Tag Archive for: #warrencountynews

Ridgeway Cantaloupe Festival

Ridgeway Cantaloupe 5k Run/Walk Scheduled for July 25; Annual Festival Canceled

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Tommy Tucker, Ridgeway Cantaloupe 5k

The seventh annual Ridgeway Cantaloupe 5k Run/Walk will be held this Saturday, July 25, 2020, at 8 a.m. The rural and flat 5k route, a USAT&F certified course, starts and ends at 101 Ridgeway-Drewry Road in Norlina, near the Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Department.

Registration is $30, limited to 100 participants, required by July 24 and available online only at clockworkracetiming.com.

There will be no race-day registration, and packet pickup will be held on Saturday morning only beginning at 6:30 a.m.

Race day:

  • Refreshments *may be* provided, but race parking is at the finish, so bring your favorite post-race food/drink
  • Results will be based on net (chip start to chip finish) time
  • Runners will start in groups of 10 or less at intervals sufficient to space out on the course
  • Race organizers hope to have T-shirts available for pick-up at the race, but if not, an email will be sent
  • As in previous years, bib numbers will have disposable timing chips affixed to the back of them (do not remove this)
  • The festival has been canceled for this year, so the race is the only event

At this time, face coverings will be required pre-and-post event should social distancing not be possible.

Warren Co. Flag

Local Agencies Partner to Provide Care to Sick and Injured Pets

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Government

Warren County EMS, Warren County Animal Ark and Vance County Animal Services recently partnered to ensure that all residents of Warren County are able to receive emergency care in their time of need – including four-legged residents.

Through a partnership created by Vance County Animal Services and Mona Pants Foundations, an area non-profit whose goal is to provide ballistic vests to law enforcement K-9s and oxygen masks to local first responders, Warren County EMS and Warren County Fire Departments have received 25 pet rescue oxygen mask kits. 

The 501(c)(3) organization, based in Zebulon, received a request on behalf of Warren County EMS to facilitate receiving the pet-oxygen rescue masks after noting recent animal fatalities in fires. In less than four hours, Mona Pants Foundation raised enough funds to procure the oxygen mask kits through donations only. 

A mask kit will be placed on every Warren County EMS unit as well as given to every Warren County Fire Department.

Warren Co. Arts Council

Grant Application Process to Support Local Artists Now Open

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Arts Council

Artists in all disciplines are eligible to apply for grants to support their professional and artistic development through a partnership of the North Carolina Arts Council and the Warren County Arts Council, Vance County Arts Council, Halifax County Arts Council, and Franklin County Arts Council.

Artist Support Grants will be distributed to eligible applicants by the Warren County Arts Council in the following counties: Warren, Vance, Halifax, Northampton, Granville, and Franklin Counties.

Applications for the grants are available at www.ncarts.org/artist-support-grant or at www.warrencountyartsnc.org. The deadline is October 1, 2020. Grant awards will not exceed $1,200. Artists may only submit one application.

A virtual workshop discussing the grant guidelines will be held at a future date. Please follow the Warren County Arts Council website and Facebook page for that information. Guidelines for grant applications can also be found at www.ncarts.org/artist-support-grant.

Emerging or established artists are encouraged to apply to support a range of professional and artistic development including the creation of work, improvement of business operations, or expanding capacity to bring work to new audiences. Artist fees are also allowable expenses.

Artists in all disciplines are eligible to apply. To learn more about the Artist Support Grants visit www.ncarts.org/artist-support-grant.

“The Artist Support Grants program responds to the impact of the pandemic by ensuring that artists and the state’s arts infrastructure have the resources needed to help our state make a strong social and economic recovery,” said Wayne Martin, executive director of the North Carolina Arts Council.  

“We are honored to serve as the lead arts council in this new initiative,” said Charla Duncan, Chair of the Warren County Arts Council. “Working with our regional partners in this new consortium of rural counties gives us a chance to impact local artists in ways we haven’t been able to do before.”

For more information or questions, please contact the Warren County Arts Council at warrencountyartscouncil@gmail.com or by calling Charla Duncan, Chair of the Warren County Arts Council, at 336-686-2676. The Warren County Arts Council can be found online at warrencountyartsnc.org and on Facebook and Instagram at @wcartcouncil.

Warren County Logo

Warren County Board Opens FY 21 Non-Profit Grant Funding Cycle

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Government

Warren County is now accepting applications for its FY 21 non-profit grand funding cycle. The FY 21 budget allocates $40,000 for this program. The grant program accepts applications on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted. Interested organizations are encouraged to apply early. 

“I am excited that the Board of Commissioners has chosen to fund non-profits in our annual budget,” stated Vincent Jones, County Manager. “It allows the County to reach different segments of our community that may not be reached by our government services. That can run the gamut from recreation to arts to social services, and that’s a win for the County.”

Warren County adopted its current funding for local non-profit agencies policy in 2014. Funded services through this program must be equally available to all residents. 

For more information, contact the Warren County Manager’s Office at 252-257-3115 or visit the website at http://warrencountync.com/776/County-Non-Profit-Grant-Fun

4-H Logo

Warren Co. 4-H Palooza Offering Summer Fun to Local Youth

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Warren County 4-H

The Warren County 4-H Summer Palooza 2o2o program will offer eight different classes to local youth. A few will be offered via ZOOM, and others will be offered offline.

Kits will be provided and can be picked up from the Warren County Cooperative Extension office at 158 Rafters Lane in Warrenton. Please call before arriving – (252) 257-3640.

Families must register and pay through Eventbrite. If not enrolled in 4-H in 2020, families must also sign-up through 4-H Online. If you need assistance, please contact us at (252) 257-3640 or email cmsmith2@ncsu.edu.

Click here to view 4-H Summer Palooza brochure

Upcoming Summer Palooza Classes:

Take it Outside Tuesday

Ms. Tawanica Bullock will facilitate a great program to allow youth to explore the beauty around them through the lens of a camera. Classes will be held July 14 – August 4, 2020. The deadline to register is July 6, 2020! Fee: $7

Click here to learn more

4-H Pen Buddy Project

Who remembers Pen Pals? This year, Warren County 4-H will implement 4-H Pen Buddy where local 4-H’ers will connect with Warren County Senior Citizens or seasoned adults! All participants will receive essential items to make this new project a hit!

Click here to learn more

Read! Lead! Succeed! 4-H Ambassadors

Teens, are you bored? Are you looking for something meaningful to do? Do you need service hours before graduating? We would love for you to sign up to be a 4-H Ambassador! Teens must be responsible, excited and willing to read to younger youth virtually! Must attend training/orientation to participate!

Click here to learn more

Read! Lead! Succeed! Youth Participants! 

Read! Lead! Succeed! is a virtual book club led by trained teenagers and will meet every Thursday, July 16 – August 13, 2020! Youth participants will be engaged through books and magazines! Space is limited. Fee: $15 Ages: 5 -10

Click here to learn more

DIY 4-H Cool Crafts Camp 

This three-day (July 15, 16, 17) virtual DIY 4-H Cool Crafts Camp is designed for youth ages 5 – 9 only! Youth participants will pick up a 4-H Cool Crafts Kit filled with craft materials to create and design their own creation! Space is limited to 12 youth! Deadline to register: July 8. Fee: $7

Click here for more details

NC Coop Extension

Warren/Vance Coop. Extension Announces New ‘Backyard AG 101’ Series

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Warren/Vance County Cooperative Extension

Backyard AG 101: Online Seminar Series

Warren/Vance County Cooperative Extension is pleased to announce that a new series of the popular Backyard Ag 101 classes will begin Wednesday, July 1, 2020, at 10 a.m.

Seven additional sessions are scheduled for every other Wednesday through late September. All sessions will meet on the Zoom video conference platform, which is a free app. More details and the registration link are available at http://go.ncsu.edu/backyardag101.

Topics to be covered in this series include:

  • Perennials/herbs
  • Pruning
  • Poultry
  • Beekeeping
  • Composting
  • Weed ID
  • Livestock Health

Join a Virtual Chat With Master Gardener Volunteers

You are invited to join Master Gardener volunteers for a fun and informative online chat each Thursday at 2 p.m. through the end of July.

Each week, Warren/Vance Cooperative Extension will offer a brief featured presentation, timely gardening tips, links to on-line resources, and answers to your questions. For more details and to register, please visit http://go.ncsu.edu/mastergardenerchat.

4-H Logo

Warren Co. 4-H Holding ‘See Them Sprout’ Youth Summer Garden Challenge

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Warren Co. N.C. Cooperative Extension Office

The Warren County 4-H Summer Palooza Program is holding a “See Them Sprout” 4-H Garden Challenge July 6 – August 14, 2020. Youth ages 5 – 18 are invited to participate.

Weekly virtual garden meetings will be hosted, and garden seed kits will be available.

Registration fee: $7

The deadline to register is July 1, 2020. Registration is done through Eventbrite (click here).

Youth participants will be required to complete a 4-H record book to showcase their garden and what they learned. 4-H record book age division includes ages 5-7, 8-13 and 14-18. Prizes will be awarded per age category, and work can be done as a team.

To be eligible to participate in the 4-H Summer Palooza Program, please review the forms at the following link: Required Forms for Virtual Summer Programs

• Liability Waiver

• Photo & Media Release

• Program Expectation & Parental Permission

For more information regarding NC 4-H Policies, visit: NC 4-H Procedures & Guidelines (click here)

Warren County Logo

Warren County EDC Seeks Farmers for Free Analysis Program

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Government

Warren County Economic Development Commission (EDC) is seeking Warren County farmers interested in increasing crop yield and profits through analysis of plant sap by Advancing Eco Agriculture, or AEA. 

EDC is providing funding for three Warren County farmers willing to commit to the program requirements during the current growing season. Farmers must notify the EDC office that they would like to participate by 5 p.m., Friday, June 19, 2020.

AEA plant sap analysis reveals plant mineral levels, nutritional deficiencies, and excesses before they cause significant yield loss. Results provide the farmer the opportunity to determine and apply the precise amount of a needed nutrient before a deficiency manifests as a disease or weakness. 

Since 2006, Advancing Eco Agriculture has served over 2 million acres with AEA programs while working hand in hand with farmers in North America, producing healthier soil, stronger crops, and higher profits.

In brief, here’s how the program works:

Participating farmers will receive sample collection kits, mail leaf samples to the AEA laboratory, and receive an analysis report by email. An AEA consultant will interpret the results and recommend corrective measures in a group call, so even farmers not participating in the sap analysis can learn from the consultation. 

Farmers continue to observe and measure crop health and harvest results. The accumulated data aids in planning for the next growing season. The cost of the testing program is paid by the Warren County EDC. Farmers will pay for corrective applications themselves. 

If you are interested in participating, please contact the Warren County EDC Director Stacy Woodhouse at the Warren County EDC office at (252) 257-3114. The EDC office is open from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Warren Co. Memorial Library Announces Start of Book Pickup, Summer Reading Program

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Warren County Government

No Contact Pickup:

Warren County Memorial Library will resume limited public operations beginning Wednesday, June 17, 2020, with the introduction of “No Contact Pickup.”

Library patrons will be able to place books and audiovisual materials on hold via the library catalog at any time, or by calling (252) 257-4990 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Library staff will pull the requested items and give the patron a call when the items are checked out and ready for pickup.

The library’s lobby will be open for book pickups on Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Your items will be placed in a bag with your name on it for you to grab and go. There will be no access to the main building, community room, or restrooms at this time.

Further steps for re-opening will be announced as details become available. All efforts are being made to fully return to serving patrons in person while mitigating any potential spread of the coronavirus.

During the pandemic, Warren County Memorial Library staff have worked to greatly expand the range of resources and services that are available online. If you need a library card or need to update an existing one, that can now be handled at the library website, www.wcmlibrary.org. You may also give the library staff a call at (252) 257-4990, and they will be happy to assist you.

Summer Reading 2020:

Warren County Memorial Library is excited to announce this year’s Summer Reading Challenge, “Imagine Your Story,” centered around fairytales, legends, myths, fables, and folklore.

While many people may be staying home this summer, readers are free to travel to worlds unknown with their imaginations. The Summer Reading Program will run from Monday, June 22 until Friday, July 24, 2020.

Reading during the summer months can make the difference between summer setbacks and summer success, leading to better academic performance when kids and teens return to school. This year will feel a little different as pandemic precautions have moved many of your favorite programs and books online. 

“We are thrilled with the work our entire staff has done to create a wonderful array of activities and suggested reads that can be enjoyed from the comfort and safety of home,” said Cheryl Reddish, Library Director. “We encourage readers of all ages to join the challenge beginning Monday, June 22 with a Kickoff Event.”

Adults are invited to participate in the “Read 4 Life” Adult Summer Reading Challenge, culminating in the Adult Zoom Book Discussion on Monday, July 20, 2020, from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m., where readers can share thoughts, suggestions and comments about the books they read, or just meet some Warren County readers. 

If residents need a library card, that is no problem. Library card signups can now be handled online at the library’s website: www.wcmlibrary.org

For More Information about the Library or to Access eResources: Go to www.wcmlibrary.org for event details and additional services offered. All library programs are free to access. Call the library for more information at (252) 257-4990. The library is located at 119 S. Front Street, Warrenton, NC 27589.

Warren Co. Flag

Text-to-911 Now Available in Warren Co.; Residents Urged to Prioritize Calling 911

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Government

Warren County E-911 is pleased to announce that Text-to-911 capabilities are now in place. However, residents should choose to call 911 over texting whenever possible. Text-to-911 should only be used in extreme emergencies.

When using Text-to-911, texters must include their location/address and name. Telecommunicators cannot assist a texter if they do not have a location. No photos or videos should be sent via Text-to-911.

With Text-to-911, the caller has the ability to send a text message to reach 911 emergency call takers from their mobile phones. Whenever possible, the caller should continue to call 911 rather than text.

If the person in need attempts to send a text to 911 where mobile service is not available, providers will send an automatic “bounce-back” message that will advise you to contact emergency services by another means, such as making a voice call. Bounce-back messages are intended to minimize your risk of mistakenly believing that a text-to-911 has been transmitted to an emergency call center when it has not.

Those using Text-to-911 should not text and drive.

For more information, contact the Warren County Sheriff’s Office at 252-257-3456.