complex in Warrenton, North Carolina.

The Warren County Junior Firefighter Competition is North Carolina’s biggest junior firefighter competition which attracts hundreds of teenaged firefighters plus their parents, advisors, and supporters from as far away as Tennessee, West Virginia, Florida, and Texas. Last year eleven different North Carolina counties were represented in the competition. An appearance from Duke Life Flight’s medical helicopter and rope demonstrations by the REDS Team from Wake County made it another very enjoyable year as well!

New For 2019:

  • Bronze Sponsor Level – based on the feedback we received, we added another sponsorship level. We now have a Bronze Sponsor level at only $125 for businesses that have a desire to help the Warren County Fire Explorers but don’t want a lot of costly complimentary bonuses in return. The Bronze level sponsors (1) get their name & logo and link on the competition webpage; (2) their name & logo on the Sponsor/Vendor Flyer; (3) they may contribute to the team welcome bags; and (4) business is recognized at the Friday evening social and at the Saturday field competition for sponsoring the competition.
  • Competition Website – We have added the Warren County Junior Firefighter Competition to the Warren County Fire Explorer website (https://WarrenCoJrFireFighters.ScoutLander.com) where teams, sponsors, and vendors can get information and download forms. Sponsors receive their name, logo and link displayed on the website.
  • Sponsor/Vendor Flyer – Sponsors and vendors will have their name & logo printed on full-color flyers distributed to the teams and other solicitations.
  • Food Vendors – Again, based on the feedback we have received, all food vendors will be grouped together in or near the upper parking lot this year.

Click here to view the Sponsor & Vendor Registration Form for more details. Please note that the form and payment must be received prior to Friday, March 29, 2019, to ensure that banners, printings, shirts, etc., are ordered in time for the competition. If you have further questions, please contact Lisa Pitzing at Liss.Pitzing@gmail.com or (252) 213-3815.

NOTE: The Warren County Fire Explorers is a county-wide coed career education program for youth 14 to 20 years old. The purpose of the program is to expose youth to firefighting, EMS, and public safety at an early age and to prepare members for a career in emergency services.

The Warren County Junior Firefighter Competition is hosted annually by the Warren County Fire Explorers as its primary fundraiser for the year. Proceeds from this event go directly to the Explorer Post to cover operational costs and to pay for their training and educational needs.


NCDHHS to Offer Free Residential Testing Kits in Honor of Radon Action Month

-Press Release, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS)

As families button up their homes to guard against winter’s chill it is an ideal time to make plans to test for radon, the odorless, colorless gas that is our nation’s second leading cause of lung cancer. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), radon causes more than 21,000 deaths each year, making it the second most common cause of lung cancer deaths in the United States and the number one cause among non-smokers.

Because testing is the only way to know if your family is at risk from radon, Governor Roy Cooper has proclaimed January as Radon Action Month in North Carolina, and beginning next week, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services is making 3,600 residential radon testing kits available at no charge. The test kits will be available from local health departments and county extension offices in 32 counties with outreach efforts. Funds for the test kits were provided last fall through a grant from the EPA.

“Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas found in soil and rock that can seep through cracks in the foundations, walls and joints of homes,” said NC Radiation Protection Section Chief Lee Cox. ‘About 7 percent of North Carolina homes have unsafe levels of radon, based on data we’ve collected. That is why we urge testing of homes.”

Radon gas can accumulate and reach harmful levels when trapped in homes and buildings, as may occur during the home heating season, when warm air rises in homes, pulling air from the lower parts of the home where radon may enter. Elevated levels of indoor radon are a preventable and fixable problem with costs of mitigation to reduce the radon to safe levels ranging from $800 to approximately $2,500.

The NC Radon Program’s website offers links to certified professionals who can assist in testing or fixing radon issues in homes. Through mitigation, the naturally occurring radioactive gas is released harmlessly from under the home into outdoor air.

For those who are not in the counties where free test kits are available, homes still should be tested. The NC Radon Program web page has links to several retailers that sell kits, and they are also available in many hardware stores. Retail prices average below $20 per kit. The website also lists resources and a link to an instructive video, and provides information on its web page for families who may qualify for financial assistance to meet mitigation expenses.

For more information visit the NCDHHS’ radon website at ncradon.org.

National Weather Service

Winter Storm System Expected to Affect Portions of Central NC

-Information and weather charts courtesy Brian K. Short, Director of Emergency Operations, Henderson-Vance County Emergency Operations and the National Weather Service

In case of a power outage, remember to tune in to WIZS Radio at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM with a regular radio.


You may report weather delays and cancellations by email to news@wizs.com or by text at 432-0774. Delays and cancellations will be posted on the WIZS Facebook page – click here – and announced on the air for this event.


Forecast: Forecasted freezing rain amounts have increased while forecasted snow accumulations have been lowered.

Confidence: High confidence that the event will occur; moderate confidence regarding snow/ice amounts and impacts.

Timing: Wintry weather and its impacts are possible Saturday evening through Monday. The heaviest precipitation is expected to fall Saturday night through about mid-morning Sunday.

Amounts: Light snow accumulation is possible across the northern Piedmont and VA border counties with amounts ranging from a dusting to near an inch. Freezing rain (ice) accumulations are also possible mainly north and west of U.S. Route 1 with amounts ranging from a thin glaze to as much as two tenths (highest north of I-85 and the Triad area).

Impacts: Travel may be impacted by light snow and/or ice accumulations, particularly north and west of Interstate 85. It is possible that we may see some power outages with this event, but we do not believe they will be widespread.


Girl Scout’s Annual Cookie Sale to Begin This Weekend

On Wednesday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk program, Teresa Wimbrow, membership director for Franklin, Granville, Vance and Warren County Girl Scouts, discussed the upcoming Girl Scout cookie sale and benefits to the girls involved in the program.

This year’s sale will begin on Saturday, January 12 at 9 a.m. and will continue for several weeks. Wimbrow said the local area should be prepared for “girls ringing your doorbell or at your doorstep selling cookies.” As in years past, troops and adult volunteers will also set up cookie booths at local participating businesses and restaurants.

Cookies are $4 a box and proceeds go towards trips and activities for the girls. Flavors available locally this year include Thin Mints, Caramel Delites, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Lemonades, Thanks-A-Lot, S’mores, Shortbread and the new, gluten-free Caramel Chocolate Chip.

For those on a diet or with specific allergies, there is even an option to purchase cookies to send to soldiers who are deployed. Operation Cookie Drop, as the program is called, celebrated sending its one-millionth box of cookies to soldiers last year according to Wimbrow.

Wimbrow, a former educator and basketball, volleyball and softball coach, has been with the Girl Scout organization for 10 years now and says she enjoys helping “build girls of courage, confidence and character.”

“We believe very strongly in the five skills that the girls learn – goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics,” Wimbrow stated. She believes all five of these skills, plus more, are used by the girls during the annual cookie program.

While Wimbrow covers the entire four-county area, she reported that there are five current Girl Scout troops in Vance County with girls ranging in grade level from kindergarten to 12th. “The smallest troop has five girls and the largest troop, at Vance Charter School, has 55 girls,” said Wimbrow.

Younger girls focus on self-confidence, social skills and self-esteem building while the older girls have more opportunities to travel and focus on leadership skills. Troops meet for approximately an hour and a half every other work where they work on improving these skills and earning badges. Wimbrow emphasized that there is a constant need for both female and male adult volunteers to assist with meetings and events.

Wimbrow said in her interview with WIZS that research has shown the positive effects of a childhood spent involved in Girl Scouts. “Research and statistics prove that being a part of Girl Scouts, the leadership organization that it is, serves them [girls] well later in life.”

One need only look at the high percentage of female Congress members and astronauts who were once girl scouts to see an example of the program’s success, said Wimbrow.

“There are a lot of long-standing Girl Scout traditions that are still in place, but as an organization, we have changed with the times,” Wimbrow explained.

The four-county area is part of the larger Girl Scout NC Coastal Pines, a council consisting of 41 counties. For information on the Girl Scout cookie program or testimonials from girls and volunteers alike, please visit www.nccoastalpine.org.

If you know someone interested in joining Girl Scouts, have questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Teresa Wimbrow at (252) 438-8103 or email twimbrow@nccoastalpines.org.

To hear the interview in its entirety, please click here

Grants Available for Agricultural Products

-Press Release, Tobacco Trust Fund Commission

Supporting the agricultural industry, impacting rural communities and stimulating economic development are key objectives for the 2019 NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission (NCTTFC) grant cycle. Funds will be awarded in the fall of 2019 for selected innovative projects.

Applications and information are now online at www.tobaccotrustfund.org for qualifying organizations. “This year the NCTTFC is specifically interested in job creation in current or former tobacco-dependent regions and funding projects that have the potential to generate additional income for farmers and those in the industry,” said William H. “Bill” Teague, NCTTFC Chairman. “Online applications will be accepted for innovative projects within North Carolina. Applicants can plan to start the projects in November of 2019.”

The NCTTFC was established in 2000 by the N.C. General Assembly to help members of the tobacco community including farmers, tobacco workers and related businesses. Its original funding was established through tobacco industry annual payments as a result of the Master Settlement Agreement. Funding is now appropriated to the NCTTFC which then reviews, selects and disperses the funds to grant projects.

Past NCTTFC projects include farmers market improvements, cost-share grant programs for farmers, training for qualified farm family members in community colleges and support of more than 30 high school agricultural education programs.

More information can be found at the NCTTFC’s website, or by calling 919-733-2160.  The deadline for applications submission is March 8, 2019.