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NC DOT Offers Safety Tips When Driving During “Bomb Cyclone”

-information courtesy of N.C. Department of Transportation

People should check real-time driving conditions before traveling anywhere throughout the holiday weekend, as a winter storm is forecast to bring bone-chilling cold, rain, heavy winds and possible snow and ice in some locations.

Those conditions could make travel dangerous in North Carolina from the mountains to the coast.

The N.C. Department of Transportation has prepared for the storm. It has  more than 2,200 employees who are specially trained to use hundreds of trucks to remove snow and ice from roads. The agency has prepared its trucks and equipment in advance of this weekend’s winter storm. The NCDOT can store up to 179,000 tons of salt and sand and 1.8 million of brine to treat roads.

“Our staff is ready to clear roads of snow and debris as needed, but travelers need to be prepared, too,” said J. Eric Boyette, NCDOT secretary. “This storm could make it quite dangerous to be outside driving. Everyone should be prepared and be safe.”

If you do choose to travel this weekend, NCDOT recommends the following safety tips:

  • Be sure your vehicle is running well, has at least a half tank of gas and is equipped properly for changing conditions.
  • Keep on hand a supply kit with an ice scraper, extra windshield wiper fluid and anti-freeze, as well as a first-aid kit, blankets, flashlights, drinking water, and a basic automotive tool kit with jumper cables and flares.
  • If possible, leave early for your destination.
  • Allow extra time for your trip, regardless of the route you choose.
  • Drive slowly and maintain a safe following distance from other vehicles.
  • Approach bridges and overpasses with caution as they may accumulate ice first.
  • Come to a complete stop and yield the right of way when approaching an intersection where traffic lights are out. Treat this as a four-way stop.
  • Other tips can be found on NCDOT’s “Driving in Winter Weather” webpage.
  • For real-time travel information, visit DriveNgov or follow NCDOT on social media.

Road Construction Halted

To ease travel, the NCDOT will temporarily halt most construction activity along major highways to keep traffic flowing for holiday travel.

Construction along interstates, U.S. and key N.C. routes will be suspended from Friday morning until Tuesday evening to help reduce delays.

Construction also will be halted starting the morning of Dec. 31 through the evening of Jan. 3 for motorists traveling during the New Year’s Day holiday. Some projects will continue with work that doesn’t impact travel lanes, and other long-term lane closures will remain in place on certain projects.

Weather Could Impact Other Transportation

High winds and rough seas along the coast could cause schedule interruptions on some or all North Carolina ferry routes. Travelers should check with their terminal of departure before heading out this weekend.

As of Thursday, there are no plans in the coming days to stop or delay any of the state’s passenger rail trains. For the latest train schedules, please visit NCByTrain.org.

For real-time travel information, visit DriveNC.gov or follow NCDOT on social media.

Red Cross Offers Reminders To Stay Warm, Safe During Extreme Winter Weather

As the area hunkers down against the bitter cold that will hang around through the holiday weekend, the American Red Cross offers reminders about staying safe and as warm as possible through this especially cold snap, which will bring sub-zero temperatures and blustery conditions.

Weather experts predict temperatures could drop as much as 40 degrees below normal, and regional CEO of the Red Cross in Eastern NC Barry Porter said safety should be a priority. “The Red Cross wants to help everyone prepare for the worst weather this winter to avoid any accidents that may place anyone in danger,” Porter said in a press release.

As temperatures plummet, the demand for power surges, which could create power outages.

The American Red Cross offers the following reminders during this dangerous cold weather and during other severe weather events:


  • Stay indoors and wear layers of loose fitting, lightweight warm clothes.
  • Check on relatives, neighbors and friends, particularly if they are elderly or live alone.
  • Avoid overexertion, such as shoveling snow, pushing a vehicle or walking in deep snow.
  • Caulk and weather-strip doors and windowsills to keep cold air out. Install storm windows or cover windows with plastic from the inside to provide an extra layer of insulation to keep cold air out.
  • Make sure you have enough heating fuel on hand.
  • Protect pipes from freezing
  • If possible, bring your pets inside during cold winter weather. Move other animals or livestock to sheltered areas and make sure they have access to non-frozen drinking water. If the animals are outside, make sure their access to food and water is not blocked by snow drifts, ice or other obstacles.


  • Never use a stove or oven to heat your home. If using a fireplace, use a glass or metal fire screen large enough to catch sparks and rolling logs.
  • Place space heaters on a level, hard surface and keep anything flammable at least three feet away. Turn off space heaters and make sure fireplace embers are out before leaving the room or going to bed.
  • Use generators correctly – never operate a generator inside the home, including in the basement or garage. Don’t hook a generator up to the home’s wiring. Connect the equipment you want to power directly to the outlets on the generator.


  • Stay off the roads, if possible.
  • Fill the vehicle’s gas tank and clean the lights and windows to help with visibility.
  • Share the details of your route, departure time, and estimated arrival time with someone.
  • Don’t follow other vehicles too closely. Sudden stops are difficult on wet roadways.
  • Don’t use cruise control when driving in winter weather.
  • Avoid distractions such as your cell phone.
  • Know that ramps, bridges and overpasses will freeze before roadways.
  • Don’t use electrical components (like your headlights) unless the engine is running.


  • Use flashlights in the day — avoid using candles.
  • Turn off and unplug any appliances, equipment and electronics. When the power comes back on, surges or spikes can damage equipment. Leave one light on, so you’ll know when power is restored.
  • Don’t drive unless necessary. Traffic lights will be out and roads could be congested.
  • If a power outage is two hours or less, don’t be concerned about losing perishable foods. During a prolonged outage, keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to protect your food. Use perishable food from the refrigerator first. Then, use food from the freezer. If the power outage will continue beyond a day, prepare a cooler with ice for your freezer items. Keep food in a dry, cool spot and cover it at all times.
  • If you are using a generator, keep it dry and don’t use it in wet conditions.
  • Never use a generator, grill, camp stove or other gasoline, propane, natural gas or charcoal-burning device inside a home, garage, basement or other partially enclosed area. Keep this equipment outside and away from doors, windows and vents, which could allow carbon monoxide to come indoors.
  • Plug appliances directly into the generator. Never plug a generator into a wall outlet.


  • Keep dry. Change wet clothing frequently to prevent a loss of body heat. Wet clothing loses much of its insulating value and transmits heat rapidly away from the body.
  • When outside, stay active to maintain body heat, take frequent breaks from the cold and avoid unnecessary exposure of any part of the body.
  • Avoid overexertion, such as shoveling heavy snow, pushing a vehicle, or walking in deep snow. The strain from the cold and the hard labor may cause a heart attack. Sweating could lead to a chill and hypothermia.
  • Drink liquids, such as warm broth or juice, but avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Get out of the cold immediately if signs of hypothermia or frostbite appear. These signs include shaking uncontrollably, getting extremely tired, turning very pale or getting numb fingers, toes, ears or nose.
  • To treat someone who may have hypothermia or frostbite, gently warm them by
    wrapping them in a blanket and giving them warm drinks and high-energy foods. Call 911 if these signs are severe.

Warren County’s CERT Class Set For Jan. 28-29

The Warren County Community Emergency Response Team will have a class to prepare individuals to help during emergencies, natural disasters and other events.

The class will be held Jan. 28 and 29. There is no charge to take the class, which will take place at the Warren County Emergency Services Headquarters, 890 US Hwy 158 Bypass in Warrenton.

CERT members receive training in the following areas to help them care for themselves, their families, and their communities: disaster planning, damage assessment, emergency operations center assistance, team organization, disaster psychology, and disaster simulation.

Volunteers in the CERT program learn how to prepare for natural and man-made disasters that may affect their community. The program provides a consistent approach to disaster preparedness training and organization that first responders can rely on during a disaster.

Individuals 18 years and older who live in Warren County may become a certified CERT member by meeting and maintaining the following requirements:

  • Obtain FEMA’s Incident Command System (ICS) online training certificates after completing the 21-hour CERT training series;
  • Take the American Heart Association’s CPR class;
  • Volunteer for at least 16 hours a year in emergency management, training, outreach and community involvement programs;
  • Must be of good moral character and adhere to the Warren County Emergency management beliefs and ethics; and
  • Submit a signed Code of Conduct form.

The classes will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. Class size is limited and the deadline to apply is Jan. 23, 2023. Students must complete all 20 hours of the course to receive a certification of completion. Contact Chris Tucker or Lewis Mustian to learn more. Tucker can be reached at

252.257.1191 or by email at  christucker@warrencountync.gov; Mustian’s phone number is 804.512.3045 and email is lmustian@verizon.net.


TownTalk: St. Paul’s Lutheran Plans Food Ministry


St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Ridgeway is launching a food ministry to try to help residents in Vance and Warren counties who find themselves struggling with having enough food for themselves and their families.

The food ministry, modeled after the story in the Bible of feeding 5,000 with two fish and five loaves of bread, will have its first event on Saturday, Jan. 28 and will be held on the last Saturday of each month thereafter, said Corey Brooks, pastor at St. Paul’s.

The church fellowship hall will host the first several months, but as the weather warms, Brooks said the hope is to travel into different areas of the county to provide food.

Brooks spoke with John C. Rose on Wednesday’s TownTalk about how the idea for a food ministry got started.

“We still have a few minor details (to work out), but we’re excited to be kicking this off,” Brooks said. “It’s easy to say ‘let someone else take care of them,’” Brooks said, but added that we’re called to love all of God’s children.

Providing a hot meal through the food ministry is a way to show that love for one another.

There also will be a “blessing box” located near the Norlina post office that people can visit, whether it’s to take food or to donate non-perishable items.

The box will have food to nourish the body and plenty of Bibles to nourish the soul.

“Take what you need and leave what you can,” Brooks said.

The blessing box is a place where folks struggling with food insecurity can go in the time between the last Saturdays of the month, he said.

St. Paul’s belongs to the southeastern district of the Lutheran Church’s Missouri Synod, and pastors like Brooks receive mission insight reports that provide information about the area, from income levels to people’s beliefs about God. Through his service as a chaplain for first responders, he said he’s seen the need himself.

But food insecurity rose to the top as a concern in the area, so the church is trying to do something about it.

Brooks invites other churches to help out, too.

“It’s not just our church,” he said. “It’s a time for us all to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ to provide” for others in the community.

He acknowledged that transportation could be a challenge, so help in that area would be most helpful.

But most of all, Brooks said he wants to let folks know that regardless of their struggles, their walk in life that they are children of God. “We want to walk with you and help you carry your burden as best we can.”





IRS Reminder: Dec. 31 Deadline For Certain Taxpayers Who Deferred In 2020

If you’re an employer or self-employed and you chose to defer paying part of your 2020 Social Security tax liability, you have until the end of the month to make your second annual installment of the deferred amount, the Internal Revenue Service reminds.

As part of the COVID relief provided during 2020, employers could choose to put off paying the employer’s share of their Social Security tax liability, which is 6.2 percent of wages. Self-employed individuals also could choose to defer a similar amount of their self-employment tax. Generally, half of that deferral was due on Dec. 31, 2021. The other half is due on Dec. 31, 2022.

Earlier this fall, the IRS sent reminder notices to affected employers and self-employed individuals. The agency noted, however, that those affected are still required to make the payment on time, even if they did not receive a notice.

Employers and individuals have several options for making this payment. Deferral payments can made through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), Direct Pay, by debit card, credit card or digital wallet, or with a check or money order. No matter which payment option is chosen, it must be made separately from other tax payments and deposits. This will ensure that it is credited properly and will help avoid follow-up bills or notices.

Employers and individuals can make the deferral payments through enrollment in the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, a free service available from the Treasury Department. On the Tax Type Selection screen, choose Deferred Social Security Tax and then change the date to the applicable tax period (the calendar quarter in 2020 for which tax was deferred). Visit EFTPS.gov, or call 800-555-4477 or 800-733-4829 for details.

Alternatively, self-employed individual taxpayers can choose Direct Pay to pay directly from a checking or savings account. This service is available free only on IRS.gov/payments/direct-pay. Select the “Balance Due” reason for payment and apply the payment to the 2020 tax year where the payment was deferred. Direct Pay is not available to pay employment taxes.

If paying with a credit card, debit card or digital wallet, select “installment agreement.” Apply the payment to the 2020 tax year where the payment was deferred. Note that the IRS does not charge a fee for this service, but the authorized third-party payment processors do. Visit IRS.gov/Payments for details.

Make any check or money order payable to United States Treasury, not IRS. For more information on where to mail payments see Instructions for Form 941.

Bill Stanley Moves Into Lead Superintendent Role At Kerr Lake State Recreation Area

Bill Stanley has been named lead superintendent at Kerr Lake State Recreation Area in Vance and Warren counties, according to the N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation. He has served as a superintendent I at Kerr Lake since 2018.

A state park superintendent manages the operations and administration of a park and has responsibilities that include staffing, planning, environmental education, natural resources management, law enforcement and visitor services.

Originally from Ramseur, N.C., Stanley has a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke.

Stanley’s years at Kerr Lake have inspired a number of goals for his first year as superintendent.

“I want to improve community engagement and complete projects that improve visitor experiences at the park,” he said. “I want Kerr Lake to embody our mission of conservation, recreation and education.”

Stanley began his career in state parks in 2010 as a seasonal employee at Raven Rock in Harnett County and then worked as an AmeriCorps educator at Carvers Creek in Cumberland County. He took a park ranger position at Dismal Swamp State Park in Camden County before moving to Kerr Lake State Recreation Area.

North District Superintendent Kristen Woodruff said she looks forward to Stanley’s leadership to direct the park through growth and change.

“Bill’s familiarity with both the challenges and opportunities at Kerr Lake provide a foundation for excellent leadership as the park continues to grow and change. He is setting a new standard for the visitor experience at Kerr Lake,” she said.

Kerr Lake State Recreation Area is a collective of eight access areas around the shoreline of the 50,000-acre reservoir built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Seven campgrounds with hundreds of campsites allow visitors lakeside camping, and numerous shelters and community buildings provide popular venues for local gatherings.

All eight recreation accesses provide boat access to one of the best fishing lakes in the eastern United States.
North Carolina State Parks manages more than 258,000 acres of iconic landscape within North Carolina’s state parks, state recreation areas and state natural areas. It administers the N.C Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, including its local grants program, as well as a state trails program, North Carolina Natural and Scenic Rivers and more, all with a mission dedicated to conservation, recreation and education. The state parks system welcomes more than 22.7 million visitors annually.

Warren County Selected for Golden LEAF Program

Warren County has been selected to participate in a Golden LEAF program that helps communities  identify potential sites for industrial development.

It was the only community selected during this cycle of SITE Program Identification, according to information from the office of Warren County Manager Vincent Jones.

“I am appreciative that Golden LEAF has recognized the potential and value that we see here in Warren County,” Jones said in a press statement.

“Our inclusion in this program will provide us with yet another tool that will help Warren County strategically prepare for the kind of growth and development that is appropriate for Warren County.”

The SITE Program offers a three-phase approach to help communities identify potential sites for economic development, provide funding to complete due diligence on publicly controlled sites, and provide funding to extend public utilities to publicly controlled sites or to conduct clearing and rough grading of publicly owned sites.

“Participation in the SITE Program – Identification phase will allow us to further understand where we should be targeting our work and investments for marketable and attractive sites for the type of growth we aim to see,” said Charla Duncan, Warren County’s community & economic development director.

“As we look to prioritize infrastructure expansion, pursue development agreements with landowners, and support landowners in marketing their land,” continued Duncan, “we need a better understanding of competitive sites and where to strategically invest our resources.”

The Golden LEAF Foundation was established in 1999 to administer a portion of the tobacco settlement agreement monies back into North Carolina’s rural and economically distressed communities. Its mission is to increase economic opportunity in North Carolina’s rural, tobacco-dependent, and economically distressed communities through leadership in grantmaking, collaboration, innovation and stewardship.

To learn more about Golden LEAF, visit  www.goldenleaf.org.

Warren Parks And Rec Offers “Holiday Hoopla Camp” For Kids 8-12

Warren County youth can register for a “Holiday Hoopla Camp” offered by Warren County Parks and Recreation at John Graham Gym in Warrenton later this month. The two-day program is for children ages 8-12 who live in Warren County, and parents can sign up for one or both days, according to information from the parks and rec department.

The dates are Wednesday, Dec. 21 and Thursday, Dec. 22 and the camp runs from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the gym, located at 113 Wilcox St. in Warrenton.

Wednesday’s program is $10 and includes lunch and a field trip; Thursday’s program is $5 and includes an opportunity to enjoy a “jump castle” bouncy house.

Participants will enjoy organized games, crafts and more throughout the day. Families needing transportation to the camp should indicate this on the registration form. Space is limited, so register early.

Registration must be completed by Wednesday, Dec. 14.

Register online at https://www.warrencountync.com/345/Parks-Recreation.

Registration can also be done in-person Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the parks and recreation office located at 113 Wilcox Street, Warrenton, NC

For more information or register, please visit the Warren County website at www.warrencountync.com or call the parks and recreation office at 252.257.2272.

“American Pickers” Returning To NC, Looking For Local Collectors

The TV show “American Pickers” is planning a return trip to North Carolina early next year and producers are already putting out feelers in hopes of turning up some unique finds to feature on the show.

Crews are planning to film episodes of the show in February 2023, according to information from Meredith Ball, one of the show’s producers. The show, which airs on The History Channel, is a documentary series that explores the world of antiques “picking.” Crews film “pickers” as they hunt for valuable antiques across the country.

“The way we find people and collections for our show is through spreading the word far and wide so that people know we’re coming to town,” Ball stated.

“…the Pickers are on a mission to recycle and rescue forgotten relics,” she continued. “Along the way, they want to meet characters with remarkable and exceptional items (with the) hope to give historically significant objects a new lease on life while learning a thing or two about America’s past along the way.”
One important note to consider is that the show only chooses individual collectors and do not consider stores, flea markets, museums, auctions or other retail outlets open to the public.

Private collectors or others with an “accumulation of antiques” should contact show representatives at americanpickers@cineflix.com and make sure to include your full name, city/state, contact information and a brief description of items in your collection.

Phone 646.493.2184 or click here to find them on Facebook.

S-Line Rail Corridor

Upcoming S-Line Rail Project Updates Set For Henderson, Norlina

Area residents have a couple of opportunities this week to hear updates about the planned S-Line rail project that includes stops in Henderson and Norlina as part of a 95-mile stretch of rail that that ultimately will connect Richmond and Tampa.

If you’re planning to attend the Henderson Christmas parade Saturday afternoon, then Sadie’s Coffee Corner is the place where a community “pop-up” event will be held.

Stop by anytime between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the 324 S. Garnett St. location to learn the latest about the S-Line and transit-oriented development.

A second opportunity takes place Friday, Dec. 2 outside Rachel’s Whistle Stop in Norlina. There will be an information table set up for interested individuals to stop by any time between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., according to information from Warren County Director of Community and Economic Development Charla Duncan.

Rachel’s Whistle Stop is located at 123 Hyco St. in Norlina.

Consultants working with the NC DOT Rail Division will provide updates at each event.

The State of North Carolina’s S-Line project includes six other communities in the region that fall along a 95-mile-long section of the S-Line rail corridor including Apex, Franklinton, Henderson, Raleigh, Sanford, Wake Forest, and Youngsville.

Transit-oriented development has a goal to connect communities and public spaces by increasing accessibility without having to rely on a personal vehicle.

Learn more at https://www.ncdot.gov/divisions/rail/s-line-study.