Tag Archive for: #vancecountyregionalfarmersmarket

Vance County Regional Farmers Market Advisory Board to Meet Thursday

— by Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties, NC Cooperative Extension

The Advisory Board for the Vance County Regional Farmers Market will meet on Thursday, January 7th at 2 p.m. This will be a virtual meeting using the Zoom video conferencing platform. The Board will be reviewing the 2020 farmers market season and begin discussing plans for 2021. The Board will also conduct its annual review of the Vendor Guidelines. These Advisory Board meetings are open to the public, and there will be an opportunity for public comment. Anyone who would like to attend should contact the NC Cooperative Extension Center for Vance County at 252-438-8188 by 1 p.m. on January 7 to request meeting access credentials.

TownTalk 12-17-20: Pete Burgess; The Man; The Farmer; The Community Advocate

— written from WIZS Staff contributions plus information from a VGCC press release

A farmer must cultivate his crop to ensure a productive yield. First comes the groundwork – literally. The field has to be ready for planting and then kept weed-free so the young plants can flourish. Often, the ultimate success of the crop depends on how well the field was looked after and tended to.

Talmadge R. Burgess, Sr., “Pete” to friends and colleagues, knows the value of cultivation. He has shared this philosophy locally during his decades-long work in agriculture and in service to his community. And that is why the Vance County chapter of the North Carolina Farm Bureau has created a scholarship at Vance-Granville Community College in honor of Burgess.

“We are proud to establish this scholarship to express our appreciation to Pete Burgess for his many years of service to the Farm Bureau, the farming community and Vance County as a whole,” said Thomas Shaw, president of the Vance County Farm Bureau, which Burgess once led.

In a Town Talk interview earlier this week, Burgess reflected on his livelihood, and the importance of being active in the community in which you live. “Anybody has to have help to get started,” he said. When he started out in farming in 1968, it was with the help of family. Now retired, Burgess and his wife Sylvia enjoy farming from a distance while son Talmadge continues the family tradition.

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Tobacco has given way to other crops, Burgess noted, and his son grows hay for livestock and wheat straw for the landscaping industry. But no matter the crop the field produces, there must be a way to sell. Burgess was instrumental in establishing the Vance County Regional Farmers’ Market in Henderson, which allows local producers to showcase everything from cut flowers and tomatoes to locally sourced meats and handicrafts.

Pete Burgess Plaque

In this 2014 WIZS file photo, you can see the Pete Burgess plaque on an easel prior to being placed outside the facility’s meeting room. The VCRFM opened in 2014.

He enthusiastically recalled the steps taken to get the market from concept to reality. “That was probably the most ambitious project the Vance County Farm Bureau ever took on,” he said. It started with a pot of money from the Golden Leaf Foundation and a local group formed to determine how to spend the roughly $2 million Vance County allocation. Schools and fire departments were the top two choices to receive the money, Burgess said. But the third choice was construction of a farmers’ market, and Farm Bureau decided to take it on. ”They thought I wasn’t doing anything much,” he joked, “so they put me in charge of seeing…how to make that project a success.” It took four years to accomplish the goal, but the result is a facility that has functioned since 2014 as a venue to sell local produce as well as a gathering place for meetings and workshops. Burgess remembered how the installation of the large roll-up doors came about – at a cost of $1,500 each, they were just too expensive to include in the original project. Burgess got area businesses to sponsor the purchase of those doors, “and that was the easiest money I raised to build that farmers’ market,” he said.

The farmers’ market is a fairly recent project that Burgess was involved with, but he has long supported a variety of local programs and agencies, from fire departments to civic groups, many of which centered around the Epsom community. Whether it was the annual Lions Club pancake supper or the volunteer fire department fundraisers, Burgess feels it is important to give back.

An active community volunteer, Burgess served as a board member of the county and state Farm Bureau organizations, president and board member of the Epsom Lions Club, board member of the Epsom Volunteer Fire Department, member of the Vance County Planning Board and board member for the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce. For his contributions to the county and, in particular, for his leading role in securing the land and funding for the regional farmers market, Burgess was honored by the Vance County Commissioners with the “Community Hero” award.

“Throughout his life, Pete Burgess has demonstrated an interest not only in agriculture but in giving back and supporting his community, so this scholarship is a fitting way to honor his service,” said Eddie Ferguson, VGCC’s endowment fund director. “We are grateful to the Vance County Farm Bureau for continuing to support Vance-Granville students through this new scholarship.”

The scholarship is another resource that can be used to cultivate “good” in the community and reward deserving students for their efforts in the classroom. Burgess said he was “kind of amazed at all that’s happening and what’s going on, but it’s very exciting.” The Farm Bureau is known as being an advocate of the farmer, whether it is helping with legislative matters or agricultural matters – whatever a farmer needs to be successful. Burgess seems to have employed a similar philosophy in his lifetime of service to Vance County and beyond – cultivating good habits and positive outcomes to benefit the community as a whole.

The Vance County Farm Bureau is encouraging friends of Pete Burgess to make donations to the Endowment Fund to help endow this scholarship at the Presidential Merit Award level. For more information or to make a contribution, call Kay Currin at (252) 738-3409.

Contributions to the scholarship fund can also be mailed to the Vance-Granville Community College Endowment Fund, at P.O. Box 917, Henderson, NC 27536.

Through the Endowment Fund, VGCC has awarded more than 9,700 scholarships to students since 1982. Scholarships have been endowed by numerous individuals, industries, businesses, civic groups, churches and the college’s faculty and staff. Tax-deductible donations to the VGCC Endowment Fund have often been used to honor or remember a person, group, business or industry with a lasting gift to education.

VCRFM Handcrafted Holiday Market

VCRFM’s ‘Handcrafted Holiday Market’ to Offer Unique Gifts & More


The Vance County Regional Farmers Market (VCRFM) will hold a “Handcrafted Holiday Market” on Saturday, November 21, 2020, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Come browse the large selection of unique gifts, soaps, candles, hand-sewn and crocheted items, glassware, wood crafts, wreaths, ornaments, baked goods, local honey, pasture-raised pork, pasture-raised beef and fresh local produce.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, VCRFM will take all precautions to ensure a safe and sanitary shopping environment. Face coverings/masks are MANDATORY – no one will be allowed in the facility without a mask. Hand sanitizer and handwashing stations will be available. The maximum facility capacity will be limited to 75. Social distancing will be enforced.

Don’t have a face mask? No worries. VCRFM will have several craft vendors making unique, comfortable, washable and reusable masks. Lots of great colors and designs to choose from including masks with your favorite local college team logos and Christmas designs.

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson, NC.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Town Talk 09/21/20: VCRFM to Hold Season’s Final Twilight Market; Fall Hours Begin Oct. 3

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Tracy Madigan, market manager for the Vance County Regional Farmers Market (VCRFM), appeared on WIZS Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m.

Madigan discussed the winding down of the summer season and the beginning of fall/winter hours on October 3. The market will be open for its last Wednesday of the season on September 23 from 7:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Beginning Saturday, October 3, the VCRFM will be open on Saturdays only from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. The final day of the 2020 season will be December 5.

VCRFM requires all vendors and customers to wear face coverings/masks. Pre-orders and curbside pickup will remain available throughout the season.

On Tuesday, September 29, VCRFM will hold a special Twilight Market from 3 until 6:30 p.m. Drawings for gift certificates to Franklin Brothers Nursery will be held courtesy JASM Farms and Franklin Brothers.


Late summer produce is still available including yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes, corn (get there early), figs, string beans, peas, butterbeans, watermelons and cantaloupes.

Just in: cabbages, butternut squash, beets, radishes, turnips, Scuppernong grapes, apples and peppers.

Coming soon: salad greens and collards.

Vendors with pasture-raised beef, pork and free-range hen eggs will also be on-site.

In addition, you will find a variety of canned vegetables, pickles, chow-chow, sauces, local honey and baked goods.

Remaining 2020 Market Schedule:

Wednesday, September 23 ~ 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Saturday, September 26 ~ 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Twilight Market
Tuesday, September 29 ~ 3 – 6:30 p.m.

October 3 – December 5
Saturdays ~ 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Handcrafted Holiday Market (pending approval; subject to change based on COVID)
Saturday, November 21 ~ 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson, NC.

Market Manager: Tracy Madigan (252) 598-0814
Extension Agent: Paul McKenzie (252) 438-8188

To hear the interview in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

(This is not a paid advertisement – photos courtesy Tracy Madigan)

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market to Hold Special Twilight Market Today!

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Vance County Regional Farmers Market

Back by popular demand, the Vance County Regional Farmers Market (VCRFM) will hold a “Twilight Market” today, August 25, 2020, from 3:30 until 7:30 p.m. This will be in lieu of an open market on Wednesday, August 26.

VCRFM requires all vendors and customers to wear face coverings/masks. Don’t have a face mask? No worries. The VCRFM has several craft vendors making unique, comfortable, washable and reusable masks. There are lots of great colors and designs to choose from including college team logos.

Available Produce

The market will feature fresh and local summer produce including squash, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, cantaloupes, corn, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, watermelons, potatoes, okra, beets, cabbages, strawberries, radishes, greens and more.

Vendors with pasture-raised beef, pork and free-range hen eggs will also be on-site.

In addition, you will find a variety of canned vegetables, pickles, chow-chow, sauces and local honey. Complete your meal with delicious pies, cakes and cookies – including cheesecakes. Don’t forget the fresh cut flowers!

Largest Watermelon Contest
The VCRFM is challenging you to grow the largest watermelon in the area. The winner will receive a $100 gift certificate to Franklin Brothers Nursery (courtesy of JASM Farms). The entry deadline is Saturday, September 5, 2020.

Remaining 2020 Market Schedule:

Through September 30  

Wednesdays & Saturdays ~ 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Closed Wed., August 26 and Wed., September 30Special Twilight Market(in lieu of Wednesday market that week)
Tuesday, August 25 ~ 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 29 ~ 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.

October 1 – December 5   
Saturdays ~ 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Handcrafted Holiday Market  
Saturday, November 21 ~ 8 a.m – 2 p.m.

Market closes for the season on Saturday, December 5

Pre-orders and curbside pick up will remain available throughout the season.

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson, NC.

Market Manager: Tracy Madigan (252) 598-0814
Extension Agent: Paul McKenzie (252) 438-8188

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Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

See What’s Happening at Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market This Week!

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Tracy Madigan, Market Manager, Vance County Regional Farmers Market

Produce, Baked Goods, Crafts & More!

Squash, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, canary melons, cantaloupes, corn, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, watermelons, potatoes, okra, beets, cabbages, strawberries, radishes, greens & more. Fresh & local. We have pasture-raised beef, pork and free-range hen eggs.

You will also find a variety of canned vegetables, pickles, chow-chow and sauces. Local honey, too! Complete your meal with delicious pies, cakes and cookies – including cheesecakes. Don’t forget the fresh cut flowers!

Lots of unique, creative craft items: soaps, scrubs, bath salts, hand sanitizers, crocheted cloths, hand towels wreaths, flower arrangements beeswax candles, hand-sewn face masks, aprons, woodcrafts, jewelry and so much more!

Perry Library Now at the VCRFM

The Perry Memorial Library will now have a booth at the VCRFM on Wednesdays as a part of their POP-UP Program. The library’s building in downtown Henderson is currently closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic (though they do offer curbside pick-up services). Their booth at the market will offer several services normally provided at the library.

Customers may get a library card, return books, place holds on books and materials – all while at the farmers market. Library staff will also provide instructions on using the online databases and Overdrive digital media set-up. They will also have a selection of books you may check out right at the library booth!

Don’t Plant Those Seeds!

Did you receive seeds in the mail? The NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has received numerous reports of NC residents receiving seeds in the mail that they did not order. These seeds are apparently being shipped from China. The Department of Ag urges NC residents to avoid planting these seeds. Some of the worst insect and weed pests our nation contends with originated from foreign countries. Planting an unknown seed from another country could potentially have disastrous results.

This type of international shipment of plant material is unlawful and NCDA&CS asks anyone who received one of these unsolicited foreign shipments to save the contents along with all shipping labels and contact the Plant Industry Division toll-free at 800-206-9333 or email at newpest@ncagr.gov.  Plant Industry staff will contact you to gather information and pick up the package.

North Carolina residents are not in violation of any regulations if they received these shipments, but they are the key to identifying and stopping future shipments.

Largest Watermelon Contest

Get out there and start growing watermelons! The VCRFM is challenging you to grow the largest watermelon in the area. The winner will receive a $100 gift certificate to Franklin Brothers Nursery (courtesy of JASM Farms).

Note From the Farmers Market

Customers are asking about pink-eye purple hull peas – they are still about a week out from being available at the market. Please call VCRFM vendors to pre-order for curbside pick-up or large orders. Vendors can usually supply larger orders – such as a bushel of butter beans- if they know ahead of time.

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson, NC. Normal summer hours (through September 30) are Wednesdays and Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Town Talk 07/27/20: VCRFM’s New Tuesday Twilight Market an ‘Experiment’


Tracy Madigan, market manager for the Vance County Regional Farmers Market (VCRFM), appeared on WIZS Town Talk Monday at 11 a.m.

Madigan announced that the Vance County Regional Farmers Market (VCRFM) will hold its second “Twilight Market” this Tuesday, July 28, 2020, from 3:30 until 7:30 p.m. This will be in lieu of an open market on Wednesday, July 29.

VCRFM’s normal summer hours are Wednesdays and Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

According to Madigan, the first Twilight Market, held on June 30, was well-received by the community.

“This was an experiment,” Madigan explained. “We had good attendance at the first Twilight Market. We know it’s difficult for a lot of people to get to the market on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. The vendors and I decided we would try an afternoon/evening market. Hopefully, people who are getting off work can swing by, or if you finish your chores in the morning, you can come by on Tuesday afternoon.”

All vendors and customers are required to wear face coverings/masks, per Governor Cooper’s recent executive order.

The market will feature fresh and local summer produce including squash, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, cantaloupes, corn, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, watermelons, potatoes, okra, beets, cabbages, strawberries, radishes, greens and more. Vendors with pasture-raised beef, pork and free-range hen eggs will also be on-site.

Other available items include a variety of canned vegetables, pickles, chow-chow, sauces and local honey. For something sweet, try the pies, cakes, cheesecakes and cookies.

Pre-orders and curbside pickup will remain available throughout the season.

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson, NC. To stay up-to-date on events and offerings, visit the market’s Facebook page (click here).

(This is not a paid advertisement)

To hear the interview with Madigan in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market to Hold ‘Twilight Market’ Tues., July 28

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Vance County Regional Farmers Market

Vance County Regional Farmers Market (VCRFM) will hold its second “Twilight Market” this Tuesday, July 28, 2020, from 3:30 until 7:30 p.m. This will be in lieu of an open market on Wednesday, July 29.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, VCRFM has required all vendors to wear face coverings/masks. Per Governor Cooper’s recent executive order, all VCRFM customers are now required to wear face coverings/masks as well.

The market will feature fresh and local summer produce including squash, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, cantaloupes, corn, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, watermelons, potatoes, okra, beets, cabbages, strawberries, radishes, greens and more. Vendors with pasture-raised beef, pork and free-range hen eggs will also be on-site.

Other available items include a variety of canned vegetables, pickles, chow-chow, sauces and local honey. For something sweet, try the pies, cakes, cheesecakes and cookies.

Remaining 2020 Market Schedule:

Through September 30  

Wednesdays & Saturdays ~ 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Closed Wednesday, July 29

Special Twilight Market
(in lieu of Wednesday market)
Tuesday, July 28 ~ 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.

October 1 – December 5   
Saturdays ~ 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Handcrafted Holiday Market  
Saturday, November 21 ~ 8 a.m – 2 p.m.

Market closes for the season on Saturday, December 5

Pre-orders and curbside pick up will remain available throughout the season.

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson, NC.

Market Manager: Tracy Madigan (252) 598-0814
Extension Agent: Paul McKenzie (252) 438-8188

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market to Hold First ‘Twilight Market’ Tues., June 30

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Vance County Regional Farmers Market

Vance County Regional Farmers Market (VCRFM) will hold a “Twilight Market” this Tuesday, June 30, 2020, from 3:30 until 7:30 p.m. This will be in lieu of an open market on Wednesday, July 1.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, VCRFM has required all vendors to wear face coverings/masks. Per Governor Cooper’s recent executive order, all VCRFM customers are now required to wear face coverings/masks as well.

Remaining 2020 Market Schedule:

June 1 – September 30  

Wednesdays & Saturdays ~ 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Closed Wednesday, July 1 and July 29

Special Twilight Markets
(in lieu of Wednesday markets)
Tuesday, June 30 ~ 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, July 28 ~ 3:30 – 7:30 p.m.

October 1 – December 5   
Saturdays ~ 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Handcrafted Holiday Market  
Saturday, November 21 ~ 8 a.m – 2 p.m.

Market closes for the season  
Saturday, December 5

Pre-orders and curbside pick up will remain available throughout the season.

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market is located at 210 Southpark Dr. in Henderson, NC.

Market Manager: Tracy Madigan (252) 598-0814
Extension Agent: Paul McKenzie (252) 438-8188

(This is not a paid advertisement)

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

VCRFM’s May 28 Online Advisory Board Meeting Open to the Public

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent, NC Cooperative Extension

The next meeting of the Vance County Regional Farmers Market Advisory Board will be held via the Zoom video conferencing platform on Thursday, May 28, 2020, at 2 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.

For access information, please contact the NC Cooperative Extension’s Vance County Center by 1 p.m. on May 28. Those interested in participating may call (252) 438-8188 or email paul_mckenzie@ncsu.edu.