Tag Archive for: #vancecountyboardofcommissioners

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TownTalk: Vance County Commissioners Vote To Accept Audit Report

The Vance County Board of Commissioners received and accepted the most recent audit report as part of its Feb. 3 meeting.

It’s a routine matter for the board, but County Attorney Jonathan Care asked a few questions of Alan Thompson, who presented the report to the board and reviewed highlights.

Care wasn’t so much concerned numbers or findings – he simply wanted to know the auditor’s opinion about the level of cooperation his firm had received from current staff.

In the previous audit presentation in June 2024, commissioners heard a number of concerns ranging from a lack of training and cross-training of staff to lack of oversight by the previous finance director.

“Do you have the same concerns that you had about some of our staff this year that you had in previous years?” Care asked Thompson.

“No,” Thompson replied.

Care continued, saying “You made it sound like you had a lot more concerns than any of us sitting around this dais understood or gathered from your previous presentations. So, rather than relying on your reports and presentations, I’m asking you specifically: Do you still have those concerns about any of our staff and the findings that you found during this audit process?

Again, Thompson’s answer was “No.”

He added to his answer and explained that he had contacted Finance Director Stephanie Wiliams and County Manager C. Renee Perry on a regular basis during the most recent audit and got “positive responses.”

Perry began her job as county manager in November 2023; Williams came on board in April 2024.

Board Chair Carolyn Faines commended Perry and her administrative staff for their work on the most recent audit. “They have done a wonderful job and they have worked very hard to put this audit together. I commend you all and thank you all for a job well done.”

Perry accepted Faines’s remarks, adding her own thanks to Williams and the finance staff because “she inherited a mess and I think we all know that.

“For us to have turned it around in the short period that we have, I’m very proud of my staff.”


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Commissioners Approves Food Truck Policy On County-Owned Property

County commissioners approved a policy Monday to regulate food trucks – where they can be, and for how long – on county-owned property.

The Properties Committee – commissioners Dan Brummitt, Leo Kelly and Valencia Perry – met on Jan. 27 to review the policy that was recommended for approval by the full board at the Feb. 3 monthly meeting.

Food trucks – or Mobile Food Service businesses as the policy states – increase foot traffic to public spaces and foster “a vibrant and inclusive community environment.”

The policy defines Mobile Food Service as “a readily movable cart, trailer, motorized wheeled vehicle” that is used and equipped to serve food.

Food trucks offer customers additional dining options and can also support “the incubation and growth of entrepreneurial/start-up businesses,” the policy states.

Food truck operators still have to comply with all the state regulations, including having a valid health permit that has to be prominently displayed.

They also have to follow any city zoning ordinances, provide their own trash receptacles and be at least 100 feet away from the customer entrance of an existing restaurant during its hours of operation, unless the restaurant owner says it’s ok to be closer.

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TownTalk: Four (Now Five) Put Names Up For Consideration To Fill District 3 Board Seat

Update 1-28-25:

Vance County Manager Renee Perry said, “One more was received before the deadline. Charisse Fain.”

Perry confirmed that during the next regular commissioners meeting, this Monday, February 3, 2025 at 6 p.m., that next steps in this appointment process will be discussed.

Please review earlier updates below for further information.

Update 1-24-25:

The Vance County Board of Commissioners has the names of four people who are interested in filling the vacant District 3 seat on the board. Today was the deadline to submit names and the names that WIZS reported Thursday are the names that will be considered, according to information from County Manager C. Renee Perry.

Listed in alphabetical order, the four individuals are:

Joseph Doyle Carpunky
Jeanette B. Floyd
Charles Turrentine, Jr.
William Gordon Wilder

Former Commissioner Sean Alston vacated his seat on the board effective Jan. 1, when he took a job as a magistrate in Warren County. The commissioners have until Mar. 1 – 60 days from the time the seat was vacated – to appoint a replacement.

At a meeting in early January, County Attorney Jonathan Care advised commissioners that a meeting may need to be held in early February to discuss the appointment and those interested in filling Alston’s unexpired term.

The next regular meeting of the commissioners is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 3.

The district 3 seat is up for election in 2026, according to Vance County Elections Director Haley Rawles.

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Original Update 1-23-25:

With the deadline looming, Vance County Manager C. Renee Perry confirmed Thursday that four individuals have submitted their names to be considered to fill the vacant District 3 seat on the Vance County Board of Commissioners. Other interested individuals have until tomorrow – Friday, Jan. 24 – to submit information to the county.

Listed in alphabetical order, the four individuals are:

  • Joseph Doyle Carpunky
  • Jeanette B. Floyd
  • Charles Turrentine, Jr.
  • William Gordon Wilder

Former Commissioner Sean Alston vacated his seat on the board effective Jan. 1, when he took a job as a magistrate in Warren County. The commissioners have until Mar. 1 – 60 days from the time the seat was vacated – to appoint a replacement.

At a meeting in early January, County Attorney Jonathan Care advised commissioners that a meeting may need to be held in early February to discuss the appointment and those interested in filling Alston’s unexpired term.

The next regular meeting of the commissioners is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 3.

The district 3 seat is up for election in 2026, according to Vance County Elections Director Haley Rawles.

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Deadline Jan. 24 To Apply For District 3 Seat On Vance County Board Of Commissioners

The process to appoint a replacement for the District 3 seat on the Vance County Board of Commissioners continues, with the application now posted on the county’s webpage for interested individuals to complete and return.

Interested individuals have until Friday, Jan. 24  to submit their completed applications.

The application can be found here.

Submit completed applications to Kelly Grissom, clerk to the board, to the address listed on the application. Eligibility will be verified with the Vance County Board of Elections.

To be considered, applicants must be of legal voting age, reside in District 3 and be a member of the Democratic party.

The board has until Mar. 1 to appoint a replacement for former commissioner Sean Alston, who resigned effective Jan. 1 to accept a position as a magistrate in Warren County.

Visit www.vancecounty.org to learn more.

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County Commissioners Moving Forward To Find Replacement For Vacant District 3 Seat

The process to appoint a replacement for the District 3 seat on the Vance County Board of Commissioners continues, with the application now posted on the county’s webpage for interested individuals to complete and return.

The application can be found here. Submit completed applications to Kelly Grissom, clerk to the board, to the address listed on the application. The commissioners have 60 days from Jan. 1 to choose a replacement.

Completed applications may be submitted to Kelly Grissom, Clerk to the Board on or before Jan. 24, 2025 to the address provided on the application.  Eligibility will be verified with the Vance County Board of Elections.

Interested individuals should keep in mind several criteria – applicants must be of legal voting age, reside in District 3 and be a member of the Democratic party.

The board needs to appoint a person to fill out the remainder of the District 3 term following the resignation of Sean Alston, who took a job as a magistrate in Warren County on Jan. 1.

Visit www.vancecounty.org to learn more.


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TownTalk: Commissioners Begin Process To Fill District 3 Vacant Seat

The Vance County Board of Commissioners handled several procedural items at the first scheduled meeting of 2025, including the steps to appoint a commissioner to replace Commissioner Sean Alston, who recently resigned to take a job as a magistrate in Warren County.

As County Attorney Jonathan Care’s explained, the board has 60 days from Jan. 1, 2025 to fill the seat vacated by Alston, who represented District 3.

“We’ve got to get this done by Mar. 1,” Care told commissioners. He indicated that the board most likely will have a called meeting in early February to discuss the nominations.

Individuals interested in being considered for the appointment need only be from the same political party and reside in the same district as Alston. Alston is a registered Democrat.

If a replacement isn’t made within the 60-day period, Care said the matter will go to the Clerk of Court, who will have 10 days to make an appointment.

The board will send a request for input to the local Democratic party. Care said he had drafted an application form for the commissioners to review and asked them for feedback before posting it by mid-January.

While the board should request input from the local Democratic party, Care said it “has no control over what this board does.” He added that the board has the right to receive and consider applications other than those proffered by the Democratic party.

Commissioner and newly elected Vice Chair Yolanda Feimster requested that the information be sent to media outlets – including local newspaper and radio – to let as many people as possible know about the appointment process.

TownTalk: Vance Commissioners Elect Vice Chair, Hold Public Hearing On 2025-26 Budget At Monday Meeting

Update 10:25 p.m. on 1/6/25:

The Vance County Board of Commissioners elected Yolanda Feimster as its new vice chair at its meeting Monday evening.

The board also held the first of two public hearings to hear from residents about priorities for the 2025-26 budget during its first regular meeting of the year, and the first meeting with Carolyn Faines as chair. Faines was elected to lead the board during a special called meeting last week, following Sean Alston’s announcement that he was stepping down to take a job as a Warren County magistrate.

Several residents spoke during the public hearing, which lasted about 15 minutes, but their messages shared a common theme: reconsider the current tax rate and have a revenue neutral budget in place for FY 2025-26.

Laura Perkinson told commissioners she owns properties in both the city and the county, and she advocates a revenue neutral budget. During her four minutes of allotted time, Perkinson also said property owners should not be charged late fees when paying 2024 tax bills “so we all can catch up.”

The deadline to pay without incurring a 2 percent penalty was today, Jan. 6.

Caroline Burnette has spoken to commissioners during previous public comment periods and she reiterated her concerns about the current tax rate. Burnette asked the commissioners to reconsider the tax rate and said the board should be held accountable for raising the rate during the most recent budget process.

Lee Chandler said he wants to see budget cuts and next year’s budget be “below revenue neutral.”

When Commissioner Dan Brummitt stood up and moved away from his seat briefly, Angela Ryan paused her remarks to the board, stating that she would wait for Brummitt’s return.
“We need to be heard and I want to make sure that I am,” Ryan said.

In remarks following comments from the residents, Commissioner Leo Kelly said “We hear you.” Kelly said he’s lived in Vance County his entire life, and when he voted on the budget, it meant his taxes went up, too.

“I paid my taxes, (but) I paid them grudgingly,” he said.

Before the public hearing was closed, Brummitt thanked those who had approached the podium to address the board. He commented that in his close to two decades as a commissioner, Monday’s hearing was “only the second public hearing where people have spoken.”


Update 2:15 p.m. on 1/6/25:

The Vance County Board of Commissioners is expected to elect a new vice chair at the first regular meeting of 2025 scheduled for this evening, following last week’s resignation of Commissioner Sean Alston, who stepped away from the board to accept a magistrate’s position in Warren County.

The board unanimously elected Carolyn Faines as chair of the board during a special called meeting on Monday, Dec. 30, but tabled a vote to elect vice chair.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. According to the agenda, selection of a new vice chair will be the first order of business, followed by several appointment and then a public hearing to collect comments from county residents as county leaders continue planning for the 2025-26 budget.

The public hearing on the budget is listed as Item 6 on the agenda. This public hearing is the first of two that are scheduled; the second is scheduled for June 2 – after the recommended budget has been submitted to commissioners for review.

Other items for discussion from County Manager C. Renee Perry’s report to the board include the fire marshal budget, amendments to the personnel policy, jail inspection reports from 2023 and 2024, sheriff legal fees, board work sessions and the EMS substation.

View the meeting at https://www.youtube.com/@VanceCountyNC/streams.


Update 1/5/25:

Straight from the Vance County Commissioners meeting 1-6-25 agenda, the meeting will include within the first few items a fiscal year 2025-2026 pre-budget public hearing.

The public notice says, “The Vance County Board of Commissioners will conduct a FY 2025-26 Pre-Budget Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m., or shortly thereafter, on January 6, 2025 in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room at 122 Young Street, Henderson, NC.”

Before the Board of Commissioners begins work on next year’s budget, the board “is interested in receiving suggestions and priorities from residents to help them in the development of the budget.”

This is one of two required public hearings that will be held on the budget.

“The county manager will submit a recommended budget in May and a second public hearing will be held on the proposed budget on June 2, 2025,” the notice within the agenda states.

The budget is supposed to be adopted before July 1, 2024.

The agenda says, “This notice was published on December 24, 2024,” which in North Carolina means it was published in the newspaper.

TownTalk Broadcast 1-6-25 Prior to Meeting!

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County Commissioners Called To Special Meeting Monday, Dec. 30

Update December 30, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.

Vance County Board of Commissioners Chair Sean A. Alston, Sr. is resigning to become a magistrate in Warren County.

County Manager C. Renee Perry said last week that Alston had called for a special called meeting for 10 a.m. today with the purpose stated as reorganization. No details were given when the meeting was announced.

Alston said he will step away from the commission tomorrow and will be sworn in as a magistrate on Wednesday, Jan. 1.

“It was a pleasure to be on this board for two years – I don’t want to go,” he said during the meeting. In an interview after the meeting, Alston told WIZS News that he had applied for a job as a magistrate before he became a county commissioner; as someone who has been self-employed, he said the opportunity to have state benefits and retirement was an opportunity he couldn’t turn down.

He said he had “to disconnect” himself from politics before taking the magistrate position.

The board nominated Commissioner Carolyn Faines to be the new board chair, and in her first act as chair she asked to table the election of a vice chair until the regular board meeting on Jan. 6.

Commissioner Tommy Hester, however, asked to make a nomination during the special called meeting. Hester nominated Leo Kelly to be vice-chair. Although properly moved and seconded, the full board couldn’t agree when to elect the vice chair. That’s when county attorney Jonathan Care said the two motions on the floor needed to be acted upon. Although not unanimous, the board voted to table the election of the vice chair until its Jan. 6 meeting by approving the second motion on the table.

The next step is to appoint a qualified individual to assume Alston’s seat on the commission. The new commissioner should be from the same political and the same district as Alston.


Update December 27, 2024 at 3:45 p.m.

Sean A. Alston, Sr., chair of the Vance County board of commissioners, has scheduled a special called meeting of the board for Monday, Dec. 30 at 10 a.m.

According to information from Vance County Manager C. Renee Perry, the purpose of the meeting is for a reorganization of the board and other items as needed.

The meeting will be held in the commissioners’ conference room in the Vance County Administration Building, 122 Young St.

Perry said the commissioners are meeting to address some recent changes.

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Vance Commissioner Sean Alston Named To Statewide Commissioners’ Committee

Vance County Commissioner Sean Alston has been appointed to the 2024-26 N.C. Association of Commissioners Legislative Goals Committee.

Vance County Manager C. Renee Perry said Alston is poised to make significant contributions to the committee’s efforts to promote policies that enhance the well-being of all residents in Vance County and throughout the state.

“I am honored to be appointed to the Legislative Goals Committee,” Alston said. “This is an incredible opportunity to advocate for our community’s needs and ensure our voices are heard in the legislative process. I look forward to working alongside fellow committee members to develop strategies that address critical issues facing our county.”

The Legislative Goals Committee reviews steering committee recommendations as a package — ensuring alignment and checking for conflict across subject areas. The goal of this committee is to reach a consensus on a package of goals and policy statements that will be presented to the NCACC Board of Directors and ultimately placed before the entire membership at the 2024 Legislative Goals Conference in mid-November 2024.

Alston also serves on the following boards and committees:

Appointed by Board of Commissioners 

  • 911 Advisory Board
  • Farmers Market Advisory Committee
  • FVW Opportunity Board
  • Henderson-Vance Industrial Park Board

Appointed by Said Committee or Other Entity 

  • NACo Justice and Public Safety Steering Committee (National Association of Counties)
  • NACo Rural Action Caucus
  • NACo Veteran and Military Service Committee
  • NCACC General Government Committee (NC Association of County Commissioners) • NCACC Justice and Public Safety Committee
  • NCACC Legislative Goals Committee

TownTalk: Janie Martin Is Vance County’s August Employee Of The Month

The Vance County Board of Commissioners honored Vance County Sheriff’s Office Senior Administrative Assistant Janie Martin at its Aug. 5 board meeting as the county’s employee of the month.

In her presentation, colleague Debbie Scott said Martin is a champion at teamwork – someone who “never hesitates to get involved and be of assistance.”

Her initiative to handle whatever comes up within the sheriff’s office makes her “highly valuable…and an asset,” Scott continued.

Above all, her optimism, professionalism and dedication to her job show throughout the workday – and beyond. She is always just a phone call away, and often spends extra hours to make sure the office is running efficiently and effectively.

Sheriff Curtis Brame said Martin began her career at the sheriff’s office in 2013 as an employee at the detention center. In 2016, she became administrative assistant to then-sheriff Peter White.