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The Local Skinny! Missing Woman’s Remains Found

— courtesy of the Warren County Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page

“The Warren County Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with the State Bureau of Investigations, and with the assistance of the Youngsville Rescue Dive Team, executed searches in Vance County on 1/30/2025. During the search, possible human remains were discovered. The remains were sent to the NC Medical Examiner’s Office, where they have been identified as the remains of Dana Leigh Mustian. Her disappearance and death are continuing to be investigated. No other information will be released at this time. We would like to thank Sheriff Curtis Brame and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office for their assistance.”

— courtesy of the NC State Bureau of Investigation

“In January 2024, the Warren County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) regarding a missing person case from 2023. Dana Leigh Mustian was last seen on November 30, 2023, on Dorothy Drive in Warrenton, NC. On January 30, 2025, the Warren County Sheriff’s office, the Henderson Police Department, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, the Youngsville Rescue and EMS Dive Team, and the SBI executed searches in Vance County. While conducting a search in a pond near Henderson, possible human remains were discovered. The remains were sent to the North Carolina Medical Examiner’s Office for identification. Those remains were identified as those of Dana Leigh Mustian. Her family has been notified, and the investigation continues. No further details are available at this time.”


Feb. 7 Deadline For Warren Residents To Ask For Help Removing Old Mobile Homes From Property

Time is winding down for Warren County residents to take advantage of a program that provides financial assistance to remove dilapidated mobile homes from their property.

The deadline to request assistance is Friday, Feb. 7 to ensure demolition can take place before the grant ends at the end of February, according to Warren County officials.

The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, through the State Solid Waste Trust Fund, awarded Warren County a series of grants under this program, beginning in 2010, to assist in the deconstruction of abandoned manufactured homes. The grants have helped the county enforce its abandoned manufactured home ordinance that was first adopted in 2008. During past grant cycles from 2010 to 2017, Warren County used grant funds totaling $89,500 to aid eligible property owners in the legal deconstruction and disposal of abandoned units, resulting in the removal of approximately 50 units across the county.

Eligible property owners will owe costs that are not covered by grant funds. For a singlewide unit, costs are $35.00 for the demolition permit plus $270.00 landfill tipping fees; for a doublewide unit, $35.00 demolition permit plus $540.00 landfill tipping fees. In addition, homeowners will be responsible for any demolition costs that exceed the grant maximum of $1,485.00.

Property owners seeking more information or to apply to the county program may contact Planning and Zoning Administrator Mark Bloomer at 252.257.7027 or markbloomer@warrencountync.gov. Forms can be found online at https://www.warrencountync.com/789/Forms-Applications or picked up at the Planning/Zoning and Code Enforcement Department, 542 West Ridgeway Street, Warrenton, NC 27589.


Warren County Selected To Take Part In UNC Initiative To Understand Housing Issues

Warren County is one of 14 teams across the state to participate in an initiative to understand challenges communities and residents face when it comes to access to affordable housing.

The “Our State, Our Homes” project is the fifth and final project of the Carolina Across 100 Initiative through the University of North Carolina and NC Impact, according to information from Warren County.

Participating communities will emerge from the 18-month program with a data-driven understanding of housing issues in their local contexts, high-impact tools to facilitate community conversations around housing needs, detailed understanding of local partners and assets, and increased knowledge and capacity to implement innovative strategies for improving housing affordability, county leaders say.

In addition, teams will receive coaching, technical assistance with innovation projects and opportunities to build relationships with peer communities as well as national, state and campus-based housing experts across the state.

The county’s lead for the project is Rose Ponton, community development manager with Warren County Community and Economic Development.

“Affordable and workforce housing are critical to the future of  Warren County,” Ponton said in a written statement. “By collaborating with UNC’s Carolina Across 100 Initiative and leveraging our local partnerships, we are taking proactive steps to address these challenges and build a stronger community.”

In 2024, the North Carolina Housing Coalition reports that 32 percent of Warren County households are considered cost-burdened by housing costs (2,248 households in the county). Warren County ranks 42nd in the state for numbers of housing evictions. The coalition reports that 24 percent of homeowners and 54 percent of renters had difficulty affording their homes in 2024.

“Warren County Community and Economic Development has launched a new focus on housing for the county organization in the last year,” stated Community and Economic Development Director Charla Duncan. “Selection for the Our State, Our Homes initiative is our second win in this recent focus, coming on the heels of being awarded a $950,000 CDBG grant for housing renovations.”

“These initiatives aren’t going to be magic wands for us and our housing challenges, but we are eager to start laying some important foundations for the future of our existing and future residents,” Duncan said.

Warren County is partnering with local organizations Working Landscapes and Warren Ministries United to drive this initiative forward. This core working group will attend several in-person forums over the next year and a half to strengthen efforts by integrating local expertise, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, and implementing innovative housing strategies to provide accessible housing options, enhance quality of life, and support economic growth. All associated costs are covered by the initiative.

In addition to work done directly with the Carolina Across 100 staff and other working groups selected from across the state, Warren County will engage stakeholders from across the community to identify priorities, explore innovative solutions, and work to develop actionable strategies. Residents, community leaders, and organizations with a vested interest in affordable and workforce housing in the county are encouraged to get involved.

To learn more about the Our State, Our Homes project, visit https://carolinaacross100.unc.edu/program5/.

Warren County Senior Center Plans Jan. 23 Field Trip To Local Vineyard, Winery

Join the Warren County Senior Center for a tour and lecture at Kim’s Vineyard and Winery on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025. The lecture will focus on the science behind wine making, and the challenges to maintain a vineyard to produce the perfect grape. The group will depart the Senior Center at 11 a.m. and return by 2 p.m. There outing is free and lunch will be provided. Kim’s Vineyard and Winery offers a variety of homegrown canned vegetables and fruits for purchase at your own expense.

Kim’s Vineyard was started in Warren County by Cheryl and Walter Royster in 1995. It began as a hobby of planting a few rows of grapes by Royster to test out his “green thumb.” Over the years, more rows were planted which grew into Kim’s Vineyard. In 2004 Kim’s Vineyard expanded by adding a winery. The grape vineyard itself covers more than five acres of land and the winery sits on two acres. This is a “mom and pop” operated business that caters to everyone. Although the vineyard is seasonal, Kim’s Vineyard and Winery is open all year long. Kim’s Vineyard provides more than 18 different types of wine.

Call the Warren County Senior Center at 252.257.3111 to reserve your spot. Seating is limited.

Warren County Senior Center Schedules Thrift Shop Trip Jan. 16 – Reserve Your Spot Early!

It’s Thrift Shop Thursday next week for the Warren County Senior Center, which is sponsoring a day trip for folks who want to shop for some bargains or just enjoy window shopping at InJoy Thrift Stores in Rocky Mount.

There’s no cost to participate in the Jan. 16 excursion – just pay for the treasures you may find while shopping and for lunch at Gardner’s Restaurant.

The group will depart the Warren County Senior Center at 9:30 a.m. and will return by about 2 p.m. If you’d like to go, you’ll need to reserve your spot in advance. Seating is limited, so call the senior center at 252.257.3111 to get a spot saved for you.

The InJoy Thrift Stores are operated on Christian principles, by Christian people, from area churches providing great merchandise donated locally and sold at great prices. Profits support and fund Christian based ministries in the community and throughout the world.

Kerr-Tar COG Seeks Sponsors For 2025 N.C. Senior Games

Local businesses and individuals still have time to become sponsors for the 2025 Kerr-Tar Regional Senior Games, held each spring across the five counties that comprise the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments.

Sponsorship levels include:

Gold – $1,500

Silver – $1,000

Bronze – $500

Family – $250

Friend – $100

Sponsors can choose to provide regionwide support or a specific county, according to information from KTCOG officials. Make checks payable to Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments to provide regionwide support or to your local Senior Center to support a particular county.

The Senior Games holds events in all five counties and involves adults 50 years and older in a variety of athletic events, as well as Silver Arts, which includes creative and performing arts.

In 2024, more than 223 local athletes participated in more than 50 sporting events and Silver Arts categories. Even more participants are expected for the 2025 games. First- and second-place winners qualify for the state finals, and state finals winners advance to the National Senior Games, held every two years.

For more information, contact local coordinator Michael Patterson or local co-coordinator Crystal Allen at 252.436.2040 or by email at mpatterson@kerrtarcog.org or callen@kerrtarcog.org.

IRS Reminder About Deadlines For RMDs From Certain Retirement Accounts

If you’re 73 years or older, the Internal Revenue Service reminds you of important deadlines regarding required minimum distributions for those with certain retirement accounts.

An RMD is an amount that an account owner must withdraw annually. The withdrawals are considered taxable income and may incur penalties if they aren’t taken on time, according to information from IRS officials.

The IRS.gov Retirement Plan and IRA Required Minimum Distributions FAQs webpage provides detailed information regarding the new provisions in the law.

If you turned 73 in 2024:

  • Your first RMD is due by April 1, 2025, based on your account balance on Dec. 31, 2023, and
  • Your second RMD is due by Dec. 31, 2025, based on your account balance on Dec. 31, 2024.


A new law called the Secure 2.0 Act raised the age that account owners must begin taking RMDs, while eliminating RMDs for Designated Roth accounts in 401(k) and 403(b) retirement plans.

The minimum distribution rules generally apply to original account holders and their beneficiaries in these types of plans:


  • IRAs: IRA withdrawals from traditional IRAs and IRA-based plans occur every year once people reach age 73, even if they’re still employed.
  • Retirement plans:The RMD rules apply to employer-sponsored plans, with delays allowed until retirement unless the participants own more than 5% of the sponsoring business.
  • Roth IRAs:Roth IRA owners are not required to take withdrawals during their lifetime, however beneficiaries are subject to the RMD rules after the account owner’s death.


Designated Roth accounts in a 401(k) or 403(b) plan will not be subject to the RMD rules while the account owner is still alive for 2024. The RMD Comparison Chart outlines key RMD rules for IRAs and defined contribution plans.


Taxpayers can find easy-to-use tools such as forms, instructions and publications at IRS.gov.

Keep Safety In Mind When Decorating This Holiday Season

Some folks have had their homes – inside and out – decorated for weeks, and others have taken a slower approach to decking the halls to create a festive Christmas look.

No matter how far along you are in your holiday decorating, however, the American Red Cross has some timely reminders about safety this time of year.

“Many people are getting ready for holiday celebrations and time with loved ones and we want everyone to be safe while doing so,” said Sharonne Hayes, communications manager with Red Cross North Carolina Region. “This time of year is a peak time for home fires involving things like candles and holiday decorations. You can help help keep things safe and fun for your family by practicing some extra safety — using battery-operated candles, checking your cords, and even practicing a two-minute escape plan with everyone in your household.”

Here are a few tips to keep in mind as Christmas and New Year’s approach:

  • If you must use candles, keep them away from anything that could burn, and place them out of reach of pets and children. Never leave burning candles unattended.
  • Check all holiday light cords to ensure they aren’t frayed or broken. Don’t string too many strands of lights together — no more than three per extension cord.
  • Ensure outside decorations are for outdoor use and fasten lights securely to your home or trees. If using hooks or nails outside, make sure they are insulated to avoid an electrocution or fire hazard.
  • If buying an artificial tree, look for a fire-resistant label.When putting it up, keep it away from fireplaces, radiators and other sources of heat. Never use electric lights on metallic trees.
  • If getting a live tree, make sure it’s fresh and keep it watered. To test if the tree is fresh, bend the needles up and down to make sure no needles fall off.
  • Don’t light the fireplace if hanging stockings or other decorations on the mantel.

Visit redcross.org/fire to learn more.

Warren County Gets $950,000 In CDBG Funding To Help Rehab, Repair Homes

— information courtesy of Warren County Community and Economic Development

Warren County has received a $950,000 award from the N.C. Dept. of Commerce Rural Economic Development Division for the Community Development Block Grant Neighborhood Revitalization program. Funding does not require a local match.

“We are excited to bring CDBG funds back into the county organization, and I am proud of the work Rose Ponton, our Community Development manager, has been doing to grow our focus in this area,” said Charla Duncan, director of Warren County Community and Economic Development.

“Applying for CDBG housing repair funds has been a goal of this department as a part of our transition from economic development to community and economic development, and this is a big step in realizing that goal,” said Duncan.

These funds benefit low- and moderate-income residents. Activities include housing rehabilitation and emergency repairs with the possibility of relocation and reconstruction in severe circumstances. These funds are managed as a 0 percent interest, forgivable loan with a term of up to eight years.

Warren County worked with a Wilmington firm that specializes in CDBG programming; recipients of CDBG funds were identified as a part of the county’s application.

Applicants must own and live in their home and be able to document that they are not delinquent on any property taxes to date, with a clear title to the property. This program is designed to address housing needs that include severe structural deficiencies or severe water and/or sewer needs.


VGCC Community Band Winter Concert Dec. 16

–information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel

The holiday season has officially begun, and the VGCC Community Band is back in action this month to present its annual Holiday Concert.

This year’s event will occur on Monday, Dec. 16, at McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center in downtown Henderson. The concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will last about an hour. Admission is free to the public.

“Nothing is better than a big old-timey band concert,” said band director Brian Miller, “and the Vance-Granville Band is delighted to present to you our Winter Concert in the heart of historic downtown Henderson. We invite everyone to this free event featuring Christmas music, band classics, popular music, and classical music!”

Concertgoers can expect to hear festive favorites like “Feliz Navidad” and “Good King Wenceslas” alongside music from blockbuster soundtrack composer Michael Giacchino.

Some songs will be performed by the entire 39-piece band, while others will feature smaller groups.

Betsy Henderson, department chair of Fine Arts at the College, echoes Brian Miller’s invitation to the community. “This concert always kicks off my holiday season; it’s a lovely way to spend an evening. I urge you to come get into the holiday spirit with me!”

The VGCC Community Band contains both VGCC students and non-student adult community members with a wide range of abilities and experience. Participants represent the College’s four-county service area and beyond, some traveling from as far away as Virginia. The VGCC Community Band rehearses every Monday evening at the College’s Main Campus Civic Center in Henderson, and there is no membership fee for participating.

To learn more about the band, contact Director Miller at bmiller9302@vgcc.edu.

(This story was originally posted Dec. 6, 2024.)