Tag Archive for: VGCC

VGCC Pharmacy Technology students train foster parents

Students in the Pharmacy Technology program at Vance-Granville Community College recently helped provide important training to Granville County foster parents.

Under the supervision of Pharmacy Technology Program Head Dr. Erica Fleming, students conducted medication management training, which is a state requirement for family foster home licensing, at the Granville County Department of Social Services (DSS). In such training, foster parents learn about understanding prescription labels, administering drugs, record-keeping, medication disposal, medication storage, psychotropic medications and medication errors. 

“VGCC offered an excellent training opportunity,” said LaVerne Smith, licensing and adoptions social worker for Granville County DSS. “The presentation was very informative and the handouts and visuals were excellent. It addressed all areas that our families need to know. This resource will be a great addition to our training repertoire. We are hoping to work in partnership with the Vance-Granville Community College Pharmacy Program to continue Medication Management training on a yearly basis.”

Fleming said that the partnership with Granville County DSS not only helped local foster parents, and in turn, foster children, but also formed part of the VGCC students’ study of community pharmacy practice.

For more information on the VGCC Pharmacy Technology program, call Dr. Fleming at (252) 738-3482.

From left, VGCC Pharmacy Technology student Tamika Everett of Creedmoor, Kristen Honaker of Henderson, Lesli Miranda of Henderson, Licensing and Adoptions Social Worker LaVerne Smith of Granville County DSS, program head Dr. Erica Fleming, Emily Adcock of Oxford and Ashley Hobgood of Henderson.

VGCC Franklin Campus salutes Child Care Center graduates

Six new graduates of the Child Care Center on Vance-Granville Community College’s Franklin County Campus were honored in a ceremony on July 12 as they prepared to enter kindergarten. The students were Cody Collier of Henderson; Arianna Abbott, Colton Leonard, Joshua Stallings and Aiden Zalewski, all of Louisburg; and Chase Snelling of Youngsville.

Welcoming remarks were provided by Bobbie Jo May, the dean of the Franklin County Campus. She thanked and applauded the staff of the five-star center, and said that the VGCC mission of educating, inspiring and supporting a diverse community of learners to achieve success starts at the pre-school level. “Your children have developed a love of learning here,” May told the assembled family members. “Our staff’s patient instruction and love for these children have helped to turn them into strong, confident kindergarten students.”

Child Care Center manager Michelle Patterson Jones and child care center teacher Teresa Gallatin presented the children with diplomas. Jones also handed out unique “personality certificates” to the students.

Abbott was honored with certificates for “Creativity” and for being a “Math Monster.” Leonard received the “Reading” and “Lawyer” awards. Zalewski was presented with certificates labeled “Enthusiastic Learner” and “Wild Kratts” (after the educational television series about animals and the environment). Stallings was named a “Peace Maker” and a “Creative Thinker” and received a certificate for “Giant Improvement.” Collier received the “Active Athlete” and “Most Dramatic” awards. Snelling was recognized for being “Quiet as a Mouse” and the “Academic Whisperer.”

Lila Johnson of Louisburg, a younger student at the center, served as marshal for the graduation, carrying the American flag as the students processed and recessed.

With the departure of the graduates, spaces for several children are currently available. Parents from among the general public can enroll their children there, as can parents who are VGCC students or employees. For more information, call Michelle Patterson Jones at (919) 496-1567.


Watercolor class offered at VGCC Main Campus

Artist Stephen Filarsky of Franklinton will teach a Watercolor class at Vance-Granville Community College’s Main Campus this fall. The class is scheduled for Tuesdays from 9:15 a.m. until 12:15 p.m., Sept. 5 through Dec. 12, in room 5224 (Building 5).

While Filarksy will be concentrating on watercolor techniques, he will also be instructing students in whatever additional medium in which they would like to work.

Filarsky has painted watercolor portraits and landscapes professionally for 25 years but has been an artist since he was in high school. In college, he said he “studied Architectural Engineering and Drafting, but changed directions and learned and worked at gold leaf and gilding, hand lettering and design.”

Filarsky has taught “plein air” (painting outdoors) workshops in Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina, along with workshops for Jerry’s Artarama and Art of the Carolinas. He currently gives private lessons and occasional workshops at his studio. Filarsky is a graduate of VGCC’s NC REAL Professional Craft Artists Entrepreneurship program.

The cost of the VGCC watercolor course is $100, which works out to less than $2.50 per hour of instruction. The deadline to register is Aug. 29. Registration can be completed online at www.vgcc.edu/schedules/personal-enrichment or at any VGCC campus. For more information, contact Gail Clark at (252) 738-3385 or ped@vgcc.edu.



Twenty One graduate from EMT-Paramedic training at VGCC

Vance-Granville Community College honored 21 students who completed the college’s Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic program in July.

The graduates included Idabelle Proffitt of Bullock; Annie Wilbourne of Bunn; Kizer Blackburn of Durham; Chris Milton of Epsom; Ashley Denton, Nikki Henderson, Daniel Null, Jonathon Pulley and Dillon Thomas, all of Henderson; Taylor Abbott of Kittrell; Destanie Fisher of Orange County; Brent Adcock, Tina Ayscue and Justin Preddy, all of Oxford; Branden Bass of Providence (Granville County); Danielle Dixon, Andrew McDonald and Thomas McDuffie, all of Roxboro; and Justin Chambers, Kira Chambers and Luke O’Briant, all of Timberlake.

Vivian Loyd, a Registered Nurse and Paramedic Level II instructor, was the instructor for the class, which began in August of 2016. This was the first class held in VGCC’s Main Campus Building 10, the new home for Emergency Medical Services training.

EMT-Paramedic instruction includes 596 hours of didactic (classroom) training and 500 hours of clinical education, or field internship. To be eligible to take the EMT-P course, students had to have already completed a 203-hour EMT-Basic course and passed a state exam.

An EMT-Paramedic has enhanced skills beyond the EMT-Basic level, including being able to administer additional interventions and medications. The EMT-P delivers the highest level of pre-hospital medical care in North Carolina.

In order to successfully complete the EMT-P course, students had to pass several different exams, including a “scope of practice” exam. This scenario-based evaluation tested the hands-on and critical thinking skills of students, as they delivered the appropriate treatment to multiple trauma patients and dealt with pediatric, environmental, and mental-illness situations. Each student also had to complete an 80-hour Anatomy and Physiology course.

Now that the students have completed the EMT-P course, they must take the 100-question North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services credentialing exam to become state-certified.

VGCC offers Emergency Medical Services training from the basic to the Paramedic level, in addition to continuing education. For more information on enrolling in these courses, call EMS Coordinator/instructor Stephen Barney at (252) 738-3273.


VGCC offers Medical Office Administrative Assistant certificate at Franklin Campus

Area residents will have a new opportunity to gain a credential for jobs in medical offices when the fall semester begins at Vance-Granville Community College on Aug. 14.

The college is scheduling courses to allow students to complete the entire 17-credit-hour “Medical Office Administrative Assistant I” certificate in two semesters at VGCC’s Franklin County Campus near Louisburg. This program provides entry-level skills and knowledge for employment as a health-care team member in an office setting.

Six courses are required for the certificate. Students will take the first three courses during the fall semester, back-to-back, on Tuesdays and Thursdays: Medical Office Terms I (OST 141) from 9-9:50 a.m., Office Procedures (OST 181) from 10-10:50 a.m. and Keyboarding (OST 131) from 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

In the spring, students would take the remaining courses: Introduction to Computers (CIS 110), Medical Office Terms II (OST 142) and Medical Insurance & Billing (OST 148).

Once students complete the certificate, they can also apply those credits to the Associate in Applied Science degree in Medical Office Administration.

Orientation, advising and registration for fall are currently ongoing, through Aug. 10. Financial aid for this certificate program is available to those who qualify.

For more information, contact Tammy Ball at (252) 738-3248 or ballt@vgcc.edu.


VGCC Completes Renovation of Histotechnology Lab

A laboratory has been renovated to house the new Histotechnology program on Vance-Granville Community College’s Main Campus, the VGCC Board of Trustees was informed at its Monday, July 17, bi-monthly meeting.

The renovation, which cost $15,230, was part of a project covering miscellaneous repairs and renovations on the college campus between Henderson and Oxford, according to Trustee Donald C. Seifert, Sr., chair of the board’s Building Committee.

The Bioprocess Technology laboratory that was previously located in Building 8 was retrofitted to house the health sciences curriculum program. The Bioprocess program has moved to the Franklin County Campus.

The Histotechnology program prepares students for the medical laboratory field. The two-year associate’s degree Histotechnology program provides students the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare tissue specimens for microscopic examination using various stains and dyes to identify tissue and cell structures in medical laboratories. Course work covers scientific concepts related to laboratory testing, microscopy and quality assurance. Graduates may be eligible to apply to take the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification national examination.

In other Building Committee updates, Seifert said roofing replacement is progressing on Building 6 on the Main Campus, and repairs and the resealing of the parking lots at South Campus are expected to be complete by the end of July.

Board Officers

Trustee Danny W. Wright of Henderson was re-elected as the chair of the board, Trustee Herb Gregory of Oxford was re-elected as vice-chair, and Trustee Deborah F. Brown of Henderson was re-elected as secretary after nominations from a committee chaired by Trustee L. Opie Frazier, Jr.

North Carolina Ninth District Court Judge Henry Banks, who is working part-time after his recent retirement, swore in Trustee Brown for a third four-year term on the board. Brown was appointed by the Vance County Board of Commissioners. She first joined the Board of Trustees in 2009 and will serve though 2021.

Moment of Silence

At the start of the meeting, Trustee Chair Wright acknowledged the recent death of Trustee Emeritus John King Nelms of Oxford. Nelms, who died at the age of 95 on June 22, served on the Board of Trustees in an advisory capacity from 1971 to 1973 and as an active member from 1973 until 2005. He served as chair in 1983-84 and from 1999 to 2003. He was named VGCC’s first — and to date, only —Trustee Emeritus upon his retirement.

“He just loved this college and did so much for it,” said Wright before leading the board in a Moment of Silence.

Nelms, who served for three decades as director of the Granville County Economic Development Commission, was instrumental in getting Granville involved in supporting what was originally Vance County Technical Institute, leading eventually to VGCC’s main campus near the Vance-Granville county line.

Budget Amendments

Upon recommendation from the Budget Committee, chaired by Trustee Abdul Rasheed, the 2016-2017 Budget Resolution was amended. The State Current Fund increased $1,915,633 to $22,460,933, the County Current Fund was unchanged at $2,515,573, and the Institutional Fund increased $436,178 to $11,202,582, for a combined Amended Operating Budget of $36,179,088. The Capital Improvement Budget was unchanged at $746,068. The total Combined Amended Budget is $36,925,156.

Fall Semester

In her report to the board, VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams informed the Trustees that the new Fall Semester starts Monday, Aug. 14, with signs pointing to an increase in enrollment compared to last fall. Registration for curriculum classes runs through Thursday, Aug. 10.

Among various events and activities since the last board meeting, Dr. Williams updated the Trustees on VGCC receiving high national rankings from various national organizations. The college placed seventh on the list of top community colleges in North Carolina by BestColleges.com and 19th among online schools in the state by the Community for Accredited Online Schools. She also reported on VGCC’s recently signed agreement with North Carolina Central University to offer two bachelor’s degree programs on Main Campus. The new Eagle Voyage offerings include a bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education and a bachelor’s in Family and Consumer Sciences with a concentration in Child Development and Family Relations.

Dr. Williams announced the Trustees will have a Board Retreat on Monday, Aug. 28.

Other Action

In other action:

  • New and amended board policies for the 2017-2018 Policy Manual were approved by the Trustees on recommendation from the Executive Committee, chaired by Trustee Wright. The policies cover areas of institutional governance, public information and campus safety, personnel policies, academic affairs, institutional research and technology, and finance and operations.
  • Trustee L. Opie Frazier, Jr., chair of the Investment Committee, reported on the progress of the college’s investments.
  • An informational report on new employees, retirements, resignations and changes in positions was given by the Personnel Committee, chaired by Trustee Sara C. Wester.

The next meeting of the VGCC Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, Sept. 18, at the Main Campus.


New EMS training program to be offered at VGCC

Vance-Granville Community College will soon expand its Emergency Medical Services training options to include the internationally-recognized Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) program.

Developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons’ Committee on Trauma, PHTLS is the leading continuing education program for prehospital emergency trauma care. The stated mission of PHTLS is “to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all providers involved in the delivery of prehospital care through global education.” The courses are intended to improve the quality of trauma care and, in turn, to save patients whose lives are in danger before they can reach the hospital. 

PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. It is based on the belief that, given a good foundation of knowledge and key principles, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) practitioners are capable of making reasoned decisions regarding patient care. The PHTLS course is continuously updated and revised to keep up with advances in the field.

“Adding this program will help our local responders have a better understanding of trauma and how to treat the patient,” said Stephen Barney, VGCC’s coordinator/instructor for EMS Programs. “It will bring students up to the national standard of trauma care. This will allow providers to give better care to patients.”

There are several different PHTLS courses, which, Barney said, VGCC will offer as needed, starting in the fall. The offerings include a 16-hour “Provider Course” for emergency medical responders, EMTs, Paramedics, nurses, physician assistants and physicians; an 8-hour “Refresher Course” for individuals who have successfully completed the PHTLS provider course within the past four years; a four-hour “Instructor Update,” and an 8-hour “PHTLS for First Responders” course for emergency medical responders, police officers, firefighters, rescue personnel and safety officers to prepare for rendering care to trauma patients until EMS personnel arrive. Barney said that VGCC will become one of several North Carolina community colleges offering PHTLS, while many others use the “International Trauma Life Support” training course.

VGCC offers EMS training from the basic to the Paramedic level, in addition to continuing education. For more information, call Stephen Barney at (252) 738-3273.


VGCC Pharmacy Technology program ranked in top five nationwide

The Pharmacy Technology program at Vance-Granville Community College was recently recognized as one of the top five programs of its kind in the nation.

VGCC placed fourth in the list of the top 50 pharmacy technician programs published by Seattle-based TheBestColleges.org and was the highest-ranked North Carolina community college. “This year, we reviewed all accredited pharmacy technician programs in the US to select 50 that provide students with the best learning experiences,” said Rachel Wagner of TheBestColleges.org. “VGCC stood out with an outstanding pharmacy technician program.”

Wagner said her organization looked at the most important factors to prospective students, mainly common predictors of future success and a school’s commitment to online programs. All data points are taken from information provided by colleges and universities to the National Center for Education Statistics, including graduation and retention rates.

“With a constantly growing elderly population, there is a growing need for pharmacy technicians in the workforce,” according to TheBestColleges.org. “The field has a projected growth rate of 9%, which is faster than the national average. Technicians help maintain the medication profiles, assist pharmacists, organize file systems, and compound the medications.”

The Pharmacy Technology program, based at VGCC’s Main Campus, trains pharmacy technicians for positions in hospitals, nursing homes, private and chain drug stores, research laboratories, wholesale drug companies and pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. The college offers both a three-semester diploma and a five-semester associate degree option. Faculty members include program head Dr. Erica Fleming, a pharmacist; full-time instructor Brenda Harvey, a Certified Pharmacy Technician and IV Sterile Compounding and Aseptic Technique Educator; and adjunct instructor Leah Abbott, M.Ed., a Certified Pharmacy Technician.

“We are proud of this national honor for our outstanding Pharmacy Technology program, which prepares students for professional success in a growing, changing health-care field while also promoting opportunities to reach out and serve our community,” said VGCC Dean of Health Sciences Angela Thomas.

Registration is going on now for the fall semester at VGCC, which begins Aug. 14.

For more information on the VGCC Pharmacy Technology program, call Dr. Fleming at (252) 738-3482.


Parents endow VGCC scholarship in memory of daughter

Joann Thomas and Nathan Fleming, both of Williamsboro, recently established a new Vance-Granville Community College scholarship, which they named in memory of the daughter they lost at the age of three.

The new academic achievement scholarship honors the memory of Joy Nicole Fleming, who passed away in 1975 due to complications from a brain tumor. Thomas recalled that her daughter, befitting her first name, was “smart and talkative and never found anybody she didn’t like.” She also noted that Joy loved attending church at Island Creek Baptist Church. 

Thomas is a retired nurse. She attended nursing school at Grace Hospital in Morganton, N.C., on a full scholarship herself, so she appreciates the value of helping students and told VGCC officials that she wanted to give back to today’s students. Thomas, who also holds a bachelor’s degree from Meredith College, had a long career in nursing, including stints at Granville Medical Center and in public health and hospice care in Granville, Vance and Warren counties. She added that she has always been “inspired by nurses.”

In awarding the new scholarship, preference will be given to female students who are enrolled in VGCC Health Sciences programs, such as Nursing, Radiography, Medical Assisting and Pharmacy Technology.

Fleming worked as a bookkeeper in the tobacco industry and later became a truck driver. The couple have another daughter, Amy.

“We are grateful to Nathan and Joann for honoring VGCC with such a generous gift in memory of their precious daughter, Joy,” said Dr. Stelfanie Williams, president of VGCC. “For generations to come, her name will be associated with supporting our students as they prepare for rewarding careers serving our communities in the health care field.”

Through the Endowment Fund, VGCC has awarded more than 8,800 scholarships to students since 1982. Scholarships have been endowed by numerous individuals, industries, businesses, civic groups, churches and the college’s faculty and staff. Tax-deductible donations to the VGCC Endowment Fund have often been used to honor or remember a person, group, business or industry with a lasting gift to education. For more information about the Endowment Fund, call (252) 738-3409.


VGCC names 234 students to President’s and Dean’s Lists

Vance-Granville Community College has announced that 115 students earned President’s List and another 119 earned Dean’s List academic honors for the spring semester that ended in May.

The President’s List recognizes students who achieved a perfect 4.0 grade-point average (GPA) while carrying a “full load” (of at least 12 credit hours) in 100-level or higher curriculum courses. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student had to earn a GPA that was at least 3.5 but less than 4.0, and have no grade lower than “B,” while carrying a “full load” of such courses.

Spring Semester President’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence.



Jacob H. Daniel of Oxford.


Associate in Arts:

Marisol Galvan Romo and Alma L. Ramirez Cortes, both of Butner;

Caitlyn A. Good of Creedmoor;

Joshua Jacobs of Durham;

Gavin C. Hardin and Destiny M. Quesenberry, both of Franklinton;

Cristin D. Abbott, Jasmine N. Allen, Kourtney J. Cockrell, Ashlyn K. Collier, Tim Jiang, Caroline M. Oakley, Brian J. Stevenson and Jakayla M. Thorpe, all of Henderson;

Allie R. Beach and Leslie A. Leake, both of Kittrell;

Loganne S. Driver and Blake A. Massengill, both of Louisburg;

Alana W. Towles, Anautica D. Wilson and Hailey T. Woodlief, all of Oxford;

Maria L. Govea of Roxboro;

Lindsay C. Henry of Youngsville.


Associate in General Education – General Science:

Yuliana R. Carranza and Jolina Anne V. Chiong, both of Henderson;

Joel E. Canada of Stem.


Associate in Science:

Kaleb S. Williamson of Bullock;

Lindsey R. Perry of Henderson;

Kia S. Brodie and Sovanny Taylor, both of Louisburg;

Elizabeth K. Fallon of Wake Forest.


Automotive Systems Technology:

Howard W. Haley of Bullock;

Michael L. Wright of Durham;

Jeremy D. Lemay, Kenneth S. McConnell and Jacob F. Mosley, all of Henderson;

Jordan A. Alston and Hadden C. Justice, both of Louisburg;

Stephen B. Ray of Wake Forest.


Business Administration:

Holly A. Waddell of Henderson;

Kinequa W. Lassiter of Manson;

Jason D. Hester, Stacy T. Hicks and Latosha C. Hunt, all of Oxford;

Jason L. Thompson of Stem;

Ashley M. Kinton of Youngsville.


Computer Technology Integration:

Tristin McClay and Christina D. Manz, both of Creedmoor;

Angelica M. Garcia-Avelar of Durham;

Zachary T. Stevenson of Oxford;

Rowan M. Morris of Warrenton.



Christianne Combs of Durham;

Davis B. Moore of Franklinton;

Micaela B. Crowder and Zataria M. Marrow, both of Henderson;

Alexa J. Clayton of Rougemont.


Criminal Justice:

Christopher L. Davis of Bullock;

Brenda G. Ellis of Durham;

Rebecka R. Paul of Henderson;

Benjamin B. Layton of Kittrell;

Leonte D. Parker of Oxford;

Martin A. Spencer of Roxboro.


Culinary Arts:

Taylor M. Abel of Manson;

Randy D. Bullock of Stem;

Ethel C. Fogg of Warrenton.


Early Childhood Education:

Makala West of Henderson.


Global Logistics and Distribution Management Technology:

Charles Braswell of Wilson.


Human Services Technology:

Fredesvinda C. Euceda-Col of Creedmoor.


Human Services Technology/Gerontology:

Sonya J. Barnes of Henderson;

Pamela R. Campbell of Littleton.


Human Services Technology/Substance Abuse:

Jawanda L. Burchette of Warrenton.


Information Technology:

Adam Burns and Andrew M. Watkins, both of Henderson;

Cody R. Parrott of Kittrell;

Michael A. Gokee of Louisburg.


Mechatronics Engineering Technology:

Charles J. Nordcliff of Creedmoor.


Medical Assisting:

Michelle D. Beckwith of Kittrell;

Laketa D. Bumpers of Louisburg.


Medical Office Administration:

Tammy Heller of Butner;

Cassidy B. Lucas and Jessica M. Noll, both of Franklinton;

Jessica C. Allgood, Tranita N. Brown, Tamara F. Glover, Cassidy J. Grissom, Raven K. Kay, Melissa O. Simmons and Timmara D. Smith, all of Henderson;

Brianna N. Lynch of Hollister;

Beverly K. Ellis of Kittrell;

Misty R. Grabowski of Louisburg;

Amanda S. Aiken of Rougemont;

Kaitlyn F. Wilson of Roxboro;

Amber S. Carey of Stem;

Rebecca T. George of Warrenton;

Thomas M. King, Jr., of Wise;

Julia A. Rhodes of Youngsville.


Office Administration:

Betsy M. Mason of Macon.


Paralegal Technology:

Celene Acuna of Henderson;

Holly H. Cashwell of Wake Forest.


Pharmacy Technology:

Malissa S. Chandler of Durham;

Tommy L. Hicks of Franklinton.


Practical Nursing:

Frank T. McGhee, Jr., of Henderson.



Katie A. Weary of Bullock;

Marco A. Carmen-Vazquez and Aaron J. McNeill, both of Oxford;

Ashley M. Rhew of Timberlake.


Welding Technology:

Cameron M. Brown of Creedmoor;

Joshua C. Pfohl and Cedric J. Rodebaugh, II, both of Franklinton;

Robert L. Mallory of Oxford;

Galen D. Wilds of Stem;

Quentin T. Tully of Wake Forest;

Andrew Lynam of Youngsville.


Spring Semester Dean’s List honorees are listed below by program of study and then by residence.



Wannapha N. Robinson of Louisburg;

Shiquita Evans of Townsville.


Associate Degree Nursing:

Valerie J. Strange of Bullock;

Kaylan C. Hoyle of Henderson;

Jeannie S. Adcock and Jodie D. Carroll, both of Oxford;

Halie C. Brooks of Raleigh.


Associate in Arts:

Farrah B. Foster, Samantha J. Shannon, Kaylin D. Smith and Jocelyn S. Williams, all of Creedmoor;

Karen T. Graves of Durham;

Rebekah H. Glasheen of Franklinton;

Ke’ Moni M. Champion, Chadstity V. Copeland, Lehman R. Ford, Luke M. Frazier, Alayna B. Gallagher, Brandon J. Hughes, Samuel B. Newman, Fatima A. Saleh, Bailee E. Tippett and Kianna A. Wills, all of Henderson;

Caleb R. Brauer and Matthew White, both of Norlina;

Kristy R. Ball, Erica J. Evans, Robin L. Hill  and Emely K. Ovando, all of Oxford;

Osvaldo Hernandez Martinez, Jessica M. Shelton and Caitlynn A. Taylor, all of Stem;

Seth N. Moody of Townsville;

Elizabeth N. Durand of Wake Forest;

Brian S. Restrepo of Youngsville.


Associate in General Education – General Science:

Melissa B. Anderson of Butner;

Tuesday N. Mathews of Fuquay-Varina;

Brittney Hawkins and Olivia Williamson, both of Oxford;

Matthew A. Fuller of Rougemont.


Associate in Science:

Christopher A. Plumley of Franklinton;

Alegra A. Bass and Michael T. O’Donoghue, both of Henderson;

Jamal Algathi, Nicole F. Bowman and Zakaria I. Kassim, all of Oxford;

Lucas T. Thompson of Wake Forest.


Automotive Systems Technology:

Trey Johnson of Franklinton.


Business Administration:

Bobbie J. Wilkerson of Creedmoor;

Crystal R. Thomerson of Franklinton;

Tanya Fields and Amber M. Layton, both of Oxford;

Dar-Neshia S. Williams of Warrenton;

Elizabeth D. Elliott of Youngsville.


Computer Technology Integration:

Thomas B. Grob of Bullock;

Ashley R. Healey of Raleigh.



Eillah Spivey of Bunn;

Cassie A. Shaffer of Butner;

Ashley M. Holden of Franklinton;

Nitianndra G. Boyd of Henderson;

Kristina M. Brantley of Louisburg;

Tonisha C. Chavis of Oxford;

Britney N. Bollinger of Wake Forest.


Criminal Justice:

Tyler L. Hughes of Bullock;

Adrianna M. De Nuzzia of Creedmoor;

Heather L. Taylor and Monica A. Williams, both of Franklinton;

Jose A. De Leon and Morgan T. Lawhorne, both of Henderson;

Jacob A. Quirk of Kittrell;

Charmaine A. Sutton of Louisburg;

Landon J. Hall, Daniel T. Reece and Harold T. Todd, all of Oxford;

Andrew L. Ayscue of Youngsville.


Culinary Arts:

Rebecca N. Groover of Franklinton;

Hayya A. Wright of Henderson;

Sara C. Cheek of Louisburg;

Dejah Davis of Stem.


Early Childhood Education:

Anita M. Fuller of Franklinton;

Jacquella S. Jones of Henderson;

Hayley A. Fox of Kittrell;

Brooklyn E. Mason of Louisburg;

Tomekia M. Rainey of Pinetops;

Shirolyn B. Ball of Rougemont.



Austin R. Lovegrove of Franklinton.


Human Services Technology/Substance Abuse:

Jennifer S. Bennett of Henderson;

Melissa A. Jackson of Oxford;

Mary A. Collins of Wendell.


Information Technology:

Randall S. Howard and Robert C. Hurt, both of Creedmoor;

Jerry Lizaire of Henderson;

Alisha M. Prevette of Oxford.


Mechatronics Engineering Technology:

Charles P. Deese of Henderson;

Jerome T. Edmonds of Oxford.


Medical Office Administration:

Hannah N. Scurto of Creedmoor;

Raeann Johnson and April B. Peoples, both of Henderson;

Kristie L. Brough of Oxford;

Jenese N. Caldwell of Wake Forest.


Paralegal Technology:

Kelly D. Persinger and Katie S. Rogers, both of Louisburg;

Jalissa M. Franklin of Sanford;

Anne D. Genest of Wake Forest.


Pharmacy Technology:

Tamika Everett of Creedmoor;

Kaylyn Anderson of Oxford.



Yamile A. Chavarin of Henderson;

Mark J. Meinhart of Louisburg;

Bethany Murphy of Youngsville.


Welding Technology:

Nicholas Keeton of Bullock;

Hernan J. Hernandez of Castalia;

Cristian J. Contreras of Creedmoor;

Donnie S. Ayscue, Andrew S. Hamrick and Eduardo Ibarra-Renteria, all of Henderson;

Ismael Trejo Labra of Norlina;

Eric L. Clayton of Oxford;

Ryan Abraham of Raleigh;

Jared Q. Siemers of Wake Forest.