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Final Vance Farmers Market Sat., Dec. 9

— written and provided by the Vance County Regional Farmers Market


Saturday, December 9th is our last farmers market for the 2017 Season. We have had a great year and appreciate everyone who stopped by and supported our local farmers and craftsmen. We continue to have a variety of fresh locally grown vegetables. Be sure to stock up on pasture raised beef for your winter roasts, grilling, soups and stews. Don’t forget to get plenty of local honey, jellies and jams to last you until the spring. Did you know many of the fresh vegetables you buy now may be cooked and frozen or frozen raw for eating later? Including collards, kale, and greens! You can also stock up on Ms. Ada’s breads and pies – they freeze well, too! Jerri Jones will be at the market with her unique knitwear for all ages and Suzanne Chiotakis will have her semi-precious gemstone jewelry. These make one-of-a kind special gifts for practically anyone on your holiday shopping list – and be sure to treat yourself!

Again, we thank each of you for your support during our 2017 season and hope to see you one more time tomorrow!  Remember, you will be warm and cozy while you shop in our heated indoor facility.

Support your local farmers and stop by the VCRFM this week.

What You Will Find This Week

Beef – pasture raised (Saturdays only)
Bok Choi
Sweet Potatoes
Tomatoes – Green & Red


Adcock Farms – Canned goods, honey, & produce
Ms. Ada’s Baked Goods – Pies, rolls, sweet breads, jams & preserves
Jerri’s Things – Crocheted hats, gloves, scarves, shawls, baby jacket sets
LouMag Enterprises – Variety of produce
Orelly’s Curry Q Sauce Co. – Jamaican Jerk sauce, Caribbean Brown sauce, BBQ sauce, honey, molasses, plants and produce
Five Crows at Lickskillet Farm – semi-precious gemstone jewelry
Vann’s Farm – produce, jams & preserves

The VCRFM opens Saturdays at 8:00 a.m.
Featuring a variety of locally grown produce, pasture raised beef, pork, eggs, and handmade crafts.
There are also canned goods, cupcakes, jams, jellies, salsa & sauces.
Knowledgeable farmers, nursery vendors and Master Gardeners are on hand to answer planting and growing questions.

Location: The VCRFM is located at 210 Soutpark Dr. Henderson, NC, off Beckford Dr. behind the DaVita Dialysis Center.

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Sat, Nov 18, Handcrafted Holiday Market

This Saturday, November 18th, the Vance County Regional Farmers Market will enjoy it’s annual Handcrafted Holiday Market.  Hours will be 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.  Vendors include:

1. Jackie Glover – Glover’s Gifts – Crocheted Items & Bird, Bat and Butterfly Houses
2. Payton Holland – – Perler Bead Art
3. Marco Haloburdo – Slumped Glass Spoon Rests & Trays
4. Suzanne Chiotakis – 5 Crows at Lickskillet – Jewelry
5. Louis Sachs – Sachs Woodcrafts LLC – Hand Turned Wooden Bowls & More
6. Cakes Delish – Cupcakes
7. Alimentaire – Artisan Breads
8. Ed Cottle -Kerr Lake Candles – Candles & Melts
9. Sherri Matthews – Wreaths
10. Heidi Owens – Junk Drawer Designs – Vinyl Decals, Signs & More
11. Sidney Evans – Jewelry
12. Terry Wooten – Mill Creek Alpaca Farm – Stained Glass
13. Franklin Brothers Nursery – Plants & Flowers
14. Angelique Clay-The Eclectic Peacock – Soaps, Crocheted & Home sewed items
15. Donna Rose -Two Roses – Crocheted Animals, Scarves, Hats & Painted Glass
16. Kim Boyles & Carrie Slaughter-Happiest Dandelion-Door Hangers & Cards
17. Judy Scott – Quonset Crafts – Wooden Watches, Puzzles, Lamps & More
18. Peggy Trutt – Threads Connected – Sewn Bags, Coasters, & More
19. Wendy Walker – Wooden American Flags
20. Thomas Cale – Creative Crafts – Wooden Baskets
21. Pamela Moon – 4 Moon Designs – Fabric & Paper Creations
22. Dianne Slaughter – Dee-Zigns – Glass Block Art
23. Theresa Hlava- Grey Heart Designs – Hand Painted Ornaments & More
24. Kenneth Fuller – Maul-N-Wedge – Barnwood Furniture
25. Vance Quilts R Us – Quilted Items
26. Christina Henthorn-Wuerker Bee Apiary-Honey, Beeswax & Tobacco Stick Items
27. Kimberly Watkins – Then Sings My Soul – Floral Arrangements
28. Kissy Robertson – Kissy’s Kreations – Wood Signs
29. Jerri Jones – Jerri’s Things – Crocheted Scarves, Hats, Shawls & More
30. Cindy Graham – Boundary Waters Farm – Cards & Prints from Original Artwork
31. Tammy Atkinson – Atkinson Creations – Hand Painted Wine Glasses & More
32. Chris Nicholson – Rainbow Studios – Original Artwork
33. Copper Rain – Rain2Earth – Pottery
34. Bessie Vann – Jams & Jellies
35. Short’s Family Farm – Produce
36. JW Creek Farm – Beef & Eggs
37. Henderson Natural Farm – Mushrooms
38. Roy Brown – Orelly’s Curry-Q Sauce – Sauces, Marinades & Honey
39. Mrs. Ada – Ada’s Goodies – Baked Goods
40. Laureen Wilkins – Laureen’s Creations -Wreaths
41. Bill & Camille Graves – Stone Bridge Farm – Produce
42. Faulkner Family Farm – Pork
43. Deborah Price -Backroad Farm & Vineyard – Wine & Muscadine Juice/Cider
44. Magnolia Williams -LouMag Enterprises – Produce
45. Calvin Adcock – Jams, Canned Veggies & Produce
46. Niki – Soap

Vendor list may change due to scheduling.

(The VCRFM is an advertising client of WIZS.)

Farmers Market VERY OPEN

— information courtesy Vance County Regional Farmers Market

OPEN September 16 & 20 from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

We need your support! While summer officially ends next week (the first day of Fall is September 21st!), we continue to have a nice variety of summer produce available at the farmers market. Think of us when planning your football tailgating parties and cookouts. We have pasture raised beef, pork, hot dogs, and kielbasa just waiting for you to throw on the barbie. Plus, lots of veggies to complete your spread. You may even be able to get that one last watermelon this Saturday!

The VCRFM is open Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. and features a variety of locally grown produce, bedding plants for the garden including vegetables, herbs, flowers, and shrubs, pasture raised beef, pork, eggs, and handmade crafts.

There will also be canned goods, cupcakes, jams, jellies, salsa & sauces.

Knowledgeable farmers, nursery vendors and Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer planting and growing questions.


What You Will Find This Week

Beef (Saturdays only)
Butter Beans
Garden Plants & Vegetables
Tomatoes – Green & Red

Now is the time to add beautiful color to your yard, deck, porch or patio with mums from Franklin Brothers Nursery.


Mark your calendar for Saturday, October 14 and plan to join us at the farmers market for a workshop on planting bulbs – PLANT NOW, ENJOY LATER. Learn what is a quality bulb. Learn how to stagger your spring bulb’s bloom times by planting in layers. Participants will be able to select their choice of bulbs to take home. Please pre-register for this workshop by contacting Paul McKenzie, Vance-Warren Agricultural Extension Agent at 252-438-8188 (Vance), 252-257-3640 (Warren) or paul_mckenzie@ncsu.edu. You may also let Market Manager Madigan know. There will be a $10.00 fee for the workshop to cover the cost of the bulbs and container.

8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
We will be hosting our annual Handcrafted Holiday Market Saturday, November 18 from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. With over 30 craft vendors featuring handmade items from soaps and candles, wood crafts and furniture, clothing and jewelry, to quilts and wreaths, this is the place to get truly unique gifts for everyone on your holiday list – including yourself! Santa Clause always stops by and the Buggs Island Community Band provides a festive atmosphere with Holiday music. And of course there will be a variety of yummy baked goods, canned goods and fall produce!


Social Media: For more information about the Vance County Regional Farmers Market, view our website at vancecounty.org, plus follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Contacts: Persons interested in selling at the VCRFM may contact:
Market Manager: Tracy Madigan @ 252-598-0814
Extension Agent: Paul McKenzie @ 252-438-8188

Location: The VCRFM is located at 210 Soutpark Dr. Henderson, NC, off Beckford Dr. behind the DaVita Dialysis Center.
VCRFM is open Wednesdays & Saturdays 7:30 am – 1:00 pm

***If you or your business need a venue for your dinners and parties, the VCRFM is available for rent! Contact Market Manager***

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Creative Ideas for Fall Color

— by Paul McKenzie, Vance/Warren Ag. Ext. Agent

On Saturday, September 9th, the Extension Master Gardener Volunteers will hold a free seminar entitled “Creative Ideas for Fall Color” at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market. Learn about the many plants in addition to mums and pansies that can enhance the fall landscape. The program will start at 10 am and last about 45 minutes, leaving you plenty of time to shop! The Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson. To sign up or to get more information, call 252-438-8188 or e-mail paul_mckenzie@ncsu.edu.

Peak-Season Kickoff this Saturday at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market

Summer is officially here… and so is your fresh, local summer produce at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market!

Support your local farmers and stop by the VCRFM this week. Summer fruits and vegetables are available at your farmers market now! To celebrate we are going to have our annual PEAK SEASON KICKOFF June 24th! Join us at the VCRFM for the best locally grown seasonal fruits and vegetables. Visit with our regular vendors and meet our new vendors.

Maria Parham Health will be offering free blood pressure checks from
9:00 am – 11:00 am

The VCRFM is open Wednesdays and  Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. and features a variety of locally grown produce, bedding plants for the garden including vegetables, herbs, flowers, and shrubs, pasture raised beef, eggs, and handmade crafts.

There will also be canned goods, jams, jellies, salsa & sauces.

Knowledgeable farmers and nursery vendors will be on hand to answer summer planting and growing questions.


Free Zumba & Nutrition Class Thursdays @ 6:00 p.m.  Join the party! Thursdays at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market meet certified nutritionist and Zumba Instructor Rodney Steverson. He will conduct a 30 minute nutrition class and a 30 minute  Zumba class for an hour of fitness fun! Zumba fitness is exercise in disguise. It’s the most fun, energetic, feel good workout that you will ever come across. It’s easy to do, effective and totally exhilarating. Every class will feel like a party! So – move your feet to the beat and learn what to eat at the market tonight. 
What You Will Find This Week

  • Beef (Saturdays only)
  • Beets
  • Blackberries
  • Black Raspberries
  • Beans – Green, Snap, String & Wax,
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cantaloupe
  • Corn 
  • Cucumbers
  • Cut Flowers
  • Eggs – chicken, guinea hen & duck
  • Garden Plants & Vegetables
  • Garlic
  • Honey & Honey Straws
  • Jams
  • Jellies
  • Lettuce
  • Muscadine Products
  • Mushrooms – Shiitake & Oyster (Wednesdays only)
  • Onions – Red, Yellow & White
  • Peas – Garden
  • Peppers – Green Bell; Gypsy Frying; Jalapeno
  • Potatoes – Red, White & Blue
  • Salsa
  • Sauces
  • Squash
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Tomatoes – Green, Red & Heirloom
  • Turnips
  • Wine – Red (Saturdays only)

Social Media: For more information about the Vance County Regional Farmers Market, view our website at vancecounty.org, plus follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Contacts: Persons interested in selling at the VCRFM may contact:
Market Manager: Tracy Madigan @ 252-598-0814
Extension Agent: Paul McKenzie @ 252-438-8188

Location: The VCRFM is located at 210 Soutpark Dr. Henderson, NC, off Beckford Dr. behind the DaVita Dialysis Center.

VCRFM  is open Wednesdays & Saturdays 7:30 am – 1:00 pm

Second Saturday Gardening Workshops

Second Saturday Gardening Workshops

Written by Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent for Vance/Warren Counties

Join the Master Gardeners for a series of gardening workshops at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market. These free or low-cost workshops will help gardeners get the most out of their gardens and landscapes. Pre-registration is required, just call 252-438-8188 or visit https://go.ncsu.edu/secondsaturday. All workshops begin at 10 am, and the complete schedule is as follows:

May 13 –HERBS A Go Go – Learn about growing herbs then plant a container of herbs, perfect as a gift for Mother, another special person or yourself. $12 fee.

June 10 – WEEDS – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly – What is that weed growing in the lawn, garden and landscape? Friend? Foe? And what’s the best way to control? Free!

Sept 9 – Creative Ideas for FALL COLORS – Get the inside scoop of adding color to the fall landscape with plants other than mums and pansies. Free!

Oct 14 – BULBS – Plant Now, Enjoy Later – Stagger the bloom time next spring by planting in layers after determining what is a quality bulb. Select bulbs and place in a container to take home. $12 fee.

Paul McKenzie
Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties
NC Cooperative Extension
305 Young St., Henderson, NC 27536
158 Rafters Ln., Warrenton, NC 27589
252.438.8188 (Vance) 252.257.3640 (Warren)

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

2017 Sales Season Begins April 22

Vance County Regional Farmers Market 2017 Sales Season Begins April 22

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market will begin its 2017 sales season Saturday, April 22.  Market Manager Tracy Madigan says, “The Spring Fling Market will be open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  It will feature numerous craft vendors, bedding plants for the garden including vegetables, herbs, flowers, and shrubs and locally grown spring produce.

“There will also be baked goods, canned goods and pasture raised beef for sale.  Knowledgeable farmers and nursery vendors will be on hand to answer spring and summer planting and growing questions.”

The Farmers Market will be open Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. April 29 – May 27, then Wednesdays and Saturdays 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.beginning May 31.  Madigan says, “In addition to fresh local produce and products, the market will feature special events and gardening classes throughout the 2017 season.”

For more information about the Vance County Regional Farmers Market, visit online at vancecounty.org, follow on Facebook, or Twitter.  Persons interested in selling at the VCRFM may contact Tracy Madigan, 252-598-0814 or Paul McKenzie at 252-438-8188.

The VCRFM is located at 210 Soutpark Dr., Henderson, NC, off Beckford Dr. behind DaVita Dialysis Center.

2017 Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Summer Camp Announcement

It’s that time of the year again. For 100 years, 4-H summer camp has been a life-changing experience, offering campers a greater chance to learn, develop life skills and form attitudes that will help them to become self-directed, productive members of society.

Youth interact with people of different cultures and backgrounds, increasing interdependence, understanding and appreciation of others.  It may be their first experience being an equal member of a community.  Campers are exposed to professionals and role models who may lead career discussions.

Less focus is on competition and failure; more emphasis is on group cooperation and shared success.  Adventures, new experiences and skills learned in an outdoor environment at camp contribute to a positive sense of self.

Youth do not have to be in a 4-H club to participate.

Deadline to apply is March 31st.

Cost of camp is $100.00.  A deposit of $75.00 will hold your space.

Apply in person with Turner Pride, 4-H Youth Development Agent, 305 Young Street, Henderson, NC.

Call the Vance County Center of NC Cooperative Extension at 252-438-8188 or email turner_pride@ncsu.edu for more information.

North Carolina State University and North Carolina A&T State University commit themselves to positive action to secure equal opportunity regardless of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability, or veteran’s status.  In addition, the two Universities welcome all persons without regard to sexual orientation.  North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.

2017 Meeting Schedule for the Vance County Regional Farmers Market Advisory Board

2017 Meeting Schedule Vance County Regional Farmers Market Advisory Board

Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent for Vance and Warren Counties, indicates the board will meet at 2 p.m. on the following dates:

February 2nd
May 4th
August 3rd
November 2nd

All meetings will be held at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market, 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson.

Any changes to this schedule will be communicated to local media, and also posted at https://vance.ces.ncsu.edu.  Meetings are open to the public.  Questions regarding the Farmers Market Advisory Board may be directed to Paul McKenzie of Vance County Cooperative Extension at paul_mckenzie@ncsu.edu or 252-438-8188.

Additional contact information is as follows:

Paul McKenzie

Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties
NC Cooperative Extension
305 Young St., Henderson, NC  27536
158 Rafters Ln., Warrenton, NC 27589
252.438.8188 (Vance)  252.257.3640 (Warren)

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Vance County Cooperative Extension to host Forest Symposium

Healthy forests provide healthy habitat and healthy profits!

Learn how managing the health of your forest benefits wildlife and your bottom line. Come to the Vance County Regional Farmers Market on December 8th for a Forest Landowner Symposium with a great line up of speakers plus an optional tour.

All the details and registration information can be found here.

Sponsorship contributions are welcome and will be gratefully acknowledged in the program.

For more information, paul_mckenzie@ncsu.edu or 252-213-6095.