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VGCC Biotech Students Participate in Virtual Career Fair

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Students studying biotechnology at Vance-Granville Community College recently joined their counterparts from a handful of other colleges in a career fair that was tailor-made for the current state of social distancing and video-conferencing. 

On May 14, nine VGCC Bioprocess students participated – from their homes – in the first in a planned series of Virtual Career Fairs organized by the BioNetwork, part of the N.C. Community College System. Representatives of several North Carolina biopharmaceutical companies talked with students, including Biogen, Catalent, KBI, Guerbet, Merck, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer and Seqirus, along with staffing agencies like Adecco, Manpower and Spectraforce. 

“This innovative event represented an outstanding partnership of Vance-Granville staff, the BioNetwork and the private sector,” said Stewart Lyon, who heads VGCC’s Biotech programs, based at the college’s Franklin County Campus. “Although the full results are still being tabulated, we know that our students were able to speak with an average of six employers during the event, and one student spoke with 13 potential employers!  Some participants have also confirmed that they have received invitations to formal job interviews from the event.”

VGCC not only made this opportunity available to students but also helped prepare them ahead of time, so they could present themselves in the best professional light. Lyon, VGCC Director of Career Services Linda Fletcher and BioNetwork staff all helped review the students’ resumes before the event. In fact, having an “approved” resume was a requirement for students to participate. Lyon and Fletcher continue to offer such services to students, to help them secure good jobs after they complete their studies. 

Enrollment for the Fall 2020 semester is going on now for the Bioprocess Technology program. VGCC offers a Bioprocess Technology certificate, which can be completed in as little as six months (combining online coursework with labs meeting only once per week); a diploma program, which takes about one year, and the two-year Associate in Applied Science degree. All these options are eligible for federal financial aid to qualified students. 

Lyon also points out that students have options to continue their education beyond VGCC, particularly through new transfer opportunities. Students seeking four-year degrees can transfer to North Carolina Central University and East Carolina University through special articulation agreements.

For more information on VGCC’s biotech programs, contact Mr. Lyon at lyons@vgcc.edu or 252-738-3632.

Prospective students are also encouraged to check the college website, www.vgcc.edu, and the Facebook page – facebook.com/vancegranville – this summer for announcements on upcoming Biotech information sessions.

Vance Co. Regional Farmers Market

VCRFM’s May 28 Online Advisory Board Meeting Open to the Public

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent, NC Cooperative Extension

The next meeting of the Vance County Regional Farmers Market Advisory Board will be held via the Zoom video conferencing platform on Thursday, May 28, 2020, at 2 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.

For access information, please contact the NC Cooperative Extension’s Vance County Center by 1 p.m. on May 28. Those interested in participating may call (252) 438-8188 or email paul_mckenzie@ncsu.edu.

Dr. Andrea Harris

In Memory of Dr. Andrea Harris, Local Resident and NC Women & Minority Economic Developer

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Obituary and photo courtesy Davis-Royster Funeral Service

Dr. Andrea Lynnette Harris, 71, of West Rockspring Street, Henderson, died May 20, 2020, at Duke Raleigh Medical Center in Raleigh. She was born in Sumter, SC to the late Al Harris, Sr. and Geneva Smith Harris.

A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. No public services will be held at this time.

She is survived by two nieces: Alana and Omara Harris; and one great-niece, Lourdes Harris, along with a host of other relatives and friends.

Arrangements are by Davis-Royster Funeral Service: https://www.davis-royster.com/obituaries/Dr-Andrea-Lynnette-Harris?obId=14048441#/celebrationWall

Dr. Andrea Harris, Henderson resident and NC Women & Minority Economic Developer, died May 20, 2020. (Photo courtesy Davis-Royster Funeral Service)

Congressman G. K. Butterfield issued the following statement on Harris:

“Andrea Harris lived a life of passion, humility and unwavering dedication to breaking barriers and blazing trails for the economic advancement of minority groups. From being the youngest community agency director in the nation at age 23 to serving as Co-founder of the Senior Fellow of the North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development in Durham, NC; Andrea dedicated her life’s work to the imperative economic principle that prosperity must be shared and never isolated.”

“Though she was the recipient of many awards and recognitions for her work in business and leadership—above all, Andrea Harris is beautifully adorned by the doors that she has opened, the opportunities that she has fostered and the lasting impact she has made on individuals, businesses and minority communities in North Carolina. Her legacy continues to challenge us all to be better, to speak up, to make our voices heard and our purpose clear. Andrea was my personal friend for more than 40 years, and I extend my sincerest condolences to the family, friends and loved ones during this difficult time.”

Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce President Michele Burgess said Harris will be remembered as a trailblazer for historically underutilized businesses and for her work with civil rights. She was serving as a member of the Vance County Economic Development Commission Board and was on the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees.

Henderson Mayor Eddie Ellington had these kind words: “Today we remember one of the brightest lights of our time. A brilliant champion for all people, a fierce friend and truly a phenomenal lady. Like so many others, we cherish the time we were privileged to share with Andrea Harris. With a strong word she had the ability to remind us what was truly important. I recall the words of Maya Angelou, ‘No sun outlasts its sunset, but will rise again, and bring the dawn.’”

Yesterday, NC Governor Roy Cooper honored Harris’ many accomplishments by ordering all North Carolina flags at state facilities to be lowered to half-staff until sunset on Saturday, May 23.

Henderson Family YMCA Moving Ahead With Youth Summer Day Camp


-Information courtesy the Henderson-Vance Co. Chamber of Commerce

The Henderson Family YMCA will hold summer day camp for ages 4-12 weekly beginning June 1 through August 7, 2020.

Camp will be held Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. Participation is $115 per week for members and $135 per week for non-members. Financial assistance is available.

Registration is available online only at https://www.hendersonymca.org/programs/camps/summer-day-camp

The camp will conduct daily health screenings and will follow recommendations from the NCDHHS, CDC and the health department.

More information on a virtual camp option and a teen camp for members 13-17 is coming soon.

The Henderson Family YMCA is located at 380 Ruin Creek Road in Henderson. For more information, please visit the website at www.hendersonymca.org or call (252) 438-2144.

Vance Co. Early College High School Graduates 41 in Drive-Thru Ceremony

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release and photos, Vance County Schools

Vance County Early College High School celebrated commencement with 41 graduates on Thursday, May 21, 2020, at 6 p.m. The drive-thru ceremony was held at Vance-Granville Community College. 

Though unable to have a traditional graduation, Vance County Schools was elated to be able to recognize the Class of 2020. The ceremony was live-streamed on the school district website and live updates were provided on WIZS 1450 AM/100.1 FM. 

Dr. Anthony Jackson, superintendent of Vance County Schools, and Mr. Travis Taylor, principal of Vance County Early College High School, presented each of the graduates with their diploma. 

Graduates were Ashly Arias, Dawson Ayscue, Evan Beaudet, Angela Bolanos Salazar, Mason Boone, Jasmine Davis, Daniela Decena-Santos, Aryianna Dockery, Virginia Ellis, Adison Evans, Emani’ Foster, Kierra Gray, Cheyenne Guerrant, Matthew Gupton, Viviana Hernandez, Seth Hight, Wesley Hight, Lakaevyn Holden, Tania Hunter, Isaiah Johen, Tre’Quan Johnson, Josiah Jones, Malik Kilgore, Logan Ludenburg, Destiny McBurrough, Kristyn Medlin, Hanna Miller, Chauncy Noel, Brayden Patterson, Jade Puryear, Josie Roberson, Kendall Royster, Jennifer Solomon, Julie Solomon, Jabrial Steed, Jessica Steed, Aure Tejada, Lane Wade, Ahbrionna Williams, Haley Williams and Leslie Zuniga Trejo.

Vance County Schools recognizes seniors using Latin honors as determined by the student’s grade point average. A total of 31 graduating Vance County Early College High School seniors received Latin honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, cum laude). 

Seniors Jade Puryear and Josiah Jones delivered pre-recorded speeches to their class. 

In addition to 41 high school diplomas being awarded, 29 students earned an Associate of Arts degree, and an additional 12 students earned transferrable college credit. Combined, the Vance County Early College High School students have been awarded over $5 million in scholarships and grants. 

For additional pictures from the ceremony, please visit the Vance County Schools’ Facebook page (click here).



Vance Co. Early College Grad

Vance Co. Early College Grad

Vance Co. Early College Grad

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

Local COVID-19 Report; NC Moves to Phase 2 of Lifting Restrictions

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health and Brian Short, director of H-V Emergency Management

As of May 21, 2020, there are 222 known COVID -19 cases in Granville County, 194 cases in Vance County, and 20,860 confirmed cases in North Carolina.

There are three outbreaks at congregate living facilities in the district – one at Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, NC, one at Pelican Health in Henderson, NC, and one at Kerr Lake Nursing Home in Henderson, NC.

Of the total positive cases in each county, 99 in Granville County are associated with the prisons, 45 in Vance County are associated with Pelican Health nursing home, and 18 are associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home.

Of the 123 community-based cases in Granville County, 54 have been released from isolation and five are hospitalized.

Of the 99 cases in the prison system, 67 have been released from isolation.

Of the 194 cases in Vance County, 75 have been released from isolation and 11 are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 26 deaths in the health district – 19 in Vance County and seven with the Bureau of Prisons in Granville County.

GVPH updates its website daily with Vance and Granville COVID-19 statistics. Please visit www.gvph.org/COVID-19/ for the latest information.

In state news, Governor Cooper and DHHS Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen issued Executive Order 141 announcing that North Carolina will move into “Safer At Home” Phase 2 of lifting COVID-19 restrictions today, Friday, May 22, 2020, at 5 p.m.

Phase 2 lifts the Stay At Home order moving into a Safer At Home recommendation, especially for people at high risk for serious illness. Teleworking is also urged when possible.

Mass gathering limits in Phase 2 will be no more than 10 people indoors or 25 people outdoors in most circumstances. These limits apply to the following: event venues; conference centers; stadiums and sports arenas; amphitheaters; and groups at parks or beaches.

Some businesses will remain closed in Phase 2 including bars, night clubs, gyms and indoor fitness facilities and indoor entertainment venues such as movie theaters and bowling alleys.

Certain businesses will be open at limited capacity with other requirements and recommendations, including restaurants at 50% dine-in capacity with distancing and cleaning requirements; personal care businesses, including salons and barbers, at 50% capacity with distancing and cleaning requirements; pools at 50% capacity with distancing and cleaning requirements.

Childcare facilities, day camps and overnight camps will be open with enhanced cleaning and screening requirements.

Retail businesses allowed to open in Phase 1 at 50% capacity will continue at that level.

Public health recommendations are provided for worship services to practice enhanced social distancing and other cleaning and hygiene practices.

The Safer At Home Phase 2 runs through at least Friday, June 26, 2020.

Salvation Army

Town Talk 05/21/20: Salvation Army Increases Food Distribution; Summer Camp a Go


Lt. Derrick Smith and Kim Davis, with the Henderson Salvation Army, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Thursday at 11 a.m.

Food Distribution

To ensure that the nutritional needs of the community are met during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Salvation Army is now distributing emergency food boxes every 30 days instead of the typical every 60-90 days.

Food Bank-provided fresh produce boxes with a variety of fruits and vegetables are also available at the Salvation Army’s new location at 2292 Ross Mill Road in Henderson.

Food boxes are available for pickup Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. Picture ID is encouraged but not required for food distribution.

Those in need of transportation can call the Salvation Army at (252) 438-7107 and a ride will be arranged courtesy of KARTS.

Summer Camp 2020

According to Davis, director of the Red Shield Club and Community Center, the Henderson Salvation Army’s summer camp is a go this year for all youth ages 6 to 17.

The Red Shield Boys & Girls Club camp will be held June 15 through August 14, 2020, from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Participants may attend all nine weeks or may pick and choose weeks. Cost is $55 per week, and snacks and lunch are provided each day.

Activities include spiritual programs, daily devotionals, curriculum programs, lessons on healthy habits, music, drama, painting, sports, gaming, computer lab and much more.

To keep campers and workers safe during the pandemic, Davis said the camp will follow strict safety guidelines and will be thoroughly disinfected daily. “Our number one priority is the safety of all – children and staff. We will be following National Health and Safety standards, along with the CDC’s cleaning and disinfecting guidelines, and will be cleaning every day, all day.”

Registration forms are now available at the front desk of the Salvation Army located at 2292 Ross Mill Road. A $25 registration fee applies; however, the fee is waived for any additional siblings.

Davis said several guardians have completed the camp registration in their car and returned the form to the front desk, decreasing their chances of possible virus exposure and saving them an extra trip.

Other News

Registration for the Salvation Army’s 2020-2021 after-school program begins July 1. Forms may be picked up at the front desk. With local schools potentially starting the new school year on different dates, Davis said the organization is prepared to offer both summer camp and after school care for the weeks that coincide.

On the job front, the Salvation Army has several paid positions available, including Education Coordinator, Program Aide – Sports and Fitness, as well as several summer camp positions. Apply online at www.indeed.com.

To hear the interview with Smith and Davis in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

Vance County Sheriff's Office

Vance Co. Sheriff’s Office Warns Public of Increase in Scam Calls

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the Vance County Sheriff’s Office

The Vance County Sheriff’s Office would like to make the public aware of some recent trends that the agency has noticed.

From May 4, 2020, to the present, the Vance County Sheriff’s Office has received approximately nine incident reports that relate to Identity Fraud/Theft, Credit Card Fraud, Obtaining Property by False Pretense and Forgery. It appears that most of the investigations have some international ties to different countries.

The public should be mindful that if you receive a request from an unknown person or persons asking you to buy gas cards or supply them with your Social Security Card, banking information or purchasing animals through Paypal, you could be getting scammed.

We want to encourage the members of our community to be mindful of their financial transactions and ask that you do not provide personal information over the phone.

If you have any questions, please contact the Vance County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division at (252) 7382200.

Town Talk 05/20/20: Henderson Rec Players ‘Family’ Will Pull Through Difficult Year

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

Husband and wife team Tommy and Jo Ellen Nowell, along with son Matt, all heavily involved with the Henderson Rec Players and McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center, appeared on WIZS Town Talk Wednesday at 11 a.m.

The Nowells spoke about the Henderson Rec Players’ recent decision to cancel its 2020 summer season – the first break since its conception in 1972 – while also remembering the good times of the past and looking ahead to the future.

Jo Ellen, director of the Henderson Rec Players for 19 years, explained that canceling this year’s season was actually a perfect storm that included issues with obtaining performance rights and paying required royalties, along with complications from the coronavirus pandemic.

“Several of the rental houses in New York were going through a merger when we attempted to get rights to the productions in the winter. We were told they were tied up with the merger and requests were on the backburner,” said Jo Ellen. “When the virus struck, rental houses were busy with cancelations and transfers and requests continued to be on the backburner.”

Between issues with obtaining rights and restrictions on physically congregating for auditions, rehearsals and performances thanks to COVID-19, Jo Ellen lamented, “put all these things together and that’s why we had to make the decision to postpone.”

Since planning began for the 2020 season in the winter of 2019, and requests for production rights had already been made, Jo Ellen is hopeful that the Henderson Rec Players are now ahead of the game for the 2021 summer season.

Discussing the history of the Rec Players, Tommy, the former technical director and still an integral part of each production, said he has been involved with the group for 48 years. In talking “Henderson Rec Players All-Stars,” Tommy said he had to start with Chuck Grubbs, then the head of the Vance County Recreation and Parks Department, and Dwight Pearce, a now-retired local English and drama teacher and former mayor of Norlina.

“Chuck had the concept that recreation is more than a bat and a ball; recreation includes theatre and the arts,” said Tommy. “He and Dwight put their heads together and came up with the concept of the Rec Players.”

For all but the last few years, Rec Players’ performances were held in the E.M. Rollins Elementary School auditorium. That changed when McGregor Hall opened its doors with a state-of-the-art, 1,000-seat theatre in 2016.

The Henderson Rec Players, previously under the jurisdiction of the City and County via the Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department, was incorporated as part of McGregor Hall last year. Matt Nowell, technical director for McGregor Hall, explained that it was “always part of the plan” for the Rec Players to eventually fall under the umbrella of the performing arts center.

Jo Ellen said this change has allowed for more space and an even greater inclusivity for all those interested in theatre. “We are inclusive is so many ways and are one of the few programs open to all ages. It’s great for children to see other children, teenagers and adults all working together and learning from each other. We work with all cultures and all abilities. We do not turn anybody away, ever.”

The Nowells are proud of the fact that many involved in the Rec Players have made theatre or the arts their profession. “So many of the people who have worked with the Henderson Rec Players in the past have gone on from this area to have professional careers. One of the best examples is Bobby Funk who is now a drama professor at East Tennessee State University. Another alumnus is the technical director of the Miami City Ballet,” Jo Ellen said.

With a lengthy hiatus looming, Tommy said he hopes people will reflect on what local theatre has meant to the community.

“I’m hoping people will take this time to realize what they are missing by not having us. There’s an old adage: ‘How can I miss you if you won’t go away?’ Perhaps people will realize that this is a pretty unique thing we have going on here, and the support of the community is absolutely essential.”

The Nowells are humbled by the response they have received from the community since their cancellation announcement and have been touched by those who have reached out in support and gratitude for their time with the group.

“The Henderson Rec Players is a family,” Tommy said. “In a 40 to 50 year period of time, people come in and people go out, but you’re always part of the family.”

Matt echoed that sentiment, “Our mission has always been to entertain the community, but it has also been to provide a place for people who may not feel that they have a place anywhere else.”

To hear the interview with the Nowells in its entirety, go to WIZS.com and click on Town Talk.

Vance-Granville Community College Holds Virtual ADN Pinning Ceremony

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

A virtual pinning ceremony was held using Zoom on Thursday, May 14, 2020, at 6 p.m., for the Vance-Granville Community College Associate Degree Nursing Class of 2020. 

The family and friends of the 43 graduates were sent a link to the Zoom session so that they could watch the pinning ceremony, which opened with welcoming reflections from Dr. Levy Brown, VGCC Vice President of Learning, Student Engagement & Success/Chief Academic Officer; Dr. Anna Seaman, VGCC Associate Degree Nursing Program Head; and Henrry Rebollar-Miguel, class president.

Dr. Seaman noted that 2020 is the ‘Year of the Nurse’ and that no one could have imagined what this year would actually mean for Nursing. She noted that these graduates would soon put on their ‘superhero costumes’ and enter into the workforce.

Jamie Davis, VGCC Nursing instructor, presented cords to students who participated in the VGCC Student Nurses Association, which is a chapter of the National Student Nurses Association.

Maggie King-Harris, VGCC Nursing instructor, recognized those students graduating with honors (a GPA of 3.5 or higher). Those recognized include Reuben Aluoch; Jessica Baker; Susan Carr; Michelle Harris-Evans; and Stephanie Parham. Raine Tucker-Smith was recognized as the graduate with the highest GPA in the class.

Brande McILroy shared the story of the VGCC Nursing Pin and graduates were then ‘handed’ their pin virtually by Dr. Seaman. As each graduate received their pin, they shared where they planned to work; their plans for continuing their education; and their appreciation to family, friends and faculty for their support during their time in school. 

After receiving their pins, the graduates recited the Nursing Pledge (written by Beverly Hansen O’Malley, RN) with Vanessa Ramseur, VGCC Nursing Instructor. Ugur Celimli, VGCC Nursing Instructor, presented the class as official graduates of the Associate Degree Nursing Class of 2020. 

Even though the ceremony was not able to be held on the VGCC campus, as traditionally done, the graduates remarked that it was still a meaningful and memorable way to mark the end of their nursing school journey at VGCC.

The graduates are:

From Henderson: Bridget Eaton, Cassidy Ivey, Cayla Ranes

From Oxford: Tammie Davis, Taneisha Jordan, Erica Thorpe, Hannah Tuck

From Creedmoor: Eunice Ayaa, Caliegh Katz

From Louisburg: Brittany Sullivan, Shanika Upchurch

From Rolesville: Raine Tucker-Smith

From Zebulon: Joshua Miller

From Raleigh: Aniekan Akpan, Reuben Aluoch, Elizabeth Kenney, Dennis Mutisya, Andrew Zambrano

From Durham: Charles Ngeve, Annah Ongeri, Abigail Rodriguez, Solange Tant, Hser Tha

From Franklinton: Henrry Reboccar-Miguel

From Holly Springs: Irene Solomon

From Apex: Rebekah Speed 

From Wake Forest: Jessica Baker, Christopher Ellis, Anne Onsomu

From Macon: Tracey Brown

From Bullock: Brittany Buchanan

From Rougemont: Susan Carr, Branice Chogo, Cherrie Satterfield

From Hollister: Tiara Daniel

From Youngsville: Patrisha Ferrick, Michelle Harris-Evans, Sheniqua Pruden, Wyverta Rawls

From Kittrell: Diedre Joyner, Stephanie Parham, Rachel Spall 

From Norlina: Chiatyra Turner

In lieu of the class picture that is normally taken before the ceremony, graduates were asked to submit personal photos to be used in making a class collage that will be posted on the VGCC website.

VGCC ADN Pinning

Pictured from left: Reuben Aluoch; Eunice Ayaa; Jessica Baker; Tracey Brown; Brittany Buchanan; Susan Carr; Branice Chogo; Tiara Daniel; Tammie Davis; Bridget Eaton; Christopher Ellis; Michelle Harris-Evans; Patrisha Ferrick; Cassidy Ivey; Taneisha Jordan; Deidre Joyner; Caliegh Katz; Elizabeth Kenney; Shanika UpChurch-McBride and Henrry Rebollar-Miguel.

VGCC ADN Pinning

Pictured from left: Charles Ngeve; Annah Ongeri; Anne Onsomu; Stephanie Parham; Sheniqua Pruden; Cayla Raynes; Wyverta Rawls; Abigail Rodreguiz; Cherrie Satterfield; Raine Tucker-Smith; Irene Solomon; Rebekah Speed; Solange Tant; Hser Tha; Erica Thorpe; Hannah Tuck; Chiatrya Turner and Andrew Zambrano.

Not Pictured in either collage — Aniekan Akpan, Jr.; Joshua Miller; Dennis Mutisya; Rachel Spall, and Brittany Sullivan.