Tag Archive for: #warrencountynews

Duke Energy

Duke Energy Customers Will See Slight Drop In Rate Prices

The North Carolina Utilities Commission approved the Duke Energy Progress request to lower customer rates by 4.5 percent.

The lower rates begin this month.  In a message to WIZS, Duke Energy’s Local Government and Community Relations Manager Beth Townsend said, “It’s important to note that with the cold snap we’re having right now, most customers are using more energy compared to last month – we had a very warm fall. If you’re running your heat around the clock, your next bill will be higher of course – but it will be 4.5 percent lower than what it would have been under the old rates.”

In a press release from Townsend, it’s indicated that Duke Energy Progress residential customer rates in North Carolina will decrease 4.5 percent as part of an annual adjustment for the cost of fuel used to generate electricity at the utility’s power plants.

The release said, “A typical residential customer in North Carolina using 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month will see an overall decrease of $7.34, or about 4.5 percent lower than prior rates… That is 11 percent below the national average of $174.21 – a difference of approximately $235 per year.”

Commercial customers will benefit too, from an average decrease of about 6.3 percent, while industrial customers will see an average decrease of less than 0.1 percent.

Duke Energy Progress serves about 1.5 million customers in central and eastern North Carolina, including Raleigh, as well as the Asheville region.

Warren County Planning For ‘America 250’ Celebration

In 2026, the nation commemorates the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources has created America 250 NC to guide the commemoration in the state.

Whether you call it the semiquincentennial, bisesquicentennial, the sestercentennial or the Quarter Millennial, – all of which refer to the 250th anniversary of something – there are grants available to help fund projects, events and programs to celebrate this momentous occasion. The multi-year commemoration will span from now until 2033, with a special focus on 2026.

America 250 NC is providing several rounds of grants for county committees and community programs, and a Warren County committee has been formed to encourage local nonprofits and government entities to apply.

This round of grants is due Dec. 16. Maximum grant award is $30,000.

These grants will support activities and projects related to the commemorative themes: Visions of Freedom, Gathering of Voices, and Common Ground.

The county committee is seeking grant funding to provide strategic planning around the theme “A Patchwork of Progress,” designed to the many different groups and individuals who have contributed to Warren County’s history.

Visit www.america250.nc.gov/grants to learn more. Warren County government may be able to provide technical assistance to applicants. Please contact Grants and Contracts Administrator Connie Calloway to request help.

NC State Board of Elections

State Board Completes Canvass, Certifies Most Results Of Nov. 5 Elections

The State Board of Elections on Tuesday unanimously certified the results of the 2024 general election in North Carolina, ensuring the ballots of more than 5.7 million voters were counted.

The bipartisan State Board voted 5–0 to canvass the votes cast in all ballot items within the jurisdiction of the State Board, including the presidential contest, and authenticate the count in every ballot item, except for contests under recount.

More than 5.7 million NC voters cast ballots in the November 5 election, a 73.7 percent turnout of registered voters.

“Today, the State Board made sure that the votes of more than 5.7 million North Carolinians who voted in the 2024 election were counted,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “We appreciate the hard work of election officials and poll workers across North Carolina who helped make this election a success, despite the catastrophic Hurricane Helene, which struck just weeks before Election Day.”

According to information on the N.C. State Board of Elections website, certificates of elections will be issued to winning candidates 6 days after today’s canvass, except for the presidential race (determined by the Electoral College),  contests under recount and contests with pending protests.

The 10 contests currently under review include:

  • NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Seat 6 (Statewide)​
  • NC State Senate District 18 (Granville, Wake)​
  • NC State Senate District 42 (Mecklenburg)​
  • NC House of Representatives District 032 (Granville, Vance)​
  • NC House of Representatives District 105 (Mecklenburg) ​
  • Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners (Cabarrus)​
  • Pitt County Board of Commissioners District C (Pitt)​
  • City of Trinity City Council Ward 03 (Randolph)​
  • Rowan-Salisbury Schools Board of Education Seat 05 (Salisbury) (Rowan)
  • Wilson County Board of Education District 04 (Wilson)​

The state certification came after the 100 county boards of elections recently certified results at the county level and after post-election audits conducted over the past couple weeks verified the counts. The State Board will issue certificates of election to the prevailing candidates in contests under State Board jurisdiction.

NC Coop Extension

CANCELLED: Dec. 3 Equine Nutrition Seminar In Warren County

The seminar on equine nutrition scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 3 in Littleton has been cancelled.

Dr. Paul Siciliano, equine extension specialist with N.C. State University, had been scheduled to present “Preparing Your Horses for Winter,” to walk horse owners through a list of feeding and management strategies to consider as cold weather approaches.

To learn more, contact Warren County livestock agent Matthew Place at 252.257.3640.


VGCC Drama Dept. Opens “Agnes Of God” Thursday For Weekend Run

— Information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel


VGCC Drama returns to the stage Thursday with a three-member cast performing “Agnes of God,” the award-winning 1979 play by John Pielmeier.

Vance-Granville students Saylor Gray, JayAnn Gupton and KB Wiggs make up the all-female cast who take the stage for four performances. The curtain rises at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21, Friday, Nov. 22 and Saturday, Nov. 23, with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Sunday, Nov. 24.

The story is about a young novice, Agnes, who has been accused of killing her newborn child. A court-appointed psychiatrist, Dr. Martha Livingstone, is summoned to the convent to assess the young woman’s sanity. Miriam Ruth, the Mother Superior, determinedly keeps young Agnes from the doctor, further arousing Livingstone’s suspicions. Who killed the infant, and who fathered the tiny victim? Livingstone’s questions force all three women to re-examine the meaning of faith and the power of love, leading to a dramatic, compelling climax.

Because of the adult themes and language, the performance is suggested for audience members 16 and older or children accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Tickets for “Agnes of God” are on sale now. The cost is $20 General Admission, $15 for Seniors/Military, and $10 for Students and VGCC Faculty/Staff.

Purchase tickets online at www.vgcc.edu/vgcc-drama-agnes-of-god.

Headed to the opening night show? Stay afterward to participate in a “talkback” discussion led by VGCC psychology instructor Dr. Kristie Polk.

All shows will take place in the Small Auditorium on VGCC’s Main Campus in Henderson. The venue is located on the lower level of Building 2 (Room #2105), which is accessible from the campus’s central courtyard.

Some audience members may be triggered by content such as abuse, religion, death, and use of cigarettes. Disclaimer: the theatrical cigarettes used in the production contain no harmful ingredients for either the audience of the actors.

VGCC Drama presents “Agnes of God” by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

To learn more VGCC Drama or Fine Arts at Vance-Granville Community College, contact Betsy Henderson, Department Chair of Fine Arts & Humanities, at hendersonb@vgcc.edu or 252. 738.3371.

Qualified Warren Residents Can Apply For Help With Winter Heating Costs

The Low-Income Energy Assistance Program provides a one-time annual vendor payment to help eligible families pay for their heating expense.

The good news is, if you received a LIEAP payment last year, there’s no need to re-apply; an automatic payment will be generated to that same account this fiscal year, according to information from Warren County Department of Social Services.

The state mails notices in November to each family from the 2023-2024 pre-populated application information, complete with instructions on how to report any household changes. Recipients can contact or return the notice with changes to their local DSS office within 10 business days. If the recipient does not contact or report any changes to DSS, the information from the 2023-2024 LIEAP application will be used to approve the household for 2024-2025 benefits. The recipient will be informed that an automated LIEAP payment was made.

Households not included in the target population will be able to apply following regular LIEAP application policy. Regular application policy is as follows:

·      Application period begins Dec. 1 for households with a disabled person who receives services through the Division of Aging and Adult Services. Households with individuals age 60 or older are potentially eligible during the month of December or until funds are exhausted.

·      Applications from the general public will be taken from Jan. 1 through March 31 or until funds are exhausted.

This program is being administered by:

Warren County Department of Social Services

307 N. Main Street

Warrenton, NC 27589


Please bring the following information to determine eligibility:

1.         Photo Identification

2.         Mail or document showing current address (rental agreement, utility bill, etc.)

3.         Information about your household’s income. If anyone works, bring wage stubs for the month prior to the month you visit the agency. Bring letter from Social                Security Administration to confirm benefits or a statement that shows direct deposit.

4.         Recent statement for savings or checking accounts.

5.         Name, date of birth & social security card or numbers for each household member.

6.          A bill from your primary source of heat (used the MOST, to heat your home). Households that heat with wood/kerosene, will not have a bill to submit.


Heating source bill-If the bill is not in applicant’s name, applicant must provide a written statement from the person whose name the bill is in (must be 18 & older), stating that applicant is responsible for payment of the heating expense.

Applicants who are not physically able to come to the agency to apply may provide a trusted individual (representative) with a written statement authorizing them to apply for LIEAP on their behalf; must include a contact number. Please bring all information listed above in 1-6.

NC Coop Extension

Free Soil Samples End Nov. 26; Submit Samples Now To Avoid $4 Fee Per Sample

The time for getting free soil samples from The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services soil testing lab is almost over – it’s about to hit its busy season, but growers and homeowners have until Tuesday, Nov. 26 to squeak in under the wire before the fee of $4 per sample begins.

“Accurate lime and fertilizer recommendations are critical to producing healthy plants and crops and to avoid unnecessary expenses and protect our natural resources,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Recommendations that come from soil testing lets you know exactly what you need to add for optimal production. When it comes to fertilization needs, don’t guess, test.”

Peak-season fees are implemented annually to encourage growers to submit samples early, which helps spread out the testing time frame and to invest in equipment and temporary staff to decrease turnaround times. This year, the peak laboratory season starts Nov. 27 and runs through March 31, 2025.

Samples must physically arrive on the Agronomic Services’ loading dock no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 26, to avoid that $4 per sample fee.

“This year the Agronomic Services Division is renewing its efforts to improve operational efficiency and optimize our customer service. To help in this mission, growers are asked to pay particular attention to the submission process,” said Dr. Don Edralin, soil testing section chief. “Small details matter when you consider that the Soil Testing Lab processes about 300,000 samples annually.”

Soil samples submitted without adequate grower, consultant, and/or sample information will not proceed through the lab but will be set aside.  This information is essential to associate samples with the correct existing client account or to establish a new unique client account. Samples will be held for at least five days, and an attempt will be made to obtain the missing information. Due to limited storage space, samples cannot be held indefinitely.

To avoid samples ending up in the “holding area,” simply follow the instructions listed below. In doing so, you will help the Soil Testing Lab be more efficient, and in turn, avoid unnecessary delays in sample processing.

  1. Only use soil sample boxes provided by NCDA&CS. Soil sample boxes and submission forms are provided at local county Cooperative Extension Centers and at the Agronomic Services Division, 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, NC 27607. Fill the soil box to the red line found on the outside of the box. Required information on the box includes the client’s name, address and sample ID.
  2. With your samples, send a completed soil submission form. Needed information includes client’s name with their full address and a crop code which is critical for plant-specific recommendations. The list of codes is found on the second page of the sample submission form. Since soil test results are emailed to clients, it is extremely important that a valid email address is provided. Additionally, providing a current phone number is highly encouraged as it is helpful for faster contact if there is an issue with soil sample submission. For convenience, a fillable soil submission form for routine homeowner samples can be found at https://www.ncagr.gov/media/3727/open.
  3. Make sure that information listed on your soil submission form matches what is on your sample boxes.
  4. Save a copy/photo of your sample submission form for your records.
  5. Ensure that sample boxes are packed securely inside a sturdy shipper to avoid damage during transport. Do not use padded mailing envelopes. For faster delivery, private carriers such as UPS or FedEx deliver directly to the Agronomic building rather than an off-site mail center that USPS is required to use. Some Cooperative County Extension offices collect samples from homeowners for delivery to the division; clients are encouraged to make sure that delivery meets their intended expectations and needs.
  6. If you have access to a computer and printer, use the online data entry feature on PALS (www.ncagr.gov/agronomi/pals) to ensure the most accurate delivery of sample information to the lab but enclose a copy of the submission form with soil sample boxes.

Warren County Health Dept. Gets Part Of $3M Federal Grant To Combat Opioid Use Disorder

The Warren County Health Department will get $600,000 in federal funds over the next four years to expand recovery and treatment services for people affected by substance use disorder, including opioid use.

It’s part of a $3 grant awarded to the Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition, which manages  the Health Resoures and Services Administration Rural Communities Opioid Response Program in several counties, including Warren..

The health department will receive $150,000 annually over the next four years. Dr. Margaret Brake, health director and Wenona Mills, nursing director, attended a press conference in Wilson, joining partners from other counties included in the grant.

Carole Johnson, administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, made the announcement. HRSA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Brake said she is excited to get the funding that will enhance local efforts to assist individuals and families experiencing substance use disorder. The health department collaborates with local behavioral health providers, law enforcement, emergency services, faith-based and community organizations to ensure that those needing assistance have access to appropriate treatment and recovery services. She said the money will help expand SUD services in the county.



Warren Mini-Grants Due To Parks And Rec By Oct. 31

There’s still time for nonprofit organizations to submit a mini-grant application to the Warren County Parks and Recreation Department and the Parks and Recreation Commission, but the deadline is Thursday, Oct. 31.

The grant applications are for programs that facilitate the development and support recreation amenities for Warren County residents at satellite locations. Recipients must be non-profit organizations located within Warren County, according to information from the Warren County manager’s office.

The grant application is available on the Warren County Parks and Recreation website https://www.warrencountync.com/345/Parks-Recreation or obtain a paper copy from the Parks and Recreation Department, located at 113 Wilcox St., Warrenton,. All applications must be submitted and received by 5 p.m. on Oct. 31. Requests may not exceed $10,000.

Applications should be submitted by:

  • Email: christopherwilliams@warrencountync.gov OR
  • In person: Warren County Parks and Recreation Office at 113 Wilcox St., Warrenton OR
  • Mail: Warren County Parks and Recreation, Attn: Christopher Williams, P.O. Box 835, Warrenton, NC 27589

For more information, contact Christopher Williams, Parks and Recreation Interim Director at 252-257-2272 or parksandrecreation@warrencountync.gov.

Local Cattle Owners Have Oct. 30 Referendum Vote

On Oct. 30, local cattle producers are asked to vote on a referendum to continue the North Carolina Cattle Industry Assessment to fund beef promotion in the state.

The national Beef Checkoff program collects $1 per head of cattle sold in the state, and 50 cents stays in North Carolina, explained Matthew Place, N.C. Cooperative Extension livestock agent in Warren County.

Those funds, however, can be used only within specific guidelines that involve promotion of beef.
The vote next week will be whether to continue the additional $1 assessment per head sold to support youth programs, as well as enhance the image of cattle production, research and education about N.C. cattle and beef production.

Any cattle owner over 18 can vote in the referendum. Stop by the

Warren County Cooperative Extension Office at 158 Rafters Ln., Warrenton, between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Contact Matthew Place at 919.495.2230 or matthew_place@ncsu.edu to learn more.