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County Broadband Expansion Possible If Grants Come Through

The Vance County Board of Commissioners heard a report from the Technology Committee at its Mar. 7 meeting and entered into a memorandum of understanding with CenturyLink to approve authorizing up to $750,000 in funding to expand broadband capacity across the county.

This action is contingent on a grant application by CenturyLink to get money from the NC GREAT grant partnership. GREAT stands for Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology.

The memorandum of understanding with CenturyLink would create a partnership that would commit the county to provide 10 percent of the overall project cost – up to $750,000 in ARPA funding – to allow for the addition of approximately 110 miles of fiber lines installed in the county that would be available to 2,261 premises across the county.

The Technology Committee was made aware that $380 million is available for the next round of grant funding; applications are being accepted through April 4, 2022. CenturyLink is scheduled to submit an application before this April deadline.

This county’s contribution would come from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and it would only be contributed if CenturyLink’s grant application is accepted, according to information from the commissioners’ agenda.

Local governments are not eligible to apply for GREAT grants, but they may partner with internet service providers that have an interest in expanding coverage. The maximum grant amount per applicant is $4 million and the maximum amount per county is $8 million.

Charter/Spectrum recently received funding from the federal Rural Digital Opportunities Fund (RDOF), which will allow for broadband improvements in parts of the county over the next few years, the agenda information stated.

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TownTalk: County Commissioners To Work On Issues During Retreat

Updated 3/4/2022

The Vance County commissioners completed their planning retreat on Thursday, Mar. 3 and prioritized five goals for the coming year, which remain in draft form until they are formally approved at the April board meeting.

County Manager Jordan McMillen told WIZS News that all indications are that the five priorities will be:

  1. To retain or assist in creation of 150 new jobs and $10 million in new investment for the County to include completion of design and construction of a shell building at the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park.
  2. Complete an Economic Development Strategic plan aimed at setting priorities and benchmarks for the future of economic development to include prioritizing regionalization.
  3. Implement a community paramedicine program that seeks to improve community health, reduce frequent fliers, and assist in lowering EMS call volume.
  4. Begin planning (land acquisition and design) necessary for a new public safety center to house the county EMS and fire departments.
  5. Begin construction of Phase 1B of the county water system and offer public information/signup meetings with a goal of increasing signups 20 percent above the current level.

Other takeaways that McMillen noted following the retreat include the positive financial position the county finds itself in, which will help the county be able to bring employee salaries more in line with the market.

“This speaks to our fund balance (unassigned fund balance of 44 percent of expenditures) and also the increases we have seen in sales tax revenue the past few years which we are hopeful will position us to implement our recent salary study with the new budget July 1,” McMillen said.

The board must approve the salary plan before it goes into effect. “As we work budget, we intend to be in position to approve the salary study at our June meeting to be effective with the new budget,” McMillen said.

He cited some details of the salary study, noting that 82 percent of salaries “are closer to the minimum and have not progressed to the midpoint or the maximum of the pay grade.” If and when the plan is approved, “employees’ salaries would be slotted where they belong along the pay range according to the market and our starting salaries will move up as well across the board,” he explained.

Neighboring counties have conducted similar studies in the past year or so, which impacts Vance County’s ability to effectively recruit and retain employees, McMillen added.

“Economic development remains the top goal and priority for our board,” he said. “A major part of this effort is continuing to develop our industrial park and looking toward a possible shell building in the future.” McMillen said more information about this topic will be announced at the commissioners’ meeting Monday, Mar. 7.

During the retreat, the group discussed the need to work together with neighboring counties to strengthen regionalism and support regional efforts.

The county’s effort over the past five years to return foreclosed and other properties to the tax rolls has been successful, McMillen said. In that period, 116 properties have been returned to the tax rolls, which is the equivalent of returning $830,000 in value to the tax rolls.

The county took in more than $300,000 in revenue for these properties, he said.




Vance County commissioners and county staff have gathered today (Thursday) for its annual planning retreat to discuss upcoming priorities, review goals and talk about results of a recent salary and benefits study of county jobs.

It began at 9 a.m. today and was scheduled to conclude at 2 p.m., according to information from County Manager Jordan McMillen.

The retreat was rescheduled from an earlier date so the salary study could be completed. John C. Rose perused the 51-page agenda that McMillen had prepared for the retreat, and said the first topic of conversation was the salary and benefits study, which was presented to commissioners.

Also on the agenda was a recap of the county’s financial condition and fiscal outlook presented by Finance Director Katherine Bigelow.

There are numerous openings within county government and law enforcement that have yet to be filled, including 16 at the detention center and 8 within the sheriff’s office. There are 32 openings at the Department of Social Services and a dozen openings within the EMS system.

Whether qualified candidates simply aren’t looking in Vance County or not considering working here because the pay isn’t competitive with other areas, the fact remains that there are openings that need to be filled.

The salary study included information about employee outreach, current conditions, review of compensation and having an updated pay plan, according to information in the agenda.


Some of the goals that were scheduled to be discussed included the following:


  • Creation of 150 new jobs and bringing in $10 million in new investment
  • Completion of economic development plan
  • Construction of a shell building at industrial park
  • Creation of a paramedicine program to reduce EMS call volume
  • Initial planning of a new public safety center to house EMS and fire departments
  • Start Phase 1B of the county water system
  • Increase signups to the water system by 20 percent over current signups


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Commissioners To Hold Public Hearing Feb. 7 To Begin Planning 2022-23 Budget

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will hold a pre-budget public hearing on Feb. 7, 2022 in the commissioners’ meeting room, 122 Young St.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m., or shortly thereafter, according to a public notice from the county manager’s office.

The board of commissioners will soon begin work on developing the 2022-23 county budget and is interested in receiving suggestions and priorities from residents to help them in the development of the budget. The Feb. 7 public hearing is the first of two public hearings that will be held on the budget. The county manager will submit a recommended budget in May and a second public hearing will be held on the proposed budget on June 6, 2022. The board will adopt the FY 2022-23 budget no later than July 1, 2022.



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Sheriff, jail staff working to fix problems noted in state inspection

The Vance County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to hear a report about the recent state inspection of the county jail at their meeting Monday, Jan. 10.

Although the biannual inspection contained numerous findings regarding the state of the facility, the director’s report indicates that all deficiencies have either been corrected or are close to being corrected.

Vance County Detention Director Maj. John Shelton prepared a three-page response to the inspection, which was conducted on Dec. 1, 2021 by an inspector from N.C. Health and Human Services.

Most of the findings have to do with the actual jail building and include issues like peeling paint, rusty vents in cells and damaged glass. Sheriff Curtis R. Brame told WIZS News that the county just needs a new detention center.

“The one that serves our county is old, outdated, antiquated and unsafe for both staff and detainees,” Brame said in an email.

The peeling paint and rusty vents are both the result of condensation on exterior walls, Shelton noted in his report. “Over the years, the mildew has been painted over rather that the source being eliminated. That has caused the paint to bubble up and peel away,” the report stated.

Dehumidifiers have been placed throughout the facility and the plan is to install a vent fan to pull moisture out, as well as address any air flow issues. Once the moisture problem has been fixed, the walls will be scraped and re-painted. But that work will have to be contracted out because the jail has no maintenance person and there currently are no “suitable trustees to help,” the report stated.

Staffing shortages are the result of another finding by the state inspector in the supervision category. Regulations state that inmates be observed “at least two times within a 60-minute period on an irregular basis with not more than 40 minutes between rounds.”

A records review during the inspection found that this was not the case on at least one occasion.

The sheriff’s office report said there are not enough detention officers available to make sure each squad is fully staffed. Three squads have only three detention officers and a fourth squad only has two. The authorized staffing level is seven per squad.

“We have been offering paid overtime to detention officers and deputies to fill some of the vacant blocks of time, particularly at night and on the weekends,” Shelton stated in the report. A lieutenant has been put in charge of monitoring the rounds and taking disciplinary action when necessary.

Other issues that were identified are:

  • Inoperable fixtures, but Shelton said that the lights in the female dorm had not been turned on at the switch. “Once those lights were switched on, they worked as designed.” The bulbs that are not working in Segregation Cell 3 will be changed once the bits arrive that are needed to unscrew the bolts of the tamper-proof fixture, the report stated.
  • Perry Glass will install new Lexan to replace the damaged laminated glass in Segregation Cell 1.
  • A missing ceiling tile in a storage area has been replaced.
  • An outside  camera is not working, and Shelton noted that it had been damaged in a storm. The camera vendor has been contacted.
  • Dieticians at Maria Parham Health have been contacted to consult with planning menus for detainees.

The Local Skinny! Public Hearing Jan. 3 To Begin County Budget Discussions

Updated 01-04-22 at 12:30 p.m. —

Kelly H. Grissom – Executive Assistant/Clerk to Board of the Vance County Board of Commissioners – informs WIZS, “A 10-day notice is required for public hearings.”

She said, therefore, that a new notice would be prepared on the pre-budget public hearing and that the public hearing would be postponed until the February meeting.


Update 01-03-22 at 1:30 p.m. —

The Vance County Board of Commissioners’ meeting was rescheduled for Monday, January 10th at 6:00 p.m. due to inclement weather.


The Vance County board of commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, Jan. 3, 2022 to hear from residents about the 2022-23 budget.

This “pre-budget” public hearing will be held in the commissioners’ meeting room at 122 Young St. and is scheduled to begin shortly after 6 p.m., according to information from County Manager Jordan McMillen.

This is the first of two public hearings to hear from residents about suggestions and priorities for the upcoming budget.

The county manager is scheduled to submit a recommended budget in May. The second public hearing is planned for June 6, 2022 and then the board must adopt a final budget no later than July 1, when the new fiscal year begins.

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Vance Commissioners to Discuss McGregor Hall Funding Request

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy the County of Vance

Vance County’s Intergovernmental Committee (Taylor, Feimster, Kelly) is scheduled to meet Wednesday, August 26, 2020, at 3 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room of the Vance County Administration Building located at 122 Young Street in Henderson.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss a funding request from McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center.

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Vance Co. Board of Commissioners to Hold July’s Scheduled Meeting This Evening

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

The Vance County Board of Commissioners will meet Monday, July 6, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson.

Agenda items:

ABC Composite Board to Reappoint Member and Chair to ABC Board

Brian Short, Emergency Operations – COVID-19 Response Update

Alan Helias, Alan Fitzpatrick, Kent Winrich – Open Broadband Update

Angie Blount, County Planner Rezoning Request – Case RZ20200409-1 ~ 12996 NC Hwy 39 North; Parcel 0325C03002

Water District Board

a. Committee Report

b. Monthly Operations Report

Committee Reports and Recommendations

a. Public Safety Committee

– Used Ladder Truck

– Animal Services Ordinance Amendments

– Redistricting

– Fire Reorganization

b. Properties Committee

– Shared Parking Agreement at Eaton Johnson – Henderson Institute

– Green Rural Redevelopment (GRRO) Proposal – Eaton Johnson Kitchen/Cafeteria

Finance Director’s Report

a. Surplus Property

b. COVID-19 – Coronavirus Relief Fund

c. DSS Relocation Project Ordinance

d. Final Resolution – JP Morgan Chase Financing

County Attorney’s Report

a. REO Properties – New Offers

– Oak Ridge Church Road Lot (Parcel 0482 04006)

– Lot 4 Tanner Street (Parcel 0111 04009)

County Manager’s Report

a. Economic Development Director Search

b. CRF Funding Agreements

Consent Agenda Items

a. Budget Amendment

b. Tax Refunds and Releases

c. Monthly Reports

d. Minutes


a. Appointments

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas.

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Vance Co. Commissioners Call Special Meeting to Discuss Confederate Monument

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

Vance County Board of Commissioners Chairman Gordon Wilder has called a special meeting for Tuesday, June 30, 2020, at 5 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.

Please note there will be no public comment session during this special meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to: 

  1. Enter into closed session for attorney-client privileged matter
  2. Confederate monument
  3. Other items as necessary
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Special Meeting Called to Adopt Vance Co. Water District Budget Ordinance – June 15

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

Vance County Board of Commissioners Chairman Gordon Wilder has called a special meeting for Monday, June 15, 2020, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Conference Room, Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.


1. Water District Board

The Vance County Water District Board will be called to order to adopt the FY 2020-21 Water District Budget Ordinance.

2. Finance Director’s Report

a. Budget Amendments

b. Authorization of Year-End Closeouts

c. Education Lottery Fund Applications

d. Adoption of FY 2021-25 Capital Improvements Plan

3. County Manager’s Report

a. Adoption of FY 2020-21 Budget Ordinance

b. Approval of Salary Schedule – Effective July 1, 2020

c. Economic Development Incentive – Maria Parham Health

d. Rezoning Request – Bullocksville Park Road (Parcel 0586 01010)

4. Eaton Johnson Project

a. Public Hearing – Local Government Commission Financing

b. Preliminary Findings Resolution and Bank Financing Selection

c. Review of Bids and Award of Construction Contract

5. Board of Equalization and Review

The Vance County Board of Equalization and Review will be adjourned.

6. Other Items as Necessary

Click here to view current and prior Board agendas.

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Vance County Commissioners to Hold Budget Work Sessions May 12 & 13

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Kelly H. Grissom, Clerk to Board/Executive Asst., County of Vance

Please be informed that the Vance County Board of Commissioners will hold budget work sessions on Tuesday, May 12 and Wednesday, May 13, 2020, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

These sessions will be held in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, 122 Young Street, Henderson.

Due to limited space for the public, links have been added to the Vance County website under “Latest News” so that people can listen in on the work sessions.

Vance County Manager Jordan McMillen will be on WIZS TownTalk at 11 a.m. on Thursday, May 14 to discuss the budget sessions. Listen live at 1450 AM, 100.1 FM or online at www.wiz.com by clicking Listen Live.