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VCS Administrator Receives Leadership Award From Superintendents’ Association, School Leadership Alliance

A Vance County Schools official has received a prestigious award from the North Carolina School Superintendents’ Association (NCSSA) and the North Carolina Alliance for School Leadership Development (NCASLD).

Dr. Letisha Judd-Manning, director of elementary education and professional development for Vance County Schools, is the winner of the Dr. Samuel Houston Leadership Award for the Aspiring Superintendent Program Cohort V, according to a statement from the NCSSA. The annual award is presented to a graduate of the North Carolina School Superintendents’ Association Aspiring Superintendent Program, a program designed to empower transformational education leaders for North Carolina’s public schools.

Vance County Schools Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson called Judd-Manning “a strong and focused leader with a track record of success as a teacher, school principal and district leader. We are very proud of Dr. Judd-Manning and grateful for her leadership and dedication to Vance County Schools,” Jackson said.

Dr. Judd-Manning “exemplifies the traits that have guided Dr. Samuel Houston’s career in educational leadership, said Jack Hoke, NCSSA executive director. “She has a commitment to continuous improvement, high standards of ethical conduct, strategic planning, improving student performance and meeting the needs of the 21st century workforce,” Hoke said.

“It is an honor to receive the Dr. Samuel Houston Leadership Award and to have participated in the Aspiring Superintendent Program,” Dr. Judd-Manning stated. “One of the greatest rewards was taking this powerful journey with this cohort of amazing N.C. educational leaders. The wisdom and expertise shared by our esteemed program leaders was extremely valuable and will have lasting influence,” she added.

Judd-Manning has been with VCS since 2017 and previously served in Durham Public Schools and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, according to Aarika Sandlin, VCS public information officer.

career in education began 25 years ago as a teacher assistant. She went on to become a teacher, assistant principal and principal. Dr. Judd-Manning was graduated from N.C. Central University, earned a master’s degree in school administration at UNC-CH and holds a doctorate in education from High Point University.

The award is named in honor of Dr. Samuel Houston who is President and Chief Executive Officer of the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center. Dr. Houston served as superintendent of the Mooresville Graded School District for ten years where he opened the first year-round school in North Carolina. Dr. Houston has been a champion for strategic planning, student performance and accountability, meeting the needs of the 21st century workforce, skills for the STEM world and building education partnerships.

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Friday, May 14 – Remote, Asynchronous Instructional Day for all PK-13

From Vance County Schools:

In light of the current gasoline shortage, Friday, May 14 will be a remote, asynchronous instructional day for all PK-13 students. Students and parents need to check their child’s Google and/or Canvas classrooms for specific details on Friday’s instruction.

Exams, State Tests: No Opt-outs For Students

Vance County Schools students will begin taking exams, end-of-course (EOC) and end-of-grade (EOG) tests in less than two weeks, and school officials are working hard to make sure parents are informed about schedules and understanding the logistics  necessary to satisfy state requirements in a safe environment.

Exam schedules are posted on each school’s website, according to Aarika Sandlin, public information officer. High school students will kick off the testing season, taking  EOC and Career Technical Education (CTE) the week of May 17-21.

Testing continues through the end of May and into June for students on a year-round calendar.

“NCDPI has indicated all state exams must take place on campus,” Sandlin said in a written statement to WIZS News. “We have exam schedules for all of our schools posted on each school’s website and encourage families to contact their child’s school for specific concerns or questions,” she said.

The testing schedules provide details for students who have returned to in-person learning as well as those students who continue to learn remotely. Sandlin encouraged any parent to contact their child’s school if they have questions about the test schedule.

North Carolina students in grades 3-8 take EOGs in Reading/English Language Arts and Math. Students in grades 5 and 8 also take a Science EOG.

Students in grades 9-13 take EOC exams in Biology, English II, NC Math 1 and NC Math 3.

Exams count as a percentage of high school students’ final grades.  The state also uses this information to measure proficiency and to maintain metrics and data, Sandlin said.

There will be no school report card letter grades this year.

“There are no opt-outs for state assessments and we encourage all of our families to be present for all of their state testing,” Sandlin said.

For basic information and tips about preparing students for the standardized testing, parents can visit https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dOqA6dZ_3pShTaVc9ADOY2su2nvKn-B0/view.

Vance County Schools Arts Alive 2021

— information courtesy of Vance County Schools and Public Information Officer Aarika Sandlin

Arts Alive 2021 was an amazing day this past Saturday, April 24 with Master Classes, the Virtual Art Gallery, along with the Talent Showcase! The district proudly presented our Champion of the Arts Awards to Dr. LaSaundra Booth and Mr. Andrew Markoch.

Dr. Booth, of the Wake Forest Community Youth Orchestra, has been instrumental in developing the Vance County Schools strings program. Her dedication and hard work has allowed the program to continue growing year after year, allowing our students to truly experience orchestra and strings at the elementary level.

Mr. Markoch serves as the VCS Director of Fine Arts and Innovation. He continues to raise the bar in our district for both visual and performing arts. As a fully staffed arts district, we ensure that every student experiences the arts at every grade level. Mr. Markoch oversees all of the arts programs within our schools.

Both of these individuals are indeed Champions of the Arts and make us all Vance County Schools Proud! The excitement doesn’t end until April 30th, as our virtual art gallery and master classes will be available until April 30 at http://bit.ly/ArtsAliveWebsite.

The Local Skinny! April 26, VCS Budget, Classified Staff

Vance County Schools Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson says the VCS budget will consider an increase in classified staff compensation.

Q: Middle and high schools were consolidated a few years back and it seems like there was about a $2 million per year savings that was talked about at that time. As we head into the 21-22 budget year, what’s affecting your upcoming budget the most right now and what does your budget look like in terms of savings that you’re realizing from past consolidation?

A: As you can see, we’ve been able to expand programs. Our goal was the savings would be poured back into programming and so since that time, we’ve been able to launch our center for innovation, we’ve been able to launch our V3 Academy, we’ve been able to expand our athletic programs, we’ve been able to expand our fine arts programs, we’ve been able to lower some class sizes at our secondary schools and things like that…the things we promised, we’ve been able to refresh our technology devices and add Z Space labs, so we’ve been able to do the things we said we were going to do while not asking for one additional dime from our county.

Our challenges this year are different. COVID has presented a huge challenge, and we’ve talked about it before, and it’s around the ‘people’ part of this work. The workforce has become far more competitive than it has been and that means that salaries are shifting and so our local…we’re challenged right now to keep up with salaries for our classified employees, particularly in our maintenance area. We’re in the middle of doing a salary study and we’ve found that our employees are significantly behind those in the region. We’ve always known that with our teachers and our professional staff. But our classified staff are equally challenged. So that’s our biggest budget challenge. You’ve got to find recurring dollars for that – you can’t just take savings from one place and move it over there for one year or you can’t just use COVID dollars to backfill. We’ve got to make an investment in our people and that’s our biggest challenge. And so we’ve made a modest request in our budget this year to help us at least begin that process. We can’t do it in one swoop, but that’s our goal to try to do that. Every single metric that we set with consolidation, in terms of reducing our footprint, in terms of expanding programs, in terms of increasing enrollment at our middle and high schools, and as well as offering more innovative programs to our students in our community.

We feel good about that and now we’ve got to go to the next steps of balancing all of that out and making sure we keep the right people in the right seats on the bus so we can keep moving forward.

Vance Board of Education Recognizes Athletes at April Meeting

— courtesy of Vance County Schools and the latest Board Briefs Publication

The Board of Education recognized student athletes. Rosie Kanouff, senior at Early College High School, was recognized as an all-conference selection in Volleyball. Tra’On Lyons, a senior at Vance County High School, was recognized as an all-conference selection in Boys Basketball. Yumyah Hargrove, a senior at Early College High School was recognized as an all-conference selection in Girls Basketball. Blake Vick, a freshman at Early College High School, pitched a complete game no hitter in her first career varsity softball game on 3/17 in a 13-1 victory over Chapel Hill High School. She finished the game with 11 strikeouts in 5 innings pitched. We are extremely proud of our student’s athletic accomplishments.

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VCS Teachers Get Classroom Help From Online Tool

In the old days, students could hide comic books or novels inside their thick Biology or English textbooks to fool the teacher into thinking they were on task; nowadays, however, teachers have an ally to help manage off-task behaviors as more and more classrooms have exchanged books for laptops: GoGuardian.

Vance County Schools is a 1:1 digital district, said Dr. Anthony Jackson, superintendent. “Every single child has a computer, whether they’re in school or not,” he said, drawing the distinction to in-person versus remote instruction. And the district has chosen GoGuardian to help teachers with classroom management.

“It’s not a teaching tool,” Jackson told WIZS News, “it’s a great tool to help our teachers manage while they teach.”

The school district piloted the program and, thanks to positive teacher feedback, Jackson said the decision is likely to be made to expand its use.

GoGuardian was launched in 2014 and is used to monitor student activity online.  Jackson said teachers can see students’ screens and can help to re-direct them if they are off-task or visiting sites that they shouldn’t. It also allows teachers to shut a computer down, he added.

VCS Names V3A Principal, EC Director

Vance County Schools announced Thursday the appointment of two educators in leadership roles, one a VCS veteran and the other who is new to the school district.

Dr. Jessica Perry was named principal of Vance Virtual Village Academy after serving as interim principal of V3A since August 2020. Natashalyn Snipes was selected as director of exceptional children, effective July 1, 2021.

Perry is a familiar face to Vance County Schools. “With over 20 years of educational experience as a teacher, administrator and district leader, we are certain Dr. Perry will propel V3A into an innovative opportunity that personalizes education for every student,” according to a statement from Aarika Sandlin, VCS public information officer.  Perry graduated from N.C. State University with a degree in business and marketing education. She has a master’s degree in educational leadership from

Wheeling Jesuit University and a doctorate in education and educational leadership from Gardner-Webb University. In a written statement to WIZS News, Perry said, “I am looking forward to assisting students in gaining access and opportunities with anytime, anywhere teaching and learning.”

Snipes will take over upon the retirement of Dr. Gloria Jones. She has been a teacher, school leader, EC facilitator, and most recently, was the director of exceptional children, student services and preschool at Weldon City Schools, Sandlin said.

Snipes graduated from UNC-CH with a degree in psychology and got her master’s degree in arts and teaching in special education and a master’s in school administration from N.C. Central University. She is currently a doctoral candidate in education leadership at UNC-CH. “Snipes is a transformational leader committed to developing instructional programs that will meet the educational and behavioral needs of all students,” Sandlin said.

Vance County Schools Receiving Lifesaving Bike Helmets from State

— Vance County Schools Press Release

Vance County Schools will be receiving 75 bike helmets as part of an ongoing program to reduce bicycle injuries and deaths in North Carolina. These helmets are being provided through NCDOT’s Bicycle Helmet Initiative.

The Bicycle Helmet Initiative began in 2007 and has distributed thousands of helmets since its inception. It is funded by the sale of “Share the Road” specialty license plates. Helmets will be awarded by April 30th.

We are excited to partner with Vance County Sheriff’s Office, Henderson Fire Dept and YMCA to distribute the helmets.  Distribution will take place in late spring and all participants who come by during distribution will be entered to win a bicycle.

For more information about this grant or distribution locations, contact J. Carraway at jcarraway@vcs.k12.nc.us.

For more information about the program, visit the NCDOT Bicycle Helmet Initiative webpage.

Vance County Schools Asynchronous Remote Learning Day Thurs, Mar 18 Due to Weather

— courtesy of Vance County Schools

With the threat of inclement weather on Thursday, March 18, Vance County Schools will operate as an asynchronous remote learning day for all students and staff. Assignments will be posted to student’s learning platforms for completion. All buildings will be closed. Safety continues to be our priority. We encourage all of our families to keep a close eye on the weather tomorrow (Thursday) and stay safe.