Warren County Tops State in 2019 Tourism Expenditures Growth
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-Press Release, Warren County Government
Domestic visitors to and within Warren County spent $31 million in 2019, an increase of 16.6% from 2018 ($26.65 million); this growth rate is the highest the county has seen going all the way back to 1990. This growth was the highest increase seen in all 100 counties in North Carolina from 2018 to 2019.
The data comes from an annual study commissioned by Visit North Carolina, a unit of the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina.
“We, as residents, know that Warren County is a special place; it’s great to see that being recognized by visitors as well,” said Charla Duncan, Economic Development Director (Interim). “It’s encouraging to know that our existing businesses are feeling a positive impact from our tourism draw, and we hope that potential businesses can look at this growth and see the value of operating in Warren County.”
2019 state tax revenue generated in Warren County totaled $1.13 million through state sales and excise taxes, and taxes on personal and corporate income. Approximately $2.75 million in local taxes were generated from sales and property tax revenue from travel-generated and travel-supported businesses. This translates into about $194 in tax savings per resident in Warren County.
Visitors to North Carolina set a record for spending in 2019. The $26.7 billion in total spending represented an increase of 5.6 percent from 2018.
These statistics are from the “Economic Impact of Travel on North Carolina Counties 2019,” which can be accessed at partners.visitnc.com/economic-impact-studies. The study was prepared for Visit North Carolina by the U.S. Travel Association.
“The numbers confirm the strength of North Carolina’s tourism industry as an anchor of economic development,” said Wit Tuttell, director of Visit North Carolina. “As the No. 6 state in the country for overnight visitation, we can attribute our success to the natural beauty and authenticity that visitors experience, and to a passionate effort to inform and inspire travelers. The money they spend benefits everyone by sustaining jobs and reducing our residents’ tax burden.”
Statewide highlights include:
- State tax receipts as a result of visitor spending rose 5.0 percent to more than $1.3 billion in 2019.
- Visitors spend more than $73 million per day in North Carolina. That spending adds $5.92 million per day to state and local tax revenues (about $3.7 million in state taxes and $2.2 million in local taxes).
- The travel and tourism industry directly employees more than 235,000 North Carolinians.
- Each North Carolina household saves on average $551 in state and local taxes as a direct result of visitor spending in the state.