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Sheriff Curtis Brame

Sheriff Brame Offers Tips for Safe Shopping During the Holiday Season

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

The holiday season is right around the corner and shoppers are crowding malls and discount stores to buy the latest gadgets and find the best deals,” said Sheriff Brame of Vance County. 

But what shoppers are neglecting is their safety. According to Sheriff Brame “This time of year attracts more shopping-related criminal activity because of the larger crowds and the extended store hours. These factors and the usual distraction of shopping creates a more favorable environment for petty thieves and other offenders. 

The Sheriff reminds all Vance County residents to follow these safety tips: 

Shopping Safety: 

  • A single shopper is the best target for theft. Always shop with a friend or relative. 
  • When going shopping, tell someone where you are going and what time to expect you to return. Also, make sure they know what you are wearing, as well as the type of vehicle you are driving.
  • Shop during daylight hours. If you shop at night, park your vehicle in a well-lit area.
  • Dress casually and comfortably and avoid wearing expensive jewelry. If carrying cash, keep it in your front pocket rather than in a purse or wallet. This makes it much more difficult for a pick-pocket to remove. Also, store car keys in pants or jacket pocket. If your purse is stolen, you will still be able to drive home.
  • Pay careful attention to your surroundings and avoid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.
  • When returning to your vehicle, check around it and in the back seat. Be aware of strangers approaching you for any reason. Have your car keys in your hand to avoid spending unnecessary time unprotected from the security of your vehicle. If you feel uneasy returning to your vehicle alone, find a security guard and ask them to walk you to your car.

According to Sheriff Brame, “During this time of year, busy holiday shoppers become careless and vulnerable to other crimes as well. Credit card fraud and gift card fraud are on the rise. However, taking a few preventive measures can help.” 

Credit Card Fraud; 

  • Keep a close watch on your credit card every time you use it, and make sure you get it back as quickly as possible.
  • Never write your PIN number on your credit card. Never leave your credit cards or receipts lying around.
  • Shield your credit card number so that others around you can’t copy it or capture it on a mobile telephone or camera.
  • Only carry credit cards that you absolutely need.
  • Shred anything with your credit card number written on it,
  • If you’re planning to purchase online, make sure the web page where you enter your credit card information is secure through SSL (Secure Socket Layer). You can tell if the web page is secure by looking for the gold lock or key icon at the bottom comer of your browser window.
  • If you’re not comfortable submitting your information through the internet, call the seller and give them your information over the telephone.
  • Never send your credit card information via email.
  • Check the company out. Only do business with companies that provide a physical address and telephone number.
  • Keep good records. Always print out a copy of any online products or services you purchase.

Gift Card Fraud

  • Never buy gift cards from online auction sites. This is a large source of gift card fraud. Many of the gift cards are stolen, counterfeit or used.
  • Only buy gift cards directly from the store issuing the gift card or from a secure retailer’s website.
  • Don’t buy gift cards off of publicly displayed racks in retail stores. Only purchase gift cards at the sales terminal from the cashier.
  • Always carefully examine both the front and back of a gift card before you buy it. If you see a PIN number, ask for a different card. If the card looks like it has been tampered with in any way, put it back.
  • Always ask the store cashier to scan the gift card in front of you. This will guarantee that your card is valid when you buy it and that it reflects the balance you just charged it with.
  • Always keep your receipt as proof of purchase as long as there is money stored on the gift card.
  • If possible, register your gift card at the store’s website
  • Never give your Social Security number, date of birth or any other unneeded private information when purchasing a gift card. No reputable company will ask for this information.

In light of these problems, Sheriff Brame warns shoppers to be careful so that they don’t become the victim of criminal activity. “Unfortunately, when shopping, people have a tendency to let their guard down,” said Sheriff Brame. “However, paying attention and taking precautions can help eliminate their chances of being victimized.” 

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Vance Co. Deputies Respond to Shooting on Glebe Road

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

On Wednesday, November 20, 2019, at 11:11 p.m., the Vance County Sheriff’s Office responded to 4951 Glebe Road, Henderson, North Carolina 27536 in reference to an Assault with a Deadly Weapon inflicting serious injury.

Upon arriving at the scene, Vance County Sheriff’s Office Deputies located a known black male. This male was transported by Vance County EMS and later airlifted to Duke Medical Center.

The other known black male involved in this incident drove himself to Maria Parham Hospital, located at 566 Ruin Creek Road, Henderson, North Carolina 27536, at which time he was treated and airlifted to Duke Medical Center.

The Vance County Sheriff’s Office is seeking information regarding this incident. Please contact the Vance County Sheriff’s Office at (252) 738-2200. This investigation is continuing.

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Vance Co. Sheriff’s Office: Father, Son Served on Drug Charges

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

On November 15, 2019, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit and Vance County Sheriff’s Office Special Enforcement Response Team served a search warrant at 2395 Spring Valley Road, Henderson, North Carolina 27537.

Arrested at the residence were Phillip Nathan Solomon and his son, Derek Lamar Solomon. Phillip Solomon was charged with Maintaining a Dwelling. Derek Solomon was charged with 2 counts of Trafficking Heroin, Possession with Intent to Sell and Deliver Heroin and 2 counts of Possession with Intent to Sell and Deliver Schedule 2. 

Phillip Solomon received a $7,000.00 bond and Derek Solomon received a $165,000.00 bond.

Phillip and Derek Solomon’s court dates were set for December 16, 2019, in Vance County District Court. This investigation is continuing.

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Two Arrested in Brewer Cycle Identity Theft Case

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

On August 30, 2019, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office conducted an undercover operation with the assistance of Brewer Cycles in an effort to apprehend suspects committing identity theft. The suspects used a stolen identity in an effort to purchase an ATV valued at over $15,000.

With help from the Henderson Police Department and the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, both suspects were arrested.

Steven Bronson and Gregory Davis, both of Fayetteville, NC, were arrested and charged with identity theft, obtaining property by false pretense and unlawful access to a computer network to commit fraud.

Bronson was held on a $50,000 bond and Davis on a $100,000 bond.

The Vance County Sheriff’s Office is committed to working cooperatively with citizens, local businesses and other law enforcement agencies to enhance the safety of our county.

Sheriff Curtis R. Brame

Sheriff Curtis Brame

Sheriff Curtis Brame Talks Drug Activity, ICE, Low Deputy Pay

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Sheriff Curtis Brame was on Thursday’s edition of WIZS’ Town Talk to provide updates on matters pressing to Vance County and the Sheriff’s Office.

West End Community Watch

Brame was the guest of honor at Tuesday’s meeting of the West End Community Watch held at West End Baptist Church in Henderson.

At the gathering of concerned citizens, Brame reported on the county’s current drug problem and recent “senseless” shootings.

“The recent crimes are of great concern to the law enforcement community,” said Brame. “The rapport-building and the unity between the Sheriff’s Office and the Henderson Police Department have allowed us to come together and bring in outside resources such as the SBI and US Marshals.”

Brame told the crowd that a notable difference is being made on drug activity in the county. “Yes, we are making an impact. We have arrested some of the known targets and are working on infiltrating others.”

Issues with drug activity and crime are not unique to Vance County, Brame explained, “I get a little upset when people talk about Henderson being the worst place in the world to live. That is not true! All surrounding counties face the same issues that Vance County faces.”

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Brame was asked his opinion on NC Governor Roy Cooper’s recent veto of a proposal that would have made it mandatory for state and local law enforcement to comply with requests to detain illegal immigrants until an ICE agent could retrieve them.

“I was glad that happened [the veto]. The citizens of Vance County and the citizens of other counties voted their sheriff into office. I hate to think the federal government can step in and allow an ICE agent, not a magistrate or a judge – an agent, to override the sheriff,” said Brame.

One of the major discrepancies in the proposal, according to Brame, was how long illegal immigrants were to be detained while waiting for an ICE agent to arrive.

“If ICE doesn’t come and get them within a certain period of time, they aren’t going to stay in jail because they will meet the qualifications of being bonded out by a licensed bondsman, by cash or by property. If someone meets these criteria, I have no legal authority to hold them,” said Brame.

Brame said he believes such authority should only come from a judge or magistrate. “If you order a sheriff to hold someone in detention, there needs to be judge’s or magistrate’s signature on a federal level. Me, the police chief, officers and deputies do not have the authority to put someone in jail unless we have a judge’s signature.”

Available Positions at the Vance County Sheriff’s Office

While the Sheriff’s Office is looking to hire for several positions, Brame reported issues with attracting prospects.

“There is a problem all across the country with filling law enforcement positions,” Brame said. “Locally, it is hard to attract people and hard to retain people when they can leave Vance County and go to surrounding counties and make $4,000 – $6,000 more a year.”

Brame said this figure far exceeds the $29,000 annual salary granted to detention officers at the Vance County Jail or the $33,000 starting pay for deputies.

One way Vance County citizens can do their part to make law enforcement a more attractive field, according to Brame, is to “support your sheriff and police chief now and in the future, no matter who they are.”

“Support your local law enforcement. Go to City Council meetings and County Commissioners meetings and tell them to pay these deputies, pay these police officers, pay these first responders. Pay these people!”

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Watson Charged With Shooting Death of Brittany Pruitt

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff Curtis R. Brame announced that on Friday, June 28, 2019, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office charged Patrick Watson, age 22 of 1262 Stewart Farm Road, Henderson, NC with the shooting death of Brittany Pruitt.

On June 10, 2019, Ms. Pruitt was found dead from a gunshot wound inside Watson’s residence.

The arrest is the result of a cooperative investigation that included the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, the NC State Bureau of Investigations, the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office and the District Attorney’s Office.

Watson is currently in the Vance County Jail without bond.

American Flag

Vance Co. Sheriff Offers Tips for a Safe July 4th Weekend

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

With the July 4th weekend approaching, Vance County Sheriff Curtis R. Brame asks all citizens to join him in making this Fourth of July holiday happy, enjoyable and safe for everyone.

Vance County citizens should remember that fireworks, as enjoyable as they are to watch, can be dangerous and should only be handled by professionals. According to the U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission, there are nearly 13,000 emergency room-treated injuries associated with fireworks a year. You can enjoy a safe Fourth of July by following these safety tips:

  • Never give fireworks to small children, and always follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • Keep a supply of water close-by as a precaution.
  • Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection.
  • Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight “a dud.”
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.
  • Never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, structures or flammable materials.
  • Stay at least 500 feet away from professional fireworks displays.
  • Leave any area immediately where untrained amateurs are using fireworks.

Brame also wants citizens to use caution when swimming at a beach or at a pool. Brame said, “Sadly, most deaths from drowning occur within a few feet of safety. The best thing anyone can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim.”

The Red Cross offers swimming courses for people of any age and swimming ability. To find out where lessons are offered, or to enroll in a CPR/AED or first aid course, contact your local Red Cross chapter,

Traditionally during the July 4th Holiday, NC highways experience one of the highest traffic flows of the year. Brame reminds all Vance County residents to follow these safety tips:

  • Always shift your attention every few seconds, constantly scanning the road ahead and behind you. Never blankly stare ahead nor fix your gaze on one point on the road.
  • When passing an automobile, always glance at the ground beside the front wheel of the car you intend to pass. You will know instantly if the car is about to veer – giving you an extra few seconds to respond.
  • You should pull out into the opposite lane of traffic when passing while you are still well behind the car in front. This should give you some time and space to build up speed and will enable you to pull back into your own lane should the need arise. Never cut abruptly out of your lane into the opposite lane when passing.
  • Always signal your intentions with your brake lights, turn signals, horn and/or headlights so that other drivers will see you well before you change course.
  • Drivers should always “aim high” in steering. That is, you should glance frequently at points well ahead of you. Not only will this help your steering, but it will also help you check the position of vehicles in front of you as well as on-coming ones.
  • Never follow too close. Remember that, as your speed increases, it takes you substantially longer to stop. Also remember that it’s good to have an extra cushion of space in front of you if you’re being tail-gated, on a slippery road, or in low visibility conditions.

“Lastly, I would remind all motorists to practice the Golden Rule when driving. Be courteous and tolerant of other drivers. Please don’t get angry with bad drivers or reckless ones – just get out of their way,” Brame said in closing.

“Let’s make this summer a safe one on the roads in Vance County.”

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Citizens Beware: Fraud Alert From the Vance Co. Sheriff’s Office

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

Fraud Alert from the Vance County Sheriff’s Office:

Please be aware that there is a telephone scam going on right now. A robotic voice claiming to be Agent Gayle Stone of the Social Security Administration states that your social security number has been frozen due to fraud. The voice gives a number to call back on. That number changes every day and is a cloned VOIP number that cannot be traced.


The person who answers the phone will ask for your social security number and other information to “verify” your identity. Once they have that, they will likely tell you to send them money (typically gift cards or Green Dot Cards) to clear up the matter. Then, after they have cashed in that money, they steal your identity and open credit accounts in your name.

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Two Arrested in Edwards Road Home Break-In

-Press Release, Vance County Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff Curtis R. Brame announces:

On the morning of Wednesday, May 22, 2019, a home on Edwards Road was broken into. A witness provided a statement on two suspects walking in the area. Reportedly, the suspects left on foot and came back in a vehicle to retrieve the items.

On Thursday, May 23, 2019, an investigator with the Vance County Sheriff’s Office was traveling on Egypt Mountain Road on an unrelated case and saw two suspects on foot matching the description from the break-in the previous day. Items from the breaking and entering were found in their possession. The vehicle used in the commission of the crime was found nearby in Kittrell.

Tyree Dunston of Henderson and Raeshon Dunston of Kittrell were arrested and charged.

Tyree Dunston was charged with felony breaking and entering, felony larceny, carrying a concealed weapon and probation violation. Bond was set at $41,000.

Raeshon Dunston was charged with felony breaking and entering and felony larceny. Bond was set at $40,000.

The Vance County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the citizens who provided valuable information that led to these apprehensions. Working together, we can make Vance County a safer place.

Sheriff Curtis Brame

Sheriff Brame Gets More Personnel; May Lead To Other Cuts

It’s budget time for Vance County, and the Vance County Board of Commissioners met Monday night and Tuesday night for more than four combined hours in budget sessions.

A priority emerged Tuesday night, and that is adding about $250,000 in additional funding to the proposed upcoming county fiscal year budget to provide additional manpower to Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame’s Office and his efforts at the jail.

In simplified terms, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office gets three more deputies and another lieutenant, while the Vance County Jail gets two more personnel to help with reducing workloads and safety concerns for jail employees and prison transports. To be clear, two deputy positions were in the originally proposed budget and now an additional deputy and an additional lieutenant are set to be added to the proposed budget.

After lengthy discussion by the board, Brame was asked to speak.

He said, “Vance County is a hub for heroin.” He said that hub was in Durham and now it is here. He said he needed more support and manpower to fix the problem. He said, “Nobody is dealing from home. If you see two cars meet in the street, they’re passing dope.”

Commissioner Tommy Hester said as he understood it, about $122,500 would fund two more deputy positions.

Commission Chair Archie Taylor said there appeared to be a consensus on the board to do more for the sheriff and said the money needed to be found.

Commissioner Leo Kelly raised the point of increasing the tax rate by a penny because it would generate about $287,000 and that would eliminate the squeeze on other parts of the budget.

As to the jail, it was stated that $90,000 would fund two more positions.

All present commissioners, and all but one was present, agreed and directed County Manager Jordan McMillan to find the necessary $250,000. It may come from the general fund, a tax increase, other cuts and by finding other priorities and making cuts.

Commissioner Dan Brummitt said, “The board has made the Vance County Sheriff’s Office and jail a priority.” He said it was in the best interest of public safety and for the county to move forward.

Commissioner Gordon Wilder said, “We have a new sheriff and we want to support him.”

As to the other public safety concern, the much ballhooed fire protection plans, the next public opportunity to hear about that comes Tuesday, May 28th. In a press release, the Commission board has announced that the location of the public safety committee meeting on the 28th has been changed to the Perry Library’s Farm Bureau room (205 Breckenridge Street).  The time is 6 p.m.

The fire coverage discussion at this time is centered around the proposed 2.3 cents increase in the fire tax rate, how the fire tax monies are used, the equitable distribution of funds to the volunteer departments, the provision for two paid positions in each volunteer department funded by the county, except at Epsom and Drewry who get one paid firefighter, and the additional debate about the future of the Vance County Fire Department and, stillmore, the future of the Vance County Rescue Squad.

There are more questions than answers and the commissioners appear to be stuck in the details without actually having fully decided if broader, more full scale changes are needed.