Tag Archive for: #vancecountynews

Vance County Logo

Vance Co. Commissioners to Hold Regular Board Meeting Dec. 7

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet on Monday, December 7, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.

Agenda Items Include:

1. Reorganization of Board 

  • Swearing in of Re-elected Commissioners
  • Election of Chair
  • Election of Vice-Chair

2. Adopt Schedule of Holidays

3. Renewal of Board of Commissioners Meeting Schedule (First Monday of each month at 6 p.m., unless otherwise noted)

4. Public Comments (for those registered to speak by 5:45 p.m. – speakers are limited to five minutes)

5. Public Hearing – Ambulance Franchise Ordinance Amendments

6. Public Hearing – Economic Development Project Duke Energy Grant

7. Appointment – Stuart Hill, Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Co. – FY 2019-2020 Audit Report

8. Appointment – Elliot Clark, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Program Update

9. Appointment – James Johnson, Program Director – Family Resource Center South Atlantic

10. Water District Board

a. Monthly Operations Report

11. Committee Reports and Recommendations

a. Public Safety Committee

– Ambulance Franchise Application

– North State Medical Transport

12. County Attorney’s Report

a. REO Properties – Bid Acceptance

– 715 Vaughan Street – Parcel 0075 02004

– 322 Pearl Street – Parcel 0098 01003

– 318 Pearl Street – Parcel 0098 01004

– 335 Pearl Street – Parcel 0098 02021

– 225 Pearl Street – Parcel 0098 03012

b. REO Properties – New Offers

– Andrews Avenue Lot – Parcel 0079 03036

– East Avenue Lot – Parcel 0079 03038

13. County Manager’s Report

a. Records Preservation – Register of Deeds

b. Lease Renewal – Scott Parker Building

c. Extension of Tax Listing Period

14. Consent Agenda Items

a. Budget Amendments

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Monthly Reports

d. Minutes

15. Miscellaneous

a. Appointments

b. Voting Delegate and Alternate – Legislative Goals Conference

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas.

I Voted Sticker

Vance Co. Board of Elections to Conduct Hand-Eye Ballot Recount

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

The Vance County Board of Elections will conduct a statewide hand-eye recount for all the ballots in three percent (3%) of the precincts casting ballots. The recount will start on Thursday, December 10, 2020, at 8:30 a.m.

If the recount is not finished on Thursday, December 10, the recount will continue on Friday, December 11 starting at 8:30 a.m.

The recount will take place at the Vance County Board of Elections office located at 300 S. Garnett Street, Henderson, NC. The recount is open to the public; however, space is limited.

In an effort to continue social distancing practices during the COVID19 pandemic, please RSVP your interest in attending the meeting by email to fgill@vancecounty.org.

Maria Parham Health

‘No Visitor Policy’ in Place at MPH Until Further Notice


Maria Parham Health has released a statement announcing that A NO VISITOR policy will be in place at the Henderson and Franklin Emergency Departments beginning at 5 p.m. on December 3, 2020.

Visitors will not be allowed in the waiting area or permitted in the Emergency Department patient care areas. All visitors will be requested to provide a cell phone number for contact and will be required to wait in their cars.

The only visitor exceptions are as follows:

  • Power of Attorney representatives
  • Patients nearing end of life may have 2 visitors
  • Children 16 years and younger may have 2 visitors

These restrictions will remain in place until further notice.

Aycock Rec Center

Aycock Rec. Center Offers Limited-Time Free Indoor Track Usage 

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Henderson Vance Recreation and Parks Department

For a limited time, walkers will be welcome free of charge at the indoor Aycock Rec Center track. The Aycock Rec Center is located at 307 Carey Chapel Rd in Henderson.

This offer is good Monday – Friday from 6 until 8 p.m. in 30-minute increments. Limit of five people per block of time.

Walkers must wear a mask and sign in at the front desk.

Vance County Courthouse

Vance County Court Sessions Resume Monday, Dec. 7

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Court sessions at the Vance County Courthouse will resume on Monday, December 7, 2020, after several canceled days due to a cluster of positive COVID-19 cases.

According to the Hon. Henry L. Gupton, the Courthouse will continue to follow all the guidelines that are in place, such as regular cleaning throughout the day, to ensure the safety of staff and the public.

Abandoned Mobile Home Program

Abandoned Mobile Home Program to Enhance Beauty, Safety of Vance Co.

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance County Government

Vance County is looking for applicants to participate in this year’s state grant-funded abandoned mobile home program. The program identifies abandoned mobile homes across the county that pose aesthetic, health and safety hazards. This is a voluntary program on behalf of the homeowner and is meant to enhance the beauty, safety and appearance of Vance County.

Homeowners are only required to pay $250 for singlewides and/or $500 for doublewides for the removal and proper disposal of the abandoned mobile home.

Vance County is finishing up this grant round with only a few applications to be accepted. However, due to the popularity of this program and the potential for future funding, applicants are encouraged to apply.

For those interested in applying, please contact Jason Falls at (252) 738-2090.

Crossroads Christian School

Sports Talk 12/01/20: Crossroads Christian Temporarily Halts Basketball Season

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

With questions surrounding mask requirements for student-athletes and health concerns, the Crossroads Christian School Colts have temporarily halted the men’s basketball season.

CCS Athletic Director Scottie Richardson said the decision was based solely on what is right for the players. “The decision came down to the health of our student-athletes, period,” said Richardson. “We just don’t have enough information on the status of playing a sport like basketball and wearing masks. Instead of just allowing it without doing our due diligence of understanding the risks involved with how it couples with asthma, breathing issues, heart issues from birth, etc., we decided to pause the sport for two weeks.”

Richardson further explained that several players have inhalers, are diabetic or have other underlying health issues that could potentially make playing sports in a mask more difficult.

In guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the wearing of masks during athletic activities, Richardson said the agency recognizes that “masks may be challenging for players (especially younger players) to wear while playing sports” and “masks should not be placed on anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious.”

The North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Association (NCISAA) recently announced plans for officials to extend timeouts, quarter breaks and halftime to allow for additional recovery time for playing in masks.

Basketball activities are expected to resume at CCS on Monday, December 7, 2020, with the team spending the first week back on the court in shooting drills, walk-through drills, etc.

According to Richardson, games and full-speed practices will remain paused until more information is gathered from the NCISAA and NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS). Games canceled for COVID issues or concerns are counted as “no contests.”

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

GVPH COVID Update: Increase in Active Cases, Outbreaks at Long-Term Care Facilities


-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

GVPH provided the following update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of November 30, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Vance County

Total Cases: 1,748
Active Cases: 535

Total Cases in Community: 1,569
Active Cases: 486
Cases Off-Isolation: 1,063

Total Cases at Long-Term Care Facilities: 179
Active Cases: 49
Cases Off-Isolation: 94

There is currently an outbreak at Senior Citizens Home.

Total Hospitalized with COVID-19: 26

Total Deaths: 56
Community: 20
Pelican Nursing Home: 14
Kerr Lake Nursing Home: 12
Senior Citizens Home: 10

Unfortunately, another death has been reported associated with the outbreak at Senior Citizens. A 93-year-old female passed away on Nov. 28.

Granville County

Total Cases: 2,547
Active Cases: 330

Total Cases in Community: 1,808
Active Cases: 296
Cases Off-Isolation: 1,503

Total Cases at Federal Prison: 530
Active Cases: 4
Cases Off-Isolation: 504

Total Cases at Long-Term Care Facilities: 209
Active Cases: 30
Cases Off-Isolation: 153

There are currently outbreaks at Universal Health Care, Murdoch Development Center, Granville House, RHA Health Services – Stem and Polk Correctional Institution.

Total Hospitalized with COVID-19: 6

Total Deaths: 57
Community: 9
Central Regional: 1
Granville House: 2
Murdoch Development Center: 2
Universal Health Care: 21
Federal Prison: 22

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

Please visit GVPH’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard (click here) for tables and graphs that are updated daily.

Holiday Crafty Kids

Youth Invited to HVRPD’s Holiday Craft Workshop

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Join the Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks Department for a holiday craft workshop for youth on Monday, December 21, 2020, at 6 p.m. at the Aycock Recreation Center.

Participants ages 4 to 8 will take part in crafts that are age-appropriate and holiday-themed. This event will be open to the first 12 participants to register. The cost is $5 per participant, and the registration deadline is Thursday, December 17, 2020.

You can register online at https://hvrpd.recdesk.com/ or at the Aycock Recreation Center.

Each participant must have an adult over the age of 18 with them at all times to help them with the crafts. Only the participant and one guardian will be allowed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Participants over the age of 5 and guardians are required to wear a mask at all times.

For more information, please contact Lauren Newlin at (252) 438-3160 (lnewlin@ci.henderson.nc.us).

Charles Boyd

Town Talk 11/24/20: Charles Boyd Talks Car Business, Growing Up in Vance County

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Guest host Brandon Boyd interviewed someone near and dear to his own heart for Tuesday’s segment of Town Talk, his father Charles Henry Boyd. Many in the community may know Charles as the owner of Charles Boyd Chevrolet Buick GMC in Henderson.

Born in Henderson in 1949, Charles, with the exception of his years in college, has called Vance County home all of his life. “Henderson has always been home,” he said. “It’s been a great life. Vance County has been so very good to us; a great place to live and to work.”

A child in the 50s and a teenager in the 60s, Charles said he has many memories of good times spent with his three brothers, family and friends. “I have memories of going downtown, going to the Embassy and going to the Stevenson Theatre. You could take about 15 cents to spend your evening and have a great time.”

Interested in cars since he was old enough to remember, Charles said he spent his younger years going with his father and brothers to tobacco warehouses to prospect vehicles, and later working after school “polishing cars, cleaning hubcaps and washing engines” at the used car lot.

Brandon Boyd (left) and Charles Boyd (right) pictured with one of their classic cars.

“Me and my three brothers, Maurice, Glenn and Jerry, have always had a passion for cars,” said Charles. “My father started off in farming and then went into the used car business.”

That passion continues today with Charles and his brothers collecting classic cars. “We collect cars, which is a great pastime, and we share the thrills in finding these cars and reselling them,” Charles stated. “We try to find cars that have been stored, that don’t have many miles; we like originality. It’s an enjoyment when you find something and think there’s not another one like it in the world. It’s not what you end up with; it’s the chase of finding something.”

Charles continued, “The car business has been a great part of my life. It’s been good to me and my family. Vance County has supported us in so many ways. We try to give everybody a fair and honest deal. My dad was known for being honest and looking out for customers, and that’s what we try to do.”

After starting out at Boyd Auto Sales on Garnett Street and selling his first used car at 11, Charles rented an available used car lot on Raleigh Road upon graduating Atlantic Christian College. According to Charles, rent was $75 a month, and the lot had no bathroom or running water.

“Today, we have a facility that’s state-of-the-art; we’ve come a long way,” Charles said. “It’s not what we’ve done, but what Vance County has done for us.”

Charles Boyd Chevrolet Buick GMC is located at 250 Ruin Creek Road in Henderson, NC.

To hear the interview with Charles and Brandon in its entirety, including more on growing up in Henderson and the car business, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.