Tag Archive for: #vancecountycommissioners

Vance County NC

Vance County Judicial Redistricting Resolution Meeting Tuesday, Jan 30, 2018

According to a press release issued by Vance County, there will be a special called meeting of the Vance County Commissioners on Tuesday, January 30.  It will take place at 8:45 a.m. in the Perry Memorial Library Farm Bureau Room located at 205 Breckenridge Street.

The press release continues that the purpose of the special meeting is to “approve a resolution regarding judicial redistricting.”

The importance of the resolution, if it passes, will be a demonstration on the part of Vance County that it wishes to remain in the 9th Judicial District and keep Mike Waters as District Attorney for the County.

The 9th Judicial District is comprised of Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin Counties presently.

Vance County Commission Chairman Tommy Hester called the special meeting here in Vance County.

Hester told WIZS News, “(Waters) has done a great job.  We have a lot in common with those counties.  We look at economic development, Boys and Girls Clubs, hospitals, there’s a lot of things involved.”  He said having to go with a district attorney in a far away county “is not going to be as good as being able to have someone close by who you can work with, who’s worked with this county and done a great job for this community.”

He said he could not speak for the board because it had not voted yet but said “personally I’m against us being moved.”

It’s unclear at this time if the other counties involved will call special meetings also, not to mention local municipalities like the City of Henderson.

Vance County NC

Vance County Commissioners’ Properties Committee Meeting Tues, Jan 2

Kelly Grissom, Executive Assistant and Clerk to Board, notified local press that “the County’s Properties Committee (Brummitt, Taylor, Wilder) is scheduled to meet Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 3:30 p.m. in the administrative conference room.  Topics to be discussed include the DSS Feasibility Study, demolition of Abagayle’s Books building, and REO property offers.”

The meeting is open to all commissioners and to the public.

Vance Commissioners Move Forward on Golden LEAF Grant for Mako

With three swift, unanimous votes the Vance County Board of Commissioners approved Chairman Thomas S. Hester to proceed on the next steps by the County towards helping fulfill the economic development incentives package being afforded Mako Medical Laboratories.

Chairman Hester is now authorized to execute the Golden LEAF grant agreement with Mako.  The County will now appropriate an amount not to exceed $522,987 for the purchase of equipment to be leased to Mako Medical Laboratories pursuant to the Golden LEAF grant.  And, the chairman can now execute an equipment lease with Mako Medical Laboratories pursuant to the Golden LEAF grant.

The meaning is Golden LEAF will grant Vance County $522,987 which Vance County will use to purchase equipment.  Mako will lease that equipment from the county over a five year term at two percent interest after which Mako will own the equipment and the county will have the money back.

Vance County does not have to return the funds to Golden LEAF, yet can use it again for additional economic development as well as a very short list of other items related to things like education and science.

The stipulations from Golden LEAF, according to county officials, are that Mako achieve at least 90 percent of the agreed to number of jobs, 153, and that the average income for those jobs is around $52,000 per year.

There was a special called meeting Monday afternoon at 4 P.M. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room.

For more about the Mako announcement back on November 28, click here: Teamwork and Good People Means New Jobs in Vance.

Vance County NC

Special Called Meeting, Dec. 11th, 4 p.m.

— courtesy Vance County Government

This memorandum will serve as notice that Chairman Thomas S. Hester, Jr. has called a special meeting for Monday, December 11, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC. The purpose of the special meeting is to:

  1. Approve and authorize the chairman to execute the Golden LEAF grant agreement for Mako Medical Laboratories.
  2. Approve Budget Amendment #15 and appropriate an amount not to exceed $522,987 for the purchase of equipment to be leased to Mako Medical Laboratories pursuant to the Golden LEAF grant.
  3. Approve and authorize the chairman to execute an equipment lease with Mako Medical Laboratories pursuant to the Golden LEAF grant.
  4. Other matters as necessary.