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-Information courtesy Warren County Government
No Contact Pickup:
Warren County Memorial Library will resume limited public operations beginning Wednesday, June 17, 2020, with the introduction of “No Contact Pickup.”
Library patrons will be able to place books and audiovisual materials on hold via the library catalog at any time, or by calling (252) 257-4990 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Library staff will pull the requested items and give the patron a call when the items are checked out and ready for pickup.
The library’s lobby will be open for book pickups on Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Your items will be placed in a bag with your name on it for you to grab and go. There will be no access to the main building, community room, or restrooms at this time.
Further steps for re-opening will be announced as details become available. All efforts are being made to fully return to serving patrons in person while mitigating any potential spread of the coronavirus.
During the pandemic, Warren County Memorial Library staff have worked to greatly expand the range of resources and services that are available online. If you need a library card or need to update an existing one, that can now be handled at the library website, www.wcmlibrary.org. You may also give the library staff a call at (252) 257-4990, and they will be happy to assist you.
Summer Reading 2020:
Warren County Memorial Library is excited to announce this year’s Summer Reading Challenge, “Imagine Your Story,” centered around fairytales, legends, myths, fables, and folklore.
While many people may be staying home this summer, readers are free to travel to worlds unknown with their imaginations. The Summer Reading Program will run from Monday, June 22 until Friday, July 24, 2020.
Reading during the summer months can make the difference between summer setbacks and summer success, leading to better academic performance when kids and teens return to school. This year will feel a little different as pandemic precautions have moved many of your favorite programs and books online.
“We are thrilled with the work our entire staff has done to create a wonderful array of activities and suggested reads that can be enjoyed from the comfort and safety of home,” said Cheryl Reddish, Library Director. “We encourage readers of all ages to join the challenge beginning Monday, June 22 with a Kickoff Event.”
Adults are invited to participate in the “Read 4 Life” Adult Summer Reading Challenge, culminating in the Adult Zoom Book Discussion on Monday, July 20, 2020, from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m., where readers can share thoughts, suggestions and comments about the books they read, or just meet some Warren County readers.
If residents need a library card, that is no problem. Library card signups can now be handled online at the library’s website: www.wcmlibrary.org.
For More Information about the Library or to Access eResources: Go to www.wcmlibrary.org for event details and additional services offered. All library programs are free to access. Call the library for more information at (252) 257-4990. The library is located at 119 S. Front Street, Warrenton, NC 27589.