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VCS to Hold District-Wide Family Engagement Night at Vance Co. Middle School

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

The Vance County Schools Family Resource Center will host a District-Wide Family Engagement Night at Vance County Middle School on Thursday, February 27, 2020, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided and childcare will be available for those age 12 and under.

Two sessions will be offered: “EOG & EOC Prep/Reducing Test Stress” and “Dealing With Peer Pressure/Bullying Uncovered.”

Don’t miss the special performance by VCS students.

Vance County Middle School is located at 293 Warrenton Road in Henderson.

Harvey Recognized by NC Governor

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Marsha Harvey, an English teacher at Vance County High School, received the Governor’s Education Discovery Award, entitling her to a stipend for professional development within her field.

She has committed to attend Paper to Stage at the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre Company.

Vance County Schools is proud of Ms. Harvey’s accomplishment and looks forward to what she brings back to share with her fellow teachers and students.

Pictured L to R: Vance County Board of Education Chair Edward Wilson, Vance County High School teacher Marsha Harvey and Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson. (VCS photo)

VCS Teachers, Principals Receive Performance-Based State Bonuses

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools is proud to announce that many of our teachers and principals received recognition and bonuses from the state of North Carolina for their growth in our district.

The General Assembly of North Carolina created the bonus structure, where principals and teachers within certain areas are eligible. There must be growth performance met within the criteria set in order to qualify to receive the bonuses. Growth is measured by EVASS, an analytics measurement created by SAS. The system evaluates each individual student and determines the overall progress of the student made while enrolled in a specific course, with the final analysis using the state test score.

The school is also given a letter grade, with proficiency counting 80% and growth as 20%, determining the principal growth. 

The following principals and teachers have been recognized and awarded monetary bonuses by the State of North Carolina for their performance in Vance County Schools.

Aycock Elementary School:

Taylor Bibee (Hedgepeth) – 5th Grade Reading

Stephanie Brown – 5th Grade Math & Reading

Susan Fletcher – 3rd Grade Reading

Sarah Jeffries – 4th Grade Reading

Reagan Ross – 4th Grade Math

Kristen Boyd – Principal

Carver Elementary School:

Debra Glanz (McCune) –  4th Grade Reading

Fe McCoy – 4th Grade Math

David Westbrook – Principal

Dabney Elementary School:

Justin Wrenn – 3rd Grade Reading

Michael Putney – Principal

E.M. Rollins Elementary School:

Tiffany Manning – 5th Grade Math

E.O Young Elementary School:

Shawanda Talley – 5th Grade Reading

Marylaura McKoon – Principal

L.B. Yancey Elementary School:

Analiza Maghanoy – 3rd Grade Reading

New Hope Elementary School:

Yackesha Samuda-Green – 4th Grade Math & Reading

Pinkston Street Elementary School:

Cheryl Jones – 3rd Grade Reading

STEM Early High School:

Charlie Carroll – 7th Grade Math

Vance County High School:

Audrey Brown – CTE

Francis Brown – CTE

Angela Cusaac – CTE

Vance County Middle School:

Kevin Johnson – 8th Grade Math

Sallie Nelson – 7th Grade Math

Adith Williams-White – 6th Grade Math

Zeb Vance Elementary School:

Taylor Alston – 3rd Grade Reading

Vance County Early College:

Travis Taylor – Principal


Vance County Schools Recognized Nationally


-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools was recently recognized at the National Convention for Digital Convergence (NCDC) for its success in the Modern Teacher Digital Convergences Framework. The mission of Modern Teacher is to empower educational leaders to make learning relevant for all students and teachers by creating a blended school with the learner at the center.

Pictured left to right: Dr. Cindy Bennett, Assistant Superintendent, Aarika Sandlin, Public Information Officer and Michelle Burton, Chief Human Resources Officer. Also in attendance but not pictured was Dr. Trixie Brooks, Assistant Superintendent. (VCS photo)

Vance County has progressed to Stage 3 in the process, one of only 23 districts in the nation recognized. Dr. Cindy Bennett, Vance County Schools Assistant Superintendent, also served on a panel for Digital Convergence during the conference, sharing her expertise in the process with districts from around the country.

The digital framework focuses on the drivers of Leadership, Instructional Models, Modern Curriculum, Digital Ecosystems, Professional Learning and Community. AASA, the School Superintendents Association, has recognized the Modern Teacher Digital Convergence Framework as the nation’s premier methodology for transitioning traditional classrooms to modern learning environments at scale.

Dr. Cindy Bennett shared that “this work has provided the district with a clear process for analyzing the current reality, identifying successes and opportunities for growth, and designing a pathway of personalization of the teaching and learning process.”

Vance County Schools is proud to be part of the Modern Teacher network and excited about the journey ahead, as we work to reach the next stage.

Vance Co. Schools Announces Pre-K, Kindergarten Registration Dates

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools Pre-K and Kindergarten registration is open and “The Wow Starts Now!” Stop by any of our elementary schools or district office (1724 Graham Avenue) to begin the registration process.

Pre-K is open to children whose fourth birthday is on or before August 31, 2020. Children whose fifth birthday is on or before August 31, 2020, are eligible for Kindergarten.

Between February 24 and March 11, each elementary school will offer two tours on their respective day at 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Families are invited to come to any of the tours, meet the administration and ask any questions they may have.

Vance County Schools School Tour Schedule: February 24 – Carver; February 25 – Aycock; February 26 – Dabney; February 27 – EO Young; March 2 – Pinkston; March 3 – EM Rollins; March 4 – New Hope; March 5 – LB Yancey; March 9 – Clarke; March 11 – Zeb Vance.

On March 10 and 12, every elementary school in our district will hold Learning in Action opportunities at 9 a.m. This allows families to come see the class in action and learn about specific programs offered at all of our schools, including Letterland and Feeling Friends.

We would like to remind everyone, you must bring your photo ID to enter our buildings for school tours and our Learning in Action opportunities. We will have district employees on-site at each school tour to assist those wishing to register that day. Registration is also available every day at the district office, where staff are available to assist you with the process.

When coming to enroll, you will need to bring Proof of Residency (utility bill, rental lease, or mortgage statement), the child’s immunization record and their proof of age (birth certificate, medical record, or baptismal record).

Vance County Schools continues to offer phenomenal programs, making sure our learning is personalized and relevant to every single student in our ever-changing world. We are excited to meet our new families and begin their adventure of learning in Vance County Schools. We are truly better together!

VCS Superintendent Jackson, Wife Establish Education Scholarship

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

The Vance County Public School Foundation announced a new scholarship was established in honor of Mrs. Marvel F. Jackson and Mary H. Allen, the parents of Dr. Anthony Jackson and wife, Dr. Tawannah Allen Jackson, for their life-long passion for education.

VCPSF Treasurer Danny Wright (left) and VCPSF President Col. Archie Taylor, Jr (right) are pictured with Vance County Schools Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson (center), as he presents the check to the Vance County Public School Foundation. (VCS photo)

The Allen Jackson Scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving junior in college pursuing a degree in education. The candidate should be a Vance County Schools graduate with the intention of returning to teach in our district upon completion of their degree.

Vance County Schools Superintendent, Dr. Anthony Jackson and wife, Dr. Tawannah Allen Jackson, are funding the scholarship through the Vance County Public School Foundation. Both have a passion for education themselves, giving their time and talents to enriching those in the profession and building others considering the field of education.

They have gifted $2,000 to begin the Allen Jackson Scholarship, with a commitment of $10,000 over the next 5 years. The foundation has established a committee to develop a process for awarding the scholarship beginning in 2021.

Vance County Schools Partners with Perry Memorial Library

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools and Perry Memorial Library are partnering to support students’ ongoing education. We share the belief that a love of books and learning is a strong foundation for student success and we are working together to provide every Vance County Schools student access to books and resources found at their public library.

Beginning March 1, 2020, all Vance County Schools students will be able to use their Student ID number to access and borrow public library books and resources. We are calling this initiative StudentAccess. There is additional information available on our website at www.vcs.k12.nc.us, as well as the opt-out form if you wish for your child to not participate.

VCS: ‘Innovative School Options’ Application Process Begins Next Week

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools “Innovative School Options” will open its application process beginning February 3, 2020. The applications will be available from the district office at 1724 Graham Avenue, Henderson, online at www.vcs.k12.nc.us, as well as at the individual schools.

VCS’ Innovative School Options are different by design, with a focused pathway of learning defined for each. There are four available options, all of which require an application and admission process.

EM Rollins STEAM Academy, a K-5 year-round school, focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math. The goal is to inspire the students today through dynamic, innovative and personalized learning opportunities.

STEM Early High School, a 6-8 traditional calendar school, focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. STEM students are innovative scholars with a goal to have high academic results, collaborate effectively, think critically and build future pathways through modern learning.

Vance County Early College High School, a 9-12+ school, follows the early start calendar, aligning with Vance- Granville Community College. The school is a rigorous educational opportunity, focused on having students obtain a high school diploma and Associate Degree within 4-5 years, saving parents up to two years of college tuition!

Advance Academy, a 9-12 school, follows the traditional calendar with a flex schedule. There are three sessions available for students each day, allowing time for other obligations that students are faced with.

The application deadline is February 28, 2020, at 5 p.m. All applications must be turned in to Vance County Schools District Office at 1724 Graham Avenue, Henderson.

STEM Early High School and Vance County Early College will have a two-phase application process, with all applicants being mailed a status update on March 9. Final decisions for all Innovative Option Schools will be mailed on March 30.

VCS Holds Two-Day School Resource Officer Training


-Press Release, Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools coordinated a training, led by the National Association for School Resource Officers (NASRO), on January 14-15. Mac Hardy, the NASRO Director of Operations, led the two-day training, which was attended by all Vance County School Resource Officers, representatives from the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, County Government officials and school-based and district administration.

Our work with the NC Center for Safer Schools will involve that our current Memorandum of Understanding is aligned with the best practices from our NASRO training. Our goal is to ensure that, as a district, we are maintaining the highest standards for school-based policing.

At the culmination of the training, Vance County Schools Superintendent, Dr. Anthony Jackson, presented Sheriff Curtis Brame, our school resource officers and Captain Lloyd Watkins a VanceFormation pin. VanceFormation is the district recognition program, recognizing those who are paving the way by rethinking, reforming, reimagining and renewing. Our School Resource Officers are the first recipients to receive the recognition that are not employed by the district.

We are proud to have a team of SROs willing to work to ensure safety is our top priority. We are committed to educating our students in an environment that is welcoming and safe.

Pictures courtesy Vance County Schools:

Friday Institute Showcases Partnership With Vance Co. Schools

100.1 FM / 1450 AM WIZS; Local News broadcasts M-F 8am, 12pm, 5pm

-Information courtesy Vance County Schools

Vance County Schools’ partnership with NC State and The Friday Institute continues to be valuable to both students and staff. We are excited about the opportunities we are afforded through this partnership and extending our lessons through virtual reality. The Friday Institute showcased their partnership with VCS in the article below:


We hope that you find this information and related article useful in sharing the great things happening in Vance County Schools.