Vance County Regional Farmers Market Opens Sat, Apr 25
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— press release
The Vance County Regional Farmers Market will open for the 2020 season on Saturday, April 25th, according to Tracy Madigan, Market Manager. Ms. Madigan reports that she has been carefully reviewing expert recommendations on procedures that minimize risk for customers, vendors and employees. “The Farmers Market is a vital community resource for both consumers and farmers,” noted Madigan, “so we want to set an example of using good practices.” Thus, all customers will be asked to strictly observe social distancing and hygiene practices, and Madigan indicated that signage and floor markings will be in place as reminders.
Paul McKenzie, Horticulture Extension Agent for Vance County, said that Farmers Markets across the state are sharing information about best practices so that they can continue serving as a source of fresh and nutritious food. “Most markets,” he reports, “are providing additional hand washing facilities, doing more frequent cleaning, and spacing vendors further apart. North Carolina producers raise the best farm products you could find, and I’m very glad farmers markets can continue to make it available. In many cases,” he said, “farmers markets have been way ahead of the curve in implementing safety practices.”
Customers of the Vance County Regional Farmers Market are asked to wear face coverings, wash hands frequently, and keep visits short. “We are asking customers to let vendors handle the product and to make pre-orders that can be picked up quickly,” said Madigan. She also asked customers to please visit the Farmers Market website or Facebook page for complete details on the new shopping procedures. “Above all, we want our customers to have access to the fresh and nutritious food that is grown by our local farmers.” The web address for the Vance County Regional Farmers Market is The Market will be open on Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday hours will start on June 1st. For more information call 252-438-8188 or email